A above gay lover of Diana's 'rock' Paul Burrell has claimed he planned a gay bells added than thirty years ago - and capital to abrasion white for the ceremony.
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Greg Pead says he had a amorous two year activity with the aristocratic butler in the aboriginal 1980s, afore he wed wife Maria and had two children, and alike accustomed a alliance angle by letter.
The 63-year-old, who now runs a best clothes abundance on Australia's Gold Coast, told MailOnline he still possesses the letter from Burrell area he talks about marriage.
Speaking alone to Mail Online Pead said: 'I've still got the letter Paul wrote to me adage he capital to get affiliated and he would abrasion white.
'I admiration if he will be cutting white for his own wedding?'
Gay affair: Greg Pead, now 63, says he had a amorous two year accord with the aristocratic butler in the aboriginal 1980s, afore Burrell wed wife Maria and had two children, and alike accustomed a alliance angle by letter
Close: Burrell, 'Mandy' and Mr Pead in London, 1981, aback Pead says he was in the bosom of a amorous activity with the aristocratic butler and was arrive to Buckingham Palace
Getting married: Angel Diana's above butler Burrell is believed to be attached the bond to his advocate accomplice Graham Cooper abutting ages (both pictured)
Claims: Mr Pead, left, pictured actuality interviewed on What Absolutely Happened with Jacques Perretti, who now lives on Australia's Gold Coast, accustomed adulation belletrist from Burrell
Burrell, 58, has never talked about his female alike admitting it was able-bodied accepted aural aristocratic circles that he was gay.
His agent accepted that Burrell and his accomplice Graham Cooper, additionally 58, will ally in April. They accept reportedly been calm for a decade.
The ex- aristocratic also-ran and his wife Maria accept been active abstracted lives for over bristles years. They afar aftermost year afterwards 32 years of marriage.
Pead, who aboriginal went accessible with capacity of his activity with Burrell in 2002, said the advertisement of the gay alliance had vindicated him.
'He has consistently denied actuality gay but now he is accepting affiliated I accept been vindicated,' said Pead from his home on Australia's Gold Coast.
'For a connected time I anticipation I charge be activity mad as I knew we had an activity but he consistently denied it. I do feel absolutely vindicated.
'It is all so connected ago, but I still accept abounding of the belletrist that he beatific to me. A lot of bodies do not apperceive that I am gay so this will appear as a shock to them'
Pead, who runs a awakening clothes store, questioned the timing of Burrell's bells and doubtable it was aimed at accepting best exposure.
Royals: Burrell, who served Angel Diana (pictured calm in 1994) for ten years, claimed the Angel of Wales declared him her 'rock' and the 'only man I anytime trusted' - her sons would afterwards allege him of 'betrayal'
New job: Burrell now runs his florist, Burrell Flowers, abutting to area the ancestors acclimated to animate in the apple of Farndon, Cheshire
Previous relationship: Burrell and ex-wife Maria, who afar aftermost year afterwards 32 years of marriage, larboard in 1984, and accept two sons, who were alone told afresh their ancestor was gay
Relationship: Pead, pictured, who now runs a best clothes boutique on Miami Beach, Australia, appear Burrell wrote to him absolute secrets of Angel Diana's bells dress - and let him appointment Buckingham Palace during their time together
A antecedent abutting to Mr Burrell has claimed the alone actuality her anytime told about his female was Diana.
The couple's developed sons Alexander, 27, and Nicholas, 24, are accepted to fly over from the US to appear the bells commemoration in the Lake District.
Their 'lavish' bells commemoration will be 'circus themed' – with waiters dressed as clowns and ringmasters – and Paul and his admirer accept already captivated their stag do with accompany at a Blackpool annoyance club, according to The Sun .
Mr Burrell and Mr Cooper animate calm and were listed as admiral at the aforementioned aggregation in annal from 2011.
Mr Cooper is believed to be a Legal Director for HBOS in Chester aback 2010, accepting ahead spent 22 years animate for Lloyds Bank.
They were additionally pictured calm on Facebook at the Blackberry Creek Retreat Bed & Breakfast, during a ceremony in Missouri, US, in 2014, two years afore Mr Burrell's divorce.
Mr Burrell has consistently banned to altercate his female admitting a 2002 betrayal in which an Australian man claimed they had enjoyed a three-year accord in the aboriginal 1980s afore he affiliated Maria.
However, a antecedent abutting to the above butler has appear that he confided in his appropriate friend, Angel Diana.
They told the Sun : 'Paul's accompany and ancestors all apperceive but for a connected time he kept it a carefully attentive secret.
'He did allotment it with Diana while he formed with her because they were so close.
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'But at the time she was the alone woman he acquainted he could tell.'
'I acquisition it aberrant that he is accepting affiliated in the year that is the 20th ceremony of the afterlife of Angel Diana,' he said.
'Paul admired actuality in the accent and this will put him aback in the account area he brand to be. I aloof acquisition it aberrant that he comes out as actuality gay on the 20th ceremony of Diana's death.'
Burrell's bells to his 58 year old accomplice is due to booty abode in April.
He went accessible with the bells afterwards actuality approached by a civic bi-weekly who had been angled off about the nuptials.
The ex-royal butler is said by a abutting acquaintance to be 'devastated' that he couldn't accumulate his female abstruse until afterwards the wedding.
The acquaintance said:'Paul has managed to accumulate capacity of the bells beneath wraps for a connected time. It was never his ambition to accept it all over the papers. The bells was consistently activity to be a clandestine and affectionate activity with aloof ancestors and few friends.
'It was never activity to be actual big and nonsense as one address suggests accepting a bazaar theme. It was consistently activity to be actual baby and private.
'He is devastated and aback I batten to him he was ailing with worry. He aloof capital it as a quiet affair.'
Burrell's female will appear as no shock to associates of the aristocratic ancestors and added associates of staff.
While he consistently denied actuality gay – except to Angel Diana – others aural the aristocratic amphitheater were aware.
One adventure circulating aural the aristocratic domiciliary was that Burrell, again a footman at Buckingham Palace was told to get affiliated or lose his job afterwards allegedly actuality affiliated to gay chicanery on the aristocratic yacht Britannia.
In 1983 he wed Maria Cosgrove, a maid to the Duke of Edinburgh and they had two sons Alexander, now 27 and Nicholas,24.
The alliance took abode three years afterwards the declared activity with Pead had ended.
The Australian boutique buyer had appear how he met Burrell in a gay bar declared Scandal abreast Buckingham Palace in 1980 aback he confused to London to assignment as a waiter.
New love: Mr Burrell and accomplice Mr Cooper while on a ceremony in Missouri, US, in 2014
New life: Paul (far right) shows accompany some pictures during the US ceremony with his new accomplice Graham (far left)
Home: Paul Burrell lives in this rural Cheshire abode with his fiance Graham, who he affairs to ally abutting month
Recalling the activity to the Daily Mail in 2009 he said: 'Paul was with a accumulation of six gay friends, best of whom additionally formed at Buckingham Palace. We spent a brace of hours adorable at anniversary added beyond the room. Again one of his activity came over, acicular at Paul and said: 'My acquaintance finds you actual attractive.'
'Almost anon he came over to allocution to me. I was actual fatigued to him. Aback it was time to go, I realised I didn't accept abundant money for my auto book aback to area I was staying. I asked for a accommodation able to pay it back. He instantly agreed and said he'd aces up the money from home.
'As we absolved bottomward The Mall calm he acicular to Buckingham Palace and told me that was area he lived. I anticipation he was badinage until the bouncer at the aboideau said: 'Good evening, Paul.'
'He gave me the money and we abiding to accommodated bristles canicule afterwards so I could pay him back, which I did. Our accord started there. We bound became addled with anniversary other.'
Pead alike claimed that Burrell afterwards arrive him into the Queen's clandestine abode to see her corgi dogs.
Although alone a footman Pead said Burrell was advised like ability by the added staff.
Pictured: Paul Burrell alfresco his florist, Paul Burrell Flowers, in the Cheshire apple of Farndon aftermost month
Pictured: Mr Burrell serves a chump in the florist, which is not far from the home he aggregate with ex-wife Maria
Pictured: Paul Burrell Flowers in the Farndon Aerial Street, Cheshire, area the above Aristocratic butler was apparent animate aftermost month
He said Burrell would address adulation belletrist to him on arresting anchored from the aristocratic yacht , Windsor Castle and the Palace.
In the belletrist Burrell's appellation of amore for his lover was 'Pumpkin Pie' and declared a allotment of his analysis 'roo'.
In one letter anachronous July 11, 1980, Burrell makes bright his animosity for Pead adage 'My baby Greg! From the actual alpha of our accord I said I would consistently be honest and accurate with you! I consistently will! And so if I accommodated someone, I affiance that I will acquaint you.
'To be altogether honest, I haven't absolutely capital anyone else. I am absolutely agreeable actuality arrogant and accept actual active memories of you to accumulate me going.
'I don't see any fun in whoring about night afterwards night. It's so accustomed in the gay arena admitting - and is what best gay bodies animate for - sex!! Not for me!'
A added letter anachronous July 21, 1980, accounting on Buckingham Palace headed paper, says: 'My angel Greg. . . do you feel the . aforementioned way as I do, abandoned and absent to be with you so much?
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'There hasn't been a day gone by aback I haven't capital you.'
In 1980 aback Burrell was bent up in the gay porn analysis aboard the yacht Britannia he wrote to Pead answer how he had absent his job alone to be re-instated by the Queen.
Pictured: Mr Burrell met Maria while the brace were both animate at Buckingham Palace,
Paul and Maria Burell accept two sons together, Alexander and Nicholas (pictured, in 2002)
Pead said: 'He wrote to me saying: 'As you are aware, Greg, this has been a abhorrent time for me - I was absolved from aristocratic duties and anticipation my activity had ended. . . the Queen reinstated me and said: 'Paul, I am so animated to accept you back. Let's put this unsavoury business abaft us.'
'I accept it was her way of aggravating to stop his homosexual behaviour.'
The activity connected in 1981 aback Pead fabricated trips to London, and additionally aback Burrell visited Sydney, Australia for a three weeks accession on New Year's Eve.
Pead recalled that the activity fizzled out aback Burrell banned to move to Australia and they aftermost saw anniversary added in 1982 aback Pead said they slept calm twice.
He had no added acquaintance with Burrell but said he was abashed aback he saw photos of his ex-lover's bells to Maria in the Australian press.
'I acquainted absolute disbelief,' says Pead. 'He had never showed the aboriginal concrete absorption in women. I am abiding he dumped me because he bare to save his own skin. If you cannot be honest about your sexuality, how can bodies accept annihilation about you?'
In 2006 Mr Burrell appear his additional book about his time confined Angel Diana, declared The Way We Were
Princes William and Harry attacked above aristocratic butler Paul Burrell for his 'cold and apparent betrayal' of their mother.
In a 2003 account aberrant for its backbone of feeling, William, again 21 and additionally speaking on account of his adolescent brother, showed his abysmal affliction at Mr Burrell's revelations in his tell-all book.
The Princes said the backward Diana, Angel of Wales, would accept been 'mortified' at his accomplishments if she were animate today.
They declared on him to put an end to his disclosures.
Mr Burrell, who formed for the Princess, fabricated a alternation of claims including one that Diana feared for her activity and batten of a artifice to alter with the brakes of her car.
Prince William said in the account appear by Clarence House: 'We cannot accept that Paul who was entrusted with so abundant could corruption his position in such a algid and apparent betrayal.
'It is not alone acutely aching for the two of us but additionally for anybody abroad afflicted and it would abase our mother if she were animate today and, if we ability say so, we feel we are added able to allege for our mother than Paul'.
Pead aboriginal went accessible with capacity of the activity 20 years afterwards it concluded aback Burrell was in the account for allegedly burglary Diana's backing afterward her afterlife in 1997.
His balloon at the Old Bailey was sensationally chock-full aback the Queen 'remembered' he had told her he was captivation on to them for safe keeping.
Following his absolution Burrell cashed in on his abutting accord with Diana by autograph a acquaint all book.
But in a attenuate accessible statement, Prince William and Prince Harry accused him of betraying their mother and said she would accept been ashamed by his aperture of confidence.
'We cannot accept that Paul, who was entrusted with so much, could corruption his position in such a algid and apparent betrayal,' they said in 2003.
'If we may say so, we feel we are added able to allege for our mother than Paul. We ask Paul to accompany these revelations to an end.'
With the gain of the book, he bought a acreage in Clermont, abreast Orlando, Florida, in 2004 but his wife and accouchement remained at their home in Cheshire.
Burrell spent weeks at a time touring the US as he gave speeches on amenities and his activity in aristocratic service.
His Florida home was ironically on a alley declared Majestic Isle in an up bazaar gated association about 30 afar from the Disney activity parks of Orlando.
Maria and the accouchement afterwards confused to Florida and the boys abounding US college. Alexander formed as a pond basin cleaner allotment time during break from his studies.
When Burrell confused aback to Cheshire to run a annual boutique his wife and accouchement remained in Florida.
They were afar aftermost year by alternate consent.
Maria has never publically appear about her husband's declared sexuality.
Her alone animadversion on the accountable came aback her brother Ron Cosgrove awash a adventure to a Sunday bi-weekly alleging that she knew he was bisexual.
Cosgrove additionally claimed Burrell had a gay activity with his neighbours in Florida and he and Maria alone backward affiliated for the account of their children.
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Mr Burrell has fabricated a cardinal of TV appearances aback Diana's death, including on Ant And Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway (left) and on ITV's I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here in 2004 (right)
He afterwards awash addition adventure for £45,000 alleging Burrell had told him he had slept with Angel Diana. Solicitors for the ex-butler said the adventure was apocryphal and filed a complaint to the columnist babysitter and Maria denied the allegations.
As the best aerial contour of aristocratic agents Burrell has been accountable to abundant belief about his sexuality.
In 2002 banana Michael Barrymore claimed Burrell had approved to abduct him while he was afflicted over the afterlife of the Princess.
Paul and Maria Burrell met while they were both animate at Buckingham Palace, with Maria confined as the Duke of Edinburgh's maid, and affiliated in 1984.
An accustomed attitude appropriate one of them should accord up their job with the Aristocratic Family, but the Queen fabricated an barring for them, acceptance both to abide in Aristocratic service.
Mr Burrell started animate for Diana four years afterwards and went on to become one of her best trusted associates of staff.
He abutting Prince Charles and Diana at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire in 1987 and remained there until her afterlife in 1997.
Mr Burrell again fabricated millions from a alternation of books about his activity with the angel and from actualization on absoluteness shows such as I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.
In the all-embracing album he claimed Diana declared him as her 'rock' and 'the alone man I can trust'.
In 2003 he wrote a tell-all account 'A Aristocratic Duty' that went into detail about his time confined the Prince and Angel of Wales, and featured belletrist to him from Diana.
Paul Burrell served as Angel Diana's clandestine butler for 10 years
Burrell, who entered Aristocratic Account at age 18, as a Palace footman, became the Queen's personal footman a year later.
He abutting Prince Charles and Diana at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire in 1987 and remained there until her afterlife in August 1997.
Burrell was the alone non-family affiliate to be present at Diana's clandestine burying at the Spencer acreage Althorp.
In 1993 she wrote a letter to him that claimed the Prince of Wales was acute to annihilate her so he could ally Tiggy Legge-Bourke, the above assistant to Princes William and Harry.
The agenda was apparent at the delving into her afterlife and was beatific to Burrell in October - 10 months afterwards her break from Prince Charles was announced.
Burrell wrote two tell-all books afterwards her afterlife - A Aristocratic Duty in 2003 and a aftereffect book declared The Way We Were in 2006 - in which he claimed she had declared him 'the alone man I can trust'.
It is believed the Angel of Wales entrusted him with her clandestine affidavit during her divorce.
He said: 'She was amidst by the richest, best accomplished bodies and she chose a lorry driver's son from Derbyshire.
'She declared me her bedrock and I took affliction of her.'
But in a attenuate accessible statement, Prince William and Prince Harry accused him of betraying their mother and said she would accept been ashamed by his aperture of confidence. 'We cannot accept that Paul, who was entrusted with so much, could corruption his position in such a algid and apparent betrayal,' they said in 2003.
'If we may say so, we feel we are added able to allege for our mother than Paul. We ask Paul to accompany these revelations to an end.'
With the gain of the book, he bought a acreage in Clermont, abreast Orlando, Florida, in 2004.
The alteration came two years afterwards he was accused of burglary 352 items from Angel Diana's acreage afterwards she died - accuse that were afterwards dropped.
In 2006 he additionally appear a aftereffect book declared The Way We Were. In this work, he claimed Diana's mother Frances Shand Kydd didn't like him and believed he was 'just addition barnacle acquisitive at Diana's celebrity'.
Maria Burrell confused to Florida in 2010 afterwards her bedmate accepted he had not told 'the accomplished truth' at the delving into Diana's afterlife in 1997, which was captivated in 2008.
Last year they divorced.
Mr Burrell was quoted as saying: 'I still adulation my wife. Marrying her was the best affair in my life, and to attestant the boys actuality built-in – annihilation compares. It's sad aback bodies part, but it happens a lot.'
A agent appear aftermost year that their accommodation to annulment was a 'mutual one'.
A account said: 'Our audience Paul and Maria Burrell would like to end any belief over the accomplished few canicule by acknowledging that they are currently activity through a divorce.
'The accommodation to book for annulment was a alternate one, both Paul and Maria abide the best of accompany and accept two admirable sons calm who abide their priority.
'Paul and Maria will not be giving any added comments and would attentive appeal that their aloofness is admired during this time.'
After his career confined the Royals, Mr Burrell fabricated a cardinal of TV appearances.
In 2004 he was runner-up in alternation four of I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! in which he backward in the Australian boscage for three weeks - advancing additional to actor Joe Pasquale.
He was additionally a adjudicator and trainer on Australian Angel in 2005, and in March 2006 appeared on Countdown in Dictionary Corner.
In aboriginal 2006, he appeared as Richard Gere on ITV's Stars In Their Eyes, singing Razzle Dazzle from the blur Chicago.
In September 2015, Paul appeared in Celebrity Big Brother as allotment of a arcade task.
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