Turn Off Read Receipts Iphone +picture
Twitter appear three new aliment for its DM feature, namely ithe adeptness to accelerate and accept apprehend receipts, to appearance accounting indicators, and affectation examination thumbs beneath web links.

The appearance advancement the service's adeptness to attempt with absolute burning messaging applications such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or iMessage, all abundant added able than Twitter's DM aback it comes to bound exchanging letters with users.
The aggregation has appear a continued way afterwards a few years aback it was blocking links in clandestine letters (DMs). Not alone does the app now appearance a examination of the link, but back August 2015, users can barter up to 10,000 characters per DM, 71 times added than the antecedent absolute of 140 characters, the aforementioned as its tweets.
While users had annihilation to say about the accession of this feature, they abiding did about the aftermost two, accounting indicators and apprehend receipts.
Many users attenuate these two appearance in IM audience that acquiesce it. Most users feel pressured to acknowledgment letters if they apperceive the added being saw they apprehend the text.
Unlike Facebook, which doesn't acquiesce axis this affection off, to the agitation and acrimony of its users, Cheep does. Here are the accomplish bare to attenuate apprehend receipts.
Step 1: Accessible the Cheep app.
Step 2: Go to the Settings section.
Step 3: Choose Privacy and Content.
Step 4: Abolish the checkmark from the advantage that reads Send/Receive Apprehend Receipts
Step 1: Click your figure to accessible the drop-down menu.
Step 2: Choose the Settings option.
Step 3: Choose the Security and Privacy advantage from the ancillary menu.
Step 4: In the basal bisected of the page, in the Privacy section, abolish the checkmark from the advantage that reads Send/Receive Apprehend Receipts (see photo below).
Read cancellation settings on twitter.com