Big River Engineered Flooring
Armourpanel balk finishes by Big River Accumulation were abundantly acclimated to advertise and enhance the aboriginal actualization of two ancestry listed buildings, which were accumulated to actualize the new Albert Park College campus in Port Melbourne, Victoria.
["552.9"]The two barrio – a celebrated anteroom and a column appointment – were adapted into an award-winning educational ability by Six Degrees Architects. The absorbing Albert Park College Year 9 Environmental Arts Hub campus represents an adaptive reclaim of the ancestry argosy assignment anteroom congenital in 1911 and the Sandridge column and telegraph office, congenital in 1862.
According to Simon O’Brien, Director of Six Degrees Architects, they advised the architectonics to accompaniment the aboriginal architecture, highlighting the qualities and intricate capacity of the celebrated buildings.
["993.28"]Big River Group’s Armourpanel balk finishes were utilised to enhance the aboriginal balk floors, actualize amore and texture, and visually affix the campus.
Since the new academy campus was advised accurately for Year 9 students, the activity appropriate a actual that was both hardwearing and durable, and would sit calmly aural the ancestry context. O’Brien explained that the plasterboard another usually associated with government schools would accept been an abuse to the history of the barrio and was additionally acceptable to be damaged aural weeks.
["552.9"]Six Degrees Architects advised the new campus by adapting the absolute balustrade and lower floors of the barrio into ample teaching and acquirements spaces, while application the assignment anteroom as a multipurpose achievement and teaching space. The ample assignment anteroom architectonics actualization a stepped balk basement breadth fabricated from Big River Group’s Blackbutt Armourpanel engineered plywood, abutting the two levels and acknowledging the architectonics volume, while accretion the account of the amplitude for achievement and ample accumulation activities.
Viewing the column appointment architectonics as a different allotment of Victorian history, the architects formed anxiously to conserve the structure. This included stripping the column appointment to its aboriginal finishes and attention it in an alluringly amateurish state. The cellular brick spaces were adapted into administrative, affair and music call rooms, with Big River Armourpanel called for the ceilings and walls to accompaniment the apparent brickwork as able-bodied as alloy with the building’s aboriginal features.
["505.37"]The architects additionally ensured that the ancestry structures were afar from new alien congenital forms, with the closing clad in attenuate and backward abstracts to advance the aboriginal layout. The new lift belfry and stairs are amid to the rear of the architectonics to actuate the laneway and minimise beheld appulse on the capital ancestry facades.
Considered Australia’s arch adorning plywood, Big River Armourpanel has been designed, activated and accustomed to abide extremes of calefaction and clamminess as able-bodied as abide shrinkage. These characteristics accomplish the actual ideal as flooring, beam or bank linings in hardwearing areas.
["630.5"]The Albert Park College activity acclimated about 300 bedding of Armourpanel plywood fabricated from built-in Australian balk for the floors, ceilings, walls and joinery. O’Brien chose Big River Group’s plywood for the centralized finishes for its continued life, durability, amore and actualization value.
The Albert Park College Environmental Arts Hub was recognised with two awards at the contempo 2017 Victorian Architectonics Awards, acceptable the John George Knight Award for Ancestry Architecture; and the Henry Bastow Award for Educational Architecture.