how to draw dat boi
Hello TA'ers! Welcome aback to the Weekly Recap posts that I had to accord a absence over the accomplished few weeks aloof about due to actuality active and not abrogation myself or accepting abundant time to put one together. Well, we've got some communicable up to do so acquaint your kids to be quiet, accelerate the added bisected into the kitchen (joke), and get accessible to read!
Another year, addition PLAY Expo event! Well, it was the additional one for me this year afterwards blockage in at Comedy Blackpool beforehand this year. I'd fabricated my capital man Enigma jinx acquainted of the accident months in beforehand and with his admission in hand, and my columnist canyon for me address of TrueAchievements, we headed out to Accident City.
The queuing arrangement had a slight change afresh as this time about barriers were set up aloof central the access so that bodies didn't charge to angle alfresco until the doors opened. The acclimate was OK anyhow and wasn't absolutely that cold. Eddie and I accustomed about an hour or so afore 10am but due to my Columnist Pass, I was able to access the accident bisected an hour beforehand than Eddie and all the added visitors who aloof had One Day or Weekend passes. This formed out abundant for me as I was able to get aboriginal looks at the stalls and what the merchandisers were selling, I aloof about fabricated it in time with my quick attending about all the stalls and airtight some photos while bodies weren't badly demography up every breathable amplitude about all of the added accepted sellers stalls:
Then, the crowds starting to blitz in. At this time, I was by the arcade chiffonier breadth and for some absolutely aberrant reason, I absitively to bound grab assimilate the adjacent 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker . I consistently accept to get my fix of this bold whenever I see it at the PLAY Events. Acutely though, it aloof can't analyze to the aboriginal time I played it aback I was on a date with Kylie in Blackpool many, abounding years ago. Aback then, the one I approved out absolutely had an almost-lifesize barter berth for two bodies to sit in forth with a full-size-looking council caster and pedals to go with it. It was so abundant fun. I completed it afresh afterwards continuing already acknowledgment to the brainless accessory stick not consistently switching to HIGH accessory aback I capital it to, and afresh went aback alfresco to accommodated Eddie who I'd still not regrouped with aback abrogation him to go in early.
We met up alfresco for a smoke and afresh headed aback in. We afresh went about the stalls afresh for Eddie this time. I absolutely spent a bit of money this year and bought some goodies! A bought a GAME BOY Color afterwards seeing Pokémon Pinball and Kirby's Pinball Land, both of which I'd played abounding years ago and thoroughly enjoyed. I bought a GAME BOY Color for £20, which was a appealing acceptable amount as best stalls capital £25 or £30. I best up Pokémon Pinball for £8, rather than £15-£20 on best stalls, Kirby's Pinball Land for cheap, I anticipate maybe £5, Donkey Kong Country 3 for the Bold Boy Beforehand for £8 or £10 I think, which was a abundant acquisition as the arrest I bought it from had an complete ton of GBA games. There was so many, I aloof gave up attractive and asked the agent if he had a archetype of DKC3. He said he'd attending for me and to appear aback afterwards on which I did, and low and behold, he absolutely had one copy! I additionally bought The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse for the SNES which was in its aboriginal box to for £12, rather than £14-£16 at added stalls afterwards the box!
We spent a lot of time aimless about the stalls as Eddie additionally bought a few $.25 as well. He best up a PlayStation 2 for £20 and a few amateur too. Afterwards our arcade hour, we sat and watched a bit of the Manchester Battle Arena hosted angry tournaments breadth a amateur from Scotland was demography on one of MBA's own fighters accepted as MBA I Infernokong. I anticipate they was arena King of Fighters and at the time Eddie and I had appear over, the Scot was up two matches to none. He won the third but Inferno brought it all the way aback and won the abutting four matches in a row! At this point, I remembered that I'd still not apparent Sami Cetin and his Super Mario Kart clash yet! . He hadn't forgot about me though...
SamiCetinSMK said
@TA_Treezy We are cat-and-mouse for you sir :) @LeylaH99 and @SamiCetinSMK at the Super Mario Kart table Communities breadth :)
I went aback and begin Eddie and afresh we headed out to the adjacent Trafford Centre for a bit to eat. There was no way we were advantageous £5.95 for a burger or what would've apparently been almost £10 for a bits burger, shitty fries, and a way over-priced drink. I bought the aliment from the breadth already afore and to be absolutely honest, it was FUCKING AWFUL. I did breach the coffer admitting beforehand on in the day and bought me and Ed a Monster Energy anniversary which amount £5 all together. We kept it bargain in the Trafford Centre and headed to the consistently accessible McDonalds. Afterwards branch back, we looked about a bit added and had a go at Filling Station, a Flappy Bird appearance bold from Nurishment, the aggregation abaft the "UK's favourite nutritionally accomplished milk drink".
It was aboveboard abundant and for scoring 1000 points, I was awarded with a chargeless can of Nurishment. For eventually scoring added than 3000, I got a chargeless t-shirt! Analysis out my fluctuant anniversary appropriate here. The alcohol itself was alright. I eventually got through all of the flavours they were alms over the two canicule which included Vanilla, Chocolate, Banana and Strawberry. Afterwards advancing home on the Sunday night though, my chest and abdomen wasn't accomplishing so good. Maybe all the vitamins and nutrients weren't sitting too able-bodied with me as my anatomy wouldn't accept been acclimated to it . Also, for eventually finishing in the top 100 scorers, so continued as I'm still in the top 100 appear January 2018 (), I'll be entered into a draw to win a SNES mini! I apparently won't win, but you never know, right.
By this time, it was time to analysis aback in with Sami and the SMK tournament. I'd able with the third best time and boxlike off adjoin a fun-seeming fella who's name I can't remember. The division finals was the aboriginal to three (best of bristles races). He played as Donkey Kong JR, a abundant and apathetic accelerating appearance with poor-handling but with the best top-speed. If you can handle how abundant DK abatement about corners accumulated with his top speed, you can't be affected unless the added racer is arena as Bowser who comes with the exact aforementioned antagonism style. I absitively to comedy it safe as Ian Wall and Gavin Ward, who are both amorous awakening gamers and additionally Awakening Gaming Champions from a brace of years ago, were additionally allotment of the top eight. I formed with Koopa Troopa, the safer option. Although not as fast at top speed, Koopa and Toad accept appropriate dispatch and the best handling.
I absent the aboriginal race, won the second, absent the third, afresh won the fourth and fifth matches to booty the set 3-2. It was a annoying set of challenge as I absolutely didn't appetite to be agape out of the aboriginal round. I at atomic capital to accomplish it to the division finals.
The division finals saw me demography on Gavin Ward, the Awakening Gaming Best in 2014 and the runner-up in 2015. I'm not activity to lie, I was worried! He additionally chose Donkey Kong JR while I ashore with Koopa Troopa again. This time, it was a aboriginal to bristles contest. I came out on top 5-2!
In the finals, I was demography on Robert Heaton, a racer who was new to the contest. He seemed absolutely austere about the clash and alike capital to bung a bread for who'd be amateur one. I wasn't agitated so appropriately took the additional controller. He was additionally talking about time trials as well, article he acclimated to common abounding years ago. Again, I was a affected afraid but kept it humble.
In the end, it was a actual abutting set of challenge but I came out on top 7-4 afterwards we were close at 4-4. Robert additionally chose DK JR and I chose Koopa Troopa, but the safer advantage prevailed and I won my fourth badge from Sami and his SMK tournament!
Happy with my win, I headed for a cig and afresh got absent afresh by Nurishment on my way aback in. Afterwards that, I headed aback to the SMK bend to booty on Leyla Hasso, addition almanac captivation SMK racer, in a aboriginal to ten challenge for a admirable prize. Unsurprisingly though, she handed me my ass as I absent 10-1. Although I was actual blessed with the one win I did get!
By the time all of the MK fun was over, it was absolutely backward so we spent the blow of the afternoon with a mix of Aloof Ball on the PS4, which Eddie was absolutely acceptable at, a blow of Mario Kart 8 on the Nintendo 3DS, and we additionally arrested out the aftermost bit of the Cosplay competition. Afresh we headed on home to breadth I managed to fit in 50 acknowledged after-effects of Band on Gears of War 4, with bifold XP, an afresh went to bed accessible for addition day at the PLAY Expo.
On the Sunday, I backward in bed a little bit best and alone set off at about 8:45am, cerebration that I'd be able to cycle up at 9:30 and airing beeline in. Sadly, that wasn't the case this time as we were fabricated to angle about until 10:00am afore they let us in. Already in, I had to browse the stalls afresh aloof to be abiding I hadn't absent anything. I didn't buy annihilation this time about admitting but I did accept a go at acceptable a award-winning from the advantageous dip pots set up by a guy affairs replica swords and acrimony and what-not. It was £1 for one go or £5 for seven goes. I anticipation I may as able-bodied burst out a fiver and see if I could appear up with anything. I took a attempt at anniversary box. Anniversary of the bristles boxes were abounding with lollies of altered colours - Multi-coloured and afresh solid colours. I can't bethink what colours represented which prizes but I managed to cull out six multi-coloured lollies which won me annihilation but the lollies themselves and one orange lolly which won me a box of celebrations.
I arrested out the breadth breadth they accept a cardinal of Xbox's, PlayStation 2's, PlayStation 3's and Xbox 360's set up and those who appetite to analysis out specific amateur the breadth had on activity can do so by artlessly award the case on the shelves set up, and giving it to agents who would afresh accord you the disc. There wasn't abundant that bent my eye this time about besides Final Fantasy XII but the aftermost time I played this at a Comedy Event, I got a bit too into it and spent a lot of time aggravating to accomplish progress. They had Gears of War 2 and Gears of War 3 on the shelf so I took a cruise bottomward anamnesis lane with the additional instalment in the series.
None of the consoles were affiliated to the internet so all I could do was comedy article offline. I had a go at Band on the map Day One application the Cole Train Baby! As the bold wasn't patched in anyway, I was able to corruption the backwards-shield ambush from aback in the day that led me and my old-hording accumulation to candied leaderboard success abounding years ago. I captivated the acropolis from one the aerial arena of the arcade walkways but didn't do too able-bodied aback it came to Boomers hitting me with the burst accident from their Boomshots. I agape Band on the arch eventually and took a attempt at multiplayer instead adjoin bots. It was fun for a array while but the clip of the bold was a lot slower and chunkier than that of today's Gears of War 4.
Then, I took a attempt on the abounding altered Pinball machines that were on offer. Pinball is an odd one for me. I like blockage out the designs, accomplishment and array of objectives you charge to try and complete aback arena but man is it so adamantine to do successfully. However, aloft failing, I kept aggravating and aggravating afresh until addition would alpha aerial adjacent cat-and-mouse for their go on the machine. I seemed to do OK on the Caster of Fortune Pinball apparatus but it was a bit adamantine to acquaint really. There's aloof so abundant activity on aback I'm arena that it's adamantine to booty it in as a first-timer to anniversary of the tables.
After declining miserably at Pinball, I arrested what I anticipate was Super Mario Bros. 2 on the Nintendo 3DS. I angry the 3D off beeline abroad admitting as I aloof can't handle how awe-inspiring it comes across. It looked nice, played nice, and was appealing candied to be in the apple of Mario afresh but the Amphitheater Pad which was acclimated for movement was abominable to use. It acquainted glace and I aloof couldn't get comfortable with it. I afresh went added aback to the old academy and arrested out Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, an complete archetypal from the SNES days. I was a bit decayed at aboriginal but anon got aback into the exhausted of things. Well, at atomic it looked like I did afterwards I agape the adversity bottomward a cleft and afflicted the absence cardinal of lives to nine.
Besides a few added amateur actuality and there, I spent the aftermost hour or so of the weekend blockage out the Finals for the Tekken 7 clash breadth the guy who's cutting a red hoodies in the afterward photo came out arrive adjoin MBA's own fighter (who's name I additionally can't remember), who's cutting the bittersweet top and dejected hat in the aforementioned picture.
My ability of Tekken and its characters isn't so abundant but I recognised Paul, who the best was using. The competitors were accustomed to change characters afterwards a bout and whenever the dude in red started disturbing with Paul, he would about-face to Jack-7 and appropriately go on to win the accomplished thing! I'm not into arena angry amateur myself besides the old-school added simpler ones like Street Fighter II for the SNES but I do adore watching the newer ones with how accomplished some players are.
After the champ won a Tekken 7 bronze and a archetype of Tekken 7, that was the end of Comedy Expo for addition year!
I apperceive I say this every time I blazon up a column about the accident but if you animate anywhere abreast Manchester, Blackpool, Leeds, Glasgow, and I anticipate London, you absolutely charge to analysis the PLAY Contest out if they appear to a burghal abreast you. Whether you're die adamantine PC gamer, old academy awakening gamer with the brand of Atari and the Commodore, a Cosplay blazon guy, or you like streaming, Minecraft, tournaments, Halo, gaming accouterments and so abundant more, you've got to analysis it out! The abutting one abutting to me will be in February abutting year so until then, acknowledge you EventCity and ReplayEvents for addition amazing event, and additionally punkyliar, our actual own TrueGaming Network Account Manager who supplied me with the Columnist Pass! I forgot to acknowledgment that I additionally ran into punky and her Husband Daz as I usually do and it was abundant to accept bit of a natter! Till the abutting time!
There's a lot of pictures to analysis out but acutely there's no carousel advantage in blog posts. You can analysis out the blow of the pics on my Facebook page.
On the approved gaming ancillary of things, it's been the aforementioned old appearance to be honest. Besides today, I've not had one of those types of canicule off that I aloof get absolutely to myself in a few weeks now. I'm not accusatory admitting as I appetite the hours but it's larboard me with little time for appropriate stints of gaming. Aback my aftermost Weekly Recap blog post, I've popped altered achievements from the afterward games:
Payday 2: Crimewave Edition:
I anticipate I had a few hours to annihilate by myself on the Sunday while my adult and the kids went out. This one seemed accessible abundant to do so I acclimated it to accumulate the band alive.
Cut The Rope (WP):
I popped all of the actual achievements in this for the band over the accomplished month. This was a accessible bold for whenever I had time to annihilate amid trips at assignment or on my meal break. With this actuality absolutely completed now, eventually, Cut the Rope: Experiments (WP) will be abutting to advice accumulate the band alive.
Rabbids Big Bang (Win 8):
I tactically adored up abundant bill to pop some of the achievements from this too. I've still got a few levels to get through yet afore I can get my absolute gamerscore off of a awe-inspiring number. But animate that I will be able to complete the bold eventually keeps me accessible about my GS attractive weird
BulletAsylum (WP):
Another accessible Windows Phone bold now completed that helped to accumulate the band animate while at work.
Gears of War 4:
The assorted added XP contest activity on for Gears got me aback into horde. I managed to acquire 10000 credits lifetime, Complete 50 afterwards after-effects of Band in a band on any Column Launch map and beforehand today, I accomplished akin 10 with my Abundant Chic in horde. With the XP contest over with now, I'll apparently beating Gears on the arch until the abutting XP event.
This ages hasn't apparent any Warframe activity at all as there's no achievements I've been able to band up that I can pop quickly. Aftermost month, I assuredly managed to ability the accomplished rank of a syndicate, and I additionally accomplished rank 30 with my fifth sword.
Shank 2 and South Park: The Stick of Truth (Xbox 360):
On October 3rd, I had appointed the day off as it was aboriginal day aback afterwards my anniversary (which I'll go added into later). With the day to myself, rather than activity through the annoyance of aggravating to get aback into The Surge, I absitively to be a bit altered and amusement myself to article added than Warframe. With the Bean Dive consistently in the aback of mind, I absitively to amusement myself to the amateur I absolutely Bean Dived with. Well, besides Saints Row IV, I absitively to absorb a few hours with Shank 2 and South Park. I had a nice day arena both amateur but didn't do as able-bodied as I anticipation I would with bustling achievements. I managed one in S2, and three altered ones from SPTFBW. Bigger than none anyway!
After seeing the accomplishment account acknowledge pop up on the advanced page, this was an burning must-buy for me. I volunteered to address the walkthrough as anon as I could which I've already done the videos for. Now, I can use the 12 accessible achievements from the bold to advice accumulate my band alive. At the time of writing, I've still got bristles added I can use.
The aftermost time I analysis in on the Bean Dive was September 17th. Let's see how far it's appear aback then:
Start accomplishment % = 94.89End accomplishment % = 93.12Final dive % = 1.77Current accomplishment % = 94.23 94.50Recovered accomplishment % = 1.12 1.38Achievements bare for accretion = 72 44Total amateur dived = 4
Beat the Accomplishment Percentage of adiash73 by 01 Jan 18
Ash looks to accept done me a favour actuality as afterwards demography a quick attending at his acquaintance feed, I can see he's started Slime Rancher and Forza Motorsport 7. However, his accomplishment earning amount is abundant bigger than abundance so it's not like I'm home-free yet.
While I was talking with my mum and dad a few months ago, my dad asked me what I had in apperception for my 30th birthday. Honestly, I didn't accept a clue what I capital to do. I accept a very, VERY baby amphitheater of accompany so annihilation involving a appropriate sized accumulation conceivably for a night out, or paintballing or whatever wouldn't accept absolutely worked. My dad appropriate we could go abroad for a weekend in Spain which I anticipation was a top idea.
A few months afterwards and me, my dad and adolescent brother Kieran were branch out to Benalmádena in Spain! We set off on the Friday morning and started bubbler at 8:30am on the airport, afresh on the plane, afresh aback we got to spain, and afresh agitated on into the night! I'm not a massive drinker at all but I did able-bodied and managed to aftermost with the "big boys".
We algid on the Saturday by the auberge pool, drank some added and afresh went out for some added beer! I had to accept though, I struggled with my alcohol as I was aloof so tired. I was accessible for bed at 8pm and we were out until article like 3-4am. Afresh we were up at about 10:30am the abutting day and bubbler afresh that night!
All in all, it was a nice little break, it wasn't over-the-top with crazy partying but it wasn't too quiet either. It was appealing abundant aloof right!
Again, there's a ton of photos that you can analysis out if you absolutely appetite too, aloof stop by my FB folio again!
The anniversary was my mum and dad's present to me. My adult got me a allowance agenda for GAME and archetype of DiRT 4. Sadly, I'm not activity to blow it yet at atomic until I've recovered my Bean Dive. But afresh again, there's still amateur I've accustomed from antecedent birthdays or Christmas' that I've not affected yet. This includes:
- Batman: Arkham Knight- Halo 5: Guardians- Assassin's Creed Syndicate- Battlefield 1- Titanfall 2and now:- DiRT 4
I should absolutely beating these amateur up to the top of my agitation account really!
Another breadth of my online activity that I've been slacking in afresh awfully is my YouTube Watch Afterwards account which is currently 150 videos strong! It doesn't advice that I add 20-40 minute interviews to my account or the continued ass videos from N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN with their Alcohol Champs podcast. I assuredly bent up on their adventure breadth they sat bottomward with the absolutely allegorical and iconic man that is... Wyclef Jean!
The video was so abuse acceptable and Wyclef is an beastly aback it comes to the music. If you're not absorbed in audition him allocution about music, politics, the future, etc, at atomic accord his freestyles a accept from about the 1:34:00 mark.
Oh my god, a new clip!
This was taken from Gears 4 as I capital to try and access adjustment in Core Team DeathMatch. Afterwards a piss-poor achievement in my aboriginal match, I absolutely stepped it up a little bit in this bout and managed to get a little kill-streak going:
Nothing above has bent my eye over the accomplished few weeks as I've not been advantageous abundant absorption to the account unless I accept a PM alerting me to article I'm subbed too. I do appetite to accord a quick bark to Kelly, additionally accepted as KBop a doo, as she's super-consistent with accoutrement appropriate contest that booty abode in assorted games. She was quick to column up the account of the contest for Gears 4 which had it not been for her alert coverage, I would've absent out completely. Cheers Kelly!
You can see how I got on with a bit of bifold band chic XP in Band Lite, followed by a abounding bout of TDM:
Kylie adapted up a activity fry for her and myself for tea beforehand and the kids had hot dogs. However, my youngest babe was pissing about with her aliment to which I told her to "just eat it". Then, actuality the wierdo I can sometimes be, I bankrupt out into a Michael Jackson song and rather than adage "Beat it, exhausted it, exhausted it", it was "just eat it, eat it, eat it" with a banal ball and singing articulation to go with it . With annihilation abroad bustling up in my arch this week, and I've yet to accept to the new Wu-Tang anthology (don't worry, I'm acquainted of it ), this week's Song of the Anniversary goes to the late, abundant MJ:
No new screens this anniversary but I absolutely streamed beforehand today!
I appealing abundant abridge this absolute blog column into the aboriginal bisected of the beck while hording with some randoms in Gears 4. Analysis it out and enjoy:
Thanks for blockage out this behemothic of a blog column and I achievement you've enjoyed venturing aback into my world! I can't affiance a blog column abutting weekend as I'm alive a backward about-face on the Sunday and I'm not abiding if abundant is activity on during the day but I'll let you all apperceive either way.
Cheers guys!





