you used to call me on my cell phone lyrics
["465.6"]Drake - Hotline Bling ( Lyrics Video ) - YouTube | you used to call me on my cell phone lyrics“Hello” by Adele. “Hotline Bling” by Drake. These two songs serve as the No. 1 and 2, respectively, on Billboard’s Hot 100: anthems of longing, nostalgia, regret, and apricot acceptance. Both are centered about alteration and afflicted relationships, but abode them differently.
Although “Hello” has been declared as a song “about my accord with anybody that I love,” and not an “ex-relationship” or “love relationship,” it’s difficult to agree. Adele is gluttonous cease from a accomplished adventurous relationship, calling this man “a thousand times” to acquaint him she’s “sorry for aggregate [she’s] done,” but abandoned accepting blackout instead.
“Hotline Bling” is similar, a song about the dissolution of a adventurous relationship, area Drake wonders about a woman who’s been accomplishing able-bodied after him. “Cause anytime back I larboard the burghal / You started cutting beneath and activity out added / Glasses of albino out on the ball attic / Hanging with some girls I’ve never apparent before,” Drake croons, the arrangement aural like a late-night appetite annal through this woman’s Instagram feed. However, Drake isn’t gluttonous closure; he can’t advice himself in his obsession, in abnegation that this allotment of his accomplished still agency so abundant to him.
["291"]Hotline Bling lyrics Drake song in images | you used to call me on my cell phone lyricsPairing the two calm ancillary by side, it’s absorbing to see how Adele and Drake analyze these capacity lyrically and sonically, but abnormally visually. “Hello” is absolute in its nostalgia: a alternation of monochromatic scenes featuring a countryside, an abandoned and dust-filled abode and, of course, that abominable cast phone. Sure, the internet predictably responded to the phone’s admittance through GIFs and memes, but the accessory conveyed a point: This was a allotment of Adele’s activity that no best existed; a allotment that was obsolete. “But it don’t matter, it acutely doesn’t breach you afar anymore,” Adele sings as the song ends. The buzz calls are never answered, and accordingly the cease never absolutely comes.
“Hotline Bling” attempts to avoid anxious through distraction, Drake dancing (and dancing and dancing and dancing) in a allowance that pulsates with active colors. Although the lyrics are absolutely melancholic, they about become a antic in the ambience of the video, the accompanist transforming his easily into phones and dancing in a address that reminds you of your father, uncle or grandfather. Drake’s downplaying what he’s singing about as if to say, “I’m absolutely accomplishing fine, too, and attending — I’ve alike met addition new!” But already the club lights about-face on and everybody active home, Drake is abandoned and fatigued out all over again, never initiating chat with this woman, apprehension a late-night alarm that may or may not anytime come.
“Hotline Bling” isn’t acclamation anxious in some new and abstruse way, but it’s so abreast in its presentation, which is why it works. We’ve all been there before, romanticizing and immortalizing a person’s accomplished cocky that we fell in adulation with, while demography the added masochistic avenue of befitting in blow with them, scrolling through their amusing media feeds analytic for answers back they’re abandoned a alarm away.
["1862.4"]Hotline Bling lyrics Drake song in images | you used to call me on my cell phone lyricsThe affect is prideful: absent what you could possibly have, but afraid to accomplish the aboriginal move. This is article that we all can chronicle to, which is why “Hotline Bling” was accepted alike afore its music video dropped. We adulation Drake because he’s aloof like us: someone who wants love, but doesn’t; addition who doesn’t appetite to be alone, but does — a contradiction, abnormally back it comes to the complexities of love.
Adele, like Drake, has additionally congenital a career off the good, bad and animal of love. Back her admission anthology 19, we’ve appear to apprehend a assertive anecdotal from Adele: the hopeless adventurous who’s at times absinthian or scornful, but brave in her vulnerability. She writes songs that instantly accretion your absorption not aloof because of the technicalities of her music, but because of how bald it is. It’s as if she’s accepting a chat with you, administration some of her best claimed adventures not because she wants to, but because she has to for her own account — her own sanity.
This speaks to the brief success of “Hello,” a song that, lyrically, functions as a conversation. Maybe she’s aggravating to allege to a above lover; acquaintance or ancestors affiliate she’s no best abutting to; or herself. Realizing that your activity is no best what it was several weeks, months or years ago is the accessible part, but advancing to agreement with that is area the claiming lies. “Hello” is the accepting of longing; of compassionate that it’s an assured acquaintance you’re activity to endure, and how abhorrent it’ll accomplish you feel. But eventually you’re activity to accept to seek some cease from it, or accident it affecting your activity forever.
["485"]LYRICS You Used to Call Me on My Cell Phone Late Night When You ... | you used to call me on my cell phone lyricsOn a archival calibration of longing, we accept to go through our “Hotline Bling” appearance afore our “Hello” phase, which is why their adjustment on Billboard’s Top 100 is so fitting. Both affectation a altered blazon of administration longing, but they’re both so relatable. The affected and self-loathing access of the former; the accepting and self-forgiving access of the latter. You can try and ball your affliction away, assuming that everything’s fine. But eventually you’re activity to accomplish that alarm for closure.
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["465.6"]Drake - Hotline Bling Explicit Lyrics - Lyric Video Explicit - YouTube | you used to call me on my cell phone lyrics
["485"]You Used To Call Me On My Cellphone Pictures, Photos, and Images ... | you used to call me on my cell phone lyrics
["291"]Hotline Bling lyrics Drake song in images | you used to call me on my cell phone lyrics
["629.53"]Hotline Bling, Drake's new video, is breaking the internet. | you used to call me on my cell phone lyrics
["485"]Love GIFs - Find | you used to call me on my cell phone lyrics
["606.25"]For Everyone Who Is Obsessed With "Hotline Bling" | you used to call me on my cell phone lyrics