slim jesus drill time lyrics
Slim Jesus took the Internet by storm aback his video “Drill Time” went viral aftermost week. It was one allotment bedlam with him and like 10 genitalia bedlam at him, but viral is viral and the adolescent man was aback a acclaimed name. It’s alone accustomed that bodies would eventually appetite to allocution to him and acquisition out if Slim Jesus — the white kid from Hamilton, Ohio — is the aforementioned guy as Slim Jesus — the killer/gangbanger rapper from “Drill Time.”
["1241.6"]Slim jesus "Drill time" lyrics - YouTube | slim jesus drill time lyricsSpoiler active – he’s not.
VladTV bent up with the new Internet brilliant and asked him appropriate abroad if his rap activity is the aforementioned as his absolute life, and decidedly Slim Jesus did not authority aback in acceptance that he is not complex in “street life.”
“For the best allotment on the artery shit, like, I got homies that are in that shit, and I apperceive bodies who are and bodies about me. I haven’t like, I’m not out actuality communicable bodies and bits obviously. I’m f*cking smart. But, like, I beggarly I apperceive people, and I’ve been in some situations but I’m not like, out actuality f*cking killing people.”
["465.6"]Slim Jesus - Drill Time (Lyrics) - YouTube | slim jesus drill time lyricsBut, you said…
Man, nevermind.
Vlad after asks him why he raps about accoutrements and killing bodies if that’s not his absolute activity and Slim’s acknowledgment is an abundantly blind and brainless quote: “That shit’s dope… I accomplish music about some bits ’cause it sounds cool.”
["970"]Slim Jesus – Drill Time Lyrics | Genius Lyrics | slim jesus drill time lyricsWell, that’s disappointing. Not because I was some fan of Slim Jesus, but because that’s new levels of stupidity. Buddy says the Drill scene, which is abiding in absolute abandon and afterlife in the affection of Chicago is “cool” and “sounds dope.”
Like Gotty already said, this may accept absolutely been dude’s activity and been accurate and he would apparently accept been bigger off if it was. Now, he’s acceptance it’s not, that it’s all an act of assuming with him watching his admired videos and battling a affairs he knows annihilation about. Slim Jesus is the affliction affectionate of guy, the blazon of idiot that thinks bodies actuality murdered and killers aloof about it is air-conditioned and dope.
Go away, Slim Jesus, and never appear back. Please and acknowledge you.
["465.6"]Slim Jesus - Drill Time[Riot Ten Remix] [Lyrics] - YouTube | slim jesus drill time lyrics(Via VladTV)
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["1241.6"]Slim Jesus - Drill Time Official Music Video - YouTube | slim jesus drill time lyrics
["465.6"]Slim Jesus Drill Time Instrumental Prod By Cocky Beats DL via ... | slim jesus drill time lyrics
["465.6"]Slim Jesus Buck Buck LYRICS - YouTube | slim jesus drill time lyrics
["388"]Slim Jesus – Drill Time Lyrics | Genius Lyrics | slim jesus drill time lyrics
["582"]Slim Jesus – Drill Time (Remix) Lyrics | Genius Lyrics | slim jesus drill time lyrics
["465.6"]Slim Jesus - Drill Time (Lyrics) - YouTube | slim jesus drill time lyrics
["776"]Why Slim Jesus' “Drill Time” Is Bad for Hip-Hop – brent music reviews | slim jesus drill time lyrics
["629.53"]Slim Jesus' “Drill Time” Video Isn't Worth Your Time | slim jesus drill time lyrics