shia labeouf lyrics
Don't worry Shia LaBeouf, annihilation accident actuality is personal. This is aloof about a hunter who, at the end of the day, has gotta eat.
The 28-year-old actor, who has fabricated account over the accomplished year over bizarre behavior and claimed turmoil, including an arrest at a Broadway musical, is the focus of a appealing aberrant affected achievement created by Los Angeles artist Rob Cantor.
As apparent in a video acquaint on YouTube on Tuesday, LaBeouf is depicted as an "actual cannibal" in the dark, comedic and affecting affected piece, which appearance music by the West Los Angeles Children's Choir, the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles and the L.A.-based Argus Quartet and dancers dressed in black, including acrobats assuming with red ribbons and shirtless men cutting behemothic "Shia LaBeouf" masks. The achievement is based on Cantor's 2012 song.
["174.6"]Sample lyrics accommodate the lines, "Running for your activity from Shia LaBeouf/ He's brandishing a knife, it's Shia LaBeouf/ Lurking in the shadows/ Hollywood superstar (Shia LaBeouf)/ Living in the dupe (Shia LaBeouf)/ Killing for action (Shia LaBeouf)/ Eating all the bodies/ Actual aborigine Shia LaBeouf."
Cantor, who fabricated account this accomplished summer with a viral hoax video that appeared to appearance him assuming celebrity impressions, serves as the narrator.
"I'm absolute appreciative to present this BRAND-NEW VERSION of my ode to the absolute cannibal," Cantor said on his Facebook page on Tuesday. "Directed by my arresting friend Scott Uhlfelder, it took four months to plan and one day to shoot. I was advantageous to accept the advice of 161 accomplished people, abounding of whom I will now account in the comments!"
And what does LaBeouf anticipate about the performance? Watch the video aloft to acquisition out.
Cantor additionally aggregate on his Facebook page a behind-the-scenes video of a call for "Shia LaBeouf."
Cantor's song was appear added than a year afore the amateur got complex in a appropriation aspersion that spurred a bulk of camp accessible appearances and the acknowledgment that he is "retiring from all accessible life" and is "not acclaimed anymore." Amid his turmoil, LaBeouf connected his acting career and appears in the World War II movie Fury, which was appear aftermost Friday, additionally stars Brad Pitt and is, as of Wednesday, No. 1 at the U.S. box appointment with added than $26 amateur in sales.
Cantor told The Washington Post in 2012 that he is not a LaBeouf superfan. So why did he characterize the amateur the way he does in the song?
"It was added that his name, back aside absolutely intensely, aloof fabricated me giggle," he said.


