rod da god fairytale lyrics
Atriumph, Sir!" the little man kept adage as he hoisted his albino bottle in Rod Stewart's direction. "A triumph!" He was balding, with a pencil mustache and a dark, bristling suit, and cipher seemed to apperceive who he was. Not that it mattered; the arena central the arrant Manhattan disco was absolute chaos, and one bashed little man didn't accomplish abundant difference.
The disco had offered to bandy a "small, intimate" affair for Stewart, his bandage and accompany afterwards the aboriginal of his two Madison Square Garden concerts aftermost November. It was abreast the alpha of Stewart's 1981-'82 tour, which eventually would backpack on until March, and which would present a anew ambulatory Rod Stewart to the public. On this night, Stewart himself didn't assume to apperception the commotion central the disco, but Russell Shaw, his right-hand man, was seeing a loony, and absolutely possibly an assassin, abaft every brace of glazed, bittersweet eyes.
"Rod, let's get out of here," Shaw kept saying. "We should try to authority out a little bit longer," Stewart approved to reply, but he was drowned out by "Da Ya Anticipate I'm Sexy?," which was arrant abounding burke from the complete system. A phalanx of discolitas was dancing and amusement and authoritative faces at him; a blatant neon assurance was blinking NEW YORK LOVES ROD STEWART on and off, on and off. And the little man was still talking. "A triumph!" he reiterated. "What will it be next, Mr. Stewart? Films, perhaps? Hollywood!"
"Listen, mate," Stewart said, aptitude against the man so he could be heard aloft the base din. "I'm not falling over astern aggravating to acquisition a part. I accept too abundant music to make. Too abundant music."
Shaw staged a retreat into the disco's aback room, and Stewart and accompany went blame through the mob, which apprenticed in from every side, grinning, leering, allurement for autographs. Finally, afterwards added advancement from Shaw, the accumulation abject for the limos and fled. "I talked to that little adolescent with the mustache," Stewart reported. "He hadn't alike been to the concert."
Robert! Your shoes! I anticipate you charge a new pair," said a animated Rod Stewart as he gazed bottomward at my cracked, decrepit Adidases. It was a brace of months afore his Madison Square Garden Shows, and Stewart was in New York to arise on Saturday Night Live. Aback I had met him for the aboriginal time not added than a minute earlier, I wasn't abiding how to respond. I hadn't been at all abiding I was activity to like the guy, and actuality he was authoritative fun of my shoes. Besides, I had been up all night and was chugging cup afterwards cup of coffee in a frustrating, abortive attack to be coherent. We sat in the active allowance of Stewart's Manhattan auberge suite, talking desultorily, me allurement clumsily accepted rock-star-interview questions and accepting clumsily accepted rock-star-interview answers:
"Who were your aboriginal articulate influences?"
"Ramblin' Jack Elliott aboriginal on, and afterwards that I confused on to atramentous artists. Sam Cooke was a big influence, as far as the voice. At one time I affected atramentous singers, but I don't anticipate my articulation sounds decidedly atramentous anymore; it aloof sounds like me. It's a actual affected voice."
So he is ashore up, I thought. Authoritative fun of my fucking shoes. . . .
"Listen," Stewart said suddenly, "I was up at nine this morning, alarm for Saturday Night Live, and I'm fallin' asleep. Could we get aback calm in three or four hours, bench in the bar? I'd absolutely acknowledge it. I'm aloof so fucking tired. . . ." We decrepit alternate affliction and stumbled off.
I larboard with an beforehand cassette of Stewart's new album, Tonight I'm Yours; aback I got home, I put it on and was afraid at what I heard. As far as best critics were anxious (and I agreed), Stewart had been in aesthetic abatement aback the mid-Seventies. He hadn't fabricated a abandoned anthology to bout Gasoline Alley or Every Account Tells a Story, his aboriginal masterpieces, and the bands he'd put calm aback the breakdown of the Faces in 1976 had been either accustomed or tastelessly blatant or rhythmically club-footed or all of the above. The aboriginal assurance that the affliction ability absolutely be terminal was the 1976 anthology A Night on the Town; it began promisingly, with two of Stewart's best evocative songs, "Tonight's the Night" and "The Killing of Georgie," but it concluded appallingly, with the Mac-Donald/Salter agreement "Trade Winds," a allotment of affected MOR — "the barter apprehension of our time" indeed!
And then, in 1978, came the nadir, Blondes Accept Added Fun, which included such profundities as "Ain't Love a Bitch," "Dirty Weekend," "Attractive Female Wanted" and, of course, "Da Ya Anticipate I'm Sexy?" Foolish Behaviour, appear in 1980, did accommodate "Oh God, I Wish I Was Home Tonight," which accepted that Stewart's songwriting aptitude hadn't blown entirely. But it was still a connected way from the assertive yet acute rock-and-soul of his best work.
And now here, afterwards warning, was Tonight I'm Yours, a commanding, absolutely acceptable acknowledgment to the abiding verities of foolishly claimed lyrics and kick-ass bedrock & roll. The new bandage was a big help, but the celebration was clearly Stewart's. I headed aback to his hotel, bent to acquisition out how he had managed such a amazing coup. On the way, I absitively to absolve him for badinage me about my shoes.
I achievement the album's as acceptable as I anticipate it is," Stewart said afore I alike had a adventitious to acknowledgment it," 'cause I've taken so abundant of a bashing over the aftermost three or four years."
After no added than a brace of hours of sleep, Stewart was bright, active and contagiously enthusiastic. And he seemed accommodating to allocution about that "bashing," which had to do with added than aloof the abasement of his music. To the jailbait rockers of the mid-Seventies, he was the absolute attribute of aggregate false, aggrandized and complacent in the rock-star establishment. He'd larboard England and his banal roots far abaft and become a tax exile. Alike worse, he'd acclimatized in Tinseltown, U.S.A., in a abode in the absolute Holmby Hills area, area his neighbors included Gregory Peck and Burt Reynolds. He'd become a accoutrement in the account columns, a Hollywood playboy who went out with blond, gangling stars and starlets and models and didn't assume to accept abundant abroad on his mind.
His blatant diplomacy accomplished an advance of sorts in the backward Seventies, aback chambermaid adherent Britt Ekland sued him for $12.5 actor in palimony. Aback the jailbait rockers and their sympathizers weren't blithely enumerating these transgressions, the critics were savaging his albums. It seemed that cipher admired Rod Stewart anymore --except the bashful millions who kept appropriate on diplomacy his records.
"I adapted a lot of the animadversion that I got," Stewart said decisively. "I had it coming. I went through a aeon aback I absent all acquaintance with bedrock & roll. I was absolutely anguish up in self-image; I mean, all you accept to do is attending at the anthology covers from that period. There I am on A Night on the Town, cutting that brainless boater hat.
"Sometimes a woman can absolutely actuate you to accomplish an asshole of yourself," Stewart continued. "That fucking boater hat, for example, that was Britt's idea. But I can't angle to accept to 'Da Ya Anticipate I'm Sexy?' anymore; that animadversion I got did me a lot of good. I accomplished I'd let a bit of believability go appropriate bottomward the toilet, and I anticipate I've assuredly alternate to what I do best, to shoutin' bedrock & roll."
Stewart drained a kamikaze, leaned aback in his armchair and shut his eyes. "And," he added, "I can hardly delay to get aback out on the alley with the boys."
"Tora, Tora, Tora(Out with the Boys)," the careening Chuck Berry rocker on Tonight I'm Yours, celebrates the bedrock & cycle macho bonding so baby to Stewart's heart. "My wife hates that track," he said, "absolutely detests it, because of what it stands for. And that makes me happy." He chuckled and accomplished for addition drink. "Alana asks me, 'Why do you break out drinkin' with the boys in the bandage until three in the morning afterwards you've been with 'em in the flat all day?' She's got a point there. I absolutely adore her company, too, and I'm absolutely alive at marriage. But I absolutely anticipate that if you're gonna accomplish bedrock & roll, you've got to alive the lifestyle."
["388"]Living the bedrock & cycle diplomacy isn't difficult aback you're authoritative a name for yourself; in fact, it's about absurd to avoid. You're on the alley or in the flat ages afterwards month, with the boys in the bandage as your alone connected companions, and with drinking, demography drugs, acrimonious up groupies and about adopting hell your alone agency of absolution off steam. Aback Stewart was a affiliate of the balling, bouncy Faces, he lived the diplomacy to the hilt. Already Stewart became a megastar, however, he didn't get out on the alley actual often. Tours came already every two or three years; the blow of the time he chased blonds, went to parties and, in his additional time, wrote songs.
His relationships with women were shallow, he admits. He accepted allegiance from them but exempted himself, and as a assumption of chambermaid romances and extracurricular diplomacy took up added and added of his life, his songwriting grew added and added superficial. Stewart's lyrics had already been amid the best acute and anxious in all of rock; he charge accept realized, if alone in the average of a few hawkeye nights, what was accident to him. Alive at alliance with Alana, who was as admirable as any of his antecedent paramours but had a arch on her shoulders, too, was one way of angry the rot that had set in. Addition way of angry it was accepting aback out on the alley with a new band, the appropriate bandage at connected last, and active that bedrock & cycle diplomacy again. There was aloof one botheration — all too often, the demands of ancestors activity and the demands of the alley pulled Stewart in adverse directions.
After Stewart and I accomplished our drinks, we headed city to the Ritz, a ample New York ball club, area Tina Turner was performing. For the occasion, she donned a albino beard of affected beard — a Rod Stewart wig — and ripped into several of his songs, abundant to his delight. Afterwards the show, he went backstage and, on the activation of the moment, arrive her to sing "Hot legs" with him the afterwards night on Saturday Night Live.
The afternoon of the broadcast, they had a brief, aggressive run-through, but as showtime formed around, Stewart fidgeted nervously. Aback Turner assuredly abutting him onstage and started ambagious to "Hot Legs," he wiped the diaphoresis off his forehead and skipped out of camera range, giving her centermost stage. "Did you see the way she moved?" he marveled afterward, as we awash into a limo and headed for a Saturday Night Alive casting affair at Flat 54. "Those legs! Let's face it, bedrock — cycle has consistently been about sex appeal. I'm abiding the Stones wouldn't be cartoon 90,000 at a bandy if Mick advised fourteen stone."
It was at atomic the additional or third time that black that Stewart had mentioned the Rolling Stones. Their 1981 bout was arresting the bedrock press, and alike the accustomed ball and account media, but that wasn't the alone acumen they were on his mind. There's a animosity there, a animosity that goes aback a decade or more. Afterwards all, Stewart and Mick Jagger are rock's ascendant sex symbols and two of the music's best characteristic articulate stylists; comparisons accept consistently been inescapable. Stewart clearly dismisses allocution of such animosity and is abstinent in his appraisement of Jagger: "Mick's a bit added of a showman, and I anticipate I'm a bit bigger as a singer."
There's a lot added to the adventure than that. Aback in the aboriginal Seventies, Stewart's abutting acquaintance in the Faces was guitarist Ron Wood. Alpha in 1975, the Stones began advantageous cloister to Wood. He was still clearly a Face aback he played with Jagger and aggregation on their 1957 American tour, but as they drew him into their apogee (and Stewart's abandoned career added prospered), the Faces, consistently a somewhat ambiguous agglomeration of talents, burst So Wood went with the Stones, and stewart has never absolutely begin anyone to booty his place. Their Stewart aggregate roots and agnate senses of appearance had fabricated them absolute onstage foils, and the Stewart-Wood songwriting affiliation had been amenable for some of Rod's finest accomplishments, including the appellation tunes from Every Account Tells a Adventure and Gasoline Alley. The two had additionally been inseparable mates, and Stewart still misses him.
But those who bewail the actuality that Stewart and Wood didn't stick calm tend to discount the actuality that Rod has formed addition longlasting agreeable partnership, commensurable in some respects to his accord with Wood. Stewart writes and arranges songs and co-produces his albums with red-haired, freckle-faced Jim Cregan, a holdover from the aboriginal post-Faces Rod Stewart band.
Cregan may not be baroque onstage, but he's got added than a aftertaste of Ron Wood's devilish streak. At Flat 54, with the Saturday Night Alive affair able-bodied beneath way, I begin myself continuing abutting to him on a balustrade aloft the ball floor; a affective belvedere with lights on it was gliding by us, aback and alternating over the active of the dancers. "I cartel you to get out on that affair and ball with me," Cregan challenged. "I dunno," I muttered, "looks kinda dangerous. . . ." Cregan grinned wildly. "I bifold cartel ya," he added. That did it. We absorbed our legs over the balustrade and began to ascend out assimilate the belvedere aback Flat 54 approved Steve Rubell collared us. "That thing's dangerous," Rubell said. Cregan and Stewart, who was continuing nearby, looked at anniversary other, grinned and cackled maniacally.
The Flat 54 anniversary began to wind bottomward about bristles a.m., but Stewart wasn't accessible to alarm it a night. "C'mon aback to the auberge and appear up for a minute," he said. "Just for a minute." It was six a.m. by the time we accomplished Stewart's suite, but he still capital to talk. "I never get to allocution about music like this," he explained. "I mean, it's about exceptional of. Everybody consistently wants to apperceive about Britt fucking Ekland and the palimony business."
The conversations wandered, as early-morning conversations will, but aback it angry to abreast bedrock & roll, Stewart, to my surprise, talked knowledgeably and at some breadth about the Sex Pistols, the Clash and added jailbait and New Wave groups. Aback in the mid-Seventies, interviewers who questioned him on the accountable drew annoyed responses. It was axiomatic that he'd listened adamantine and rethought his position aback then.
"The Sex Pistols were a blood-soaked astonishing thing," he said. "They were aggregate that aeon was declared to be, and they bankrupt up and didn't accord a shit. I absolutely like the Clash — 'The Magnificent Seven' is wonderful, one of the best advance of aftermost year, I reckon, and 'Hitsville U.K.' should accept been a big hit. But you can't accumulate whining and complaining about the accompaniment of the blood-soaked apple for the blow of your life. The alleged saviors of bedrock & roll, and I accommodate the Clash in that, aloof haven't matured."
Around ten a.m., Stewart got up to amplitude and ambled over to the radio. Up and bottomward the dial, the book was appealing afflictive — Wnew was arena Pat Benatar. "She's a closet Olivia Newton-John," Stewart muttered. "Here, let's do article about this." He best up the blast and succeeded in accepting disc jockey Dan Neer. "This is Rod Stewart," he began. "If you don't accept me, alarm this auberge and ask for me, I'll accord you the allowance number. . . ."
"I admit your voice," Neer said. "I apperceive it's you." "Oh, great," said Stewart, aural a little tentative. "I was aloof accepting accessible to analysis out of actuality and fly aback to L.A., and I was apprehensive if you could comedy . . . er . . . 'Johnny and Mary' by Robert Palmer and anything, annihilation by Otis Redding." Neer obliged, but aboriginal he played Stewart's "Young Turks." The complete of it charge accept alive Alana, who had gone to bed several hours earlier. She came afloat in from the bedroom, abrading the beddy-bye out of her eyes, to acquisition us sitting at the aforementioned table, in the aforementioned chairs. Alana surveyed the arena and befuddled her head. "You're all crazy," she said.
Rod Stewart affiliated Alana Hamilton, aforetime Mrs. George Hamilton, in 1979. The bells that concluded rock's best acclaimed bachelorhood looked like a archetypal Hollywood/Beautiful People communication from the outside, but looks can be deceiving. Alana looks like some array of albino absurd princess, so adorning and aerial that bald bodies access her at their peril. Afresh she opens her mouth, and what you apprehend is a twangy Texas drawl. Aback she isn't the aloof angel anymore, but a refreshingly down-to-earth, down-home girl. She may be fonder of the amusing circle than her husband, and fonder of home and hearth, as well. But Stewart isn't acceptable to alpha assertive his own columnist releases afresh as connected as he's with her.
After Stewart's aboriginal appearance at Madison Square Garden and the adverse affair at the disco, we afresh concluded up aback in Rod's auberge suite. "You aren't activity to break up all night again, are you, Rod?" Alana asked as she went to bed.
"Oh, no, dear, we'll aloof accept to some music for an hour or two," said Stewart, the account of innocence.
"I appetite you to know," Alana said to me, "that aback we got aback to Los Angeles afterwards our aftermost appointment with you, Rod came bottomward with the flu and was ailing as a dog." Stewart afraid his head.
"Good night, dear," said Rod. "Well," he said afterwards she left, "I've got this bandage of old Jimmy Reed annal that I haven't heard in a connected time. . . ." We said acceptable night in the about of six or seven a.m.
Stewart was annoyed with his aboriginal Garden appearance and talked me into advancing aback the afterwards night. He didn't accept to aberration my arm. The aboriginal evening's appearance did abort to capitalize on the drive the alone numbers congenital up, but, song for song, it was absolutely absolute bedrock & roll.
But Rod was right. His additional Garden appearance cut the antecedent evening's achievement to ribbons. Backstage afore the concert, the bandage went through a warmup, with the musicians awash together, arena through convenance amps. Stewart, beaming in leopard-skin tights and a glassy jacket, shouted audibly through an amp of his own. He counted off a Chuck Berry medley, and the guitars bargain abroad at the accent while Tony Brock formed out a backbeat on a board chair. Jimmy Zavala blew adamantine on his tenor sax, his face axis ablaze red, while Stewart hopped from bottom to bottom in advanced of him, egging him on. Everyone was watching Stewart, and Stewart twirled and danced from artist to musician, singing appropriate into their faces, attractive them in the eye and shouting into the microphone, his acute delivery affective the music forward.
They came to the end of the Berry assortment and lunged afterwards a abeyance into "Tora, Tora, Tora (Out with the Boys)." Stewart lunged acquiescently as his musicians amassed about him, jabbing at him with the necks of their guitars, communicable his activity and agriculture it aback with sledgehammer force. Dispatch into that allowance was like dispatch into a bedrock & cycle hurricane; the activity and action were ricocheting off the walls. "I wanna allocution about motorbikes, cars and things," he sang. "No sophistication, no artist jeans/I'm no angel but I apperceive what I like/A little band-aid on a Friday night." He looked clumsily happy.




