mickey mouse drawing easy
“Maple copse go first. That’s red. Afresh comes birch, ash, and poplar,” my dad explains. “You see the yellows and oranges later. Oak and beech copse go aftermost and adhere on to their leaves a continued time.”
["208.55"]We’re active forth a decidedly abundant amplitude of U.S. Route 1 amid Portland and Rockland, Maine, breadth I grew up, and he’s reminding me how abatement foliage works. I’ve lived in New York City for about 15 years, and there the artery copse absolutely skip this date of life—one day they’re accouterment acceptable shade, and afresh acutely the abutting they’re bald bare, absolute themselves for what they absolutely are: alarming accumulate labyrinths.
Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island is a abundant abode to end your alley trip.
Photographer: Scott Smith/Corbis Documentary
But as a New England kid, the alteration of the leaves is seared into my memory. In backward September or aboriginal October, over a aeon of weeks, the copse angry into a highlighter backpack of neon greens, yellows, oranges, and reds. On airy afternoons, our backyard became a bright battery of addled aureate leaves. We could run about in it forever, theoretically, but afterwards alone a few account our parents would bark at us to do article advantageous for a change. Afresh we’d absorb four beeline weeks raking.
This ages my father, Rod—a broadly admired advocate who afresh retired from his Portland convenance to alive on a quiet basin upstate—is accepting affiliated to a adult he alleged “Mrs. Wonderful” from their aboriginal date. So I’ve absitively to booty a brace of canicule off to accompany him on a accessible alley cruise up the Maine coast—going Bottomward East, in local-speak—to eat acceptable food, sample beers, and coursing for the best arresting foliage we can find. Although summer is the state’s busiest day-tripper season, I’ve consistently anticipation October is the absolute time to go to Maine: After the August crowds, it’s easier to get into the ever-trendier restaurants and hotels that band the coast, and the brittle acclimate is mostly gorgeous.
For our adventure, I’ve adopted a Porsche 911 Targa 4, a low-slung sports car with a partially retractable top, absolute for zipping forth winding, nameless accompaniment roads. On my way through Massachusetts to aces him up, I acquisition myself acquisitive for excuses to braid in and out of cars on Interstate 495 so I can adore the clear auto and 370 horsepower. “This car makes it actual accessible to let the aggravate edge up,” Dad addendum anon afterwards I bandy him the keys. In accurate affectionate fashion, he promptly abstracts out how to appoint the cruise control.
Archer’s on the Pier in Rockland, Maine.
Photographer: Chris Rovzar
Coastal Maine has continued depended on visitors “from away” to sustain its cities and baby towns. But over the accomplished decade, the breadth has blossomed on the affluence tourism map. With restaurants like Fore Street, Eventide Oyster Co., and Duckfat, Portland has become a brazier account destination for foodies. Above New York chefs such as Erin French of the Lost Kitchen, in the tiny boondocks of Freedom, and Rebecca Charles of Kennebunk’s Pearl are adorable diners still further afield.
The state’s ability beer revolution, started by Allagash Brewing Co. in 1995 and abutting in contempo years by brewers Bissell Brothers, Oxbow, and Urban Farm Fermentory, has helped accompany added jobs and day-tripper dollars. And now several abreast hotels accept followed. In Portland the Press Auberge occupies the above address of the Portland Press Herald newspaper, with 110 hip rooms, a farm-to-table restaurant, and a clandestine rooftop suite with angle of the city’s celebrated commune and harbor. The century-old Chebeague Island Inn, a bear ride beyond Casco Bay, now offers C.O. Bigelow ablution articles and added contemporary touches forth with accurate adventures such as carriage lobster traps.
The Chebeague Island Inn is the absolute atom for a dusk cocktail.
Photographer: Chris Rovzar
For our aboriginal day on the road, I absolute my dad to drive arctic forth the bank to Brunswick, a half-hour accomplished Portland and home to two of the few actual drive-in restaurants in the state: Fat Boy Drive-In and Cameron’s Lobster House, places breadth you can flick on your headlights, and a carhop will serve you through your window. We cull into Cameron’s with the top bottomward but opt to go inside—the bigger to abstain decrepit adulate on the buttery covering in our $110,300 adopted car. We adjustment a brace of lobster BLTs and a cup of buttery seafood chowder, which comes with a griddled biscuit that’s ideal for dipping.
As we eat, my dad tells me about the time, decades ago, aback he was in a Brunswick dive bar with some accompany and a man ran in and hollered, “Anybody appetite a pig?” A associate of his concluded up affairs a piglet from the stranger. Six months afterwards he begin himself owning a 400-pound hog alleged Frankie, whom he kept in a pen lined with posters from my father’s afresh bootless run for bounded political office. (Reader, they ate Frankie.)
Onion rings go with aggregate at Cameron’s Lobster Abode in Brunswick, Maine.
Photographer: Chris Rovzar
We cruise to alluring Wiscasset, breadth the Sheepscot and Aback rivers accommodated and a band of athirst tourists perpetually snakes decline from a tiny lobster berth alleged Red’s Eats. Aback the alley apprehension abroad from the water, the copse on either ancillary abutting in to anatomy a billowy coulee breadth ruby-red maples chatter out from the aphotic pines and still-green beeches and oaks. We don’t accept to music or the radio; we aloof allotment memories and babble about what’s happened to all of our accompany over the years. (When I was little, all of abundance would alarm him “Uncle Rod,” and he’d advise them to angle whether they admired it or not.) The car gets abundant gas breadth for article so sporty—at 28 mpg on the highway, it needs to refuel alone already on our trip, admitting it takes a brace of tries to acquisition gas with an octane appraisement aerial abundant for it.
The author, left, and his dad.
Photographer: Chris Rovzar
We accomplish a point to appointment Waldoboro, a boondocks of postcard agreeableness and size, breadth my great-uncle acclimated to live. We appear beyond Fawcett’s Antique Toy Museum, a rambling, houselike anatomy with a backyard blowzy with stenciled signs affecting drivers to stop and visit. We obey.
The proprietor, 77-year-old artisan John Fawcett, walks us through his life’s work, breadth ceremony allowance is abounding from attic to beam with hundreds of toys and 20th aeon adolescence memorabilia, including dozens of angular 1920s Mickey Mouse figurines and a antagonism saddle endemic by Gene Autry. One allowance is set up as a child’s bedchamber agitation dream—bed included—with Brilliant Wars figurines still in their packaging lining the walls, best banana book covers papering the ceiling, and a black-and-white Western arena on a bend on a cathode-ray television.
As we leave, Fawcett asks breadth we’re from; I acquaint him I alive in Brooklyn. “Brooklyn!” he says. “I charge accept had 40 bodies from Brooklyn appear up actuality this summer. I don’t apperceive why.” I accept agitation answer to him that his abode couldn’t accept been added Brooklyn if it tried.
The autogenous of Fawcett’s Antique Toy Building in Waldoboro, Maine, has bags of toys in ceremony room.
Photographer: Chris Rovzar
As we canyon through a architecture activity in beautiful, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Thomaston, a woman in day-glo orange administering cartage rubbernecks our slinky, brownish dejected chariot. “Nice Porsche!” she shouts. “A acclaim from a flagger,” Dad marvels. “That’s big.”
An abecedarian pilot, Dad has requested one aftermost stop of the day: the Owls Head Transportation Museum, which houses aboriginal and replica celebrated aircraft. It has a real, aboriginal 1900s bi-wing ornithopter—it attempted flight by use of aerial wings—and a working, painstakingly reproduced 1917 Fokker triplane.
The Owls Head Transportation Building appearance abounding celebrated cars and airplanes that still drive and fly. Pictured actuality is an ornithopter, which never flew but abiding tried.
Source: Owls Head Transportation Museum
For me, the agreeableness of littoral Maine is its alloy of the admirable and the quirky, of the abracadabra appearance that attributes and the association aggregation up to put on for tourists and the oddities that accurate the absolute bounded personality. Watching seagulls pinwheel endlessly over silent, bouldered beaches is fabricated all the added arresting aback you apperceive you’re additionally not too far from a 18-carat ornithopter.
We analysis into a auberge that showcases the best of the new Maine hospitality: 250 Main in littoral Rockland, a little beneath than three hours from Portland, breadth ceremony of the 26 semi-industrial apartment appearance works by a bounded artisan that are accessible for sale. The boondocks is a bank assortment of old brick buildings. A night out there should alpha with a alcohol at Archer’s on the Pier, which is aloof far abundant out on the baptize that you can attending aback at the dusk over town. Then, banquet at one of the bounded brilliant attractions: the wine- and tapas-focused In Acceptable Company or chef Melissa Kelly’s Primo, breadth the charcuterie is fabricated from pigs aloft on the premises. (Pour one out for Frankie.)
We end up at Rock Anchorage Pub & Brewery, which serves centralized beers such as the agilely hoppy Twin Screw anemic ale and the power-packed Rogue Wave bifold IPA. (I alpha with the first, move on to the latter, and accomplishment with a hangover.) Alike my dad brand the Twin Screw, and his accustomed beer adjustment is “Please accompany me one of your finest Bud Lights.”
It’s trivia night aback we arrive, but as locals action over answers, we allocution about my dad’s year-old retirement and action about his accessible marriage. He’s a man who hunts, fishes, absolutely chops his own wood, skis 50 canicule out of the year, and works as a selectman in his boondocks of 251 people. There’s affluence to do after a job. But alike so, he’s begin he has to focus on not appointment the circadian stresses of his above activity assimilate the tasks in advanced of him. Turns out, aback you stop working, you don’t become a altered person. Your all-overs and anguish are captivated in quiet reserve, accessible to be dispensed as calmly as they were aback you had to go into an office. The ambush is to convenance alive aback a botheration isn’t account it. He’d been annoyed over managing all the errands arch up to the wedding, but aback I alleged at the aftermost minute with the action of an abandoned alley trip, he gamely rearranged affairs to accomplish the time. He says you accept to apperceive what’s important.
Acadia National Park.
Photographer: DenisTangneyJr/iStockphoto
The abutting morning we appointment the Farnsworth Art Museum, which is hosting an display ceremony the 100th ceremony of Mainer Andrew Wyeth’s birth. Neither of us can accept the detail in his watercolors and drawings. It’s said he could account a perfect, weather-worn, wood-sided abode in account with a pencil. Wyeth’s palette is generally muted, muddy. It’s a badly absolute adaptation of the accompaniment I know, but aback we appear from the building and ascend aback in the Porsche, what I see in advanced of us is arresting in a absolutely altered way.
The columnist collection a convertible adaptation of the Porsche 911 pictured here.
["776"]Photographer: Tobias Hutzler for Bloomberg Businessweek
No amount how acutely you anticipate you bethink abatement foliage, the colors consistently surprise. At its height, the leaves assume to afterglow in the dark—even admitting it’s daytime. The red is as blatant as a witch’s apple. The orange is a abiding atramentous fire. The best are the copse that are bent in mid-change: scarlet at the tips, chicken in the middle, and still a blissful adhesive blooming at heart—a breathtaking ombré aftereffect you couldn’t dream up if you hadn’t apparent it.
I pat the dashboard appropriately and ask my dad, council forth Route 1 already again, what he thinks of the drive. He takes a few seconds. “This is a abundant car. If I had a lot of money, I would buy it,” he says. “It doesn’t aching your ass aback you sit in it a continued time. That’s important.”
① The Press Hotel, Portland207 808-8800Rooms from $170
② Chebeague Island Inn207 846-5155Rooms from $325
③ 250 Main, Rockland207 594-5994Rooms from $169
④ Red’s Eats, Wiscasset207 882-6128
⑤ Cameron’s Lobster House, Brunswick207 725-2886
⑥ In Acceptable Company, Rockland207 593-9110
⑦ Owls Head Transportation Museum, Rockland207 594-4418
⑧ Fawcett’s Antique Toy Museum, Waldoboro207 832-7398
⑨ Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland207 596-6457

