how to draw on microsoft word
R has a affluent and always adjustable cartoon system, and you can calmly bury R cartoon into Microsoft Office abstracts like PowerPoint or Word. The one affair I alarming audition afterwards carrying such a document, though, is "how can I abuse that graphic?". I could change the colors or fonts or ambit in R, of course, but sometimes bodies aloof appetite to watch the apple bake abuse cartoon to their hearts' content. If you're in that situation, you accept a brace of options for application R to actualize Office abstracts with graphics, and accomplish those cartoon editable. Both options assignment in affiliation with the "officer" package, which lets you actualize Chat and PowerPoint abstracts from R.
The aboriginal advantage — the rvg amalgamation — lets you use acceptable R cartoon commands, but allows the PowerPoint or Chat user to adapt the apparatus of those graphics. Labels become argument elements; lines, credibility and confined become shapes; and so on. The almsman can again use the accepted Office accoutrement to change fonts, resize, rotate, recolor, or add added annotations. For example, this cipher creates a 1-slide PowerPoint certificate with a accepted R bar chart:
Out of the box, the accelerate looks like this:
If the almsman wants to blush the confined and change the characterization chantry to Papyrus, they can use the accepted accoutrement in PowerPoint. These changes took me about 20 seconds.
["438.44"]The downside is that the blueprint actuality is aloof a accumulating of objects. It's accessible to accomplish mistakes (say, to move a distinct bar to a new position), and archive with abounding apparatus (like scatterplots with bags of points) can be unwieldy. It's not accessible to change the anatomy of the blueprint either, say to about-face from a bar blueprint to a band chart.
Another advantage is the mschart package, which allows you to use abstracts in R to actualize Microsoft Office archive in Chat or PowerPoint documents. In this case, you won't be application the accepted R cartoon commands; instead, you'll be application new R functions to accomplish the accepted Office blueprint types:
You can see several examples in the mschart amalgamation vignette. While you lose the adaptability of R's cartoon system, application the mschart amalgamation does beggarly the almsman can use the accepted Office blueprint accoutrement to reformat the blueprint while befitting the all-embracing presentation structure. For example, I was able to change the appearance of this bar chart in chat with a brace of clicks, and alike change the labels from French to English application the Edit Abstracts tool.
Like the administrator package, the mschart and rvg bales are maintained by David Gohel; Bob Rudis, and Francois Brunetti additionally contributed. Both bales are accessible now on CRAN, and you can install them into your R affair with the install.packages function.


