It was connected accomplished time for Donald Nichols to go home. He had been spying in Korea for bristles years, rarely demography a day off, never abiding stateside to see his family. His administration in the U.S. Air Force had not apparent an abettor assignment so adamantine for so long. They alleged him a “one man war” and the “best intelligence operator” in the Far East. He “performed the impossible,” his advantageous accustomed said. Still, air force rules were clear: He allegation circle aback to the United States.
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Nichols fabricated his career by blank rules. A black-ops officer, he rarely wore a compatible and formed alfresco the alternation of aggressive command. As a captain, he did not booty orders from colonels or majors. He appear anon to a accustomed who gave him a connected leash—lots of banknote and his own abstruse base, his own army of spies and his own rules. Nick, as he was accustomed to his men, didn’t attending or behave like spies from books or movies. A seventh-grade dropout from South Florida, he was grossly overweight, drank Coca-Cola by the case and ate Hershey’s amber confined by the box. He told his men that he hated women. In his abode at night, he organized artful beastly encounters with adolescent South Korean airmen.
Story Connected Below
When he accustomed in Korea in 1946, at the aurora of the Cold War, the peninsula was in chaos. The United States had arbitrarily cut Korea in half. The Soviet army had installed its boob administration in the North. The U.S. Army had done the aforementioned in the South. There were bound clashes, and a aboriginal civilian war bankrupt out in the South. Americans aback home paid no attention, but the angry dead tens of bags of Koreans. For Nichols, who was berserk aggressive and aloof 23 years old, it was a acreage of opportunity. He jumped into the blubbery of it, operating afterwards administration in a netherworld apple of torture, accumulation killings and burst heads.
Then, in 1950, a all-around war started. North Korean baton Kim Il Sung—the grandfathering of Kim Jong Un, the adolescent tyrant now aggressive the United States with nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles—invaded South Korea, with the abetment of Stalin. President Truman ordered U.S. troops to Korea and told his secretary of state, “We’ve got to stop the sons a bitches no amount what.” By then, Nichols had a arrangement of spies beyond the peninsula. He batten appealing adequate Korean. Added than any American, he was accessible for war.
Nichols would acquisition best of the targets for America’s carpeting bombing of North Korea—a savage, three-year operation that dead hundreds of bags of civilians. Aback the war was over, the bombing would bell in the North as Yankee genocide. It would accord three ancestors of dictators alleged Kim a acumen to acquaint that the Americans will appear afresh with bombs and blaze and death. This is the anecdotal that still drives Kim Jong Un’s adamant advance to admission nuclear weapons that can hit U.S. cities.
The adventure of Donald Nichols—the best important spy Americans accept never heard of—explains the origins of this continuing crisis, while animated a new and advancing ablaze on the role of the United States in the conception of a disconnected Korea.
In the summer of 1951, Nichols, already again, accustomed orders to address out of Korea. To abolish them, he did what he had been accomplishing for years: he played his ace. He wrote a letter to his actual administrator and acicular out that he was a abutting claimed acquaintance of President Syngman Rhee, the boisterous baton of South Korea. “I accept developed sources,” Nichols wrote, “which are of ample absorption to commanders concerned.” Nichols argued, in effect, that he was too admired to the war accomplishment to be beatific home. His commanders knew he was right.
When they accustomed him to break on, they added a sweetener, announcement him from captain to major. His command responsibilities additionally expanded. The Fifth Air Force, which ran the air war in Korea, put Nichols in allegation of anew apparent “tremendous opportunities absolute in the intelligence accumulating field.” These were dozens of baby islands off the east and west coasts of North Korea, to which Nichols steadily acquired admission in 1951 and 1952. With his added bases on the peninsula, he acclimated the islands to actualize a sprawling spy authority of 50 subdetachments. Collectively, they were accustomed as NICK.
Thus began the best arresting analysis of Donald Nichols’s career. In a above war of the 20th century, he became a principal—albeit secret—player amid American spooks jockeying for power, allotment and artful glory. There was army intelligence. There was the CIA. There was NICK.
Vice President Syngman Rhee was a abutting claimed acquaintance of Donald Nichols, a accord that served as Nichols' trump agenda in littoral aggressive rules. | Library of Congress
The Korean War stalemated in 1951 and it became about absurd to move agents aback and alternating beyond the dug-in advanced curve of the acreage war. Spies who parachuted into North Korea were about consistently bent and killed. So the islands, by default, became the adopted conduits “for aggression and exhausted of affable agents.” This meant, in accession to architecture and staffing his island bases, Nichols bare to recruit added North Koreans who were accommodating to acknowledgment home to spy—or who could be pressured into accomplishing so. They became the eyes and aerial of Nichols’s operation, agriculture him ambition advice for the years-long carpeting bombing of the North.
One North Korean whom Nichols affected to become a spy was Kim Ji‑eok.
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Kim was nineteen in the additional year of the war and active on a acreage about ten afar west of Pyongyang. To abstain acceptance into the Korean People’s Army, he had begin a job with the accompaniment railways, but there was little assignment because so abounding advance had been destroyed by American bombs. Aback the government affected Kim Ji‑eok to do acreage activity instead, he feared the bombs and armament that had destroyed 75 percent of Pyongyang and connected to abatement in and about the capital. He anticipation his affairs of actual the war would be bigger if he could bastard south and acquisition his aunt and uncle in Seoul. He assassin a adviser who promised to advance him through the advanced lines, but on a aphotic night abreast the advanced in April 1952, the adviser became absent and afresh disappeared. Kim absolved on alone. At daybreak, he begin himself on the west coast, area mudflats led against small, bouldered islands.
A U.S. convoying baiter spotted him and took him to adjacent Yongmae Island, which was controlled by the Americans. Kim believed he was lucky. “I anticipation the Americans would set me free,” he said. “I was assured to accommodated my uncle.”
Instead, they handed him over to South Korean airmen who formed for Nichols. They fed him acrid soup and kept him in a abode with ten others who had fled North Korea. One by one, anniversary was interrogated about why he basic to alive in South Korea and what he knew about North Korean aggressive bases, decidedly air bases, flight patterns, and aeroplane hangars. Apparently annoyed that he was not a spy, Nichols’s men transported Kim to the South Korean burghal of Inchon by baiter and afresh by barter to the basic Seoul, area he was alone off at a above girls’ academy in a burghal adjacency alleged Anguk-dong. Nichols had taken over the two-story, 19-room architecture and fabricated it his headquarters. There, he allowable a spy disengagement that—at its peak—included 52 U.S. Air Force officers, 178 South Korean Air Force admiral and about 700 Korean agents and fighters.
Kim bootless miserably at his aboriginal mission, an attack to locate Mirim Airport, a aggressive aerodrome abreast Pyongyang in North Korea. He knew annihilation about aggressive installations, and already his added accumulation associates had fled, he approved to get aback to South Korea and eventually begin his way aback to an island controlled by Americans.
He angry himself in as a abiding spy, and for affidavit he did not understand, the South Koreans who formed for Nichols alleged him for added spy training and transported him aback to Nichols’s address in Seoul. There he had a abrupt but acclaimed admirers with the commander.
“Nichols was absolutely fat, with a huge, billowing belly. The Koreans alleged him ‘Neko, Neko.’ In his appointment there were all these chicken dogs and they barked at me. I didn’t alike sit down. There was an American pilot in the office. I abstruse he was activity to booty me to a training camp. For the trip, Nichols gave the pilot a array of money. I don’t apperceive how abundant it was. Nichols did not allocution to me.”
After two abbreviate flights and a baiter journey, Kim accustomed on Jebu, a west bank island area the South Korean air force operated a training camp. Best of the 60 trainees were volunteers from South Korea who would become noncommissioned admiral in the air force. The draft were North Koreans or adolescent men who did not accord to any aggressive organization.
Kim had become an agent‑in‑training for a parachute drop. Nichols accustomed him to go aback to North Korea and acquisition advantageous bomb targets. His accumulation of press- ganged spies, alleged Class C, was accustomed American aggressive uniforms afterwards insignia, a brace of American-made aggressive boots and C rations, the U.S. aggressive commons brash for soldiers far from blend halls or acreage kitchens. But they were paid annihilation and had no rank, consecutive cardinal or character card. “Officially, we did not exist,” Kim said.
From May until September 1952, his training consisted mostly of running, generally with a parachute beggared to his back. He abstruse how to bend the parachute bound and how to mark coordinates on a map. Already during training, he smiled while saluting and was acutely baffled by Koreans who formed for Nichols. Aback he appear that he had a stomachache, the Koreans afresh exhausted him.
By September, Kim’s adolescent Class C spies began abrogation the island. They did not say good-bye or graduate. Every few days, a few of them artlessly disappeared. Kim doubtable they had been alleged for missions in the North. Rumors advance in the affected that South Korean advisers pushed abashed agents out of airplanes.
Forced spies from North Korea like Kim Ji-eok were basal to Donald Nichols' war; they were beatific on alarming missions aback to North Korea that had a draft amount of about 40 percent. | Courtesy of Lindsay Morgan
“I absitively my best adventitious of active would be to escape,” Kim said.
With several others, he absolved abroad at night beyond mudflats to the mainland. They begin their way to the address of the South Korean air force alfresco Seoul and, rather improbably, were accustomed to acquaint their belief to Accustomed Kim Chung Yul, the air force arch of agents who had won his job with Nichols’s help. The accustomed accustomed the men to accompany the air force.
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Kim Ji‑eok survived the war by alive in a aggressive hospital. Afterwards eight years in the air force, he begin a job at a brainstorm restaurant endemic by his aunt in Seoul—and that is area he was still alive in 2015 aback he told his story, at age 82.
“People alarm Nichols a hero, but I’m not so sure,” said Kim. “If he had beatific me aback afresh to North Korea, it would accept been the end of my life.”
Agents like Kim Ji-eok were disposable tools. Nichols and his commanders acclimated them to try to fix a abnormally American logistical problem: The Far East Air Armament had added bombers and added accustomed bombs than it had North Korean targets. The Americans additionally had a near-inexhaustible accumulation of napalm.
The botheration affected Nichols to amend what it meant to be a appropriate operations commander. In the aboriginal year of the war, he’d won promotions and medals by arch teams that bankrupt codes and apparent vulnerabilities in Soviet tanks and fighter jets. By 1951, with the war stalled, his orders had changed. He was told to aggregate “information adequate for air ambition selection,” appraise bomb accident and actuate the “psychological furnishings of air ability on the enemy.”
In American memory, napalm—the adhesive gel that melts beastly flesh—is best carefully associated with the Vietnam War. But the U.S. aggressive did not absolutely acknowledge how to use armament until it alone 32,000 bags of it on the Korean Peninsula. “Napalm was one of the ‘discoveries’ of the Korean War,” wrote J. M. Spaight, a British airpower able in the 1950s. “[I]t was in Korea that its capability as a endlessly weapon was absolutely demonstrated. . . . But for [napalm] the United Nations force ability accept been arranged close and crop out of Korea. . .”
A decade afore Vietnam, Donald Nichols smelled achievement in napalm’s flames. “Napalm Bombs accept the greatest cerebral aftereffect on the bodies of North Korea, due to the abiding afire aftereffect it has on whatever it comes in acquaintance with,” he wrote in an air intelligence advice report.
Nichols’s song of acclaim was allotment of an American aggressive choir in Korea, area operations analysts for the Fifth Air Force “heartily accustomed armament as the best distinct antipersonnel weapon” in the war. Accustomed Matthew Ridgway, the administrator of U.S. armament in Korea, accomplished B‑29s with armament over Pyongyang on January 3 and 5, 1951, “with the ambition of afire the burghal to the ground.” Altogether, the United States alone about alert as abundant armament on Korea as it did on Japan in 1945, although beneath than a tenth of the 388,000 bags alone in Southeast Asia amid 1963 and 1973.
In the aboriginal canicule of the war in Korea, aback American soldiers were outgunned and beat south, armament was the abundant equalizer. Alike a abreast absence could accomplish abundant calefaction to burn armament central a T‑34 tank. Aback Chinese armament surged south and attacked in beastly waves, armament dead bags and abashed abounding more. But the aggregate of the armament that the Americans alone in the war was acclimated strategically rather than tactically, which agency it was acclimated to set blaze to cities, towns, and villages beyond North Korea.
As the war progressed, the American analogue of what constituted a reasonable aggressive ambition in North Korea kept expanding. At first, Truman believed that attacks on targets that were not “purely military” could abet a beyond war with the Soviet Union. The White Abode resisted an aboriginal air force angle to do a “fire job”— application napalm—on North Korea’s bristles above automated centers. But afterwards the Chinese action on the ancillary of North Korea, American abstemiousness abolished and the blaze job began in November 1950. It connected throughout the draft of the war. Bombing targets, for armament and accustomed bombs, included about every counterfeit anatomy in North Korea, as able-bodied as best beastly or beastly activities that could conceivably be interpreted from a war alike as suspicious.
As the ambition account expanded, so did the use of napalm, alike to the point of beyond its aggressive utility, according to an air force analysis of prisoners of war. The prisoners said that while they feared napalm, the best able weapons were breach bombs. “The Fifth Air Force’s alternative for armament as an antipersonnel weapon may not accept been absolutely realistic,” the analysis found.
Whether it was for armament or accustomed bombs, Nichols was beneath connected burden throughout the war to locate added and added targets. Aback agents like Kim Ji-eok did administer to blooper into North Korea and acquisition article account bombing or burning, they approved to blooper abroad by walking beyond mudflats to an island area Nichols had a base. Not abounding fabricated it. As Nichols’s operation confused into aerial gear, an adequate accident amount for agents—caught and dead or artlessly bugging out—appears to accept been 40 percent.
Nichols additionally dead his own spies if he believed they were bifold agents loyal to North Korea. To smoke them out, he orchestrated busy cons. One decidedly affected operation occurred aback Nichols was architecture his island empire, according to George T. Gregory, an air force above who served as an controlling administrator beneath Nichols. As Gregory tells the story, Nichols was aboard one of his boats, alteration agents to the mainland, aback “blinding beams of searchlights aback bathed them in white.
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“They were boarded and affected to band up with their easily abaft their active by the grim-looking men in North Korean fleet uniforms,” Gregory wrote. “The North Koreans brash their captives that they were demography the ‘white foreigner’ [Nichols] with them, but would draft the address and its aggregation of vile, backbiting South Koreans—American puppets—out of the water. Nichols was actuality led appear the adversary address aback one of the crewmen began agreeable that he was a North Korean agent.”
Nichols had begin his mole.
“The copy Communist vessel, complete with North Korean Fleet markings, sailor uniforms and Soviet guns, was planned and agitated out by Nichols in its entirety,” Gregory wrote. Amid 1951 and the end of 1952, Nichols angled his assembly of air intelligence advice reports, as the account absolute jumped from bristles hundred to about a thousand. “The accretion breeze of letters fabricated it all-important to assignment American cadre and aboriginal translators and draftsmen in address on common break at night and holidays,” according to a history of his unit.
The official air force history of the war describes Nichols as the “most important distinct collector” of air intelligence for the appropriate bombing of North Korea. His letters pinpointed hand-grenade factories, afresh dug caves, radio stations, parking lots, aliment warehouses, armament dumps, book shops, a cardboard factory, a zinc factory, locomotives, Russian administrator quarters, Chinese troop concentrations, and an underground accouterment branch dug into the ancillary of a mountain.
This has been excerpted from King of Spies: The Dark Reign of America’s Spymaster in Korea. Buy the book here.
American bombs and armament destroyed added of North Korea, in affiliation to its resources, than all the accumulated air attacks on Japan during Apple War II, including the atom bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That was the cessation of the Far East Air Forces. The air force additionally believed that air attacks angled the balance, banishment a crippled, traumatized adversary to the accord table. “We are appealing abiding now that the Communists basic peace, not because of a two-year stalemate on the ground, but to get airpower off their back,” Accustomed Otto P. Weyland, administrator of the Far East Air Forces, said in 1954.
There were abounding who analyzed the bombing of North Korea and assured that the air force had abstruse the amiss lessons. They begin cutting affirmation that bombing bootless to stop “the advanced movement of supplies” to North Korean and Chinese fighters.
Even Nichols, who won accolades for his success in anecdotic bomb targets, was amid those who doubted the account of the air-delivered devastation. “To a assertive admeasurement you could say we ashen our bombs on the roads, bridges, railroads, tunnels, etc.,” Nichols wrote in his autobiography. “The adversary fabricated a fool of us.”
The adversary did so by alteration fuel, ammunition, and aliment in the aforementioned way that all-overs carriage aliment to their colonies—in baby quantities broadcast amid a ample cardinal of acclimatized and awful motivated individuals.
In the end, American bombs did not stop the war; Stalin did, by dying. Afterwards the dictator’s afterlife on March 5, 1953, no one who mattered in the Soviet Union basic to prolong the big-ticket action in Korea. Within days, the Soviet administration confused to assignment with the Chinese and seek “the soonest accessible conclusion” to the war. Accord talks with the Americans aback angry serious.
Stalin’s afterlife was additionally a axis point for Nichols. His island authority chock-full growing. By backward May, the air force ordered him to abolish his agents from islands off the east and west coasts of North Korea. By backward July, the above combatants in the Korean War had active an armistice. The thirty-eighth alongside was afresh the internationally accustomed adding band amid the two Koreas and angry stopped. Nichols would break on in Korea, abide in command of a spy base, and abide to accommodated consistently with Syngman Rhee. But his spy career—and, as it would about-face out, his life— had peaked. He was thirty.
Adapted from King of Spies: The Dark Reign of America’s Spymaster in Korea by Blaine Harden, to be appear on October 3, 2017 by Viking, an banner of Penguin Publishing Group, a analysis of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2017 by Blaine Harden.
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Blaine Harden is above East Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa agency arch for the Washington Post.
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