is your girl booty flat lyrics
Bring sunshine like Eric and agitate it like Tina. Here's all the talking credibility and amusing media acknowledgment from Saturday evening's fourth animate show...
Alexandra's mother, Soul II Soul accompanist Melissa Bell, acutely anesthetized abroad a anniversary afore this alternation started. So there wasn't a dry eye in the abode aback Alexandra sobbed "I wish my mum was actuality to see this" afterwards her amazing jive scored the aboriginal absolute 10s of the alternation and took her to the top of the leaderboard by some distance.
Her accomplice Gorka "The Corka" Marquez had choreographed a fast, furious, full-on accepted to Tina Turner's Proud Mary but Alexandra kept clip superbly. Sweat, argent tassels and huge hair flew everywhere. There was ablaze bounce, high-octane lifts, high-risk drops and sharp leg action. The aftermost two champions, Jay McGuinness and Ore Oduba, both fabricated their breakthroughs with a jive. Did La Burke aloof accompany them?
Bring Me Sunshine isn't aloof a song alike with Susan Calman's ball heroes but was the aboriginal ball at her wedding. Her wife and parents were additionally watching from the advanced row. So it could accept been affective or alike bathetic - yet her show-closing quickstep was instead a affair of attenuate joy. Animated and jaunty, abounding of fun, fast anxiety and blithe facial expressions.
It was evocative, cornball and a admirable tribute, cleverly choreographed by pro accomplice Kevin Clifton and affably performed. "Second best day of my life," beamed Susan, afore annoyed into Claudia Winkleman's accoutrements in abruptness at her 30-point score. Fifth on the leaderboard. Addled heights, well-deserved.
Joint basal of the Saturday night scoreboard were stompy chef Simon Rimmer after his disco-dad samba and annealed newsreader Charlotte Hawkins, whose wedding-themed applesauce was added laboured than Jeremy Corbyn with contractions. They deserve to atom it out in Sunday's alarming dance-off.
However, if either gets hauled out of the mire by eyewitness votes, Brian Conley or Joe McFadden could be vulnerable. Brian did a paso afterwards the doble, while Joe's awkward cha cha was eight credibility bottomward on aftermost week's admirable Russian waltz. Perhaps atom off his Doctor Zhivago beard had a Samson effect. Quick, abound it aback by 7.15pm Sunday - aback we'll be aback on the liveblog, so see you aback actuality then.
Shirley "Queen Of Latin" Ballashas annoyed up the panel, brought article beginning and was last anniversary nominated for a National TV Award on the base of her aboriginal fortnight in the arch judgely chair. She was entertainingly burdensome afresh here, switching from abstruse stickler to auspicious drillmaster in the blink of an eye - before pulling tango faces with Bruno Tonioli and declaring "it's never too aboriginal for a 10 from Shirley" (not absolutely as snappy as "from Len, the 10").
She's acutely got the account of the pros and fabricated the added judges' accession their game. However, her fluffing the contestants' names is acceptable an adverse habit. A fortnight ago, she referred to Chizzy Akudolu as "Lizzy". Now she alleged Charlotte Hawkins "Mollie". They're hardly domiciliary names and she's been active in America so we sympathise - but it's still acutely awkward. Array it out, Shirley Bassey. Sorry, Maria Callas. Whatever your name is.
The two soap stars both shone in their own ways. Gemma Atkinson is the contest's steadiest improver, with array bit-by-bit up by about bristles credibility anniversary week. Her abreast Coldplay paso doble was powerful, acute and creatively choreographed by accomplice Alijaz Skorjanec, who whooped with communicable contentment aback she delivered it. If it hadn't been for Alexandra Burke's next-level performance, Gemma would accept hogged the headlines.
Meanwhile, EastEnders anatomy Davood Ghadami had been adversity from motion affection all anniversary from the boundless spins in his Viennese waltz. So badly, in fact, there were rumours he'd be too ailing to perform. The appearance charge go on, though, and his adventurous accepted was decidedly adult - even if he could see two Tess Dalys by the end.
Week four is about the time that the board stop alleviative the celebrities like adventurous beginners and activate to attending for improvement. They appetite detail, technique, posture, able and affirmation of adamantine affix in the training rooms.
So it accepted tonight, with lots of aptitude over the table to associate at anxiety (unlucky, Aston Merrygold), anchor bottomward on actionable lifts (watch it, Davood Ghadami) and acrid appearance (sorry, Mollie Baron and Debbie McGee).
Meanwhile, Darcey Bussell has changed to her annoying addiction of adage "yes?" at the end of every comment, like an upward-inflecting Australian or Gordon Ramsay giving instructions to a sous chef. It's a exact tic, yes? Try to stop it, yah? You managed it before, yeah OK? Sure, no worries. Wait, no. Say again?
We've said it afore and we'll say it again: abundant already with the try-hard training videos. Footage of the couples in call is alluring enough, acknowledge you, without producers activity the charge to crowbar in ball skits which consistently end up cringe-inducing.
Tonight we had Jonnie Peacock's dream arrangement (why?), Gemma and Alijaz's accidental appointment to Greenwich Observatory (double why?) and Giovanni Pernice carrying accoutrements to Debbie McGee (just leave it with a neighbour, please). These sequences absolutely abrade far added admirers than they entertain. Accept a word.
Join above Strictly Appear Dancing stars Kristina Rihanoff and Ian Waite for Waltzing bottomward the Danube, a wonderful eight-day cruise into the aesthetic highlights of the river and watch a clandestine amphitheater ball in the Palais Liechtenstein by Rihanoff and Waite. Book now at telegraph.co.uk/tt- waltzingdanube
Here's your rewind of the activity as it happened...
That's all the dancefloor activity for tonight but amuse break with us for talking points, acknowledgment and analysis.
Last out, it's Admiration Woman. Not alone a song alike with Susan's ball heroes Morecambe and Wise but it was additionally the aboriginal ball at her wedding. As if that wasn't abundant emotion, her parents are in the advanced row, so apprehend tears. Top hats and canes to start, afresh into a fluffy, skippy, animated accepted abounding of fun and facial delight. Musicality and timing is there, alike if some of the address isn't. She's bigger so much. And a Morecambe and Wise move to finish. Fantastic.
Music: Bring Me Sunshine by The Applesauce Aces
Judges’ verdict: Shirley says "Nostalgic, abundant music and choreography, able-bodied done". Bruno says "you're a box of delights, ability tribute, able quickstep too". Craig says "you flew about that attic like a abhorrent fiend and went into lift-off, a claimed best". Darcey concludes "bright, breezy and admirable but adhere assimilate that frame, yes?" "Second best day of my life" says Susan. Sweet.
Judges' scores: 7, 7, 8, 8 for a absolute of 30 points. Ten added than aftermost week, her able yet and Susan avalanche into Claudia's accoutrements in delight.
He played Indiana Jones aftermost week. Now the Paralympian champ needs to approach Fred Astaire. Animated mood, amazing lift to start. Jonnie doesn't attending absolutely adequate actuality the Hollywood smoothie but style, spins and some spectacular tricks. Removes his jacket, amorous affection added affiliated to a tango at times but splendid storytelling.
Music: Michael Bublé's awning of Cry Me a River.
Judges’ verdict: Darcey says "so abundant activity right, adventuresome lifts but you angular advanced in hold, advance that topline and amplify the character, yes?". Shirley says "impressive spins and turns, acceptable footwork, audible improvement". Bruno says "cool dude, formed actual well, you never absent the commitment or fumbled, musically correct". Craig says "you stop acting aback you get into hold, I advance some acting acquaint to chargeless yourself, it would admonition your dancing - but I admired it". Jonnie's life-saving surgeon is in the collapsed audience. How lovely.
Judges' scores: 7, 8, 8, 8 for a absolute of 31 points. His best yet. Bravo.
From aftermost week's My Fair Lady amphitheater accepted to a beneath lady-like jive. She's gone abounding Diva Turner in argent apron with huge hair. Fast and bent with lots of flicks and tricks. Helluva tune, tassles and beard aerial everywhere. Abundant bounce, lifts, drops and leg action. Phew. Exhausted aloof watching it. Standing acclaim in the studio.
Music: Proud Mary by Tina Turner
Judges’ verdict: Craig says "I accept no abstraction area all that came from, darling, you created a nuclear acknowledgment to breach the atom, incredible". Darcey says "energy, zest, gave your all, stunning". Ms Ballas is "proud Shirley, you accumulated exhausted with jive, larboard me speechless". Bruno says "I had the honour to assignment with Tina Turner, she's a force of nature, you captured that affection and she would accept admired that". Nines, surely?
Judges' scores: 9, 10 (first of the series!), "it's never too aboriginal for a 10 from Shirley", addition 10 for a absolute of 39 points. Wow. Top. Tears. "I ambition my mum was here". Aww.
No Jungle Book beastly onesies this week, aloof swishy skirts and the adventure of the bullfight. Coldplay are Alijaz'a favourite band, absolve his bolt ears. It's a abreast paso rather than a acceptable one. Muscular shapes and angry faces. Sizzlingly intense, blatant finish. Strong.
Music: Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Judges' comments: Bruno says "you're acceptable a able gem, flash brighter every anniversary in both achievement bulk and technique, oh my darling, it was gorgeous". Craig says "sharper and added activating out of hold, anatomy command of the amplitude but that was able and you took ownership, absolutely and absolutely admired it". Darcey says "gorgeous, oh my, aces abstraction but you coffin your button a bit". Shirley concludes "powerful but sensual, you're actuality for the continued run". Eights? A nine?
Judges' scores: 8, 9, 9, 9 for a absolute of 35 points. Her highest, the night's able so far.
Last week's dance-off survivor has the awfully catchy "dance of death". No admiration he's bookies' favourite for abolishment this weekend. He's in an Hawaiian shirt and panama hat, she's in a tiny tasselled, feathered frock. Simon's added disco dad than adult Brazilian and spends bisected the accepted with his duke on his hip. Loses ascendancy in the afraid segments but a allegiant effort.
Music: Copacabana by Barry Manilow
Judges’ verdict: Shirley says, "You fabricated some mistakes but that was about a authentic basal samba, abundant try". Bruno says "it went bottomward like a pina colada, added Benidorm than Brazil, aerial agreeable but it went wrong". Craig says "lost balance, was a mess, abundant shame". Darcey says "disappointing". Fives ahoy, do we reckon?
Judges' scores: 4, 5, 5, 5 for a absolute of 19 points - aforementioned as aftermost anniversary and collective basal with Charlotte.
The abridged rockets and aftermost week's leaderboard-topping Trolls now get aback in hold. Top tune, fast feet, blatant staging. Board aptitude over their desks to associate at his footwork. Not absolutely up to Aston's accepted accepted but still actual accomplished.
Music: Mr Blue Sky by ELO
Judges’ verdict: "Crazily fast, bold and ablaze but a little disappointment with your footwork, pigeon-toed and fleck foot," says Darcey. Shirley says "agree, collapsed feet, bit plonky". Bruno says "the sky is the limit, the speed, timing and affluence of movement was impressive". Craig says it "lacked breeding but admired the routine, activity was outstanding". Eights?
Judges' scores: 7, 8, 8, 9 for a absolute of 32 points. Top of the standings.
Bond babe aftermost week, music by Bond this week. She's in safe easily with the baron of ballroom. Opera affectation dejection to accessible and then into hold. Stalking about accurately but her head's all over the place, lacks anatomy acquaintance and abrupt staccato. He's carriage her about a bit but continued spins to accomplishment and Anton's captivated for her, accomplishing a little jig of joy.
Music: Allegretto by Bond
Judges’ verdict: "A bit added like it," says Craig. "Pleased you're authoritative progress." Darcey says "determination, fix your anatomy and accurate the drama with your body". Shirley says "100 per cent advance from aftermost week". Bruno yells "you didn't go amiss once". Sixes? A seven maybe? Let's not go silly.
Judges' scores: 6, 6, 6, 6 for a absolute of 24 points. Cheering and whooping up on the Clauditorium.
He went from Dr Di Lucca to Dr Zhivago aftermost week. Now it's Dr Disco. Joe was the altogether boy this week, axis 42 on Monday, so it's a appropriately celebratory dance. Feisty storytelling and a hardly constipated facial announcement from Joe but assured moves, anatomy ripples and hip shaking. Not abundant cha cha at times but nice choreography, performed decently.
Music: You Accumulate Me Hanging On by Human Nature. Or Kim Wilde if you're an 80s fan.
Judges’ verdict: Bruno says "frantic, like addition block a wildcat, legs were so advanced afar I could drive a alternation through them, absent the footwork". Craig says "didn't adept the activity and looked awkward on you, not your finest hour, darling". Darcey says "challenging bulk of agreeable but you didn't do too badly, nice attitude and connection, difficult but you delivered confidently". Shirley says "you absent the mark, apply on basics".
Judges' scores: 5, 7, 6, 6 for a absolute of 24 points. Bigger than the judges' comments suggested.
Brendan answered aback afterwards criticism of aftermost week's Top Gun tango. Now they charge to let their anxiety do the talking. A wedding-themed applesauce with Brendan in a ludicrous pink waistcoat-and-trouser combo. There are bannister slides, a ring, too abundant messin' abaht... Afresh into a skippy, animated jive. She lacks musicality and is consistently hardly off the beat. Lacks those pumping knees, added prancing than dancing, added faffing to finish. Nice storytelling, characterless dance.
Music: Marry You by Bruno Mars
Judges’ verdict: Shirley calls her "Mollie" by mistake. Awkward. Bruno says "footwork fuzzy, easily loosey-goosey". Craig says "laboured but abundantly afraid - I admired allotment of it". Darcey says "confident, your amusement fabricated us feel bigger and you kept those kickball changes going".
Judges' scores: 4, 5, 5, 5 for a absolute of 19 points. Basal so far.
"Definitely apparent bottomward - can't accept Darcy apparent her 6, the same as Brian Conley!" says Vivien Bowles on email. I agree, Vivien.
He was a hip-thrusting disco god aftermost week. Now can the EastEnders anatomy appearance some grace? He suffers from motion affection which has proved ambiguous while training for this spinning routine. Adventurous mood, he's arch her well. Twirls, drags and attic spins. Kushy's back. If a tad blooming about the gills.
Music: Say You Love Me by Jessie Ware
Judges’ verdict: Darcey says it had "unusual acuteness and focus, you'd beaten the barbarian aural you and controlled your energy, accumulate cutting it out." Shirley says "you've gone from cutting in my face to authentic sophistication, accomplished the able outstandingly". Bruno says it had "smouldering romantic rapport, you led with confidence and kept the drive". Craig says "out of authority way too long, the attic circuit didn't accord and lifts will lose you points". Sevens a-coming?
Judges' scores: 6, 7, 8, 8 for a absolute of 29 points - his able yet and top of the leaderboard so far.
Can Mollie acquisition her close Beyoncé, agitate her anatomy and abide the couple's abiding improvement? Her bandmate (and above Strictly finalist) Frankie Bridge is acknowledging from the advanced row, accepting visited her in training this week. A gangling affair salsa and she looks confident, if assuming rather than dancing at times. Absent it in the average and an abject lift but some nice tricks and spins to finish. AJ was rather throwing her around. Hit the attic at the end but she's alive.
Music: Súbeme La Radio by Enrique Iglesias
Judges’ verdict: Craig says "footwork sloppy, lacked circling but admired all those lifts". Darcey says "saucy, antithesis issues, focus with the eyes, yes? Acceptable job on the lifts". Shirley says "committed but lacked ball content, basal burden and hip rotation". Red specs on, able admonition dispensed. Bruno says "keep the breeze but it was ambitious".
Judges' scores: 6, 7, 7, 7 for a absolute of 27 points - collective top with Debbie so far.
Serious face for the antic - and eyeliner too. He's a bedrock star, she's a groupie. Bit sexist. Some messin' abaht with a mic angle to start, although in Brian's easily it looks added like a golf club. Takes ages to get activity and lacks that acute arced shape, Spanish band and anatomy resistance. Added goth disco than bullfight.
Music: I Accept in a Affair Alleged Love by The Darkness
Judges’ verdict: Bruno says "it was a punko doble, the shapes went to pieces". Brian says it was an consequence of Bruno. Craig says "stompy and dancing by numbers but able-bodied done for aggravating to accomplish the shaping". Darcey says "great improvement". Shirley concludes "some able steps, get an added point for alarming the appearance out". Fives, do we reckon?
Judges' scores: 4, 6, 6, 5 for a absolute of 21 points. One bottomward on aftermost anniversary but he's still pleased.
Cheeky Debbie's aback but will it be magic? He's arena a commitment man, she's a secretary - and he rips his overalls accessible to whoops from the audience. It's amorous and flexible, with a actual high"standing splits" leg addendum from Bendy McGee but defective inhip activity and chemistry.
Music: The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s in His Kiss) by Cher
Judges’ verdict: Shirley says "too adroit and affected but needs to be added ashore and earthy". Bruno says "Debbie consistently delivers, actual airy and bendy". Craig says it was "a Barbie baby dancing, too annealed and straight-legged". Darcey says "loosen up and appearance your bold side, yes? Too airish and calculated, relax and be added natural, yah?" Sixes and sevens en route?
Judges' scores: 6, 6, 7, 8 for a absolute of 27 points, their everyman yet.
Here appear the couples and Davood Ghadami is fit and able-bodied afterwards all. Phew. Lots of sequins. Flashes of bald flesh. Novelty hats. All boxes ticked.
Time for our account allegory of the co-presenters' fashions. Tess Daly in off-the-shoulder white, like a footballers' WAG's bells dress. Claudia Winkleman in a atramentous two-piece with brownish trim. Claudia clinches it, as per usualt. Meanwhile, arch adjudicator Shirley Ballas is sporting some array of floral fright-gown.
Like the apparition of couples accomplished on the aperture credits.
Roll epitomize of aftermost time's Movie Anniversary special! Roll jeopardy-building atramentous and white VT!
The EastEnders actor, who suffers from motion sickness, has been ill while training for tonight's Viennese waltz. He's had addled spells and nausea, casting agnosticism over whether he'd be fit to participate. Bristles account until we acquisition out...
Nine altered dances will be performed by the 13 couples tonight, including two cha chas, two jives, two quicksteps and a brace of paso dobles. Ten account 'til showtime...
We've accustomed Chizzy a goodbye kissy. We've excommunicated Rev Richard. So who'll be the third celebrity to be handed their blatant P45?
Yes, it's the third abolishment weekend of Strictly 2017, with our 13 actual pro-celebrity couples demography to the acclaimed Elstree Studios attic and dancing for survival.
Ballroom action commences at 6.45pm on BBC One - and rejoice, those with abbreviate absorption spans, because it's the aboriginal sub-two hour appearance of the series. Bladders civic will be relieved.
I'm Michael, the Telegraph's sequins and aerosol tans correspondent, and I'll be liveblogging from 6.25pm, accouterment build-up, rolling coverage, recaps, assay and balmy sarcasm, so do accompany me and watch forth with this blog.
["490.82"]And please join in too - you can email me on michael.hogan@ telegraph.co.uk, tweet me on @michaelhogan or leave comments at the basal of this blog. I'll accumulate an eye on them all and address the highlights here.
Nearly time to staaaaart Saturday night dancing!




