i really miss my wigga lyrics
Vladimir Kudinov/Unsplash
"The aboriginal year my adherent and I were dating, Valentine's Day was advancing up and I mentioned to her that I had never absolutely had a adherent on Valentine's Day before. The day of, she gives me 25 absolutely handmade and fatigued Valentine's Day cards, one for anniversary year I missed, anniversary with memories of me she is addicted of." - Redditor edrz
"I formed a ton of overnights and my wife acclimated to deathwatch up and accompany me hot aliment aback I was on patrol. At 3 a.m., fresh, hot craven cutlets with mashed potatoes and blah is article absolutely amazing." Redditor c3h8pro
"It's not what she did once, but what she's continuing to do.
I'm in medical school, and she is my cheerleader. She lets me allocution my addendum out to her aback she knows I charge advice studying. She's the actuality I alarm at 2 a.m. aback I'm disturbing afore a test. She's the one who gets me coffee because she knows I'm exhausted.
And what's best important is she knows abysmal bottomward that I don't accept academy over her because I appetite to but because I accept to. I apperceive this because she's told me." - Redditor UptownShenanigans
"I don't apperceive about best romantic, but aloof aftermost anniversary I had to go to an important affair and I was so annoyed the night afore that I went to bed aboriginal and I forgot to brightness my shoes. Aback I woke up the abutting morning my wife had able my shoes for me afterwards me alike advertence that they bare to be polished." - Redditor wtknight
"About a anniversary afore Valentine's Day, I had a absolutely bad depressive episode. At the time my accomplice and I had abandoned been dating a few months, and she wasn't abiding if she could handle it. The abutting day she was activity out with accompany and absitively to drive bisected an hour to my abode which is absolutely out of her way, aloof for 10 account to accord me a bundle and two tickets to see 'The Hobbit' in gold class. It may not assume like a lot to some, but it was calmly the sweetest and best anxious affair a accomplice has done for me." - bearding Redditor
"This babe from Indonesia begin me on Myspace because my contour said I was a Disney web developer. She was advancing to Orlando to assignment for Disney on a acceptance and capital to eventually accomplish websites for them.
Long adventure short, we concluded up actuality somewhat of a couple. We both admired Lilo and Stitch, her actuality an aborigine fabricated her Lilo... and me accepting 'xeno' tattooed on my arm, I'm somewhat of a analytical alien. :)
When I got my job in California and confused away, she got me a Disney pin set of Lilo and Stitch. I anticipation it was admirable but they're about $300. I asked why she would absorb that abundant money on it. She told me to attending at it again.
The accomplished affair was handmade. She bolter bottomward all the Lilo and Stitch pins she could acquisition and drew, from scratch, the adventure of her advancing to accommodated me, canoeing about in my car (I'm a car guy), and eventually me abrogation her in Orlando.
Hands bottomward the sweetest affair a babe has anytime done for me." - bearding Redditor
"I wrote a adventure (symbolic of me and my man) about a prince who climbed the tallest angel timberline in the acreage and got the best apple, and central was a key that apart the belfry that the angel was in.
So one day we were walking to get dinner, and he appropriate we airing beneath this timberline that, according to the legend, if you airing beneath it with your accurate love, you'll be calm forever. I was aloof cerebration out loud and said, 'We should ascend it calm someday.'
He said, 'OK, I'll ascend it now!' So he climbed up a brace branches and said, 'Hey, there's article up here! I'll accompany it down!'
When he got down, he pulled a affected angel out of his anorak pocket, and said, 'Hey, there's article central ...'
He opened it and got bottomward on one knee and captivated out a arena and asked me to ally him. I started bawling. for like 10 minutes. I couldn't alike say yes, I aloof nodded. Not that this will advice any, but the moral of the adventure is do article that is allusive to aloof you and her. Those are the things you bethink the most." - bearding Reddditor
Kyle Bearden/Unsplash
"For Valentine's Day in aerial school, my admirer gave me a account with a cardinal of acclaimed balladry he wrote out that reminded him of me and our relationship. He additionally included several balladry he had written, and the blow of the account was blank. The ambition (although acceptable it was due to the actuality that he couldn't ample up the accomplished thing) was for me to afresh use the blow to address in. That was 10 years and abundant boyfriends ago, and still the best adventurous allowance I accept anytime received." - Redditor sparkle_motion
"I accept a appealing ample blister above my abutting from blight treatments that I'm a bit cocky acquainted of. I was aggravating to acquisition a chaplet to abrasion to adumbrate it, and my cogent added absolved over, took the chaplet out of my hands, angry me about and said 'From the moment I aboriginal saw you I knew you were the best admirable woman I'd anytime seen. That blister is a admonition of how strong, and amazing and admirable you are. Never adumbrate that.'" - Redditor zip82da
"My now-husband afraid me on Christmas Eve morning with a puzzle. He's a ablaze photographer, and he had cut up my admired account that he's taken and angry it into a huge puzzle. The accomplished affair was in atramentous and white so it took me best of the morning.
I adulation puzzles a lot so this was a abundant way to absorb Christmas for me.
We had been dating for 6 1/2 years up until that point and the achievement of alliance had array of slipped abroad from me. I knew he wasn't too absorbed in the abstraction at all because he had bad acquaintance from his parents divorce. I was agreeable in our accord and didn't advance the accountable already for all our years together.
Then we had our admirable son a year ago and unbeknownst to me, my admirer had afflicted his mind.
So on this puzzle, hidden amidst white (written with afire pen) were the words: 'Will you ally me?'
[On the] 14th of July we captivated a baby commemoration and garden affair for our abutting and I am now a actual appreciative and in-love wife." - Redditor viramola
"Laying in bed at night, admirer anticipation I was asleep. Perfectly cuddled up, comatose and he said, 'Thank you for existing.'" - Redditor moonbitten
"The time had appear for me to put my 11-year-old aureate retriever to sleep. I had him aback I was 14 and the two of us saw some s--- together. Aback the day came, I aloof couldn't let him go, and I couldn't handle alike actuality in the room.
I additionally knew I couldn't let him go alone. My admirer at the time (now-husband) told me through my bawl that he would go. He acclaim best up my dog and agitated him into the vet's office. Aback he came out, he was accustomed his bridle and absolute and had tears alive bottomward his face. I had never apparent him cry before. He took my accountability and agitated it for me. I will never balloon that." - Redditor Evil Shannanigans
"My ex-girlfriend bankrupt up with me by adage 'Go acquisition yourself. Go do what you accept to do to become a bigger man ...' which I had told her some months beforehand I bare to do. I wasn't able abundant to breach up with her, so she helped me by accomplishing it herself. Not absolutely what best bodies anticipate is romantic, but yeah ..." - Redditor Burretobisto
"It's not stereotypically romantic, but in my apperception the best adventurous affair anyone's anytime done for me is aback my now-boyfriend went out for coffee with me afterwards every distinct one of my counseling sessions, and let me allocution about it if I capital to but didn't advance me if I didn't. For months. He didn't do it because he had some affectionate of adventurous calendar or because he acquainted like he had to, but because he's a acceptable actuality and he capital to accomplish abiding I was OK." - Redditor palinurus
"So, I'll try to accomplish this short. My bedmate and I met and started dating in August of 2009, fell in adulation quickly, and we affiliated in December of 2009. We got account of approaching deployment, and he started training. In February, March, and April (2010) he was gone from two to three weeks at a time.
In amid one of those work-ups, I jokingly told him I accepted a account of all of the affidavit he loves me. But, afterwards April, and afore he deployed in May, I had gone to the abundance and aback I came home, the kitchen bank was covered in dejected Post-It addendum with altered things he loves about me.
I cried. At the time, our Boxer was a 4-month-old Hellion. She managed to get some of the addendum down, and chewed them above recognition. I cried harder. My bedmate afresh took them all down, and aggregate the account on several bedding of cardboard for me.
He wrote anniversary affair in a different, artistic way, doodled on it, added lyrics that were of acceptation to us. He deployed in May, and was gone for seven months with about aught contact. Every time I was hurting, and absent him like crazy, I would cull out that account to admonish me I bare to be able for him." - bearding Redditor
"One time my GF and I were cuddling on the couch watching a movie, and I about-face to bolt her watching me instead of the movie. Aback I asked her why she was staring she artlessly said, 'You are the best handsome man I've anytime dated,' and promptly angry to abide to watch the movie. Appealing abundant fabricated my night." - Redditor Deanmcknight01
"In aerial academy I couldn't appear my chief accession because my accessory was accepting married. I was abandoned sort-of bummed, because I had already got this amazing dress.
So aback I got aback from the bells my admirer threw me my own homecoming. We both dressed up, went to dinner, and collection about in his dad's best jaguar. Super adventurous and thoughtful. It's been bristles years aback and he is still aloof as great." - Redditor hellojessica
"A babe I was seeing ran bottomward the accomplish of her advanced porch, bottomward her driveway, and jumped into my accoutrements aback she saw me cull up. I melted." - Redditor SquareSail
"When I told my adherent I admired her for the aboriginal time, she replied 'I know.' I got Solo'd. It was amazing." - Redditor Desdenova23
"My cogent added was my average school/high academy crush. Four years afterwards graduation, we reconnected and started dating. In that time, he became a pilot.
A few weeks ago, he took me aerial in a two-seat plane. We flew over the burghal breadth and forth the river here, and during the time we were in-flight it went from daytime to aphotic to aphotic and it was phenomenally beautiful." - Redditor stumblepretty
"He does a ton of little things on a approved base that are candied or affectionate or romantic, but one that absolutely afraid me happened aftermost year. We had a absolute algid snap, attenuate for area we live, and I was rummaging about in the linen closet for addition absolute to put on the bed. I begin this old white affection thing, affectionate of threadbare.
I was in the action of laying it out on the bed anyhow (it was absolutely cold, and alike a beat added absolute was bigger than none) aback he came in and snatched it up He said, 'no no no, you can't use that. The bodies ability breach it up. It's fragile!'
Turns out he'd adored it for 20 years because it was the aboriginal allowance I'd anytime gotten him. He'd gone abroad for a anniversary on business, and while he was gone, I went to his abode and afflicted his old ratty bedding and absolute for new ones.
For 20 years or so, he'd adored that blanket, and the acumen it was threadbare is that he acclimated it all the time, alike in the summer, because it fabricated him feel so admired and cared for." - Redditor EllaShue
"My admirer is the baker in the accord — he brand accomplishing it and is acceptable at it, and I'm abominable at it (except for the George Foreman). He cooks banquet every night and has done so from the alpha of the relationship. I would go to his accommodation for banquet and we would adhere out and watch TV, afresh the abutting morning he would baker breakfast.
Eggs are his one comestible weakness, decidedly my admired style: over-easy. One morning while he was authoritative breakfast I looked at his laptop and saw that he had Googled 'how to accomplish absolute over-easy eggs.' I aloof melted. I mean, alike I can accomplish over-easy eggs. I don't anticipate they're that hard. But he looked it up! I anticipation that was so admirable and adventurous in its own little way.
And now a year and a bisected afterwards he still does it with a lot of added things, like alloyed drinks I like or added dinners. He never says that he looked it up (sometimes I will aloof appear to see him accomplishing it), but I aloof anticipate it's so candied that he cares about the little things." - Redditor slo1987
"When I was actual pregnant, my bedmate capital to go out and do article nice (I balloon what it was). By the time I was all showered, I was too annoyed to dry my beard and told him. He had me sit on the bed while he broiled my beard for me. And I could aloof abutting my eyes and bolt my breath. He did a acceptable job of it, too. It was so abundantly sweet, and I apperceive he'd do it afresh if I anytime asked him." - Redditor kraziazz
"My admirer had chest anaplasty this year, and at the aforementioned time I was alive about a 13 to 14 hour day for four canicule at the horse races. I'm not acclimated to such continued accouterment over a few canicule and I'd be on my anxiety all day so I was abscessed all over.
On the aftermost day I went to beddy-bye at my boyfriend's. He was out of it, absolutely above anaplasty to say the least. I approved to do aggregate I could for him in this time, actuality accessible and aggravating not to blow him.
He said the nicest acknowledge you I'd anytime heard: I anticipate he was sad that I had to do aggregate for him yet he prefers it to be the added way around. He sat me down, told me aggregate was OK and gave me the nicest beating for all the assignment I'd been accomplishing over the aftermost brace of canicule and additionally for allowance him.
It was a anemic beating but the actuality that he capital to accomplish me feel bigger admitting actuality in disturbing affliction himself aloof fabricated my accomplished life. He's such a babysitter and I can't delay for the blow of our lives together." - Redditor hobbur
"After the aboriginal blast in our burghal this winter, my guy headed over to my abode to advertise my walkway. He absitively he was walking there anyway, may as able-bodied advance the advertise forth the way. He absolutely austere a aisle from his home to mine, about bristles blocks in length. In a burghal that gets a brainless bulk of snow, that's affair to me!" - Redditor DuCalme
"In 2003 my bedmate was deployed to Iraq. Every anniversary he would alarm me for a 20-minute buzz call. I mentioned to some of the added wives that he was calling me weekly. They got agitated because they hadn't heard annihilation from their husbands. Appear to acquisition out, my bedmate had been cat-and-mouse in band for 4 hours for that 20 minute buzz call. To me that was calmly the best adventurous affair he's anytime done." - Redditor Laceyfromcali
"A guy I anachronous anon was actual acceptable at accomplishing candied things. We met on OkCupid and texted and talked on the buzz a lot afore absolutely meeting. During one chat we were talking about our admired bonbon and I mentioned that I admired red Starbursts.
["504.4"]Our aboriginal date was a few canicule afterwards my birthday, and he mentioned he had a altogether allowance for me. He handed me a allowance bag and central was a huge bag of Starburst! I thanked him and started to accessible it and action him one aback I accomplished the bag had been taped together.
I looked in and a sea of red Starburst was staring aback at me. He had bought four of the big accoutrements and afar all the red into one bag for me." -Redditor nothanksohokay
"Right aback we aboriginal started dating, maybe a few weeks in, he was declared to go to a continued appointment in addition country. I was absolutely abject because he would absence my altogether and because I capital to abide accepting to apperceive him.
The morning of my altogether I was absolutely pissed because he didn't alike alarm me to say goodbye afore leaving. I went for a jog, aforementioned aisle I consistently take. At the end of the alley he was aloof sitting there with coffee smiling. It was the bigger shock of my life. I asked 'What are you accomplishing here?' and he said, 'I abdicate my job, I couldn't break abroad from you for two weeks.' (Reckless but oh God, it fabricated my affection flutter).
Thankfully he begin a abundant bigger job!" - Redditor brokenheartedlover33
Marjan Apostolovic/Shutterstock
"I should alpha off by answer that I am physically-disabled and am wheelchair-bound, so dating is already a appealing alarming affair to be doing. You're putting yourself out there like that to somebody who ability not absolutely accept you. But it is amplified alike added with a affliction and you aloof achievement that they will be air-conditioned about it.
For a abbreviate while I approved Tinder, and there is one babe in accurate that I hit it off with absolutely able-bodied and eventually we absitively to accommodated up together. She was actual air-conditioned and compassionate with what was adequate and what wasn't. Aback she came over I approved my best to accumulate my composure, but I was assuming signs of agitation and I had being for us plan to do by activity out but she appropriate that we aloof break in and watch Netflix and adjustment a pizza which adequate a lot of stress.
I was absolutely absent to accomplish a move, but I was physically clumsy to and she could acquaint that I was extending my duke a little bit to try and grab her duke and she asked me what it is I capital and I was too afraid to say annihilation and she gave me a kiss. She eventually concluded up putting me in bed with her and we cuddled and watched movies. It was so abrupt for somebody that I had no clue would be so accept with me and it broiled my heart." - Redditor CharlesButtlet
"When my admirer and I were aboriginal dating (14 and 16 years old), I somehow absent my chaplet while out with him in town.
I told him over MSN (lol) that night. He afresh abolished afterwards chat for three hours, and afresh popped aback with 'found it!'
At 10 at night, the mad f----- had gone out and scoured the accomplished blood-soaked boondocks for this bargain necklace. He retraced our accomplish and begin it at a abode we'd been sitting in parklands.
We've been calm for 11 years now, and the crazy git still does things like this (I accept to be accurate with my words lest he go on some cool crusade)." - Redditor mowski
"Once I asked her to advice me accomplish some anxiety at a auberge for a appointment I was activity to. Aback I accustomed at the auberge and got to my room, there was a captivated present inside. Aback I opened it, I begin a candle, a vase, a rose, and a letter.
The letter told me how abundant she misses me, hopes my cruise goes well, and to Skype her at 5 p.m. and abrasion a suit. So I Skyped her. She said her webcam was acting up so the video wasn't working, so we aloof chatted for a while.
"About 30 account afterwards allowance account came by and brought me steak, she told me she ordered it for me aback she fabricated the reservations, she afresh angry on the video and I saw her in a adult dress by her dining table with the aforementioned candle and rose by her steak, so I set up my ancillary of the table and we had a candlelit dinner." - Redditor westop
Nathan McBride/Unsplash
"I consistently anchored on the top adventure of the huge parking barn at my university because I admired the view. You accept a amazing appearance of campus, and can see all of city with the mountains in the distance.
For Valentine's Day one year, my admirer and I were walking aback to his barter and he abreast me, 'Surprise! We're accepting a picnic.' It was abandoned about 40 degrees outside, but I approved to act blessed about it.
When we got to the barter he opened the camper for me and he had set up a agglomeration of blankets and pillows, and brought cafeteria from one of my admired restaurants, for a barbecue in the barter attractive out off the ancillary of the parking deck. It was absolutely cozy." - Redditor BrittSprink

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