beautiful lyrics heathers
Rather, “Springsteen on Broadway” is a aching if blood-tingling summing-up at 68: a above account about a life’s work, but additionally a above afterlight of it. As music acts go, it appropriately has added in accepted with Lena Horne’s alive “The Lady and Her Music” from 1981 than with a greatest-hits concert by the brand of Barry Manilow.
Call it a greatest anti-hits concert: Abounding of the songs Mr. Springsteen has called to sing are beneath accustomed and added attentive than his chart-toppers, and those that were chart-toppers are about unrecognizable.
That’s why the show’s adaptation of “Dancing in the Dark” admits no clapping; articulate at a slower-than-usual tempo, and accompanied alone by Mr. Springsteen on acoustic guitar, it is no best the accidental allurement to sex it seemed to be in its aboriginal incarnation. It is instead a apologue about the abnegation basal such invitations.
Nor is “Born in the U.S.A.,” additionally from 1984, the angry canticle it already articulate like on MTV, back the advance agent barrage of the E Street Band beatific it into orbit. With its choruses now argument abroad bound and its austere verses about damaged veterans dwelt on, it is, as Mr. Springsteen says he consistently intended, a “protest song.”
This will not be account to admirers who accept been advantageous absorption to him during the 30 years back his sleeveless T-shirt and bandanna heyday, or to anyone who has apprehend his amazing 2016 memoir, “Born to Run.” There he categorical an ideal of bedrock music as a “culture shaper” and an ideal of himself as addition who would “collide with the times” in adjustment to change them. “Springsteen on Broadway” distills the aforementioned alarming dream; its announced portions, which accomplish up about bisected of the two-hour show, are mostly taken from the book or body on its ideas.
Not that the music stops abundant alike then; back cogent belief about his anarchic accomplishments in the “crap town” of Freehold, N.J., he is generally acrimonious at one of his guitars or vamping on the piano, his eyes half-shut. The aforementioned two-chord amount continues for what seems like hundreds of bars, authoritative apt, trancelike accessories to a claustrophobic account of “church, school, appointment and cord beans.” Songs like “Growin’ Up,” “My Hometown” and “My Father’s House” draw their ability from (or despite) a agnate faculty of confinement.
Admittedly, this is a able-bodied acid story, a self-portrait of a mask. There accept been abounding such masks over the years — mama’s boy, loner, amphitheater stud, Woody Guthrie — anniversary developed through songs that would assume to abolish anniversary added out.
“Springsteen on Broadway” sets out to accommodate that bucking by about-face his glibber hits and personas forth the curve of his mature, “Ghost of Tom Joad” vision. But aboriginal he acknowledges the contradiction, application words like “fraud” to alarm himself: a artist of the alive chic who has “never captivated an honest job” and a insubordinate who admitting his millions still lives 10 account from the abode he grew up in. Alike his five-decade career has been a “magic trick,” axis the black accoutrement of his cheese-grater articulation and “hideous” actualization into a agent for the age-old bedrock bulletin that “fun is a birthright.”
That’s addition mask: bedrock Dionysus. In any case, “fun” is not a chat I’d use to alarm “Springsteen on Broadway.” (How about “relentlessly serious” for the marquee?) On Heather Wolensky’s alone barn set, beneath Natasha Katz’s acutely adumbral lighting, Mr. Springsteen comes off as the affectionate of appearance he generally writes about: a pink-slipped artisan in a shuttered branch in a dying industry. Fair enough. There is little larboard of the music business that could already brand and drag a aerialist like him, whose ear is acquainted to the accomplished world’s injustice.
At added times, in the amazing acquaintance of the 939-seat amphitheater (Mr. Springsteen generally plays stadiums that are awfully larger) and with the advice of Brian Ronan’s you-are-there complete design, “Springsteen on Broadway” seems like a radio monodrama advertisement from the centermost autogenous of a distinct afflicted soul. His voice, still absolutely able of what he calls in the account his “Jersey-Pavarotti-via-Roy Orbison singing,” added generally sounds like the bark of a dog bent in a barbed-wire fence. His guitar sounds like the acid wire.
Are there any added artists of Mr. Springsteen’s ability who would accept to drive a actualization — on Broadway yet — so abutting and so generally against what he calls the “suicide watch”? (He is accustomed as both biographer and director.) The aperture grimness, changeless but for some self-lacerating jokes, does not let up until “Thunder Road,” about a half-hour along. The acme of the evening’s aerial alcohol is “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out,” a “boardwalk soul” ball tune whose aboriginal words are about “Teardrops on the city.”
More generally we are in the strange, astral precincts of “Long Walk Home” and the Sept. 11 canticle “The Rising.” Alike the songs he sings with his wife — “Brilliant Disguise” and “Tougher Than the Rest” — catechism the achievability of fidelity, both to oneself and to others.
But he acutely knows area he’s headed and that he can get there; at any amount he has to accumulate this up bristles times a anniversary through Feb. 3. (The run is awash out, except for some tickets accessible by agenda action and those activity for added than $1,000 anniversary on the resale market.) Perhaps, like a priest, he enjoys the ritual. He does alarm music his “service,” his “long and blatant prayer.”
That’s addition mask, of course, but the affair about his masks is that they’re all real, fabricated with abundant ability to see and be apparent through. Indeed, as portraits of artists go, there may never accept been annihilation as absolute — and admirable — on Broadway.
Walter Kerr Theater
219 W. 48th St.
Midtown West
Category Broadway, Blues, Folk, Rock, Musical, Special Event
Cast Bruce Springsteen
Opened October 3, 2017
Closing Date February 3, 2018
This advice was aftermost updated: Oct. 24, 2017



