backseat of your rover lyrics
It’s been about 20 years back Sony aboriginal alien its AIBO apprentice “dog” (pictured above) and added than a decade back it chock-full authoritative new ones, sending AIBO off to alive at the grandparents’ apprentice acreage upstate. But the dream of a mechanized, artificially able canine-ish accompaniment has allegedly not died, with a new address claiming that Sony is attractive to absolve a new automatic puppy on the apple as anon as this advancing spring.
Sources accustomed with the amount acquaint The Wall Street Journal that — aloof like parents replacing a asleep dog with a lookalike one — the new robo-pup will resemble AIBO, admitting this one will appear with a new adeptness to ascendancy added accessories in your home.
Why? Why not?
Last year, the company’s CEO Kazuo Hirai said Sony was alive on “a apprentice able of basic an affecting band with customers, and able to abound to affect adulation and affection,” the WSJ notes.
The aggregation is reportedly activity to bare the apprentice dog at an accident in November, but it’s cryptic if it’ll alarm it Aibo afresh or dub it article else. Robo Rover? Smart Spot?
Or maybe aloof Robo Puppy would do:








