nf therapy session lyrics
Activities may board acquirements how to use: bond and buckets, stilts, ablution tubs with a wringer, a Schnitzelbank and draw knife, affair stones to bullwork flour, a bullpen pump, candle dipping, an Auger to accomplish a candle holder, spinning machines, a duke crank bed-making apparatus and a table access for weaving.
Admission is $6.50 for ages 12 and older, $5.50 for arch citizens, and $3 for ages 11 and younger. All accretion account the actual research, canning and exhibits at the architecture at 15018 Added St., N.E., in Aurora. To apprentice more, alarm 503-678-5754 or appointment www.auroracolony.com.
Concerts in the Park: Accompany a absolute or chairs. Food, beer and wine accessible for purchase. Agenda continues with Foghorn String Band, 7 p.m. Wed, July 31; and MuhatmaGumbo music by the Tongue & Groove bandage and hits from the 1980s from the Poor Sports band, 5-10 p.m. Wed, Aug. 10. Aurora Burghal Esplanade amphitheater, 21075 Main St., Aurora; free
Golf Tournament: The Windermere Cronin & Caplan Realty Group, Inc., will host the fourth anniversary account for low-income and abandoned families at 11 a.m. Thu, Aug. 15, at the Langdon Farms Golf Club, 24377 N.E. Airport Road, Aurora.
Cost is $145, which includes active range, greens fee, golf cart, box cafeteria and a barbecue dinner. About $70,000 has been aloft for the Windermere Foundation from the aftermost three tournaments.
For anxiety and advocacy opportunities, acquaintance Nihad Aweidah at 503-939-6666 or nihad@windermere.com.
Boring & Dull Day Association Social: Based on their banal names, the communities of Dull in Scotland and Boring in Oregon formed an all-embracing affiliation aftermost year to body cultural and bartering connections.
That said. The Accompaniment of Oregon anesthetized a bill this year advertence this is "A Pair for the Ages" and every August 9th will be Boring & Dull Day.
So. The Boring Association Planning Alignment will host the aboriginal anniversary Boring & Dull Day Association Amusing from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 9, in the Boring Station Trailhead Park, off Oregon 212, amid Wally Alley and Dee Artery in Boring.
Highlights board a chargeless ice cream, brawl and a affairs featuring bounded dignitaries.
Scotland will be accustomed with a achievement by a piper and a bagman from the Sir James McDonald Pipe Band.
And America will be accustomed with brawl provided by the Tonesetters Barbershop Quartet will perform. The Oregon Civic Guard will additionally present colors at 8 p.m., followed by a banderole abode and the singing of "God Bless America" led by the Tonesetters.
A raffle for a cruise to Scotland – account $1,500 – will additionally be featured. Tickets are $20. Former Clackamas County Commissioner Jamie Damon, who helped alpha the Boring & Dull Day movement, will draw the adequate ticket.
The day will culminate with brawl music provided by Ron Ruedi and the Hurricanes -- a accustomed bandage that plays aggregate from the dejection to bedrock and cycle tunes.
Boring & Dull T-shirts and hats will be accessible for purchase. Or appointment http://boringoregon.com/?p=8156 to adjustment them now.
Admission and parking are free. Visitors are encouraged to esplanade in the Boring-Damascus Grange parking lot on Grange Street, on Academy Avenue or in the Boring Middle Academy parking lots. The Dee Artery parking lot will be aloof for bodies with disabilities, arch citizens and dignitaries.
Boring Association Planning Organization: Agenda includes lath reports, lath nominations, acreage use issues, and an amend on the Boring Developmentally Disabled Transportation Issue. 7 p.m. Tue, Aug. 6. Boring Blaze District Main Station, 28655 S.E. Highway 212, Boring; free; Steve Bates, sbates53@aol.com
Playbill: Canby Association Theatre presents the Cole Porter agreeable "Anything Goes" at 7 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, Aug. 1-10, at the Richard R. Brown Accomplished Arts Center, 721 S.W. Fourth Ave.
The Tony Award-winning ball appearance archetypal tunes such as "You're the Top," "Blow, Gabriel Blow," and the appellation song, "Anything Goes."
This is the 19th anniversary summer production, which appearance actors from Canby, Oregon City, Salem, and Portland.
All seats are $10. For advice and reservations, appointment www.canbytheatre.com or alarm 503-263-7170, ext. 3628.
-- Don Feely
The Saturday agenda includes 1980s music by Radical Revolution (7 p.m.), the Bon Jovi accolade band, Steelhorse (8:15 p.m.), the Guns N' Roses accolade band, Appetite for Deception (9:30 p.m.); and the Adventure accolade band, Stone In Adulation (11 p.m.).
Food, beer and wine will be accessible for purchase.
The accident is slated through Aug. 9. Bodies who apprehend books for a minimum of 25 hours can acquire a chargeless book. For details, appointment the libray at 292 N. Holly St., appointment the website at www.canbylibrary.org, or alarm 503-266-3394, ext. 0.
Activities for grades six and earlier board a Henna Demonstration at 6 p.m. Aug. 5.
Quilt Affectation and Fundraiser: Quilts crafted by women confined at Coffee Creek Correctional Ability will be on affectation throughout the ages of August at The Abode to Be Cafe, 190 N.W. Added Ave. in Canby.
Quilts fabricated by ability advisers will additionally be apparent and offered for sale.
The Abode to Be Bistro is dedicating Aug. 4th as a adapted fundraising accident for Coffee Creek Quilters. On that day, the bistro will accord 25% of sales to Coffee Creek Quilters. The agenda includes coffee broiled by Baptize Avenue Coffee of Southeast Portland, tea, balloon tea, adorable panini sandwiches fabricated to order, soup, salads, and admirable pastry items. The bistro will be accessible to all on that day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Coffee Creek Quilters is a committed accumulation of volunteers who advise classes at the Oregon women's prison. Anniversary apprentice in the affairs makes three quilts in account two-hour classes. The aboriginal two quilts are donated to a array of organizations that serve seniors in nursing homes, ailing children, terminally ill adults, and advance children. Anniversary year about 150 quilts are donated to these organizations. Acceptance may accumulate the third batt or accord it to a admired one.
The batt affectation is allotment of The Abode to Be Cafe's Mission Possible action to abutment bounded nonprofits.
The bistro is accessible from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Thursday; 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday.
Additional advice about the affairs is accessible on the organization's web site: www.coffeecreekquilters.org
For added advice about Coffee Creek Quilters, acquaintance Karen Bell at 971-275-0841 or bellks42@gmail.com
-- Molly Skeen, Coffee Creek Quilters
Grief Release: Hosted by Bristol Hospice, the advance encourages backward healing to accompany action aback into focus from the becloud of pain, abashing and admiration acquired by loss. Provides applied step-by-step abutment as a alley to restoration. Aboriginal chic is mandatory. Account 1:30-3:30 p.m. Wed, Sept. 11-25; and Oct. 2-9. Country Side Living, 390 N.W. Added Ave., Canby; free; Joanne Petrie, 503-698-8911
Line Dancing: Wanda Matlock teaches arch citizens some avant-garde steps. Accomplice not required. Account 1-2 p.m. Tue and Thu. Canby Adult Center, 1250 S. Ivy St., Canby; free, but donations appreciated; www.canbyadultcenter.org or 503-266-2970
Language Exchange: Convenance English or Spanish and advice added learners in a affable atmosphere. Account 10:30 a.m. Mon (except Sept. 2 and Nov. 11). Canby Accessible Library, 292 N. Holly St., Canby; free; www.canbylibrary.org or 503-266-3394
Tuesday Atramentous Dinner: Arch citizens can accomplish new accompany while bistro a chargeless dinner. Account 5-7 p.m. Tue. Zoar Lutheran Church, 190 S.W. Added Ave., Canby; free; www.zoarlutheran.org or 503-266-4061Canby Aboriginal Friday: Account 5-8 p.m. aboriginal Friday. Accompany accommodating merchants in burghal Canby for family-friendly activities, dining, wine and arcade discounts.
Handiwork Group: Arch citizens associate while bearing ability projects. Account 10 a.m. Tue. Canby Adult Center, 1250 S. Ivy St., Canby; free; accompany your own action supplies; www.canbyadultcenter.org or 503-266-2970
Pinochle: Agenda bold for arch citizens. Account 1 p.m. Tue and Fri. Canby Adult Center, 1250 S. Ivy St., Canby; free; www.canbyadultcenter.org or 503-266-2970Yoga Fitness: Erin Hancock teaches the chic for arch citizens. Account 1:15 p.m. Wed. Canby Adult Center, 1250 S. Ivy St., Canby; free, but donations appreciated; www.canbyadultcenter.org or 503-266-2970
Knitting and Crocheting Social: Accompany your own projects. Account 5-6 p.m. added and fourth Fri. 5-6 p.m. Fri, June 28. Canby Accessible Library, 292 N. Holly St., Canby; www.canbylibrary.org or 503-266-3394
For information, appointment www.ci.canby.or.us or alarm 503-266-4021.
*Canby Planning Commission: Account 7 p.m. added and fourth Monday in Canby Burghal HallDevelopment Casework Office, Council Chambers, 155 N.W. Added Ave.
*Canby Burghal Council: Account 7:30 p.m. aboriginal and third Wednesday in Canby Development Casework Office, Council Chambers, 155 N.W. Added Ave.
*Urban Renewal Agency: Account 6 p.m. added Wednesday in Canby Development Casework Office, Council Chambers, 155 N.W. Added Ave.
*Canby Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Account 7 p.m. third Tuesday in Canby Burghal Hall, Conference Room, 182 N. Holly St.
ClubsKiwanis Club of Canby: Kiwanis is a common account alignment of individuals who appetite to advance their communities. Account noon-1 p.m. Mon, except holidays. Old Boondocks Hall, Cutsforth's Thriftway, 225 N.E. Added Ave., Canby; $7-$10 for lunch; www.canbykiwanis.org or Nancy Murphy, 503-266-6048Rotary Club of Canby: Rotary is a common alignment of added than 1.2 actor business, professional, and association leaders. Associates of Rotary clubs, accustomed as Rotarians, board altruistic service, animate aeriform ethical standards in all vocations and advice body amicableness about the world. Account 11:45 a.m. Fri. Old Boondocks Hall, Cutsforth's Thriftway, 225 N.E. Added Ave., Canby; no-host lunch; www.canbyrotary.com
Canby Chamber of Commerce: Network while bistro lunch. Anxiety recommended. Account 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. aboriginal Tue. Old Boondocks Hall, Cutsforth's Thriftway, 225 N.E. Added Ave., Canby; $12-$15; Canby Chamber of Commerce, 503-266-4600 or by email to chamber@canby.com
Admission is free. The capital is at 12000 S.E. 82nd Ave. in Blessed Valley. For accommodation about the group, appointment www.fifthharmonyoffical.com
Knit Night: A amusing accretion for all ages and accomplishment levels. Yarn provided or accompany your own projects. Account 6:30-8 p.m. third Wednesday. Sunnyside Library, 13973 S.E. Sieben Esplanade Way, Clackamas; free; www.clackamas.us/lib or 503-794-3883
Let's Lego: Ages 5 and earlier can body with added Lego admirers and again breach bottomward their constructions. Account 1:30-3 p.m. third Saturday. Sunnyside Library, 13973 S.E. Sieben Esplanade Way, Clackamas; free; Legos provided; www.clackamas.us/lib or 503-794-3883Sunnyside Grange Farmers and Artists Market: Vendors advertise accomplished art, crafts, alpha bounded aftermath and eggs, fruits, accomplished foods, broiled goods, plants and specialty items. Account 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sun. Clackamas Sunnyside Grange, 13100 Sunnyside Road, Clackamas; chargeless admission; www.windancefarmsandart.com/sunnyside.php or Peter Tuomala, 503-704-4212, windance@pacifier.com
Colton Farmers and Crafters Market: Appearance amoebic appurtenances and bootleg crafts from bounded vendors from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sundays, July 28; Aug. 11 and 25; and Sept. 8 and 22, in COLTONTEL's Association Greenspace at 20983 S. Highway 211 in Colton.
For information, appointment www.damascusoregon.gov or alarm Damascus Burghal Hall at 503-658-8545.
*Damascus Burghal Council: Account 7 p.m. aboriginal and third Mon. Damascus Burghal Hall, 19920 S.E. Highway 212, Damascus.
*Coffee With the Damascus Mayor: Account 7:30 a.m. aboriginal Mon. Arrow Coffee Shop, 19880 S.E. Highway 212, Damascus
*Damascus Planning Commission: Account 6:30 p.m. added and fourth Tuesday. Damascus Burghal Hall, Council Chambers, 19920 S.E. Highway 212, Damascus.
*Damascus Lath for Citizen Involvement: Account 6:30 p.m. aboriginal and third Wed. Damascus Burghal Hall, Conference Room, 19920 S.E. Highway 212, Damascus.
Damascus-Boring Kiwanis Club: Visitors are adequate to a affair of Kiwanis International, a all-around alignment of volunteers committed to alteration the apple one adolescent and one association at a time. The bounded club supports the Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp, Adopt-A-Road, Doernbecher Children's Hospital, Terrific Kids, Meals-On-Wheels, Kiwanis Kids, Builders Club and Oregon Impact. Account 7 a.m. Wed. Pub 212, 20400 S.E. Highway 212, Damascus; no-host breakfast; www.kiwanisofdamascusboring.org or Dale Parsons, 503-806-3739
National Celebrated Site: Acquaintance avant-garde action at the five-acre armpit that appearance the aboriginal 1860 barn and tack shop, the Philip Advance abode about 1883, re-created alive accustomed store, blacksmith shop, log cabin, accurate covered wagons and carriages, and breadth that board the oldest lavender timberline in Oregon. Staff in aeon accouterment advice visitors become a avant-garde for a day by architecture their own log cabin, battery and cutting corn, abrasion clothes the ancient way, arena backyard amateur and added activities. Account 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue-Sat, through Aug. 31, and again 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat, Sept. 7-Oct. 26. Philip Advance Farm, 29912 S.E. Highway 211, Eagle Creek; $5, $20 per family; www.philipfosterfarm.com or 503-637-6324
Fairy Garden: Plants acclimated are mostly herbs so they can be developed central or out. 1 p.m. Sun, Aug. 18. The Wade Creek House, 664 Wade St., Estacada; $35, includes all materials; thewadecreekhouse.blogspot.com or 503-630-7556
Heritage Ancestors Timberline Wreath: Actualize a rustic heritage-style ancestors timberline bandage appliance canvas, burlap and black-and-white ancestors photos. 10:30 a.m. Sat, Sept. 7. The Wade Creek House, 664 Wade St., Estacada; $28; thewadecreekhouse.blogspot.com or 503-630-7556
Kayak Tours: Esplanade rangers are arch kayak tours based at Milo McIver Accompaniment Esplanade abreast Estacada on Thursday mornings through Labor Day.
The Oregon Parks and Recreation Administration is accepting anxiety to accompany the low-cost, paddle tours of Estacada Lake, abrogation from a new baiter acceptance at McIver Accompaniment Park.
"The abstraction is to accord beginners an accession to kayak technique, baptize assurance and canal etiquette, with an befalling to practice," said Guy Rodrigue, esplanade administrator at Milo McIver. "We board all of the accessories and accord bodies a basal history of the breadth as able-bodied as advice about the bounded plants and animals."
Tours bulk $15 per being and are bound to 11 participants ages 7 and older. Anxiety are required: alarm Anxiety Northwest at 800-452-5687.
The ambit paddled will be about two miles, but can be beneath or diffuse to fit the group. Three of the park's boats are bike kayaks, acceptance friends, ally or parents and accouchement to paddle together.
Milo McIver Accompaniment Esplanade is amid northwest of Estacada, 45 account alfresco of Portland. A $5 accompaniment parks day-use or anniversary admittance is adapted to esplanade anniversary vehicle. For admonition and added information, appointment the McIver esplanade website at oregonstateparks.org.
-- Terry Richard, The Oregonian
The Gladstone-Oak Grove Rotary Club will sponsor the accident Thursday through Sunday, Aug. 1-4, in and about burghal Gladstone. Acceptance is free. Appointment http://www.gladstoneculturalfestival.net/ for a schedule, accident registration, advance opportunities and added information.
The anniversary begins at dark Aug. 1 with a assuming of the movie, "We Bought a Zoo" (PG), in Max Patterson Memorial Burghal Park, 400 Exeter St.
The official bang off will be at 10 a.m. Aug. 2 at the esplanade with "The Chautauqua Event," a affairs that outlines the history of the summer figure that started in 1894 – and was about canceled this year.
The bandage up includes actuality music by Nehemiah Brown, accustomed tunes by DJ Glenn, and archetypal bedrock and brawl music by Bad Motor Scooter 7.0.
A Bark Avenue Pet Appearance will activate at 4 p.m. at the park.
Gladstone Aeriform Academy alumni are arrive to a alliance banquet from 6 to 11 p.m. Aug. 2 at the Aeriform Rocks Restaurant and Lounge, 915 E. Arlington St.
The ninth anniversary Empowerment Day Walk, Run and Race account for the Sherie Hildreth Ovarian Cancer Foundation will appear on Aug. 3. Allotment starts at 6:30 a.m., the aperture commemoration at 7:30 a.m. and the accident from 8 to 11 a.m. at Aggregation Latus Motors Harley-Davidson, 870 E. Berkeley St. Brawl and a breakfast is included.
Meanwhile the Kiwanis Club of Gladstone-Oak Grove will cast flapjacks from 7 to 10 a.m. Aug. 3 at the Gladstone Arch Center, 1050 Portland Ave. Folks can additionally get their plates abounding with sausage and eggs and cups abounding with abstract and coffee for $7. Accretion account the community.
Then arch over to Max Patterson Esplanade for brawl provided by the Grand Finale Brawl Studio from apex to 1:30 p.m., the Exhausted BangerZ tap aggregation at 2 p.m., artisan Horizun from 3 to 5 p.m., and Bad Motor Scooter 7.0 from 6 to 9 p.m. A chargeless Zumba chic is accessible at 1:30 p.m. at the Grand Finale Brawl Studio, 875 Portland Ave.
Vote for your admired compound in the "Not Yet Famous Chili Cook-off" accident from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the park. Entry fee is $20 per team.
Affordable Classics Inc. and Associated Fords of the 50's will host the Portland Avenue Archetypal Car Appearance from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 4 on Portland Avenue, amid Arlington and Dartmouth streets. The Appearance and Shine will affection plaques, trophies, prizes and a raffle. Donations are adequate and will account Northwest Ancestors Casework and the Rotary Club's scholarship program.
Bingo amateur will be captivated from 1 to 3 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. Aug. 3 and 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 4 at the park.
More than 10,000 acclimated books and added items will be featured at a fundraiser for the Gladstone Library from noon-7 p.m. Aug. 2, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Aug. 3, and 4 p.m. Aug. 4 in the John Wetten Elementary Academy cafeteria, 250 E. Exeter St.
Aerobics: Low-impact armchair aerobics for arch citizens. Account 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tue and Thu. Gladstone Arch Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; www.gladstoneseniors.org or 503-655-7701Wednesday Afternoon at the Movies: Appearance popcorn, tea, acquaintance and accustomed movies. Appointment website for titles. Account 1 p.m. Wed. Gladstone Arch Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; www.gladstoneseniors.org or 503-655-7701
Salvation Army West Women's and Children's Shelter Drive: The ambition account included abiding food, toiletries, and new and gently-used clothing, shoes, and coats of all sizes. Appointment the website for a account of adequate items. Acquaintance the club to accept items best up or for advice about renting its facility. Gladstone Association Club, 255 E. Exeter St., Gladstone; free; www.gladstonecommunityclub.com/ or gladcommclub@juno.com
HAPPY VALLEYTraveling RecMobile: Ages 6-10 arrive for games, crafts and activities. Accouchement may appear and go as they please, but a parent/guardian allegation ample out a allotment anatomy onsite. Account 2-4 p.m. Mon and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Fri, through Aug. 5. Blessed Valley Park, 13700 S.E. Ridgecrest Road, Blessed Valley; free; North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District, 503-794-8092
Concerts: Alive music. Account 6-8 p.m. Fri. New Seasons Market, 15861 N.E. Blessed Valley Boondocks Centermost Drive, Blessed Valley; free; www.newseasonsmarket.com or 503-558-9214American Girl Club: Stories, books, kits and refreshments. Account 3 p.m. added Sun. Barnes & Noble Clackamas Boondocks Center, 12000 S.E. 82nd Ave., Blessed Valley; free; www.barnesandnoble.com or 503-786-3464
Meetings captivated in Blessed Valley Burghal Hall, Council Chambers, 16000 S.E. Misty Drive, Blessed Valley. Details: http://www.ci.happy-valley.or.us/ or 503-783-3800
*Happy Valley Burghal Council: 7-9 p.m. on aboriginal and third Tuesday of anniversary month.
*Happy Valley Adolescent Diversion Panel: 5:30-7 p.m. on added Wednesday of anniversary month.
*Happy Valley Planning Commission: 7-9 p.m. on added and fourth Tuesday of anniversary month.
*Happy Valley Traffic and Accessible Assurance Commission: 7-9 p.m. on added Thursday of anniversary month.
*Happy Valley Adolescence Council: 7-9 p.m. on added Monday of anniversary month, September through May.
Rox in Sox Festival: Lake Oswego will ball host to chargeless anniversary Aug. 3 adulatory children’s music and books.
Aaron Nigel Smith, a Lake Oswego-based children's music aerialist and educator, is putting on the Rox in Sox festival, which will affection agreeable performances and readings by children’s book authors.
Performers board Smith and his One Apple Chorus -- fabricated up of adolescent singers from about the Portland breadth and apple -- and those from the PBS Kids television appearance “Between the Lions,” which Smith has been featured on. Authors who will be at the anniversary are Deborah Hopkinson, Greta Pederson and Noel MacNeal.
The anniversary will go from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and acceptance is free, although attendees are asked to accompany socks, shoes and books that will go to kids in Portland, Kenya and Jamaica. It will be captivated on the backyard at the West End Building, amid at 4101 Kruse Way.
To see a abounding account of performers and the anniversary agenda appointment http://www.roxinsox.com/.
Organizers achievement it will about-face into an anniversary accident afterwards this countdown festival.
Highlights additionally board a adolescence art show, association booths, and aliment and beverages.
Parking will be accessible all beyond the Marylhurst Campus, with a chargeless shuttle bus for those who don't ambition to airing to the art booths. Overflow parking with a shuttle will be provided at West Linn Aeriform School.
Admission is free. For added information, appointment www.westlinnartsfestival.org
"The Tale of Cymbeline": Presented by the Portland Actors Ensemble; directed by Douglas Lay. Analysis the website for performances through Sept. 1. Starts 6 p.m. Sat, Aug. 3. Marylhurst University, 17600 Pacific Highway, Marylhurst; free; www.portlandactors.com or 503-467-6573
Families will adore exploring the garden, its admixture and bastard bins, tasting alpha produce, and creating a altered agriculturalist to booty home. Assets from Adept Gardeners and Growing Breadth will be accessible to action tips on acknowledged agronomical with children. In addition, parents are arrive to apprentice about the academy and its bookish programs for students.
First Tues: Johannes Murphy and Dan Crothers accomplish Broadway and accustomed applesauce tunes. 7-8 p.m. Tue, Aug. 6. Lake Oswego Accessible Library, 706 Fourth St., Lake Oswego; free; www.ci.oswego.or.us/library or 503-636-7628
The Academy Essay: Abode a Powerful, Persuasive Statement: Tim Cantrick, who has been counseling acceptance on the academy clue for 30 years, teaches acceptance who are applying to colleges the capital elements of a acceptable appliance essay. Allotment required. 3 p.m. Thu, Aug. 8. Lake Oswego Accessible Library, 706 Fourth St., Lake Oswego; free; www.ci.oswego.or.us/library or 503-675-6580 or lochild@ci.oswego.or.us
Computer Class: Topic is "Best of the Web: The Coolest Being Online." Allotment required. 9-10 a.m. Tue, Aug. 13. Lake Oswego Accessible Library, 706 Fourth St., Lake Oswego; free; 503-675-2540
Diabetes Abutment Group: Robert Tysoe from Sonus will allocution about audition accident blockage and strategies, as able-bodied as tinnitus. Participants can additionally analysis their audition with a hand-held audiometer. 6:30-8 p.m. Wed, Aug. 14. Lake Oswego Adult Association Center, 505 G Ave., Lake Oswego; free; Janet Meirelles, 503-684-0146 or janetm365@gmail.com
"Comedie of Errors": Aboriginal Convenance Shakespeare Anniversary is committed to bringing a new (old) appearance of Shakespearean achievement to Portland, appliance the aforementioned achievement techniques as were acclimated in Shakespeare's own time: bound rehearsals, onstage prompter, fast-paced acting and admirers interaction. 2 p.m. Sat, Aug. 17. Marylhurst University, 17600 Pacific Highway, Marylhurst; free; www.opsfest.org or 503-636-8141
Taste of Greece: Hands-on affable chic with Andre Pianucci. 6 p.m. Thu, Aug. 15. In Acceptable Taste, 6302 S.W. Meadows Road, Lake Oswego; $90; allotment required; www.ingoodtastePDX.com or 503-248-2015
Basic Knife Skills: Hands-on chic with Wes O'Neal 1 p.m. Sat, Aug. 17. In Acceptable Taste, 6302 S.W. Meadows Road, Lake Oswego; $45; allotment required; www.ingoodtastePDX.com or 503-248-2015
Small Plates From Eastern Mediterranean: Hands-on affable chic with Robert Hammond. 5:30 p.m. Sat, Aug. 17. In Acceptable Taste, 6302 S.W. Meadows Road, Lake Oswego; $90; allotment required; www.ingoodtastePDX.com or 503-248-2015
Provencal Picnic: Hands-on affable chic with Robert Hammond. 2 p.m. Sun, Aug. 18. In Acceptable Taste, 6302 S.W. Meadows Road, Lake Oswego; $90; allotment required; www.ingoodtastePDX.com or 503-248-2015
Scottish Country Brawl Classes: Acquaint for beginners account 7:30-8:45 p.m. Mon; boilerplate dancers 8:45-9:30 p.m. Wear soft-soled shoes. Accomplice not necessary. Waluga Lodge 181, 417 Added St., Lake Oswego; $5 (first assignment free); http://portlandscottishdancers.org or Don Gertz, 503-692-5963 or dlgertz@frontier.comPreschool Adventure Time: Ages 3-5 years. Account 10:30 a.m. Tue-Wed. Lake Oswego Accessible Library, 706 Fourth St., Lake Oswego; free; www.ci.oswego.or.us/library or 503-636-7628Baby Adventure Time: Ages newborn-18 months. Account 11:45 a.m. Tue. Lake Oswego Accessible Library, 706 Fourth St., Lake Oswego; free; www.ci.oswego.or.us/library or 503-636-7628
The 24/7 Library: Searching Online Resources: Library-card holders can apprentice how to acceptance assets online anytime of the day or night. Allotment adapted for anniversary class. Account 10 a.m. aboriginal and added Thu. Lake Oswego Accessible Library, 706 Fourth St., Lake Oswego; free; www.ci.oswego.or.us/library or 503-636-7628Musical Lap Time: Anne Clark, an aboriginal adolescence music specialist, leads a aggregate of affable rhymes, bounces and movements advised to actualize bonding amid caregivers and babies (through 18 months old). Account 10:30 a.m. Thu. Lake Oswego Accessible Library, 706 Fourth St., Lake Oswego; free; www.ci.oswego.or.us/library or 503-636-7628
Nia: Increase your strength, adaptability and action in the chic that fuses dance, aggressive arts and yoga. Account 5:45-7 p.m. Thu. Pilates Bodies Studio, 16130 S.W. Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego; $10 drop-in per class, $32 for four-class bite card; Danielle Mery-Stern by email to merystern@comcast.netFirst Friday Pizza and Bout Play: Youth, ages 12-18, who are on the border of arena tennis or are currently arena are arrive for pizza and a supervised aggressive bout play. Junior racquets provided. Allotment suggested. Account 6-8 p.m. aboriginal Friday. Lake Oswego Calm Tennis Center, 2900 Diane Drive, Lake Oswego; $15 per session; www.lakeoswegoparks.org or Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation, 503-675-2549
The chargeless concerts are at apex every Wednesday, June 19-Aug. 28, at the esplanade amid abaft the library at 10660 S.E. 21st Ave.
For those who do not accompany a lunch, the Accompany of the Library will be on duke affairs candy and drinks for concert goers.
The Celebrated Milwaukie Neighborhood Association has appointed a array of musicians that will get your anxiety tapping, body singing and faces smiling.
Parking is accessible in the lot abaft the library and in the lot beyond the artery from Burghal Hall. The alternation is hosted by the Celebrated Milwaukie Neighborhood Association and sponsored by Willamette View, Spring Creek Coffee House, Reliable Credit, Providence Health & Services, Accompany of the Ledding Library, Comfort Affliction Dental, Bless Milwaukie, and Bernard's Garage.
Milwaukie Balladry Alternation Accessible Mic: Featured readers board Milwaukie Badge Arch Bob Jordan. 6-7 p.m. Fri, Aug. 2. St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, 2036 S.E. Jefferson St., Milwaukie; free; www.stjohnsmilwaukie.org or 503-653-5880 or by e-mail to office@stjohnsmilwaukie.org
The Accomplished Art of Success: Tips and Encouragement From Two Artists Authoritative a Living: Mark Woolley, buyer of Mark Woolley Arcade at Avant-garde Abode Mall, and Chris Haberman, co-owner of The Peoples Art of Portland arcade at Avant-garde Abode Mall, action tips on how to accomplish a active as an artist. Captivated in affiliation with Milwaukie Aboriginal Friday. 7:30-9 p.m. Fri, Aug. 2. Empty bartering amplitude at 10558 S.E. Main St. in burghal Milwaukie; free; Beth Ragel, 503-786-7568 or ragelb@milwaukieoregon.gov
Zumba in the Park: Brawl to the all-embracing rhythms of salsa, cha cha, merengue and added styles in the high-energy conditioning led by advisers Neylana Bezerra and Ana Chaud. In the Sara Hite Memorial Rose Garden. 6:30-8 p.m. Fri, Aug. 16. Milwaukie Center, 5440 S.E. Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie; $5; Milwaukie Center, 503-653-8100
Real Heroes of the Air War: Ages 10-16 apprentice about bellicism through adventuresome belief from absolute heroes of America. Participants analyze the missions of our American soldiers during the Apple War II Air War through belief told by veterans, the conception of a photo album, and added activities. Allotment required. 10 a.m.-noon Mon, Aug. 19. In B-17 Alliance architecture in parking lot beyond of The Bomber Restaurant, 13515 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie; $7 adapted donation; www.b17wingsoffreedom.org or Terry Scott, 503-654-6491 or terry@thebomber.com
Book Club: Adults apprehend and again altercate a altered book anniversary month. Alarm for titles. Account 7-8 p.m. Wed. Milwaukie Ledding Library Pond House, 2215 S.E. Harrison St., Milwaukie; free; www.milwaukie.lib.or.us or 503-786-7580
Ledding Library Book Club: Alarm for titles. Account 7-8 p.m. fourth Wed. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; www.milwaukie.lib.or.us or 503-786-7580
Knit Nite: Valarie Matthews leads a accumulation for bodies who adulation to affiliate or appetite to apprentice the skill. Account 6:30-8 p.m. Thu. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; accompany your own supplies; www.milwaukie.lib.or.us or 503-786-7580
Willamette Falls Chapter of the Coastal Absorption Association Meeting: Visitors welcome. Account 7 p.m. third Wed. Round Table Pizza, 16550 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie; free; Dale Ballard, 503-551-9772 or daleballard52@molalla.net
The afterward affairs are captivated in Milwaukie Burghal Hall, 10722 S.E. Main St., Milwaukie. Details: http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/ or 503-786-7555
*Milwaukie Burghal Council holds its assignment affair at 5 p.m. and accustomed affair at 7 p.m. on the aboriginal and third Tuesday of anniversary month.
*Milwaukie Burghal Council holds its abstraction affair at 5 p.m. on fourth Tuesday of anniversary month.
*Milwaukie Citizens Utility Advisory Lath meets at 6 p.m. on third Wednesday of anniversary month.
National Alliance on Brainy Illness: Abutment affair for spouses or ally of bodies with brainy illness. Account 6:30 p.m. aftermost Wed. Civic Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Clackamas County, 10202 S.E. 32nd Ave., Suite 501, Milwaukie; www.nami.org/sites/nami:clackamascounty or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.com
National Alliance on Brainy Illness: Suicide afflication group. Account 2-4 p.m. added and fourth Sunday. Civic Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Clackamas County, 10202 S.E. 32nd Ave., Suite 501, Milwaukie; www.nami.org/sites/nami:clackamascounty or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.com
National Alliance on Brainy Illness: Dinner, program, abutment sessions for families and accompany who affliction about accession of any age or accord who has a brainy illness, and bodies managing their own recovery.for family/peer groups of bodies with brainy illness. Account 6:30-9 p.m. added Tue. Homewood Heights Assisted Living, 17999 S.E. River Road, Milwaukie; www.nami.org/sites/nami:clackamascounty or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.com
National Alliance on Brainy Affliction Connection Group: A accretion abutment accumulation aloof for bodies with brainy affliction behindhand of their diagnosis. Account 1:30-3 p.m. Mon. Civic Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Clackamas County, 10202 S.E. 32nd Ave., Suite 501, Milwaukie; www.nami.org/sites/nami:clackamascounty or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.com
Molalla Toastmasters: Advance your accessible speaking abilities in a fun and affable atmosphere. Account 7-8 p.m. Tue. C'est La Vie Cafe, 180 Industrial Way, Molalla; No-host aliment available; http://977380.toastmastersclubs.org or molallatoastmasters@molalla.net
National Alliance on Brainy Illness: Abutment affair for families and accompany who affliction about accession of any age or accord who has a brainy illness, and bodies managing their own recovery. Account 6:30-8 p.m. aboriginal Mon. Molalla Christian Church, 223 E. Third St., Molalla; www.nami.org/sites/nami:clackamascounty or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.com
Experience the sights, sounds and smells of borderland action through belief told by interpreters in aeon accouterment staffing a blacksmith shop, trading post, wilderness house, cook's shack, carpenter's boutique and several added adequate celebrated barrio and wilderness shelters.
Try your accomplishment at throwing knives and tomahawks and accept to Native American flutists, as able-bodied as added musicians and adventure tellers.
Admission and parking are free. Details: www.cascadegeographicsociety.com or Cascade Geographic Society, 503-622-4798 or cgsmthood@onemain.com
Christmas Along the Barlow Trail: Appointment with Santa Claus, sample chargeless anniversary treats, sing Christmas carols, and accept to Native American and avant-garde canal music. Historians dressed in aeon accouterment present "Pioneer Spirits Along Mount Hood's Oregon Trail." Storytellers action "Christmas Tales of Old Oregon" -- a adventure from the canicule of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1805, to the canicule of the Oregon Trail and avant-garde settlement, to the slopes of Mount Hood in the aboriginal 1900s. Vendors advertise history and attributes books, huckleberry and wildberry products, and added specialty items. 1-4 p.m. Sun, Dec. 8. Oregon Country Settlement, 73370 E. Buggy Trail Lane, Rhododendron; chargeless acceptance and parking; www.cascadegeographicsociety.com or Michael P. Jones, 503-622-4798 or cgsmthood@onemain.comMount Hood Salmon, Augment and Bigfoot Festival: Appearance a Bigfoot affectation and Sasquatch talks and presentations; Native American belief and apricot bake; apricot abode walks and exhibits; agrarian augment exhibit; canal fest and folk music; arts and crafts; a scarecrow-making contest; and huckleberry and augment articles additional added aliment additionally accessible for purchase. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat, Oct. 5; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun, Oct. 6. Mt. Hood Village Resort, 65000 E. Highway 26, Welches; chargeless acceptance and parking; www.cascadegeographicsociety.com or Michael P. Jones, 503-622-4798 or cgsmthood@onemain.comOngoingFamily Adventure Time: Account 10 a.m. Tue. Hoodland Accessible Library, 68256 E. Highway 26, Welches; free; 503-622-3460Line Dancing: Geared for arch citizens of all levels. Account 10 a.m. Tue and Thu. Mt. Hood Village Resort, 65000 E. Highway 26, Welches; free; www.mthoodvillage.com or 503-622-7665Clubs Mt. Hood Lions Club: Lions Clubs All-embracing programs board sight, audition and accent conservation; diabetes awareness; adolescence outreach; all-embracing relations; and ecology issues. Business meeting. Account 7:30 p.m. added Wed. Mt. Hood Lions Club, 24730 Woodsey Lane, Welches; free; Dan Wolf at 503-622-4664, mthoodlionsclub@aol.com
Directed by David Smith-English, the appearance appearance Portland admired Leif Norby as Fred/Petruchio and agitative newcomer Merideth Kaye Clark as Lilli/Kate.
The aboriginal abstraction for "Kiss Me Kate" came to ambassador Arthur Saint-Subber back he was alive in a assembly of "Taming of the Shrew" with Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne. He noticed their backstage accord seemed to mirror the genitalia they were arena on stage. They would be accepting a acrimonious argument, go on as Kate and Petruchio, again avenue and aces up the affray breadth they larboard off, never missing a beat.
Saint-Subber asked Bella Spewack to abode the book for a ball about a altercation affected brace acting in a agreeable assembly of "The Taming of the Shrew" as Kate and Petruchio. Bella formed on the on-stage and off-stage worlds and Sam Spewack concentrated on the low-brow amusement of the two gangsters.
But the absolute stars of the assignment are the songs. Cole Porter was abnormal in that he wrote both the lyrics and music. Accustomed for his affable and affable lyrics and adaptable melodies, he additionally had an incomparable accommodation for abnormal rhymes. He was the adept of the alive song that distils a character's aspect to an easy-to butt anatomy and his songs for "Kate" were accounting in acknowledgment to Rodgers and Hammerstein's chip agreeable "Oklahoma!" It was the aboriginal of his shows in which the lyrics and the music were absolutely affiliated to the script. The best accustomed is the archetypal "Too Darn Hot;" others board "Wunderbar," "Another Op'nin', Addition Show," and "Brush Up Your Shakespeare."
"Kiss Me Kate" ran for 1,070 performances and won bristles Tony Awards in 1949: Best Musical, Best Author, Best Composer and Lyricist, Best Producers and Best Costumes.
"Kiss Me Kate" additionally appearance CRT favorites Doren Elias (Tevye) and Michael Mitchell (Judd) as Abyss #1 and #2, and James Sharinghousen ("Cabaret's' Emcee) as Bill.
CRT performances booty abode at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays with Sunday matinees at 2:30 p.m., Aug. 3-25. All performances are in the Osterman Theatre at Clackamas Association College, 19600 Molalla Ave., Oregon City.
Tickets are $30 accustomed admission, $28 ages 65 and older, or $15 ages 6.25.
CRT continues its division in backward September with the absurdity "The 39 Steps."
For reservations, alarm 503-594-6047 or appointment www.clackamasrep.org. The low-price examination is August 1. August 2 is awash out.
--Cyndy Smith-English, managing director, Clackamas Repertory Theatre
Concerts in the Park: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thu, through Aug. 22. Aliment account begins 5:30 p.m. Accompany a absolute or chair. The agenda continues with Norman Sylvester, Aug. 1; The Buckles, Aug. 8; Ellen Whyte, Aug. 15; and Johnny Limbo and the Lugnuts, Aug. 22. Carnegie Center, 606 John Adams St., Oregon City; free
Food Canning Classes: The Extension Account is alms a array of aliment canning classes this summer. The classes are staffed by accomplished volunteers who board apprenticeship and hands-on opportunities for participants to convenance safe aliment canning techniques and body aplomb and skills.
The agenda includes:
Preregistration is required. Bulk is $30 per class, with the barring of the Fermented Pickles classes, which are $35 each. Fee includes advisory packet, recipes, and sample artefact to booty home. The classes will be captivated at the OSU Extension annex, 200 Warner Milne Alley in Oregon City. To annals and for added information, alarm 503-655-8634 or appointment http://extension.oregonstate.edu/clackamas/.
Pink Elephant Bazaar: Appear see what treasures and must-have items anticipate you Aug. 8-10 at the Blush Elephant Bazaar: the anniversary association auction put on by Atkinson Memorial Abbey members.
The Blush Elephant Bazaar, ÂÂheld at the congregation's acclaimed "big blush church" on the bend of John Adams and Sixth streets in Oregon City, is absolutely a bazaar, including the bizarre!
Don't absence this sale. Anniversary year, auction account assortment has developed from the antecedent year.
Proceeds account the operations and association activities of Atkinson Memorial Church, a Unitarian Universalist aggregation complex in abounding amusing amends causes.
The examination auction will be captivated 5-8 p.m. Aug. 8 at the abbey at 710 Sixth St. The auction continues from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Aug. 9-10.
Refreshments included freshly-prepared barbecue, bootleg desserts, coffee and bendable drinks.
For added information, acquaintance Allanya Guenther at 503-788-1191 or a.guenther@comcast.net
-- Sarah Hunsberger
Social Media Mondays: Trevor Dodge, a Clackamas Association Academy English instructor, will altercate Twitter. If you accept a laptop or added agenda accessory which you'd like to convenance on, accompany it. 7 p.m. Mon, Aug. 19. Oregon Burghal Accessible Library, 606 John Adams St., Oregon City; free; www.orcity.org/library or 503-657-8269
Small Acreage School: Branch capacity geared for alpha farmers and baby acreage landowners board beasts and banty management, drupe and vegetable production, tractor assurance and operation, on-farm veterinary care, duke apparatus maintenance, and clay conservation. Allotment required; amplitude limited. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Sat, Sept. 7. Clairmont Hall, Clackamas Association College, 19600 S. Molalla Ave., Oregon City; $65 ages 19 and older, $40 ages 13-18 accompanied by registered adult; http://smallfarms.oregonstate.edu/small-farm-school or Heidi Noordijk, 503-678-1264, ext. 141 or heidi.noordijk@oregonstate.edu
The chargeless viewings activate about dark and abide until about 11 p.m., acclimate permitting, on the afterward Saturdays: Aug. 3, Sept. 14, Oct. 26, Nov. 30 and Dec. 28.
The Haggart Observatory, amid at the Ecology Acquirements Center, offers angle of the night skies through 24-inch and 13-inch Newtonian reflector telescopes. Viewings are chargeless during the astrochemistry club's Accessible Nights.
Space in the anchor is limited, and admirers may at times accept to delay to attending through the telescope. If the acclimate is ambiguous during the day of the event, alarm 503-594-6044 afterwards 3 p.m. for a recorded bulletin announcement if the examination will be captivated or canceled.
For added information, acquaintance Diana Fredlund, Rose Burghal Astronomers media director, at media@rosecityastronomers.
ROSE FARM MUSEUM OPENING: The Rose Acreage Architecture is now accessible to the accessible for tours from apex to 4 p.m. Saturdays through Sept. 7.
"The William L. Holmes Abode is one of the ancient and best cogent American homes in Oregon," said Rolla Harding, admiral of the McLoughlin Memorial Association. "It was congenital by William and Louisa Holmes in 1847, and it was a amusing centermost for Oregon Burghal able-bodied into the 1900s. Accustomed Joseph Lane, the aboriginal territorial governor, gave his countdown abode from the balustrade in 1849. We're blessed to allotment its adventure with the community."
The Rose Acreage Architecture is endemic and operated by the McLoughlin Memorial Association. Acceptance is $4 adults, $3 arch citizens and ages 6âÂÂÂÂÂÂ17, and chargeless to ages 5 and younger. Tours booty about 45 account and can board groups of up to 20 people. To accomplish accumulation anxiety or for added information, alarm 503-656-5146 or appointment http://www.mcloughlinhouse.org/rosefarm.html.
--Tracy Hill, McLoughlin Memorial Association
The Oregon Burghal Badge Administration is hosting its fourth anniversary Citizens Badge Academy, alpha Sept. 10.
The academy will acquaint participants to abounding aspects of avant-garde badge practices, including an overview of the cloister system; definitions of assorted crimes; presentations on badge use of force; belief and hiring process; biologic activity; acreage abnegation tests; use of badge dogs; Adapted Weapons and Tactics; and added police-related topics. The advance is advised of action acumen to the decisions admiral allegation accomplish daily, generally acute burning acumen and reaction.
Academy participants additionally will bout the badge department, Clackamas County emergency dispatch, jail, and the adolescent accession center.
The 12-week academy will board classes from 6 to 9 p.m. every Wednesday atramentous through Oct. 29 at the Oregon Burghal Municipal Court, 320 Warner Milne Road.
Participants allegation be at atomic 18 years old, canyon a accomplishments check, alive or own a business in Oregon City, be accessible for all chic sessions, be accustomed by the badge arch and assurance a accountability waiver. Participants who absence two classes will not be accustomed to abide the program.
Enrollment is bound to 25 participants.
Applications are accessible at the Badge Department, 320 Warner Milne Road, or may be downloaded from the Badge Department's academy webpage.
For added information, alarm 503-657-4964.
-- Rick Bella
Cars and Coffee on Main Street: Burghal Oregon Burghal is host to a ambit of summer contest that bless bounded heritage, ability and identity. One alternating accident blue-blooded "Cars and Coffee on Main Street" confused into accessory on June 1st and continues every Saturday morning from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. through August.
Cars and Coffee on Main Street invites car enthusiasts to activate their weekend at the bend of 8th and Main with cars, coffee and camaraderie. Advance accident coordinator Don Scott, an Oregon Burghal citizen back 1980, took this accident alternation for a analysis drive two years ago and got a actual absolute acknowledgment from participants. Participation from bounded car buffs attractive for article to do on a Saturday morning has angled back that aboriginal event. Best weekends aftermost division amid 12-15 archetypal cars, best automobiles, and hotrod drivers aggregate on the bend of 8th and Main at 8 am to allocution boutique and bandy stories.
"Downtown Oregon City's anew adequate street, barrio and facades are a abundant accomplishments to this amusing activity," said Lloyd Purdy, Administrator of the non-profit Main Artery Oregon City. "Don Scott is a abundant advance afterward his affection for old cars and this old downtown."
According to accident organizer Don Scott, Cars and Coffee on Main Artery a adventitious for car enthusiast to adhere out in a absolute accidental way. There's no car show, artery closure, anticipation or awards. This is a adventitious for the bodies who adulation to assignment on and drive their cars to get together.
"This is a absolute alpha to a car weekend, for bodies branch out to adore the accessible road," said Don Scott, Cars and Coffee on Main Artery advance accident coordinator. "This year we achievement to adapt a few drives through the surrounding countryside, catastrophe up about absorbing for cafeteria so accompany your ideas!"
The adage abaft Cars and Coffee on Main Artery is to "show up and adhere out" according to accident organizer Don Scott. Amateur mechanics with a catechism can allocution to others. A ancestors out for a weekend drive can alpha their day at this event. A car club planning a cruise to the bank or a bout to a cruise-in can assemblage at 8th and Main as their starting point.
-- Cars and Coffee
Oregon Burghal Saturday Farmers Market: Farmers and vendors advertise bounded produce, flowers, plants, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, bread, pastries, nuts, honey preserves, hummus, soaps, lotions, copse crafts, and hot and algid aliment and drinks. Appearance alive music, affable demonstrations and a Kids Ability of Aftermath Club. Debit, SNAP and WIC accepted. Account 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat, through Oct. 26. Clackamas County Accessible Casework Building, Parking Lot, 2051 Kaen Road, Oregon City; chargeless admission; www.orcityfarmersmarket.com or Jackie Hammond-Williams, 503-734-0192, or marketmanager@orcityfarmersmarket.com
Museum Tours: The architecture was congenital by William and Louisa Holmes in 1847 and served as a amusing centermost for Oregon Burghal able-bodied into the 1900s. Assurance up for a 45-minute tour. Hosted by the McLoughlin Memorial Association. Account noon-4 p.m. Sat, through Sept. 7. Rose Acreage Museum, 536 Holmes Lane, Oregon City; $3-$4, chargeless to ages 5 and younger; www.mcloughlinhouse.org/rosefarm.html or 503-656-5146
Intermediate Bandage Dancing: Apprentice the latest and acceptable steps. No accomplice needed. Account noon-3 p.m. Tue. Avant-garde Association Center, 615 Fifth St.; 50 cents per class; 503-657-8287Dance Lessons: The Bachelors 'N' Bachelorettes Aboveboard and Round Brawl Club offers acquaint account 7-9 p.m. Tue. The club for singles and couples additionally hosts dances account 7:30-10:30 p.m. Wed. Abernethy Grange, 15745 S. Harley Ave.; $5 per assignment (first assignment free); http://bnbsquares.org or Gene or Patricia Neils, 503-829-8529Knitting and Crocheting: Apprentice basal stitches and allotment tips. Accompany your own all-overs and yarn. Allotment required. Account 10 a.m.-noon Wed. Avant-garde Association Center, 615 Fifth St.; $20 for four sessions; Janice Tipton, 503-829-8031
Chrysalis: Women Writers: Bounded columnist Pat Lichen guides women writers of all levels through discussions of their work. Account noon-2 p.m. Wed. Clackamas Association College, Literary Arts Center, Rook Hall, Allowance 220, 19600 S. Molalla Ave.; free; 503-594-3254Support
Clackamas County Chapter of Parents, Family, and Accompany of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG): Visitors welcome. Account 7-9 p.m. fourth Tue. Atkinson Memorial Church, 710 Sixth St., Oregon City; free; 503-887-4556CASA 101 Advance Orientation: Adolescent Advocates, Inc. is recruiting volunteers to serve as Cloister Appointed Adapted Advocates (CASAs) for advance children. Informational affairs offered account 6-7 p.m. aboriginal Wed. Mt. Appearance Able Building, Suite 203, 101 Molalla Ave., Oregon City; free; www.casa-cc.org or Linda Rinnan, CASA manager, 503-723-0521 or lrinnan@casa-cc.org
Alzheimer's Caregiver Abutment Group: Allotment feelings, thoughts and adventures to bigger cope with and administer the aggregate problems of Alzheimer's and added types of dementia. Account 1-3 p.m. the added Thu, except Nov. 22. Avant-garde Association Center, 615 Fifth St., Oregon City; free; Diana Miha, 503-317-2245 or dhm@pdxarttherapy.com
Grief Abutment Group: The Bristol Hospice "Build a Bridge of Hope" abutment group, facilitated by Joanne Petrie, a chaplain, is a adventitious for bodies to allotment animosity and accept abutment from others who are experiencing grief. Acquaintance Bristol Hospice advance Marilyn Fergus, fergusfamily@gmail.com, for added information. Account 1:30-3 p.m. the added and fourth Thu. Avant-garde Association Center, 615 Fifth St., Oregon City; free
National Alliance on Brainy Affliction Connection Group: A accretion abutment accumulation aloof for bodies with brainy affliction behindhand of their diagnosis. Affairs action a adjustable and accidental ambiance after an educational format, and no allotment or acceptance obligation is required. Account noon-1:30 p.m. Wed. Stewart Association Center, 1002 Library Court, Allowance 15, Oregon City; www.nami.org/sites/nami:clackamascounty or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.com
Wednesday Sounds: Account 6:30-8 p.m. Wed. Agenda includes archetypal Cuban rhythms by Cana Son, Aug. 7; roots reggae by Rhythm Culture, Aug. 14; the Asian-American boot ensemble Portland Taiko, Aug. 21; and 1920s and 1930s applesauce by Midnight Serenaders, Aug. 28. Accompany a armchair or amphitheater chair. Meinig Memorial Park, 17670 Meinig Ave., Sandy; chargeless admission; www.sandysummersounds.com or Katie Murphy, 503-784-2044
First Saturday Market: Vendors advertise produce, flowers, plants, arts and crafts, aliment and specialty items. Account 10 a.m.-3 p.m. aboriginal Sat, June 1-Oct. 5. In parking lot abaft Sandy Burghal Hall, 39250 Avant-garde Blvd., Sandy; chargeless admission; Carol Cohen, ccohen@cityofsandy.com
Pinochle: Ball the agenda bold with added arch citizens. Account 1 p.m. Mon. Sandy Association Center, 38348 Avant-garde Blvd., Sandy; free; www.cityofsandy.com or 503-668-5569Flex and Stretch: Sitting and continuing contest for arch citizens. Account 11 a.m. Tue and Thu. Sandy Association Center, 38348 Avant-garde Blvd., Sandy; free; www.cityofsandy.com or 503-668-5569Oregon Trail Democrats: Account 7 p.m. the fourth Tue. Clackamas County Bank, Dark Room, 38975 Proctor Blvd., Sandy; free; Susan Gates, 503-668-9628Community Parent-Child Ball Group: Parents and caregivers with kids newborn-5 years are arrive to accommodated others with adolescent children, accomplish new friends, allotment and barter advice about parenting, apprentice about association resources, and appoint in activities that board the kids. The drop-in alternate parent-child befalling is set in a ample calm esplanade setting. Light candy provided. Account 10:30 a.m.-noon Wed. Sandy Association Center, 38348 Avant-garde Blvd., Sandy; free; www.cityofsandy.com or 503-668-5569
National Alliance on Brainy Illness: Abutment affair for bodies with a brainy affliction and those who adulation them. Account 9-10:30 a.m. third Sat. Immanuel Lutheran Church, 39901 Pleasant St., Sandy; free; www.nami.org/sites/nami:clackamascounty or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.com
FOREST MUSIC: The Accompany of Tryon Creek allure the accessible to adore a amazing agenda of bounded music at the anniversary Backwoods Music summer concert alternation at Tryon Creek Accompaniment Accustomed Breadth from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Saturdays, July 13-Aug. 17.
All concerts will booty abode in the Jackson Shelter so the accessible can adore the appearance of the esplanade while alert to abundant bands accomplish aggregate from acceptable Irish music to applesauce to bluegrass. Seating will be provided, as able-bodied as affluence of allowance for dancing. The concerts are chargeless and fun for all ages.
Tryon Creek Accompaniment Accustomed Breadth is at 11321 S.W. Terwilliger Blvd. Appointment www.tryonfriends.org for added information.
--Jessica Sweeney, Accompany of Tryon Creek
Nature Discovery Days: Families are arrive to analyze the Attributes Centermost classroom. The Accompany of Tryon Creek will accept bones, beastly pelts, their blah snake Pockets and added alive animals, and added air-conditioned being to allotment at the open-house appearance event. Account 5-7 p.m. Wed, Aug. 7-28. Tryon Creek Accompaniment Accustomed Area, 11321 S.W. Terwilliger Blvd.; free; www.tryonfriends.org or 503-636-4398
Home Abilities and Textile Day: The accessible is arrive to convenance some of the abilities that were basic to befitting acreage action activity in 1862. Visitors to the acreage will accept a adventitious to accomplish herbal vinegars, aerate aliment dough, mend clothing, sew a batt square, carve wood, ablution and choke out laundry, or aftertaste the hand-churned adulate on aliment broiled in the Dutch ovens. Sponsored by Accompany of Celebrated Champoeg. 12:30-3:30 p.m. Sat, Aug. 10. Champoeg Accompaniment Ancestry Area, 8239 Champoeg Alley N.E., St. Paul; donations accepted; www.champoeg.org or 503-678-1649
Let's Go Disc Golfing!: Apprentice about the altered sizes and types of discs, altered throws and again try them out. Discs and advance provided. Ages 8-14 allegation be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Allotment required. Accommodated at Oak Grove day-use area. 10 a.m. Fri, Aug. 2; 10 a.m. Wed, Aug. 21. Champoeg Accompaniment Ancestry Area, 8239 Champoeg Alley N.E., St. Paul; $10; www.oregonstateparks.org/index.cfm?do=thingstodo.dsp_letsGoGolf or 888-953-7677
Computers for Kids Auction: Auctioneer Ken Pryor will accept added than 80 items up for bid, including themed allowance baskets and allowance certificates for a $250 auto detail, a photography session, a banquet party, a card-making party, lingerie, and restaurants and beard and beating salons. Pizza, beverages and added candy accessible for purchase. Accretion board computer systems for low-income students. In backyard of Roberta Schwarz' abode at 2206 Tannler Drive. 5:30 p.m. Fri, Aug. 2. West Linn, West Linn, West Linn; chargeless admission; Roberta Schwarz, roberta.schwarz@comcast.net
People are encouraged to accompany a backyard armchair and a barbecue supper.
Admission is $20. Accretion abutment the White Oak Savanna acquisition. For accommodation and avant-garde tickets, acquaintance Robert Schwarz at 503-723-5015 or roberta.schwarz@comcast.net
ART IN THE DARK: A-WOL Brawl Collective announces its anniversary Art in the Dark appearance that appearance aeriform brawl in a altered setting; abeyant from the copse of Mary S. Adolescent Park.
The accident will be captivated at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 22-25 at the park, amid on Highway 43 in West Linn. Doors accessible at 7:30 p.m. Tickets ambit from $10 to $30 and are accessible at http://awol2013dark.eventbrite.com/. For details, appointment www.awoldance.org or alarm 503-351-5182.
Intriguing, eerie, and mysterious, A-WOL leads audiences bottomward a aisle into the absurd, the unbelievable, and the incredible. Reminiscent of a atramentous and white science-fiction, fantasy television appearance of the 1960s, dancers braid through four adventure curve --rich with aloof the appropriate bulk of mystery, suspense, and quirkiness to contentment audiences of all ages.
Think you've got it all ample out? Watch out (and up!) for the twists on the trapeze, flips on the fabric, pivots on the poles, swings on the chandelier, and careening of the chairs that ability leave you second-guessing what is absolute and what is not. A-WOL's Art in the Dark anniversary achievement is a fantastical, illuminated, full-length, atramentous assembly set in a altered and attenuate alfresco amphitheater appearance setting.
Transforming a clay artifice into a achievement spot, anniversary appearance is arranged with the acidity of the Northwest and a admirable aftertaste of the aptitude this breadth has to offer. Appear see why A-WOL affective the absorption of OPB's "Oregon Art Beat" during aftermost year's record-breaking season.
-- A-WOL Brawl Collective
Saturday Willamette Farmers Market: Vendors advertise produce, plants, flowers, aliment and specialty items. Account 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat, through Oct. 19. Saturday Willamette Farmers Market, Celebrated Willamette Accustomed Store, 1720 Willamette Falls Drive, West Linn; chargeless admission; www.localharvest.org/west-linn-farmers-market-M13125 or Afar McCoy, 971-207-0267
Woodworking: Novice to able carvers welcome. Accompany your own accoutrement and supplies. Account 9 a.m.-noon Mon. West Linn Adult Association Center, 1180 Rosemont Road, West Linn; free; www.westlinnoregon.gov or 503-557-4700
Let's Allocution Gardening: Allotment and aces up new tips while networking with adolescent gardeners. Account 11 a.m.-noon Wed. West Linn Adult Association Center, 1180 Rosemont Road, West Linn; free; www.westlinnoregon.gov or 503-557-4700Knitting and Crocheting Group: Accompany your projects and accompany the accumulation for chat and relaxation. Beginners additionally welcome. Account 10 a.m.-noon Thu. West Linn Adult Association Center, 1180 Rosemont Road, West Linn; free; www.westlinnoregon.gov or 503-557-4700Adult Recreational Co-ed Volleyball: New teams created account and circle in round-robin-style play. Abilities and rules accomplished and practiced. Account 8-10 p.m. Mon. Ages 18 and older. Willamette Primary School, 1403 12th St., West Linn; $2 per session; http://westlinnoregon.gov/parksrec/recreational-volleyball-open-gym, David Nepom, 503-657-3106 or by email to dnepom@aol.comPower Volleyball Accessible Gym: Advised for players with antecedent aggregation acquaintance and ability of the rules. Account 8:30-10 p.m. Tue. Gym, Athey Creek Middle School, 2900 S.W. Borland Road, West Linn; $2 per session; http://westlinnoregon.gov or Steve Young, 503-750-6151, or by email to sytees@hotmail.com
Wilsonville Rotary Summer Concerts: Aliment and beverages accessible for purchase. Account 6:30 p.m. Thu, through Aug. 8. Agenda continues with All-around FM, Aug. 1; and Hit Machine, Aug. 8. Boondocks Centermost Park, 29600 S.W. Esplanade Place, Wilsonville; free; www.wilsonvillerotary.com/concerts
Bob Ross-style Oil Painting: Alpha with a bare canvas and leave with a completed masterpiece in the chic accomplished by painter Judy Stubb, a certified Bob Ross floral instructor. Allotment required. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat, Aug. 10. Wilsonville Accessible Library, 8200 S.W. Wilsonville Road, Wilsonville; $48 per class, includes supplies; www.ci.wilsonville.or.us/parksandrec or Wilsonville Parks and Recreation, 503-682-3727 or wcs@ci.wilsonville.or.us
History Pub at McMenamins: The Wilsonville/Boones Ferry Actual Society, McMenamins and the Wilsonville Accessible Library aggregation up to present programs absorption on Oregon's affluent history. Account 6:30-8 p.m. the aftermost Tue. See agenda at website for topics. McMenamins Wilsonville - The Old Church, 30340 S.W. Boones Ferry Road, Wilsonville; free; www.wilsonvillelibrary.org or Wilsonville Accessible Library, 503-682-2744 or reference@wilsonvillelibrary.org
First Friday Film: Watch the latest releases, from blockbusters to absolute films, on a big screen. Candy accessible for donation or accompany your own. Account 6-8:30 p.m. aboriginal Fri. Wilsonville Accessible Library, 8200 S.W. Wilsonville Road, Wilsonville; free; www.wilsonville.lib.or.us or 503-682-2744
Hola! Hola! Drop-in Spanish Practice: Adults can accept fun and accretion aplomb conversing in Spanish through crossword puzzles, and alliance and chat exercises. Account 10-11 a.m. Mon. Wilsonville Association Center, 7965 S.W. Wilsonville Road, Wilsonville; free; www.ci.wilsonville.or.us or 503-682-3727
Nia: Increase your strength, adaptability and action in the chic that fuses dance, aggressive arts and yoga. Account 11 a.m.-noon Mon and 5:45-6:45 p.m. Wed. St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, 8818 S.W. Miley Road, Wilsonville; $8 drop-in per class, or $24 for four-class bite card; www.stfranciswilsonville.org or by email to p.jones@stfranciswilsonville.orgOngoing activities geared for ages 55 and older
Pinochle and Cribbage: Ages 55 and earlier can accomplish new accompany while arena games. Account 1 p.m. Tue. Wilsonville Association Center, 7965 S.W. Wilsonville Road, Wilsonville; free; www.ci.wilsonville.or.us or 503-682-3727
Stretch, Backbone and Stamina: Exercise chic for ages 55 and older. Account 11-11:45 a.m. Mon and Fri, June 17-Dec. 20 (except holidays). Wilsonville Association Center, 7965 S.W. Wilsonville Road, Wilsonville; $1 drop-in fee; www.ci.wilsonville.or.us or 503-682-3727SupportDiabetes Abutment Group: Account 10-11:30 Wed. Wilsonville Association Center, 7965 S.W. Wilsonville Road, Wilsonville; free; www.ci.wilsonville.or.us or 503-682-3727
Alzheimer's Support: Account 10 a.m.-noon the third Fri. Allotment required. Wilsonville Association Center, 7965 S.W. Wilsonville Road, Wilsonville; free; 503-570-1526
Wilsonville Burghal Hall, Council Chambers, 29799 S.W. Boondocks Centermost Loop E, Wilsonville.
For information, appointment www.ci.wilsonville.or.us
*Wilsonville Burghal Council: Account 5 p.m. aboriginal and third Monday.
*Wilsonville Planning Commission: Account 6 p.m. added Wednesday.
-- Vickie Kavanagh


![NF-All I Have [Lyrics] - YouTube NF-All I Have [Lyrics] - YouTube](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7Bl6rdf8Tjk/hqdefault.jpg)

