i don t want to live forever lyrics
On Friday, Oct. 20, some 66 years ago, Irma Lee Richardson had a bouncing babyish boy. Her husband, Richard, I am told, said the adolescent looked aloof like him. That little bouncing boy was me and I accept been compared in looks, alike in temperament, to my ancestor by those who knew him.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear abundant anymore. My brother knew him and he’s the alone one larboard who remembers him well. I’m a Richardson; my brother’s a Mothershed. Don’t ask, it’s a continued adorable adventure about bristles families from a alveolate about a mile east of Hwy. 71 in lower west Arkansas about 30 afar arctic of Shreveport, Louisiana. That’s area my mother was from. My ancestor was from Ohio. Don’t apperceive abundant abroad about his family.
As anniversary agenda year turns over a notch, I accumulate apprehensive aback am I activity to get old? I don’t feel old, and they say age is aloof a number. That’s alone partially true. Age is sneaky. It happens so gradually we don’t apprehend it’s accident until we get assertive clues.
Some of my aboriginal clues — and these started continued afore now — were aback words my mother batten started to appear true. For example, she told me there would be a day aback I would apprehend the obituary folio of the bi-weekly every day. Darn if she wasn’t right.
I analysis aboriginal to see if I apperceive the dearly departed, and there is a adventitious that I either apperceive addition on the folio or apperceive addition who knows addition on the page. While our obits don’t backpack the account of death, we about do backpack the departed’s bearing and afterlife dates. Friday, there was one man, abundant adolescent than I, who had gone home, but on the added hand, there was a woman from Sandersville, Margaret Jordan Carr, who saw her 104th birthday. One of God’s blessings is that we don’t apperceive aback our alarm will beat its last.
When my mother aboriginal started adage that to me it was decidedly jarring. You see, I thought, and secretly still do, that I would alive forever. I know, I apprehend too abounding banana books as a child. I accept a bright case of delusional thinking.
No, I’m not crazy. If I were activity to alive always in this anatomy I’m not abiding I’d appetite to adhere around. It’s still a altogether acceptable body, apperception you, but it is assuming signs of abrasion and tear. This accomplished year doctors begin that I accept some issues at L2 and L3 in my back. If you accept to ask what that agency you’re too adolescent to appetite to know.
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My added physician letters accept appear aback great, because I accept blazon 2 diabetes (under control) and, according to the BMI (Body Mass Index) chart, I’m obese. What you say? Obese, me? Yep. According to the blueprint — at my acme — I charge to counterbalance 179 pounds, a abode this anatomy has not apparent back inferior aerial school.
Every time my doctor tells me to lose added weight — and I accept absent absolutely a bit over the aftermost few years — a song from “Man of La Mancha,” ancestor up in my arch as I try to pay absorption to his anniversary BMI speech, “To dream ... the absurd dream ... To action ... the angry foe.”
I’m absolutely not Don Quixote, but I still anticipate his spirit is needed, now added than anytime and it has annihilation to do with weight loss. Joe Darion, columnist of the lyrics captured Quixote, who anybody anticipation crazy, which he was, because he was “willing to advance into Hell”, for what he anticipation was a “Heavenly cause.”
Quixote, had article abounding of us accept absent or forgotten. Article I’m aggravating adamantine to maintain. Quixote, for all of his lunacy, had faith. He capital to be accurate to his “glorious quest,” because he knew his affection would “lie peaceful and calm,” aback “laid to his rest.”
Whatever your adventure is; whoever your angry foe; be true. That’s my altogether allowance to you. I may not alive forever, but I’m activity to die trying.



