that girl is a real crowd pleaser lyrics
10/10/2015 – Michigan 38, Northwestern 0 – 5-1, 2-0 Big Ten
[Bryan Fuller]
It was one fan, maybe two or three, in the south endzone. He or she or they wrote themselves into a bend of Michigan acceptance with one of the simplest chants in sports. It's the one that gets deconstructed into the letter D and the outline of a fence at NFL stadiums beyond the country. It is about as altered and appropriate as "Seven Nation Army" at this point, but activity is all about timing.
I accept been to every Michigan home bold in the aftermost 18 years and I accept never heard that. It is alien, the affectionate of affair I backfire from because it represents the melting of our appropriate Michigan snowflake.
And angelic shit, man. The little pin-pricks all beyond your scalp; the agitation in the hands; the alike of sweat; the arising of tears manfully suppressed. I could not participate myself. I was too gob-smacked to do abundant of annihilation at that moment. Michigan was up 38-0 with time about to expire. It was 4th and 17. If you had asked me to draw a agenda from the accouter at that moment I couldn't accept managed it.
Since the podcast started I've looked at a lot of lyrics from songs I love, and on the folio they're collapsed nothings. This was the afflicted of that. Two syllables; one word; and yet, poetry.
This is it, already. The architecture activity affronted out to be a distinct offseason of four-hour practices and antagonism over aggregate from starting positions to the best affected mashed potato carve at dinner. Brady Hoke may not accept been able to point his aggregation in the appropriate administration accustomed two tries, but he could recruit, and the fruits of his labors accept been acid molecule-thin by a man who can get hat-displacingly affronted up a billion credibility in the additional half.
Michigan admirers were dying for this. Barely anyone larboard until abysmal into the fourth quarter, and there were still abundant bodies accessible to run through a bank with 29 abnormal left, abundant bodies to bang the columnist box and accelerate electricity up your spine.
The contempo Harbaugh-to-NFL bonfire ups acquired Michigan cheep to already afresh latch on to the blow leg of anybody who dared advance that Harbaugh would anytime leave the borders of Ann Arbor (save for alley games, of course). In the aftermath, media associates got rabies shots and agilely conferred about how Wolverines admirers are low key the best annoying on the internet.
They are not wrong. We booty afterwards our mascot: evidently innocuous, secretly abandoned bastards with a pipe-crushing grip. Anyone aggressive the adored will be verbally berated until they accord up in exhaustion. Afterwards the aftermost eight years in the wilderness alike the anticipation of a aberration enrages.
I emceed the Alumni Association's tailgate on Saturday, and I heard an abominable lot about how things accept afflicted in aloof a year. Absolutely they have. I went aback to the bold cavalcade afterwards bold six of 2014, in which I meditate on the dejection of the Kids In The Hall's affair song and bury their "Each Day We Work" sketch. This was the absoluteness of the bit about football:
Football happened, in the accepted way.
That declared a accident to Rutgers.
In that cavalcade I talked about how the best ambrosial bit of Kids In The Hall was consistently that affair song, blue-blooded "Having An Boilerplate Weekend"; I went aback and listened to it, and now I anticipate that song is genius. It abounding me with a faculty of comfort and optimism. That's an boilerplate weekend, aloof a year afterwards things were so bad they spawned the aboriginal and alone Wolverine Revolutionary Popular Front.
An boilerplate weekend ends with a amphitheater abounding of bodies exhorting Michigan to accomplishment burying their opponent, with two syllables campanology through the nation's bigger stadium, already afresh abounding to the brim. With belief.
Let those who would angle in Michigan's way come.
[Note: Alejandro Zuniga abrupt the carol aboriginal but the complete affection wasn't what I capital so I reproduced it.]
Maize and Blue News has the Harbaugh presser and additionally the players.
this will end abominably for you son [Fuller]
Known Friends And Trusted Agents Of The Week
you're the man now, dog
#1 Jourdan Lewis had a amazing YOINK pick-six in accession to about actuality Jourdan Lewis. Gypsy seems absolute acceptable with him currently.
#2 Jabrill Peppers annihilated the advantage several times, had 3 PBUs aback activated in advantage (though one of them should accept been an INT), laid the final block on Jehu Chesson's alpha return, got the key block on Lewis's INT return, and fair bent all address of abbreviate punts, extenuative Michigan dozens of yards of acreage position.
#3 Jake Rudock was able and capable; alleged into activity on the arena he larboard a Northwestern LB in the dust on a comedy evocative of Tate Forcier's "I Saw Awning Zero" touchdown.
Honorable mention: All DL were able but Henry and Glasgow in authentic stood out. Jehu Chesson's KO TD was added arrangement than abracadabra but accursed he is fast and added a few nice plays on O. De'Veon Smith alone had eight carries but had the absolute Northwestern accessory on his aback for one of them. AJ Williams led the aggregation in catches and blocked well.
KFaTAotW Standings.
6: Jourdan Lewis (#1 UNLV, #1 Northwestern)5: Chris Wormley(#2 Utah, #1 Oregon State)4: Jabrill Peppers(#2 BYU, #2 Northwestern)3: Jake Butt (#1 Utah), De'Veon Smith(#2 Oregon State, #3 BYU), Ryan Glasgow (#1 BYU), Desmond Morgan (#1 Maryland),2: Ty Isaac(#2 UNLV), Jabrill Peppers(#2 BYU), Maurice Hurst (#2 Maryland).1: Willie Henry (#3 Utah), AJ Williams (#3 Oregon State), Channing Stribling(#3 UNLV), Blake O'Neill(#3 Maryland), Jake Rudock(#3 Northwestern)
Who's Got It Bigger Than Us Of The Week
This week's best affair ever.
Jehu Chesson wins the bold in the aboriginal 15 seconds.
Honorable mention: Antic Lewis pick-six.
Utah: Crazy #buttdown.Oregon State: #tacopunts.UNLV: Ty Isaac's 76 backyard touchdown.BYU: De'Veon Smith's adulterous teleporter run.Maryland: Jehu Chesson jet sweeps able you.Northwestern: Chesson aperture KO TD.
This week's affliction affair ever.
USA-Mexico. Seriously, I got nothin' from the absolute game.
Honorable mention: Blake O'Neill's additional touchback. I assumption one of those third and fifteen conversions?
Utah: amphitheater avenue aces six.Oregon State: Rudock fumbles afterwards assault bust.UNLV: Rudock matches 2014 INT absolute in bold 3.BYU: BYU manages to get to amateur chiffre yards in the aftermost account of the game.Maryland: Slog continued by deflected interception at Houma.Northwestern: KLINSMANN OUT
[After THE JUMP: this week's means in which Harbaugh out-schemed his opponent, Happy Iowa Rudock, John Baxter's aboriginal BANG, and added aegis aegis defense.]
This Rudock you can win big things with adverse this defense. Jake Rudock had his best bold at Michigan, a 17/23 achievement that saw him attach a ton of abbreviate to abstinent breadth throws and move about to acquisition his dumpoff aback that became necessary. 7.8 YPA and no turnovers is activity to win Michigan every bold they comedy from actuality on out except maybe OSU.
This was, to aces an archetype not absolutely out of nowhere, a Brian Griese blazon of game. Michigan's arch receivers were two bound ends and De'Veon Smith; the longest achievement to a advanced receiver was a bristles backyard annoyance avenue that Chesson continued to 27 afterwards the catch.
Remember that this was an able canyon aegis with agitating corners. Michigan's gameplan absolutely removed them from the equation. Aside from one aberrant canyon to cipher in authentic in the aboriginal half, neither cornerback was alike activated in coverage. Every achievement was to an accessible guy.
The alone hardly arresting allotment of Rudock's achievement was a second-half addiction to sit too continued in the abridged and booty sacks. This was agnate to the BYU game, in which Michigan raced out to a huge advance and afresh coasted to the finish, with Rudock abandonment downfield shots in an accomplishment to accumulate a apple-pie about-face sheet.
Identifying a anemic spot. A change: his week's best accessible apprenticeship wins on breach came on canyon plays. Michigan ran four in routes on which the aperture receiver would about but not absolutely block the guy nominally over him and the alfresco receiver would cut to the interior, aback actual open.
All of those were completed for cogent yardage, and afterwards the aboriginal brace it was bright that Harbaugh and aggregation had IDed article in the way Northwestern was active its coverages that would accomplish those advanced accessible consistently.
Also a bright win: the aboriginal big bolt of the game. Michigan ran what looked to be a waggle and afresh Jake Butt affronted his bridge avenue to a bend abroad from the (false) rollout; he was Oh Advanced Accessible and Michigan was a backyard abroad from their aboriginal TD.
Piesman candidate? [Eric Upchurch]
Finally, the big Kerridge boom saw Michigan annoyance Kerridge aloof to the appropriate of Rudock; on the breeze Northwestern's linebackers all flung themselves at the point of advance that agreement implied. Kerridge popped out the abaft to acquisition cipher on the additional level. Remember aback ambiguity fullbacks were a arresting giveaway? Not anymore.
Tailback by absurdly ample committee. Non-sack carries: Derrick Green 12, De'Veon Smith 8, Karan Higdon 8, Jake Rudock 3, Sione Houma 3, Joe Kerridge 2, Jehu Chesson 2, Drake Johnson 2, Ty Isaac 2.
Part of this was injury. Smith absent aftermost week's bold and was shelved as anon as things got out of duke in this one, which was quickly. Drake Johnson is "working through something" according to Harbaugh. He was advantageous abundant to get a brace carries but they are acutely afraid about tweaking article and axis whatever his affair is into a longer-term problem.
Another allotment was Ty Isaac's fumbles aftermost week. It's a continued alley aback from that.
Another bit was abhorrent frippery. Michigan congenital some breadth read. That was effective, and apparently would accept been added able if Rudock had kept addition brace times aback it seemed like Northwestern had cipher for him. The fullback dives and Chesson's end-arounds are additionally filed here.
Finally, Higdon. I'm not activity to accuse about demography the redshirt off of him. He got a cogent cardinal of carries in an important game, and he ability be bare activity advanced accustomed the ambiguous bloom of a cardinal of Michigan's backs. Meanwhile, Michigan is gunning for important things all of a sudden. That feels like demography the redshirt of Caris LeVert during the Trey/Tim Final Four year—if he can accord you annihilation it's account it.
Flimsy Higdon eval. Compact, fast guy. He got chopped bottomward a lot on bend actuality that saw Northwestern beam into the backfield, but he did accept one cottony cut afterwards he got afar that helped him aces up nine yards.
Most of the plays that didn't assignment were Northwestern jumping an bend play, not annihilation he did wrong.
Upgrading "Chesson is kinda like" references to Steve Breaston. Chesson had a 66-yard touchdown on which he juked a assurance out of his shoes aftermost week; this anniversary he turns on the jets on the alpha acknowledgment and had an able aberrant end-around that best up a aboriginal down, additional a bolt and run on a annoyance avenue on which he outran a DB to the corner. His athleticism is acceptable a absolute asset, and he's got some agitate to him. He is additionally angular and not currently abundant at authoritative plays downfield, but he brings absolutely a bit to the table anyway.
Tailback renaissance. There (probably) won't be abounding complaints about tailbacks missing holes in the UFR this week, as it seemed like anniversary and every guy to get a attack did article well. De'Veon Smith alien several altered guys, including four on one theme-establishing run on which Nick Van Hoose should accept had to buy a ticket. Higdon artsy eyebrows with the aloft run; Isaac got the bend on that angle counter.
And Derrick Green looked great. He still goes bottomward to abate tackles too abundant but at atomic in this bold he showed off his absorbing concrete ability; he looked bigger than he'd anytime been on the final touchdown drive.
I'm captivation off on declaring these guys anchored forever, but the anniversary to anniversary advance actuality is encouraging. And, I mean, Thomas Rawls is abacus abstracts to our accumulation of affirmation that Fred Jackson tailed off abominably at the end of his tenure.
The line. I haven't talked about the bandage abundant this year because the alone performances don't jump out at you. This bandage doesn't accept a star. Nor has it had a authentic anemic point aback Utah blew the guards out of the water. Ben Braden's accomplishing okay; canyon aegis is about acceptable but Cole had issues adjoin Ngakoue.
They're all solid. So they affectionate of go afterwards animadversion a lot.
This breadth is affectionate of short. Aggregate dominant, Justin Jackson gets 25 yards on 12 carries, Michigan armament addition aggregation that absolutely doesn't appetite to bandy to bandy a bunch, etc. Having an boilerplate weekend.
LOL NOPE [Upchurch]
Hello. My name is Jabrill Peppers. You ran an advantage to my ancillary of the field. Prepare to die. Accept to admiration WTF Northwestern was cerebration with the acceleration advantage actuality they were running. For one, Thorson is actual bad at it appropriate now. Best of the time he pitched the brawl way early, acceptance Michigan to cord the comedy out afterwards anyone demography the QB. And at atomic two of them were directed at Jabrill Peppers; on the aboriginal he able his now-trademark bonfire about the central of the guy aggravating to block him for a TFL.
It's acceptable that they activated him, though, if alone to reinforce the actuality that accomplishing so is a actual bad idea.
Hello. My name is Willie Henry. You are not a bear. Prepare to die. Northwestern absolutely didn't appetite guys looping about Michigan's arresting tackles to get chargeless runs at the quarterback. Unfortunately their band-aid to this was to about-face those tackles chargeless already the guy to the central on the achievement approved to get to the looper. Henry and Glasgow were in Thorson's lap abundant of the game, with three sacks and affluence of hurries amid them. (One was a advantage sack.)
PFF continues to brand Michigan amateur and has articular a brace of important factors on the D: absurd abyss on the DL and how they are aloof killing it on stunts.
Michigan’s arresting bandage is the chance of this one. The defense, as a whole, gets acclaim for the shutout, but it was absolutely this superb bandage accomplishing all the abundant lifting. Aloof attractive at the top performers account below gives you a appealing solid adumbration of what I’m talking about. Bristles altered linemen graded at 2.5 or above. Mind you, alone four arresting lineman see the acreage at one accustomed time. That’s absolute domination. Michigan may actual able-bodied be the best aggregation at active stunts in the absolute country. The ability and acceleration with which they can advance both abandon of a achievement was too abundant for the Northwestern bandage to handle, and I alone saw a few stunts all day that the Wildcats’ bandage was alike able to aces up.
As a benefit all of Michigan's DL graded out absolutely in their system, with Glasgow arch the way.
By the way, if Henry's day grades out in UFR like I anticipate it will he will be the fifth Michigan DL to hit double-digits this year. That is insane.
Hello. My name is Jourdan Lewis. /stabs. I mean, go advanced with whatever you're activity to do, opposing offenses.
Just don't try to explain it.
Welcome to the defense, Royce Jenkins-Stone. I anticipate he played every breeze until Michigan started alternating in the abysmal backups. I didn't anticipate he fabricated abundant appulse but PFF had him Michigan's #4 aerialist on the day, aloof abaft Lewis. If I acquisition a agnate appulse for him in UFR that will be a actual abating thing.
Slants and below actuality and crosses are there. Michigan fabricated it adamantine for the best allotment but there are holes you can blow in the advantage if you get abundant time. Connor Cook will be a desperate advancement from anybody Michigan has faced aback Travis Wilson (although Tanner Mangum is now disturbing it up—he's completed aloof below 70% of his passes for 8.1 YPA the able two weeks).
BANG! I fabricated a antic aftermost anniversary that Northwestern's addiction to bang off abbreviate would be accessible the one time they kicked off, and now that antic is the best authentic affair I've anytime said. Jehu Chesson ripped off a 96 backyard acknowledgment on the opening, sole Northwestern alpha and that was that.
That acknowledgment was far from accidental chance. It looked like Michigan knew that Northwestern would try to put it on the amusement abroad from Peppers and set up a acknowledgment advised to accomplishment this. Michigan slid their absolute acknowledgment to the larboard and absolutely pulled two guys about like it was a ability play.
Chesson started anon upfield afore breaking out to the right, breadth cipher was. Northwestern helped out a little aback one of their awning guys got out of their lane, but I don't anticipate he would accept mattered. Chesson bankrupt to the amusement with a wall, and with his acceleration that's bold over. Michigan absolutely absent that bifold aggregation block to the basal appropriate of that shot; Peppers accursed him to allowance the TD.
This was a plan, one that formed perfectly, and afterwards a agglomeration of attenuated misses John Baxter has his aboriginal game-breaking comedy as Michigan's appropriate teams coach.
The aftermost guy to do that was on the sideline, by the way. Tyrone Wheatley was some affectionate of fast.
That affectionate of KOR is what I'm aggravating to analyze the Chesson one from. It wasn't a plan, it was aloof a affair that happened.
A actual affable fair catch. Yes, Ace is authoritative a supercut of all the Peppers ball-placements afterwards his fair catches.
Incrementing article aplomb levels. Kenny Allen's 47 yarder was appropriate bottomward the average and would accept been acceptable from 52, maybe 55. That's his aboriginal hit from alfresco 40 and addition footfall appear article confidence. We are affective able competence… a little.
Almost allotment 2. Michigan seemed a fizz abroad from addition big appropriate teams comedy on the acreage goal, as you can see. I admiration if the burden acquired this bang to go wide—and how abounding on-target bliss get alternate to sender. Michigan additionally aloof about put guys in the absorber into the punter several times.
Touchbacks. Rats. Blake O'Neill had his aboriginal two touchbacks of the year. One was on a ammo that alone beyond the ambition bandage afterwards it had catholic 59 yards. The added hit abreast the amusement and bounced wrong. We are processing his displacement affidavit currently.
[Bryan Fuller]
Alumni cheer: the best. I emceed the Alumni Association's accession tailgate on Saturday, and the alumni cheerleaders tore bottomward the house. Bodies absolutely adulation them; so do I. Are their numbers bound somehow? There assume to be below of them these canicule and guys from the 70s and 80s aren't amid them. Does anyone apperceive what the accord is there? I'd abhorrence for that academy to achromatize away.
TUBES. Welcome back, tubes.
Ryan Van Bergen is the villain in a Jason Statham movie.
That is all.
Halftime. I am of two minds about the band's halftime show. On the one hand, it was active abundant to get a aloft acknowledgment from the army afterwards its completion. As The Hoover Street Rag said, "Ode To Joy" was a bit on the adenoids but I was activity it anyway. The concert speakers were a acute addition; I acquainted the audio was added present in my breadth than usual.
On the added hand, the anniversary accession appearance is the best. I appetite the guy with the knives and the added guy with the blaze and the alumni cheerleaders and "you can't accept one afterwards the other." I'm academic the New York Philharmonic affair could alone be done this weekend—they are in town—and the adjustment actuality was excellent. I do not appetite the acceptable accession to go away.
A new affair I like. In the third division the cheerleaders got up on the bank and started bouncing their easily about in accommodating ways.
People on cheep address that this is "the rollercoaster" and is a common affection of aerial academy amateur they accept attended. I cant' say I've anytime appear beyond it in college, and it looked agitating and acquainted absolutely fun, so let's abduct it and accumulate it and pretend we invented it. That's what we did with Yost Ice Arena, so it's already a tradition.
We talked about this on the podcast some, but in this bold it acquainted like the able-bodied administration was activity in the appropriate administration as far as the in-game actuality went. The aloft was cool; the scoreboard announcements are below intrusive; they absolutely nailed their video bales this year. I'm not the bigger fan of the James Earl Jones one's writing—it says a lot of "we're the best" actuality that's best larboard implied—but it's got frickin' James Earl Jones. Meanwhile this year's adaptation of "The Team" gives me chills and the Ufer-themed bandage addition can and should break forever.
The music is still too accustomed and loud. It abnormally bothers me appropriate afore kickoffs because there's a affair that bodies do with the bouncing of the hats and activity "OHHHHHHHHH" that I anticipate is boring accepting phased out so Appropriate K can hit us with "Sandstorm." But in accepted the peripherals are improving.
Jehu Chesson has the best aghast dad face. OKAY OKAY I'LL CLEAN MY ROOM AND GET A-PLUSSES
Targeting. I am not afraid Ross's did not get overturned. Fair or not that affectionate of hit on a caught receiver is appropriate in the affection of the rule. I don't anticipate he meant to do it, but I don't accept a botheration with it.
Reversing the beforehand alarm on Rudock was nuts, though. Rudock goes to arena and gets hit absolute helmet to helmet by a guy who had time to relent. Consistency.
Best and Affliction got bumped on Sunday. Central The Box Score:
A.J. Williams, Receiving Threat* A.J. led the receivers with 4 catches for 48 yards. Exhibit A in the case for Harbaugh's drillmaster of the year choice is this carbon line. He takes guys that Brady Hoke struggled to put in positions to accomplish and makes them cogent contributors to the team. Added examples accommodate Braden, Clark, Poggi, Houma, and Strobel. And the account aloof goes on and on. And he knows how appropriate teams are declared to work.* Rudock advance the abundance afresh amid 7 receivers. 7 passes went to TEs, 7 went to WRs, and three went to Smith.
Opponent Stock Report:
This is Michigan. That's how I acquainted afterwards / during this game. And not alike Carr or Moeller's Michigan which abounding years absent 3-4 games, and about consistently a wtf game. I am talking Bo's Michigan. Excellence in 2 of the 3 phases (special teams, defense) and "boring" but acceptable in the 3rd phase. Yes please.
After black the hell out of me aftermost week, Iowa 2014 Jake Rudock resurfaced. For an absolute game. For the aboriginal time this year. And it admiring me. (stroke-cat-on-lap.jpg). If this Jake never leaves us this year uhh... you guyz... this is a 10 win team. Umm... maybe 11. Guyz?
Numbers and rankings and oogly boogly oh my. Michigan stays third in S&P, and they accept a tighter anchor on that baronial this week. Their aegis is #1; their breach is 46th. Both of those numbers assume about right. The drill-down stats are ridiculous. It has Michigan a 68% or bigger admired in every actual game, and it's Penn State that looks the best dangerous.
An oddity: Northwestern flew up 17 spots in this week's rankings. They are aided by the 4th-toughest agenda in S&P terms; their D is still fifth. As always, booty computer appraisement a lot like recruiting rankings: they beggarly article but not everything.
FEI charcoal added agnostic than S&P but has confused Michigan up to 11th, in a sandwich amid OSU and MSU.
Vegas has Michigan 10-to-1 to win the civic title, which is batty alike in the ambience that bets like that are consistently accoutrement bets.
Blog things. Hoover Street Rag:
Homecoming is a adventitious to acquaint yourself a chance about the past, alike if it's, if not a lie, not the able truth. You leave out the genitalia of those four years of your activity that you'd rather balloon and focus on the acceptable stuff. If you do anticipate about the bad stuff, you either anatomy it as a advance experience, or attending aback in bemusement. That chic you apparently should accept gone to added generally to get a bigger grade, well, it able you the accent of absolutely assuming up for your job on time, every day. That time that the dude puked all over your aback as you were abrogation S'keeps on the aperture night of the NCAA Tournament? Well, at atomic your anorak was GoreTex and it done appropriate off. That babe that you went out with during your chief year from Northwestern? Well, it helped you apprentice who you were as a person.
In reality, it's not that abundant altered than actuality a Michigan football fan.
Sap's Decals:
SPECIAL TEAMS CHAMPION – Typically the Appropriate Teams Champion gets also-ran, blah advantage – not anymore! I’ve played on abundant teams and watched abundant football to apprehend that the absolutely abundant teams end up accepting contributions from altered players anniversary week. Saturday adjoin Northwestern was a archetypal example. In contempo weeks I accept mentioned how the aegis may accept set the accent aboriginal in the bold with an INT, or how the breach may accept set the accent by assertive and active for an aboriginal score. Well, Jehu Chesson beatific a bulletin that hasn’t been beatific aback Tyrone Wheatley alternate the aperture alpha for a touchdown adjoin Houston in 1992. We’ve all credible how adept Drillmaster Baxter has been with these Appropriate Teams in the aboriginal six games. They are starting to attending absolutely appropriate indeed.
Derek Jeter for Nerds. Word is that LeVar Burton has a inferior babe at U-M, and he was on prem Saturday. Below he spent a few account in the berth with Brandy and Dierdorf (left). The aftermost administrator on the Enterprise to appointment Michigan Amphitheater was Patrick Stewart appointment during the 2006 Brawl State game:
I can't ameliorate this allegory accurately because I don't absolutely appetite to amount out things about the Yankees, but this is apparently added the catcher from those teams aback Geordi captivated aggregate calm with discharge and aqueduct tape.
Also can we amuse get Michael Dorn? This is a Klingon defense, man. Worf onsite would be righteous.
Genuinely Sarcastic:
When Jim Harbaugh aboriginal arrived, abounding admirers wondered who would be the aboriginal Big Ten drillmaster to abatement into his crosshairs; who would be the adverse ambition of the aboriginal exact jab, the aboriginal attack beyond the bow? Meyer and Dantonio were the accessible choices; James Franklin was a darkhorse.
I'm of the close acceptance that it's never activity to happen. Aback he was in San Francisco, Harbaugh's abutting affair to a "confrontation" was the active handshake with Jim Schwartz, followed by Schwartz freaking out. Alike the altercation with Pete Carroll was bedfast to the football field. At Stanford, Harbaugh took aim at both Michigan and Carroll in an attack to body some fizz about Stanford, afresh one of the affliction D-1 programs in academy football. Annihilation to get bodies talking. He knew he would accept to aback up his bravado, and he did.
At Michigan, not alone is such allocution unnecessary, but it would be tiresome, afterwards alert to Brady Hoke allocution boxy and never deliver. I additionally accept Harbaugh angle such things as actuality below him in his position as arch drillmaster at Michigan. I accept that Jim Harbaugh, Michigan Arch Coach, makes every move below the acceptance that the apparition of Bo Schembechler is attractive over his shoulder. He conducts himself as if Bo is watching in judgment, and to get into a war of words in the columnist with an opposing drillmaster is not article a Michigan drillmaster does; Bo would never accept of such barbaric behavior in public.
Sideline tantrums he's absolutely bottomward with, though.
Touch The Banner:
De’Veon Smith looked the best I’ve credible him. Until he larboard the bold bedridden and did not return, I anticipation Smith (8 carries, 59 yards) looked like the best anatomy of himself I’ve seen. Of course, he has had some nice runs over the able brace years, and he absolutely wore bottomward Oregon State a few weeks ago to the point breadth he was trucking defenders larboard and appropriate adjoin the end of the game. But from the aperture snap, I anticipation Smith was in attenuate form. He fabricated some nice cuts – which is sometimes an breadth of weakness – and he was bowling over some allegedly beginning defenders on a acceptable arresting unit.
Big Abode Blog. Maize and Blue Nation. Cumong, GSI. "Michigan's absolute aegis can't win the Heisman Trophy, but maybe it should."
[Chris Morris/ESPN]
Other things. ESPN's "Drawing Conclusions" is consistently ablaze and assuredly we're accordant abundant to feature. Gameday! Helmet sticker:
By blanking Northwestern in a 38-0 achievement on Saturday, the Wolverines accept now gone three after amateur afterwards surrendering a distinct point. That is an alarming accomplishment that had not been able by an FBS academy aback Kansas State in 1995. Northwestern was captivated to alone 38 yards hasty on 25 carries, and the casual bold wasn't decidedly good, either. The Wildcats completed 15 of 33 passes for 130 yards with no touchdowns and one interception. Michigan, which now leads the country in scoring defense, has outscored opponents the able three amateur 97-0. Dating aback to Anniversary 2, the account is 160-14.
Baumgardner grades:
WIDE RECEIVERS/TIGHT ENDS: B Hello, A.J. Williams. The best day of his career, by far, and a accurate archetype of a amateur who has credible his career jump-started by Harbaugh's apprenticeship staff. Williams -- who was rarely anytime advised a casual advantage during his aboriginal three years on campus -- was Michigan's arch receiver Saturday: Four receptions for 48 yards. Jake Butt fabricated a big comedy (32-yard catch) and still leads all Big Ten bound ends with 22 catches on the year.
De’Veon Smith says it’s all starting to accomplish faculty now, from the punishing, four-hour practices aback in March and that now-fabled undersea chance in August to the circadian fights over the best atomic — and basal — tasks with his teammates. Such as who can get to the banquet table first.
“We aloof attempt at every … little … thing,” Michigan’s inferior tailback said Saturday as he approved to accomplish faculty of this credible changeabout of fortunes for the Wolverines’ football program.
Speaking of best-case scenarios: Alike the best die-hard, pie-eyed, front-pew believers in the messianic ability of Jim Harbaugh couldn’t accept absurd the sleeping Wolverine activation with such atrocity in such little time.
Lewis is an All-American. Feldman. Clammin' up as the barbarian that feeds on boldness comes to town. Addition shell-shocked coach. Quinn.
I adulation Graham Couch:
PISCATAWAY, N.J. — This was amid the best wins of Mark Dantonio's administration at Michigan State.
You get afraid that aback Drew Sharp retires or is broken afar by an affronted mob that you won't accept any bi-weekly guys to bang around. Afresh the "Alex Carder is the best QB in Michigan" guy announces himself out of nowhere—and he gets a bigger gig! Manna from heaven, Graham Couch is.
Let's get way advanced of ourselves talk. Playoff? We're talking about playoff?
Michigan: Afterwards a 38-0 beating of advanced best Northwestern on Saturday, Michigan is authoritative its case for the best aggregation in the Big Ten. Jim Harbaugh has the Wolverines advanced of agenda and arena some of the best aegis in the country.
We're talking civic appellation contender? Michigan opens –3 adjoin MSU, bandage bound all-overs to 7. It has acclimatized at –6.5.
49ers point and laugh. Not petty at all.
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