spirit move lyrics
Admittedly my attack at alternating lyrics to Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” is shoddy, and yet my adaptation was ashore in my arch as I traversed Iceland for 72 hours, afterward Reyka Vodka cast agent Trevor Schneider -- who is like a bearded, bespectacled, long-haired, and about man-bunned cheerleader with the activity levels of a Labrador puppy on Vitamin B shots.
I met Trevor in New York City. It was over cocktails, and we bound confused on to talking about activity figures. You see, like myself, he is a alarmist of the Star Wars variety, and loves his toys.
But he additionally adeptness be the bigger fan of Iceland not of Viking descent. Trevor makes his active talking about a spirit distilled in the country, and – he emphasizes -- fabricated from baptize that comes from a 4,000-year-old spring, and filtered through bedrock rocks.
Sure, that’s a acceptable pitch, but Trevor’s ambition is beneath to advertise me on vodka, but to instead allotment with me his activity for the country itself. And so, with a little added than three canicule at our disposal, Trev and I activate a attack up arctic to burrow into the spirit of the country.
The mission? To acknowledgment the question, “What is Iceland?”
I acreage with Trevor at Keflavik International Airport at 7 a.m. on a Monday morning, and arch beeline to the coffee shop. I blot bottomward a quadruple espresso as he annoyingly subsists on amber shots. I affectionate of abhorrence him at this moment; his disposition is as ablaze as his orange sneakers, and he has too abundant activity for a man aloof off an abrupt flight.
The plan is to appointment the Viking Apple architecture in Reykjanesbær, with a beauteous appearance of the Atlantic Ocean, and again accept to our auberge in Reykjavik. That is not what happens.
We do booty a abrupt breach at the museum, which houses the Íslendingur, a Viking address modeled afterwards an accurate ninth aeon vessel. The address sailed from Iceland to New York in 2000 to bless the millennial ceremony of Leifur Eiríksson’s chance to the New World.
Daniel Krieger
But a comfortable morning cruise to the architecture somehow leads to me actuality on an ATV, traversing arctic landscapes beyond streams, through mud and bedrock fields, up behemothic hills, and overlooking towns and hot springs below. This is Trevor’s abstraction of diving appropriate in.
Sure, I about tip over a few times, and as I hit the burke in what is about a car afterwards a careful shell, a faculty of fun and chance overcomes the acquaintance of my mortality. Keep in mind, I’m in a jumpsuit with goggles on, accepting mud in my aperture aboriginal in the morning afore I’ve akin brushed my teeth or put on deodorant. And abounding disclosure: All-terrain cartage aberration me out. They go fast, and I’ve been befuddled from them. But they are exhilarating, and accommodate an accomplished way to get an up-close acquaintance with the aboriginal Icelandic landscape.
It is not yet noon, and Trevor caked in mud on his helmet and jumpsuit, extolls the alarming adeptness of the ATVs, and the abandoned view. Trust me, this is endearing. It additionally helps that Trev is about able with some accoutrement of the barter to whip up a brittle cocktail on the spot.
After ATV’s, we arch to Reykjavik, breadth I advance to shower, booty a much-needed nap afore regrouping for dinner.
A agenda about Reykjavik: Aloof two degrees south of the Arctic Circle, Iceland’s basic is welcoming, and gets agrarian afterwards 1 a.m. During my visit, the canicule were still long, with the sun ambience about 10 p.m. (being so abutting to the Arctic Pole leads to canicule with either alone four hours of aurora in the winter, or up to 21 in the summer). A majority, about 60 percent, of Iceland’s 330 thousand association animate in Reykjavik – and from my perspective, best of them assume young.
Travel to Iceland has become added affordable in contempo years, and the six-hour flight makes it an accessible commitment. And, in accession to the activity that you are on addition planet, the burghal of Reykjavik is a huge affairs point in visiting the country.
Reykjavik like a Nordic Brooklyn, with aloof as abounding beards, bands, and fashionable attire, breadth adroitness abounds. Accomplished art, literature, theatre, and animate music assume to cascade out of every bend of the city.
As abundant as it is account a appointment to the architectural highlights of Hallgrimskirkja -- the 240-foot alpine Evangelical Lutheran abbey aerial over Reykjavik – and the steel-and-glass Harpa concert hall, I begin my admired allotment of the burghal to be in a crusty, but cozy, angle boutique in the old anchorage section.
Trevor took me into Saegreifinn, or “The Sea Baron Restaurant” afterwards a puffin-watching bout (where we mainly got wet and Trev and I bent the adviser batten like Iceland’s acknowledgment to Christopher Walken). Founded by retired fisherman Kjartan Halldorsson, who died in 2015, the restaurant is the analogue of casual. It is rustic, and feels like the affectionate of abode breadth you may appointment a accumulation of acrid fishermen accepting a beer afterward a haul.
The Sea Baron lays affirmation to the best lobster soup in the world, and while I can’t affirm that claim, it is a abuse accomplished stew: rich, meaty, bold, and absolute with aliment for dipping. In fact, as a mélange of angle is served up on plates and skewers on our table, Trevor and I dig in for an breezy meal – abutting by no beneath than the life-size (and endearingly creepy) wax mannequin of Halldorsson himself.
On my own, I afterwards accomplish my way to Kolaportið, the ample flea bazaar abreast the anchorage where, on weekends, visitors can aces up all array locally-made clothing, best goods, and yes, akin hákarl – that belled Icelandic “delicacy” of brewed shark. (Give it a try, but it’s fishy, smells of urine, and is about appealing terrible.)
Iceland is active (and appetizing -- brewed bluff aside)
If addle bluff isn’t your thing, and no judgement actuality if not, stick with Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur, or “The best hot dog in town.” The hot dog angle was ranked the best hot dogs in Europe by The Guardian, and has hosted Bill Clinton and Metallica’s James Hetfield. Order it with the works of ketchup, candied mustard, absurd onion, raw onion, and remolaði, a mayonnaise-based booze with candied relish. It isn’t that the hot dogs are the best you’ve anytime had, but they are a almost bargain treat, and a fun day-tripper allure that’s additionally enjoyed by affluence of locals during lunchtime – and backward at night.
You can acquisition about 350 online listings for restaurants in Reykjavik, but Trevor opts for Food Cellar for banquet in Reykjavik. He occasionally throws out the adulatory expression, “it’s lit, fam,” but I anamnesis audition the aboriginal time from him as we entered here. And it is absolutely appealing lit, fam. A adequately new brasserie off the boondocks center, the fine-dining enactment is anchored in a 160-year-old architecture with a amber admirable piano fabricated from the 1880’s, amid appropriate in the capital room.
The card is modern, but with acceptable Icelandic items such as Langoustine aka Norway Lobster, and akin some puffin dishes. Out of the accumulating of items I had, I was a accoutrement for the cellar-style skrimp cocktail on skewers; the pan-fried absolute cod with kale, mustard, and apples; and the crazily breakable apathetic adapted lamb shank, with broiled onions, and carrots.
The Food Cellar additionally excels with an absorbing cocktail card that is inventive, and chiefly tasty. I’d acclaim the Molecular Auto Drop, which is Reyka Vodka, auto juice, amoroso syrup, and Cointreau foam. The card additionally appearance antagonism cocktails, which advance Icelandic staples, such as The Black Frog with Brennivín (the absinthian Icelandic schnapps), Limoncello, and cumin syrup.
Overall, I begin the cocktail arena in Reykjavik to be exceptional. Apotek bound became addition admired atom while I was visiting, and its arresting concoctions such as the Don Estragon (Reyka, Estragon/Tarragon, absinthe, amateur sec, auto juice) and Apotek Negroni (Beefeater, Campari, Antica formula, crowberry liqueur) were amid some admired alcohol memories from my visit.
Of course, if you’re traveling with Trevor, aloof acknowledgment espresso martinis. This is what I appearance at Trev’s signature drink, and he makes it afterwards animate a signature move – afterwards actuality obnoxious, the man will allocution his way abaft every bar. What’s more, bodies acquisition him so agreeable that they absolutely appetite him aback there to whip up one of the best versions of the alcohol I’ve anytime had; it’s added espresso forward, and not too sweet. But it packs a caffeinated punch.
But if you appetite article candied to drink, again accept with a White Russian at the acclaimed Lebowski Bar. Inspired by The Coen Brothers blur The Big Lebowski, and busy like The Dude’s anamnesis – anticipate 1950s booth adorned with a lot of bowling adumbration with a bar captivated in a rug that absolutely ties the allowance calm – the alcohol card appearance a brace dozen White Russian recipes, alternating with added specialty cocktails.
Lebowski Bar is a must-visit avant-garde Reykjavik landmark, and it begins to aurora on me that Trevor is article of a added active Dude – accidentally philosophical, but in bigger shape, and with a nicer sweater. I catechism your adeptness to acquaintance joy if you don’t get bent up in the whimsy of this spot. It will put a smile on your mug, and wiser fellers apperceive it’s absolute for both those canicule aback you eat the bar, or aback the bar eats you.
But if you appetite hip, arch elsewhere. The Reykjavik bar arena doesn’t absolutely appear animate until afterwards midnight or 1 a.m. on the weekend, and the affair goes able until about 5 a.m. And there is affluence of affair to be had in the city. But arch to Lebowski Bar to artlessly arctic afterwards pretention, while testing how abounding White Russians you can absorb -- afore acumen you don’t absolutely adore White Russians all that much. But that’s just, like, my opinion, man.
Trevor stops to breathe. Whether overlooking arctic rivers, waterfalls, bedrock bedrock and agitable beef fields, Trev has a addiction of pausing and demography a abysmal drag of the apple-pie Icelandic air. It is the affectionate of affecting activity one adeptness apprehend from a acquaintance who has aloof afresh apparent self-affirming “serenity now” self-help book.
Iceland’s Dejected Lagoon receives a lot of publicity because of its silica mud and geothermal seawater. The allure is account the appointment for a absorb that makes your bark feel silky, and cleansed. But don’t abash the dip in the dejected baptize at the manmade ability with experiencing the abounding ambit of Iceland’s accustomed offerings.
Daniel Krieger
It is all-important to frequently abeyance and absorb up the country’s aboriginal beauty. During continued drives on country roads, our disciplinarian chock-full so we could booty it all in. We collection through the amazing Cold Basin – an old benumbed aisle the Vikings would ride on their way to the age-old Viking assembly site. And, in conceivably one of the best attractive scenes I’ve committed to memory, we encountered a dozen or added horses and filly on a agronomical on the ancillary of the road, and in a sprawling field. On addition stop, we explored caves that ballad said is home to trolls. Trevor additionally performed handstands on the ancillary of the road.
From peaceful admiration to asperous terrain, we encountered done out roads, overtaken by a able stream. Again were pushed aback by acrid apprehension and snow as we attempted to drive up a glacier. (The apprehension were so intense, in fact, that pieces of our agent airtight off, and our ample SUV was agitation aback and alternating – which fabricated for an exhilarating, and hardly concerning, experience.)
Later, I accomplish my way on my own to Thingvellir Civic Park, about 25 afar alfresco of Reykjavik, to airing through the scenic, bouldered basin that leads to waterfall. The breadth denotes the acme of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and separates the Eurasian and Arctic American tectonic plate. Historically, the breadth additionally served as the civic assembly of Iceland activity aback to 930 AD, breadth leaders and commoners akin would gather. And Game of Thrones admirers will admit it as the aisle arch to the Eyrie from Season Four.
Looking beyond the valley, with a amazing angle of Iceland’s better accustomed lake, Þingvallavatn, I stop to breathe, and let the abracadabra of Iceland beat me. Over the advance of a few abbreviate days, I apprehend the active Labrador puppy of a animal Trevor was assimilate article with his adulation for this country. This is Iceland, and yes, it is lit, fam.


