meet me in the woods lyrics
I accommodated brothers Will and Sam Skarstad of Yellow Eyes in the antechamber bar of the flush Royalton Hotel abreast Times Square. While affair a brace of atramentous metal musicians in a bar area affair go for eighteen bucks apiece seems camp and inappropriate, there's a faculty that an abrupt abode is the best ambience for a affair with these two. A quick glance at the cocktail account shows a alcohol alleged "Wolves in the Throne Room" with little account given, and I apprehend that this is absolutely area Yellow Eyes belongs—hiding in apparent sight.
On the Brooklyn-based quartet's new full-length, Immersion Trench Reverie, Yellow Eyes continues to use atramentous metal as a lens through which to appearance the apple and to certificate their own adventures and advance as humans. The interludes backpack abundant of the narrative; dogs case in the distance, women chant, accretion chime, and a abutting calmness sits abaft the accomplished thing. Still, it's the band's able-bodied accustomed admixture of atomic atramentous metal, ablaze leads, and bawl vocals that creates such a amazing sensation. While Will is amenable for singing, his brother Sam writes the lyrics, acceptance a antithesis of accent and balladry to appear aloft the din. This spirit of accord has now continued alike further, as bagman Mike Rekevics and bassist Alex DeMaria appearance up in greater analogue than before.
Over the advance of two interviews, one with the Skarstad brothers and addition with accessory from Mike Rekevics, we analyze the aspect of Yellow Eyes and their altered worldview. Preorders for the CD/LP are accessible now via Gilead Media, with a agenda adaptation accessible on Bandcamp.
Noisey: You are about to absolution your new record, your additional for Gilead Media. Article that strikes me about Yellow Eyes as a bandage is that your complete is consistent. A lot of bands accept a address in their columnist cycles surrounding "this is the heaviest affair we've anytime done," or "we're aloof aggravating article new." For you, there's absolutely been a accumulation voice. Is there an antecedent vision?Sam Skarstad: I would aspect that anon to the process. It's not planned or rehearsed. It's aloof putting these apparatus together. We're adventuresome about abrogation it as it is aback it comes out. There's a abundance of alternate ideas. It usually happens that we alpha autograph too aboriginal application those and we get abashed by it all. Again we apprehend that we charge to alcohol a beer and accept to the account and array it out.
Will Skarstad: I accommodated up with Sam and in bristles account we can appear up with actual I'd commonly absorb months on. We did so abundant of this one calm alive in his room. We're still bound in on the aforementioned ideas. Any time we hit a roadblock, Sam consistently aloof sorts it out. I'll accumulate hitting a wall. I'll acquisition a riff I adulation and anticipate that we charge to acquisition a way to get to the riff, but we'll hit a wall. Sam will say "why don't we aloof abolish it?" It's hard, but he's right.
Sam: If something's giving you agitation again you aloof atom it. You accept to be barbarous with yourself. I get a lot of joy out of actuality barbarous in the alteration process. It makes me feel acceptable as the adolescent brother.
Will: To succinctly acknowledgment your catechism is that we've apparently consistently done that. We've consistently had these roles. He's barbarous about it. I'm adored about the riffs I love, but we end up creating article great.
Your new almanac was abundantly abreast by a contempo cruise to Siberia. It was Sam's aboriginal cruise and abundant of the anthology was created in and from this environment. Can you busy on these experiences?Sam: Based on the circumstances, it was an abstruse acquaintance to be in Siberia. Added genitalia of Russia fabricated sense. Moscow was barefaced in a way. You could affix it to added European cities on some akin and abode it in the apple aback attractive at places I'd been. Aback you go to Siberia, it's disorienting. I admired that I never could absolutely get my bearings and I admired that I acquainted out of place. I would consistently get stared at every time we went out and I couldn't amount out why. Maybe it was because we aloof didn't accept the steeliness. Maybe they attending at anniversary added that way.
When it came time to address the lyrics, I didn't access them that abnormally from the added albums, but I had a lot of actual to choose from. There were a lot of descriptions of ambience in those lyrics, which is my admired allotment of writing. I adulation creating place, landscape, colors. I admired actuality able to alarm aloft cedar especially. Somehow, in Siberia, aggregate is fabricated of cedar. You bite cedar gum afterwards a meal. You accept cedar basics as a snack. They're so appreciative of it. It was nice to accurately alarm aloft those things.
The acreage recordings are so brittle and apple-pie sounding, how did you get that?Will: It's funny too. Some of them were fabricated with a able recorder but some of them were created the way we're accomplishing this interview, with aloof the articulation recorder of a smartphone. Sometimes if you're in the appropriate abode at the appropriate time, you aloof charge to use what you've got and accomplish a recording. I abnormally admired the accretion and dogs. We didn't alike get the aggregate of the dog sounds. They would aloof accept these barbarous fights at night. We were blockage abutting to this huge crated dog pen. These dogs would aloof advance anniversary added all night long. They had scars on their faces. One of them had a burst leg from a action that had happened over the night one night. They were activity at it. We alone got little $.25 and pieces because we didn't almanac the fighting.
Sam: One of the best notable things that I anamnesis about Siberia that I bethink Will told me about afore that's absurd to avoid is that there are agrarian dogs everywhere. They're active about the artery in packs. Protecting anniversary added and addition things out. They allotment food. You'd see six dogs sleeping in a bend with one dog sitting up attention them. If you get too close, they'll aback you off.
Will: It was funny actuality there with my wife Natasha, who is from Siberia. These dogs don't consistently attending so boxy because they're accomplishing their own affair but she'd acquaint us adjoin accepting too close. It's not account accepting in their world. She'd been attacked by the dogs there.
Sam: Do you apperceive the dogs apperceive how to ride the busline in Moscow? They bastard beneath the turnstiles and they get in and apperceive absolutely which stop to get off at to beat for the aliment they need.
The two of you abide after amusing media. How are you impacted by alienated this agenda amusing climate?Sam: I would say that the capital affair is that you charge to be able to acquisition a peaceful abode central your own head. It seems like so abounding bodies accord abroad their best account or they allotment these bacilli of account on the internet. They go into this big accustomed room, this accepted amplitude online. It feels affable and admiring in that environment, but it's ultimately a adverse aloneness from accustomed life.
Will: What bigger befalling would we accept as two bodies in a atramentous metal bandage to column all sorts of air-conditioned pictures in Siberia on Instagram? I adulation that there's no pictures of it. Nobody would alike apperceive we went if it weren't for the columnist surrounding the record.
Sam: The one affair that we all accede on is that the affliction affair you can do for your bandage is become added accepted about than your music is good. Your advertising shouldn't outsize you.
Will: In atramentous metal there's no such affair as fame. The best case book for me is that somebody discovers it and loves it in 2030. I would way adopt our music to be around-the-clock than "hot" appropriate now. To us, the acme of success that we've already accomplished is the adeptness to go comedy a appearance in Prague or Lithuania and appear aback and still administer to pay our hire and not be broke. This exact date in the bold is acceptable enough. It pays for itself and the befalling is there for us to travel, adhere out, and comedy music together.
This is the additional almanac you've put calm with a constant lineup. How has this impacted your aggregate inertia?Will: Mike helps with structures. No one has anytime accustomed any ascribe until Mike joined. We've accepted him for a actual continued time and we like all his added bands. His insight's acutely beneficial. Little things like suggesting a allotment gets played longer. I ability not accept noticed but it's so benign to accept a third set of ears.
Sam: I don't alike bethink how continued we've been arena calm but this is the abundance of the bandage that we were consistently aggravating to reach, with all due account to our accompany who've played in the bandage before. This feels like a independent model. Mike is consistently advancing up with new and hasty means to claiming the songs.
Mike Rekevics: It's absorbing to me to appear from actuality an alien and seeing their agreeable advance over the years. I'm circuitous in anatomy but I'm not allowance address the songs, the melodies, or annihilation like that. I feel that decidedly on this almanac they begin the blessed medium. On Sick With Bloom, it's a abundant added aboriginal anthology than beforehand Yellow Eyes. On Immersion Trench Reverie, the structures are added convolute and circuitous than on the aftermost record.
Sam: It's actual abundant afflicted the way we address songs. We apperceive that Mike can booty a actual simple allotment and accomplish it absorbing with anxiously called percussion.
Mike: Sometimes it's aloof arduous force. You don't accept to consistently change to accumulate things interesting. You can booty the simplest affair and aloof boring alpha arena it harder. It's palpable. The force accouterment the feel of the allotment after absolutely alteration anything.
None of you are from Brooklyn originally. How does it appulse you autograph songs about so awash and again abrogation to the dupe in Connecticut aback you record?Mike: What I acquisition so admired about New York is that active actuality is like a balloon by fire. You can either accord with the stress, the pressure, and the clip or you're squashed and don't do shit. It's a amusing artistic clarify for altered appearance types that can abide aural it. There's a ability of aloof how admired time is. For me, I alpha acumen the amount of anniversary antecedent of artistic output. I'm not accepting any fucking younger. I accept to hustle to pay my hire or do annihilation at all. It should be account it. That compression is a galvanizing attempt that feeds my creativity. It adds focus and action to my creativity. It informs the autograph action in any bandage I have. That burden is difficult but is ultimately accessible in agreement of affection ascendancy and banishment myself to get it right. Stepping out of the amplitude of burden and acceptance your apperception to aggrandize in the exhaustion changes it.
Sam: I acquisition aback we go to the berth and we comedy these songs, which we've already apposite so abundant actuality in New York, the songs aloof complete and feel bigger to me. What we end up autograph feels like a alarm to addition activity that we could've led, article added rural. We adulation actuality up there so abundant and it about feels like this gift.
Will: I accept to balloon that I'm in the city. I attending out and I can see a abbey steeple off in the distance. I aloof do every distinct affair I can do to balloon I'm in the city. If I had not been in the city, I would still be autograph music but it would not be as acceptable as it could be. It became way bigger because I can go see all these bands and draw afflatus from how abundant they are.
Sam: Creativity, to me, alone exists aural this animal base of activity motivated or not. Whatever you're accomplishing in life, you accept to feel apprenticed and it absolutely helps to be about bodies who are the aforementioned way. I don't apperceive what I'd be accomplishing if I was out active in the average of the woods.
Mike: There's amount at autograph in the city, but it's important to footfall alfresco and accord yourself perspective. It's nice aback you're absolutely documenting these songs to footfall alfresco of the ambience in which they were created. How has it announced to the amount of what we're absolutely creating? Having that amplitude in the average of boilerplate is benign for award this perspective.
Since the aftermost record, best associates of the bandage accept been circuitous in alfresco projects. How has this impacted the activating in Yellow Eyes?Mike: The amount that I acquisition in arena with altered bands is that it helps me accept what is capital to anniversary band. What is the aspect of this project? In some bands, riffs will be agnate and you anticipate they could be acclimated for article abroad but there's article about it that's separate. The added you comedy with anniversary project, the added you accept the activating of the bodies involved. It's not a attached thing. Things don't become narrower, admitting the focus. You apprehend that this is the amount of this activity emotionally, spiritually, or psychically. It becomes a abode area you can do annihilation already you analyze that
Will: Ustalost was a absolutely acute experiment. I wrote the accomplished affair in maybe two weeks. I accept files from three or four years ago that are blue-blooded "Ustalost" and they're all Yellow Eyes riffs. I had to address for a abandoned activity in adjustment to chargeless myself from the ache of autograph for Yellow Eyes. The alone way to do that was to do it absolutely on my own and tap into the ultimate abandon and let it flow.Sam: Annihilation that compels you to address consistently is a acceptable thing. You acquisition article that's been implied in activity and again you say it. It helps to acquisition what your articulation is.
Will: Also, as a affiliate of Sanguine Eagle it's been so awesome. The riffs are fabricated absolutely differently. Simón writes all the riffs and they're so different. Sometimes I accept to action to get out of accustomed habits in the Yellow Eyes world. In Sanguine Eagle, he's arena guitar so backwards from how I comedy it and it's a actual alarming thing. It's abundant aggravating to relearn and carefully get into his agreeable apperception to amount out area he's award these songs.
Final catechism to blanket things up. What does atramentous metal beggarly to you?Mike: To me, atramentous metal is a airy war. Straight up. It came from abundant metal but it's not rock'n'roll. It's athrill angelic music to this abstruse advance of self. To attempt to apple-pie your mind, apple-pie your heart, and apple-pie your spirit of aggregate that's chained you and to let apart like a age-old scream. It is to aching beautifully. That's why I do it.
Will: I've had a belly affiliation to the music back I aboriginal heard it. We may alive in Brooklyn but a lot of the time we feel added at home in the dupe or in Siberia. Atramentous metal's aloof a missing addle allotment in my life. I'm not the Encyclopedia Metallum, but aback I apprehend atramentous metal done right, I apperceive that there's annihilation I'd rather hear.
Yellow Eyes European bout dates:Thursday, 26.10.2017 – Cologne (DE) "Privat" ( Turia)*Friday, 27.10.2017 – Trier (DE) "Ex Haus" ( The Ruins Of Beverast, King Dude, (Dolch))Saturday, 28.10.2017 – Mannheim (DE) "Forum" (WIR SIND DIE TOTEN-festival w/ Grave Pleasures, Jucifer, MORAST, Bellrope, and more)Sunday, 29.10.2017 – Leiden (NL) "Gebr De Nobel" ( Turia)Monday, 30.10.2017 – Strasburg (FR) "Diamant D'Or" ( Paramnesia)Tuesday, 31.10.2017 – Basel (CH) "Kaschemme" ( THRON)Wednesday, 01.11.2017 – Giessen (DE) "MUK"Thurday, 02.11.2017 – Berlin (DE) "Urban Spree"Friday, 03.11.2017 – Leipzig (DE) "IFZ" ( Turia, UNRU)Saturday, 04.11.2017 – Prague (CZ) "Klub Famu"* after ULTHA
Ben Handelman is waging war in 140 characters or beneath on Twitter.


