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CARD Chief Programs (call apropos amount and dates):
["485"]Champion Concrete | Discount Flooring Center Inc Moncton NbLakeside Pavilion: 2565 California Park Drive, Chico, 895-4015.
CARD Association Center: 545 Vallombrosa Ave., Chico, 895-4711. Pleasant Valley Recreation Center:2320 North Ave., Chico, 895-4719. .
Chico Sports Club: 260-C Cohasset Road, Chico. 345-9427.
Paradise Chief Center: 877 Nunneley Road, 877-1733.
Paradise Recreation Center: 6626 Skyway, 872-6393.
Feather River Chief Center: 1335 Myers St., Oroville, 533-8370.
Feather River Activity Center: 1875 Feather River Blvd., Oroville, 533-2011.
Paradise Recreation and Park District, Terry Ashe Recreation Center: 6626 Skyway, Paradise. 872-6393.
Senior diet locations: Lakeside Pavilion, Chico; Feather River Chief Center, Oroville; Masonic Lodge, 5934 Clark Road, Paradise.
Information: Passages Adult Resource Center, Chico, 800-822-0109.
Paradise Chief Tennis Club: 8:30 a.m. Paradise Aerial School. Nonprofit club for anyone 35 or earlier from all communities. Aboriginal affair free; associates $15 per being or $25 per brace per year., 570-2165. Second Saturday.
Bingo: 12:30-3 p.m. $4 for three games, $8 for six. Chargeless coffee; soda, candy for sale. Feather River Chief Citizens Association, at Chief Center, Oroville. Accessible to the public. 534-3555, 533-8370. Weekly.
S.S. Abysmal Vets, Inc.: 11 a.m. Qualified past, present abysmal sailors. Jokes and sea stories. VFW Hall, off Route 273, West Center and Fourth streets, Anderson. Second Saturday.
Aqua Yoga: 7:45-8:30 a.m. Stretch, relaxation, abysmal breath in basin at Chico Sports Club. Weekly.
Senior Wellness Program: 8:15 a.m.-noon for ages 55 and earlier who accept medical issues such as aerial claret pressure, cancer, diabetes, collective replaces, cardiac/pulmonary issues. Individualized programs for baptize wellness or fettle attic class. $50 per month. In Motion Fitness. 343-5678.
Senior Social Breakfast: 8 a.m. Kalico Kitchen, 2396 The Esplanade. 345-3361. Weekly.
FUNctional Fitness: 8:30-9:30 a.m. Ages 50 . Feather River Recreation and Park District, Activity Center. $30 month. 533-2011. Weekly.
Stretch & Tone: 9-10 a.m. Socks appropriate on mats. Lakeside Pavilion. Weekly.
Tai Chi Chuan: 9-10:15 a.m. Improve balance, anatomy alignment, circulation. CARD Association Center. Weekly.
Arthritis Foundation: 9 a.m. Exercise program, cosponsored by Berry Creek Grange No. 694, at Grange Hall, 1477 Bald Rock Road. 589-2695, 589-4629. Weekly.
Bingo: 10-11:30 a.m. 5 cents per card. Lakeside Pavilion. Weekly.
Paradise Seniors: 11 a.m. yoga, 1 p.m. bingo, 3:30 p.m. Zumba Gold. Paradise Chief Center. Weekly.
Feather River Chief Center: accessible 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Chief commons alpha at noon. Advance 24-hour anxiety required, 898-4224. Weekly.
Senior Meals: Apex at Lakeside Pavilion. $2.50 for 60 ; $5 for beneath 60. RSVP required, 898-4224. 8:30 a.m. Games, socializing. Monday-Thursday.
Senior Meals: Noon-1 p.m. Masonic Lodge, 5934 Clark Road, Paradise. 1-800-822-0109. Weekly.
Introduction to Computers, Level I: 1-2:15 p.m. Bring own laptop, for Windows users only. Bill Bowler. $60. Lakeside Pavilion. Last class.
["485"]Discount Flooring Center Inc Moncton opening hours 320 Collishaw ... | Discount Flooring Center Inc Moncton NbIntroduction to Computers, Level II: 2:30-3:45 p.m. Bring own laptop, for Windows users only. Bill Bowler, instructor. $60. Lakeside Pavilion. Last class.
Bingo: 1 p.m. Paradise Ridge Chief Center. Weekly.
Pinochle: 1-4 p.m. $1 fee. Lakeside Pavilion. Games, adorning activate at 8:30 a.m. Weekly.
Made to Move: 1-2:30 p.m. at Feather River Activity Center. Weekly.
Gentle Tai Chi: 1:30 p.m., chargeless to seniors. Chief Diet Center, 19 Walker St., Orland. Sponsored by Glenn County Chief Centers. Weekly.
‘New Outlook’ Low Vision Abutment Group: 1:30 p.m. Oak Knoll Chief Living, 1077 Buschmann Road, Paradise. 514-8793. Third Monday.
Line Dancing: 5-6 p.m. Feather River Activity Center. $7 drop-in fee. Weekly.
Integral Yoga: 5:30-6:45 p.m. Basic Yoga postures, breathing, meditation, relaxation. CARD Association Center. Also Wednesday.
Tai Chi: Serenity Through Movement: 5:30-7 p.m. PV Recreation Center, Social Hall. Weekly.
Al-Anon: 6:30 p.m. Feather River Chief Center.
Pinochle: 7-9 p.m. $1 fee. Association Center. Weekly.
Pickleball: 8:30-10:30 a.m. Adult drop-in. Terry Ashe Recreation Center, 6626 Skyway, Paradise. 872-6393. Weekly. Rain cancels.
Tai Chi: 9-10:30 a.m. Feather River Activity Center, Oroville. Weekly.
AARP Mature Driving: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Full course; new certificates and renewals for drivers 50 and older. Completion acceptable for allowance discount. $25 anniversary session. CARD Association Center. 895-4711.
Gentle Integral Yoga: 9:30-10:45 a.m. and 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. CARD Association Center, apartment 1 & 2. For beginners or anyone who wants a slower-paced class. Yoga postures, breath practices, meditation, abysmal relaxation. Weekly.
Ridge Quilters Guild: 10 a.m. to noon. Guest speakers, workshops, association service. Paradise Chief Center. Third Tuesday.
Feather River Chief Center: accessible 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Chief meals, noon.-12:15 p.m. Advance anxiety required, 898-4224. Weekly.
Fitness for Movement Disorders: 11 a.m.-noon for those with Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. Strength, flexibility, balance, allocation exercises. Pleasant Valley Recreation Center. Weekly.
FUNctional Fitness: 11-11:50 a.m. Low-impact contest done continuing or sitting, alone choice. Also Thursdays. Lakeside Pavilion. Weekly.
California Retired Teachers Association: 11:30-1:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Butte County Division. Shelly Anderson’s Creative Catering, Zanella Way and Morrow Lane. Cafeteria $13. RSVP to Sharon Delgado, 342-4577. Third Tuesday.
Bingo: 12:30-3 p.m. $4 for three games, $8 for six. Chargeless coffee; soda, candy for sale. Feather River Chief Citizens Association, at Chief Center, Oroville. Accessible to the public. Also Thursday, Saturday. 534-3555, 533-8370. Weekly.
Paradise Seniors: 2 p.m. Tinsel Town movie, 6:30-8 p.m. amphitheater ball class. Paradise Chief Center. Weekly.
Social Cribbage, Dominoes: 1-4 p.m. $1. Lakeside Pavilion. Weekly.
Sons of Italy: 7 p.m. meeting. Paradise Chief Center. Third Tuesday.
Zumba: 6:30-7:30 p.m. $5 drop-in fee. Feather River Activity Center. Weekly.
Fancy Feet Dance, Association Center: Doors 6 p.m. 7:30-10 p.m. Swing, waltz, Fox Trot, polka. Cottonwood. $8. Age 16 and older. Third Tuesday.
Legal Aid: Through Passages. Appointments, 898-5923. Third Tuesday.
Aqua Yoga: 7:45-8:30 a.m. Stretch, relaxation, abysmal breath in basin at Chico Sports Club. Weekly.
["299.73"]Moncton Canada Commercial Real Estate and Land for Sale on | Discount Flooring Center Inc Moncton NbStretch & Tone: 9-10 a.m. Socks appropriate on mats. Lakeside Pavilion. Weekly.
Senior Wellness Program: 8:15 a.m. to apex for ages 55 and earlier who accept medical issues such as aerial claret pressure, cancer, diabetes, collective replaces, cardiac/pulmonary issues. Individualized programs for baptize wellness or fettle attic class. $50 per month. In Motion Fitness. 343-5678. MWF.
Tai Chi Chuan: 9-10:15 a.m. Improve balance, anatomy alignment, circulation. CARD Association Center. Weekly.
Stretch & Tone: 9 to 10 a.m., Lakeside Pavilion. Weekly.
Fitness for Movement Disorders: 9:30-10:30 a.m. for those with Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, convalescent from injury. Association Center. Weekly.
Pinochle: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feather River Chief Center. Weekly.
Feather River Chief Center.: accessible 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Chief Meals: Noon. Advance anxiety required, 898-4224. Bingo 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Weekly.
Scrap Booking: 10:30 a.m. Feather River Chief Center. Weekly.
Paradise Seniors: 11 a.m. yoga, 1:15 p.m. bingo, 3:30 p.m. Zumba Gold. Paradise Chief Center. Weekly.
California State Retirees, Chapter 14: 11 a.m. Bring your questions and concerns. Creative Catering, 2565 Zanella Way. Bring donations for VECTORS capricious apartment ability for veterans. Chargeless to members, non-members $15. RSVP to S.E. Riazi, by Saturday afore meet. 519-2174. Third Wednesday.
Food From the Heart of Chico: 4:30-5:30 p.m. Chargeless dinners every Wednesday at East Avenue Church, 1184 East Ave. Weekly.
Senior Meals: Apex at Lakeside Pavilion. $2.50 for 60 ; $5 for beneath 60. Anxiety required, 898-4224. Games, adorning activate at 8:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday.
Senior Meals: Noon-1 p.m. Masonic Lodge, 5934 Clark Road, Paradise. 1-800-822-0109. Weekly.
Senior Meals: Noon. Feather River Chief Center. Weekly.
Party Bridge: 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lakeside Pavilion. $1. Weekly.
Made to Move: 1-2:30 p.m. at Feather River Activity Center, 1875 Feather River Blvd., Oroville. Weekly.
Gentle Tai Chi: 1:30 p.m., chargeless to seniors. Chief Diet Center, 19 Walker St., Orland. Sponsored by Glenn County Chief Centers. Weekly.
‘Eagles Eyes’ Low Vision Support: 1:45 p.m. Feather Canyon Retirement Community, 5900 Canyon View Drive, Paradise. 514-8793. Third Wednesday.
Caregiver Support: 2-4 p.m. Feather River Tribal bloom Center, 2145 Fifth Ave., Orville. Alzheimer’s Association, 895-9661. Third Wednesday.
Tai Chi: Serenity Through Movement: 5:30-7 p.m. PV Recreation Center, Social Hall. Weekly.
Integral Yoga: 5:30-6:45 p.m. Basic Yoga postures, breathing, meditation, relaxation. CARD Association Center. Also Monday.
Paradise Seniors: 6 p.m. Bunco. Paradise Chief Center. Third Wednesday.
Chinese Brush Painting: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Beginning basics: theory, history, materials, composition, flowers, birds, vegetables, insects and plants. Ink and color. All levels welcome. CARD Association Center.
Paradise Seniors: 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. Weight Watchers. Paradise Chief Center. Weekly.
Pickleball: 8:30-10:30 a.m. Adult drop-in. Terry Ashe Recreation Center, 6626 Skyway, Paradise. 872-6393. Weekly. Rain cancels. Through Oct. 2017
Tai Chi: 9-10:30 a.m. Feather River Activity Center, Oroville. Weekly.
Legal Assistance: 9 a.m.-noon. Free, sponsored by Passages, Legal Services of Northern California. Lakeside Pavilion. Appointments only, 898-5923. First, third Thursdays.
Medicare Counseling: Through HICAP program, Passages Adult Resource Center. Appointments only, 898-6716. Weekly.
["485"]Discount Flooring Center Inc, Moncton, NB - Cylex® profile | Discount Flooring Center Inc Moncton NbZumba Gold: 9-10 a.m. CARD Association Center. Weekly.
Gentle Integral Yoga: 9:30-10:45 a.m. and 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. CARD Association Center, apartment 1 & 2. For beginners or anyone who wants a slower-paced class. Yoga postures, breath practices, meditation, abysmal relaxation. Weekly.
Movement Disorders Support: 10 a.m. Sycamore Glen Retirement Center, 1199 Diablo Ave., Chico. Gentle armchair yoga for those with Parkinson’s disease, and others experiencing movement disorders. 345-4601. Weekly.
Diabetes Lecture series: 10 a.m.-11 a.m., Sierra Room at The Terraces Chief Living, 2750 Sierra Sunrise Terrace, Chico. Space limited, RSVP; Stacey Campbell, 403-8356 or email Third Thursday.
FUNctional Fitness: 11-11:50 a.m. Low-impact contest done continuing or sitting, alone choice. Lakeside Pavilion. Weekly.
Low Vision Abutment Group: 11 a.m. Feather River Chief Center.
Bingo: 12:30-3 p.m. $4 for three games, $8 for six. Chargeless coffee; soda, candy sold. Feather River Chief Citizens Association, Chief Center, Oroville. Accessible to public. Also Saturday. 534-3555, 533-8370. Weekly.
Feather River Chief Center: accessible 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Chief meals, Noon. Advance anxiety required, 898-4224. Weekly.
Senior Meals: Apex at Lakeside Pavilion. $2.50 for 60 ; $5 for beneath 60. Anxiety required, 898-4224. Games, adorning activate at 8:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday.
Sons In Retirement Bridge Club: 12:30 p.m. at The Lodge, 2750 Sierra Sunrise Terrace, Chico. All Chico SIR associates may comedy “Chicago Bridge.” Robin Thompson, 343-2953. Weekly.
Creative Writing/Journaling: 12:30-2 p.m. Oroville Family Resource Center. 533-4137. First, third Thursdays.
Classic Cine Series: 1 p.m. sponsored by North State Audiological Services. Lakeside Pavilion. “Courtship of Eddie’s Father.” Popcorn and lemonade provided.
Caregiver Support: 2-4 p.m. 150 Amber Grove Dr., Suite 154, Chico. Alzheimer’s Association, 895-9661. Third Thursday.
Surviving and Thriving: 6-7:30 p.m. for men, women who accept suffered accident or turmoil. Led by Gerald Darling. Association Center. Free. Weekly.
Paradise Cribbage Club: 6 p.m. American Cribbage Congress Rules apply. $2 or $8 per session, your choice; aboriginal four weeks free. Paradise Chief Center, 877 Nunneley Road. Dennis Phillips, 873-2088. Weekly.
Aqua Yoga: 7:45-8:30 a.m. Stretch, relaxation, abysmal breath in basin at Chico Sports Club. Weekly.
Stretch & Tone: 9-10 a.m. Socks appropriate on mats. Lakeside Pavilion. Weekly.
Senior Wellness Program: 8:15 a.m. to apex for ages 55 and earlier who accept medical issues such as aerial claret pressure, cancer, diabetes, collective replaces, cardiac/pulmonary issues. Individualized programs for baptize wellness or fettle attic class. $50 per month. In Motion Fitness. 343-5678. MWF.
Paradise Hospice Brunch Bunch: 9:30-11 a.m. abutment for anyone who has absent a admired one. Cozy Diner, 6371 Skyway, Paradise. 877-8755. Weekly.
Paradise Seniors: Zumba Gold 10 a.m., yoga 11 a.m., pinochle 1 p.m. Paradise Chief Center. Weekly.
Pinochle: 10 a.m. Feather River Chief Center. Weekly.
Caregiver Support: 10:30 a.m. for those who affliction for crumbling admired ones. Roseleaf Gardens, 2770 Sierra Ladera Lane, Chico. Kim Vickers, 895-0800. Third Friday.
Aqua Intervals: 10:45-11:30 a.m. Cardiovascular and backbone workout; analysis pool. Chico Sports Club.
Golden Grill: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Make anxiety 10 canicule or added above-mentioned to lunch. Menu options by bounded chefs from chief communities. $4, due at time of reservation, 895-4015. Lakeside Pavilion. Bingo 12:345-2 p.m., 5 cents per game.
Chico Aerial Twelve Club: Noon. The Lodge, Terraces Chief Living, 2750 Sierra Sunrise Terrace. Weekly.
Zumba: 6:30-7:30 p.m. $5 drop-in fee. Feather River Activity Center. Weekly.
Pinochle: 7-9 p.m. $1. CARD Association Center. Weekly.
Fancy Feet: 6 p.m. Doors accessible and chic by Gloria Hylton. 7:30-10 p.m. Ball with music by DJ Miro. Age 16 years and older, no accomplice required. $7 includes ball class. CARD Association Center. Usually third Friday.
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