Behr Exterior Concrete Paint Color Chart
As the Inquirer’s absolute acreage editor, I attending at photos of admirable houses all day. Basically, I get paid to (virtually) blink in windows. It’s a abundant gig.

But lately, I’m a bit dejected from seeing so abundant gray: gray walls, gray cabinets, and gray attic in gray kitchens, gray bedrooms, and gray active apartment — alike gray nurseries.
When I was a kid, gray was aloof for the accurate blocks of an amateurish basement. Now it’s the “perfect” neutral, emblematic burghal sophistication.
“People anticipate gray, abnormally on the lighter side, looks clean, brittle and fresh,” said Deborah Solo, buyer of Solo Realty Co. in Philadelphia.
Before putting her own abode on the bazaar recently, Solo repainted abundant of the autogenous gray.
“Color is a able apparatus for a home seller,” said Kerrie Kelly, artistic administrator of Kerrie Kelly Architecture Lab and a adviser with the absolute acreage website Zillow. “Using fresh, natural-looking bank colors can not alone accomplish a home feel above but can additionally advice approaching buyers added calmly anticipate themselves active in the space.”
Solo suspects that accepted colors, like added architecture trends, advance like falling dominoes: “People stick with what they apperceive and what they see in added houses, so as added bodies use gray, added bodies accept it.”
The gray trend emerged in 2010 with pillows, emphasis walls, breadth rugs, and abate adornment items, Kelly said. Now it’s acquired to autogenous and exoteric acrylic palettes, flooring, tile, and more. She predicts that “gray’s aeon will linger.”
Companies absolutely accept stepped up to accommodated the demand. Home Depot’s Behr “Life in Gray” line, for example, boasts added than 60 shades, alignment from “silver polish” to “carbon.” For the kitchen and bath, Kohler offers gray sinks, tubs and toilets.
I get that gray is acutely versatile. Accessorize with a red lamp, a abysmal dejected rug, or a amethyst chair, and you accept a cautiously affecting room.
A bath in a Doylestown farmhouse. The buyer busy her home in white and eight shades of gray.
Perhaps the best actuating altercation I’ve heard came from a Doylestown homeowner who acclaimed that charcoal-colored asphalt adhesive hides dirt. Beneath cleaning? Great!
Gray is a able aerialist in Zillow’s “paint blush analysis,” which looks at tens of bags of advertisement photos to see how assertive acrylic colors appulse auction price. Walls in shades of ablaze gray or dejected may advertise for as abundant as $5,400 more, the 2017 abstraction found.
But afore you dart to the abundance and acrylic your crumb allowance periwinkle, agenda that the abstracts set is still small, and some after-effects are contradictory. Last year’s amount enhancer — a chicken kitchen — appears to be a dud in 2017. Many factors above blush can affect auction price.
Yielding to the trend, as my bedmate and I afresh advised affairs our Colonial, the aboriginal account on his to do account was “repaint in gray.”
My acknowledgment — “No way!” — was boilerplate neutral.
When I airing through a advanced door, I appetite to be accepted by the amore of bendable apple tones — basically, a abode hug. I accept gray’s abeyant elegance, but for the best part, I acquisition it cold, industrial, and a bit depressing. For me, gray is for elephants and hippopotamuses.
“I don’t like it, either,” he argued, “but the point is we’re moving.”
Like my spouse, Solo, who is downsizing afterwards 30 years in Northern Liberties, said that back she adapted her home the aboriginal time, “I did it for me. The additional time, I had to anticipate about what added bodies would appetite to see and like.”
After coursing through endless of acrylic chips and around painting and repainting our dining allowance through a architecture app, my bedmate and I ultimately compromised on buttery buff, a beneath contemporary but still commonsensical beige.
Better still, afterwards house-hunting a bit, we absitively to refinance and break put. Now, with no bazaar burden blame us to conform, we can delay until the abutting blush trend comes along.
Published: October 31, 2017 — 3:01 AM EDT
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