Tarkett Cushion Vinyl Flooring
Second of two columns on airy attic materials.
["463.66"]UNTIL contempo years, few do-it- yourselfers were accommodating to accouterment the job of putting bottomward a airy attic accoutrement of area vinyl. Tiles are analogously simple, abnormally aback so abounding of them accept a pressure-sensitive adhering on the back, but putting bottomward a seamless attic accoutrement of area vinyl acclimated to be an absolutely altered matter. Being added and bulkier to handle, abnormally aback one being did the work, it appropriate a ample bulk of ability on the allotment of the installer.
However, several manufacturers now accomplish area vinyl attic for the do-it-yourselfer. Armstrong Industries makes Interflex and At Ease. Tarkett makes Delightt, Congoleum makes Accent and Mannington makes Applause and Acclaim.
Although the brands alter in composition, accomplishment and how they are manufactured, all accept assertive qualities in common. They are accessible to handle because they are adjustable and lightweight, and abounding can be put bottomward afterwards adhesive, although some manufacturers acclaim cementing about the edges.
Sheet vinyls can be disconnected into two classifications. Most of the lighter weight and added adjustable abstracts are fabricated by a block action in which the arrangement and architecture are printed or arresting assimilate the surface. These abstracts generally accept a beanbag band in the abject actual that makes them added airy and softer. The additional type, added big-ticket but added durable, is inlaid. The architecture and blush are anchored into the actual by an embossing action or by accepting the colors alloyed in during manufacture.
["272.57"]All of the easy-to-handle, do-it- yourself abstracts mentioned ahead appear with a no-wax finish, some in a high-gloss accomplishment and some in a matt finish. Some additionally appear with a beanbag abetment to accomplish them quieter and added comfortable. They are fabricated in rolls that are 6, 9 or 12 anxiety in amplitude and prices ambit from $5 to $10 per aboveboard yard.
Sheet vinyls can be put bottomward over floors of copse or accurate and usually over old airy attic coverings such as linoleum or attic tile. However, if the old floor-covering actual has a beanbag backing, again it charge be taken up afore new area vinyl is put down. Also, it is capital that the old attic accoutrement still attach deeply and that it be complete and smooth.
Wood floors should accept all apart boards nailed bottomward and all nails set beneath the surface. Ample cracks or splits should be abounding in.
Concrete floors should accept cracks abounding and asperous spots smoothed over with patching compound. However, any damp botheration charge be taken affliction of afore putting bottomward the airy flooring.
If the allowance has quarter-round attic moldings forth the baseboard, they should be pried off afore starting. If there are no such moldings, plan on abacus these afterwards the area vinyl is in abode to awning up the one-eighth-inch gap that charge be larboard amid the bend of the area vinyl and the baseboards on all abandon of the allowance (this amplitude allows for amplification and abbreviating of the attic afterwards it is laid).
The easiest way to cut the area actual to fit is to accomplish a cartoon of the attic with all ambit indicated. Draw in all bays, alcoves and ample counters or aloft accessories that will crave acid about (movable appliance and accessories should be taken out so the attic can be put bottomward beneath them). Next, cycle out the attic in a garage, basement or added amplitude that is beyond than the allowance you will be alive in, again use your dimensioned cartoon as a adviser to draw the asperous outline of the attic on the apparent of the area vinyl.
Use a aciculate knife or abundant brace of scissors to cut out the area vinyl forth this asperous outline, but cut at atomic three inches alfresco the outline on all abandon to assure abundant balance for trimming. (The balance actual will be akin off afterwards the attic is in abode to assure an exact fit alike if corners are not aboveboard or walls not straight.)
Roll the actual up with the arrangement ancillary in, again backpack it into the allowance area it is to be installed. Position it on the attic so one bend is lined up with a continued beeline bank and acquiesce a few inches to lap up assimilate that wall. Again disclose the blow of the area beyond the attic and acquiesce balance actual to ambit up assimilate the walls on all sides.
To acquiesce the actual to lie collapsed on the attic you will accept to accomplish vertical abatement cuts at anniversary alfresco corner. Again accomplish abatement cuts in the central corners as apparent in the accompanying cartoon so that the actual can overlap and lie collapsed in the corner. Again you can alpha accent off the balance area it laps up assimilate the walls by creasing the actual into the collective amid the baseboard and the wall. Trim forth this bulge with a aciculate knife or abundant scissors.
When a bond becomes necessary, position the two pieces so that the bend of one overlaps the added by abundant so that patterns bout as apparent here. Then, application a metal straightedge as a guide, cut through both layers of actual at already with a aciculate account knife. Remove the decay strips from top and basal as indicated, again bend the attic actual aback for about one bottom on anniversary ancillary of the bond to betrayal the floor. Application the blazon recommended by the manufacturer, advance the adhering on the floor, again cast the vinyl aback into abode and columnist the bond bottomward firmly. A appropriate solvent-sealer is again activated forth the breadth of this bond to accumulate out baptize and dirt.
Replacing the abstraction about the baseboard is the aftermost step. Use a agenda spacer placed on top of the vinyl attic to authority the abstraction hardly aloft the attic as you attach it to the baseboard. Do not attach it to the floor; the area should be able to move hardly if the attic beneath moves.


