1911 Verna Wood Water Color Painting Value
Global Acquirements Charter Public School: Acceptance applications for Grades 5-8 due Feb. 28 and the acceptance action will booty abode at 3:30 p.m. March 8 at GLCPS. Accessible to New Bedford residents. For an acceptance form, arrangement www.glcps.org or alarm (508) 991-4105. 190 Ashley Blvd., New Bedford.
Global Acquirements Charter Public School: Acceptance applications for Grades 5-8 due Feb. 28 and the acceptance action will booty abode at 3:30 p.m. March 8 at GLCPS. Accessible to New Bedford residents. For an acceptance form, arrangement www.glcps.org or alarm (508) 991-4105. 190 Ashley Blvd., New Bedford.
Krav Maga Boston: Expanding chic schedule: Women's Only Chic 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Saturdays; Thursdays will host seminars; Kid's classes will be captivated Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 6-6:30 p.m.; Beginner classes will be captivated Mondays 6:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays 7:30-8:30 p.m., and Saturdays 10-11 a.m.; Higher akin classes will be captivated Mondays 7:30-8:30 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays 6:30-7:30 p.m., and Saturdays 11 a.m.-noon. For advice alarm (509) 259-1592 or arrangement www.kravmagasouthcoast.com. 675 Orchard St., New Bedford.
Partners Village Store: Presents a Bassinet Weaving Class, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. March 1 advance by bounded able Sharon Owens. Create your own account bassinet for your home or accomplish one as a gift. $65 for the class. Reserve your bench at (508) 636-2572. For added information, arrangement wwwpartnersvillagestore.com.
Bristol Community College: Offering nationally accustomed Master Gardeners affairs Wednesdays 6-9 p.m. March 5-June 3. For added advice acquaintance Nicolette Collard-Andrade at (508) 678-2811, ext. 2264 or email Nicolette.Collard@bristolcc.edu. Classes captivated on BCC New Bedford Campus, 188 Union St., New Bedford.
UMass Law: To authority accessible abode for -to-be students, 6:30 p.m. March 5. Offering opportunities for -to-be acceptance to apprentice about UMass Law's full-time, part-time and black programs. To RSVP or for advice alarm (508) 985-1110. 333 Faunce Corner Road, Dartmouth.
Marion Art Center: Advanced Beginners Watercolor Chic for Adults, demography abode 10 a.m.-noon Wednedsdays March 26-May 14. Tuition is $175 for members, $190 for non-members. Abstracts not included. To annals arrangement www.marionartcenter.org/register. For added advice alarm (508) 748-1266. Marion.
The Burt Wood Academy of Performing Arts: Presents a Beginner Apparatus Quilt Making 101 chic Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. through April 9. Chic is $120 per person. Acceptance charge accompany a alive bed-making apparatus to class. To annals alarm (508) 946-1071. 133 Centre St., Middleboro.
Artworks!: Acquirements Studio parents and kids ages 0-3 Tuesdays 9:30-11 a.m. at the Community Center Temple Landing, 370 Middle St., New Bedford. Free; Aesthetic Traditions of the World at ArtWorks! Tuesdays 3:30-5 p.m. $15 per class. Clay Kids Drop in: all ages Saturdays 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m., $25. Teen's Ability Beyond 3 to 5 p.m. Thursdays. www.artworksforyou.org.
Non-profit workshop: Presented by Fall River City Councilor Dave Dennis, 6:30 p.m. March 18. Workshop will awning the basics of nonprofit babyminding including the role of the lath of admiral and fiduciary duties of directors. The absorbed of these workshops is to awning a advanced ambit of capacity for groups to abstain pitfalls. Seating is limited, RSVP by alarm Sandy Dennis at (508) 673-2939 or email DENDENLLC@comcast.net. Boys & Girls Club Fall River, 803 Bedford St., Fall River.
Adult Acquirements Center: Offers chargeless ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes, Developed Basic Education classes and GED Alertness classes, 9 a.m.-noon Monday-Thursday. Alarm (508) 997-4511, Ext. 2419 to accomplish a allotment appointment. Bilingual attorneys available. 181 Hillman St., Building 2, Room 234. New Bedford.
Department of Accouchement and Families: Looking to recruit volunteers for Advance Care Review in SouthCoast area. For information, arrangement www.mass.gov/eohhs/gov/departments/dcf/
Computer Classes: Monthly at anniversary New Bedford Library location: aboriginal Thursdays at Wilks Library, 1911 Acushnet Avenue, (508) 991-6214; additional Mondays at the Main Library, 613 Pleasant Street, (508) 991-6280; additional Tuesdays at the Lawler Library, 745 Rockdale Avenue, (508) 991-6216; third Thursdays at the Casa da Saudade Library, 58 Crapo Street, (508) 991-6218 and fourth Tuesdays at the Howland-Green Library, 3 Rodney French Boulevard, (508) 991-6212. Capacity ambit from Microsoft Word and e-mail basics to job analytic and library databases. Alarm your library for added advice and to assurance up!
Foster Ancestor Training: Chargeless training for individuals and families absorption in acquirements how to become a advance parent. Captivated Thursdays throughout the year at the New Bedford Department of Accouchement and Families Office. Pre-registration required. Alarm Lynn Mourao, (508) 910-1083. 100 North Front St., New Bedford.
Massachusetts Developed Articulacy Hotline: A chargeless statewide account adjourned by the Massachusetts Department of Education, provides advice and referrals to developed learners and advance tutors, including referrals to GED preparation, ESOL, ancestors literacy, citizenship classes and more. Most programs are free. Adults are advised 16 years and earlier and not enrolled in a K-12 school. www.sabes.org/hotline or (800) 447-8844.
III Suns: Guided meditation, 7 p.m. Tuesdays, $10 appropriate donation. (508) 995-3868. 2171 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford.
Carver Fit Club at Blue Angel Healing: Health/wellness accumulation committed to allowance anniversary affiliate ability their fettle goals. Weekly group, Wednesdays 6-7 p.m. Free, all fettle levels welcome. (774) 773-5467. Landmark Center, 40 N. Main St., Carver.
Art on Center: at 15 Center Street, Fairhaven offers a array of classes for accouchement and adults. "Artful Minds" classes are captivated Thursdays from 4-5:30 p.m., for accouchement 5-12 years old. There are classes in agenda photography, suminagashi painting, activity cartoon and more! For fees and allotment information, alarm 774-206-1709 or email Stacey@artoncenter.org.
ECO Kids Acquirements Center: Former Precious Memories Preschool, accepts accouchement ages 3-5 and provides a foundation for the alpha of a bigger and brighter future. To assurance up or for added advice alarm Sonia LeBlanc at (508) 990-9940. 8 Webster Ave., Fairhaven.
Greater Fall River Art Association (GFRAA): Gallery accessible 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday and noon-3 p.m. Sunday, or by appointment. www.greaterfallriverartassoc.org. (508) 673-7212. 80 Belmont St., Fall River.
Hemingway English Institute: Now accepting applications for our Adopted Accent classes for children. Offering classes in Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin-Chinese. Classes are baby and tailored to the student. For added advice alarm (508) 675-9700 and ask for adopted accent classes. 45 North Main St., Fall River.
Bournedale Function Facility: New Aquatic Programs now registering.Scuba diving classes, pond lessions accessible bathe and group/special accident basin rental available. Addition programs actuality developed, arrangement www.capefunctions.com or alarm (508) 888-2634 for information.110 Valley Road, Plymouth.
The Redwood Library: "Poet's Group" meets every third Saturday at 2 p.m. Alarm Carolyn de Pont (401) 847-0292. www.redwoodlibrary.org. 50 Bellevue Ave., Newport
Trinity Rep: Acting classes and altercation alternation for adults. Offering playwriting classes, acting classes, ball classes and altercation alternation anecdotic the aesthetic process. For prices and added advice arrangement www.trinityrep.com or email Jordan Butterfield at jbutterfield@trinityrep.com. 201 Washington St., Providence.
Westport Art Group: Presents Essential Techniques for Watercolor Painting, Tuesdays 9 a.m.-noon March 4-April 8. A adventure through the abstruse aspects of watercolor, methods dry and wet, blush approach and appropriate effects. $100 members, $130 non-members. Arrangement www.westportartgroup.com to download allotment anatomy and materials. 1740 Main Road, Westport.