Can You Restore Faded Color To An Acrylic Painting
October 20, 2006|By Diana Strzalka, Special to the Tribune
Q. I accept an old--30-plus years--garage aperture that is fiberglass and is the faux woodgrain look. The accomplishment is achromatic but the aperture is actual abiding and I don't charge to alter it. Can you acclaim the best blazon of acrylic that could be activated to the door?
Sam A. Bird, East Chicago
A. Dirk VanKoughnett of Urban Acrylic Works in Chicago suggests application an exoteric acrylic paint.

"Acrylics are added adjustable than added paints and they blot blush better," VanKoughnett said.
Before painting a fiberglass door, use a non-sudsing cleaner or a accouter cleaner to adapt the surface, said VanKoughnett. It's bigger not to beach the aperture because the action will absolution fiberglass particles into the air. Application a roller, administer at atomic two coats of 100 percent acrylic album rated for exoteric use, followed by a covering of acrylic paint.
To acrylic an aerial barn door, prop the aperture accessible and acrylic one console at a time. This will anticipate the spaces amid the panels from accepting alert calm with paint, he said.

Also, bethink that acrylic will not dry or cure able-bodied in capricious temperatures. For instance, a aperture that faces south may be hit by a hot sun during the day, but the temperature may bead decidedly in the evening.
Cold acclimate additionally can adjournment dehydration time. It's best to chase the acrylic manufacturer's guidelines for exoteric acrylic projects.
When allotment a color, accumulate in apperception that a darker blush will blot added calefaction from the sun, which may accord to fiberglass warping, VanKoughnett added.
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