Psychedelic Wallpaper Iphone +picture
Wired's How-To Wiki demonstrates how to accomplishment the iPhone's abnormal bang to booty adulterated photographs. The trick? Aloof aberration your camera as you're demography a picture.
The reason? The iPhone uses a CMOS sensor, which added or beneath "wipes" the bang beyond the sensor like a scanner rather than the annular breach of a acceptable camera. The iPhone's CMOS scanner seems to be a bit slower than, say, the CMOS sensor on your Canon camera. Therefore, as the camera is recording the image, any changes over that baby but cogent bulk of time are recorded.
Taking a consciousness-expanding photo is absolutely aloof as accessible as it sounds (works bigger in ablaze sunlight), but apprehend on for a quick video demonstration.
Take Adulterated and Consciousness-expanding iPhone Photos [Wired How-To Wiki]