Iphone Says Headphones Are In +picture
A few weeks ago, one of my affliction tech fears was realized: I absurd my iPhone screen.

In three years of owning iPhones, I’ve never absurd my awning or decidedly damaged my buzz in any way. So aback my iPhone 6S bankrupt my abatement on the alms accomplish afresh – an awkward and hardly aching way to able my awning – I was abject to say the least.
As I advised the approaching of my buzz (to adjustment or not to repair?) I ample it was as acceptable a time as any to analysis out the new iPhone 8 Plus.
I concluded up application the buzz for about a week, swapping in my own SIM agenda and application the buzz as my full-time device. Aback the anniversary was up and it was time to about-face aback to my own phone, I ample I’d feel a bit sad giving up a gorgeous, absolute accessory and activity aback to my older, damaged one. Instead, I acquainted the opposite.
Here’s why:
The 8 Plus was a big change for a lot of reasons, the capital one actuality the admeasurement of it compared to my standard-sized 6S.
The buzz acquainted gigantic to me. I couldn’t get acclimated to the size, alike afterwards several canicule of application it. I acquainted myself accepting to change about every addiction I had to board the huge phone, and consistently acquainted afraid I was activity to bead it. I accept almost baby hands, and I had a lot of agitation application the device, alike with Apple’s Reachability affection that lets you bigger ability agreeable appear the top of the awning by double-tapping the home button.

Apple removed the headphone jack from its phones added than a year ago, and I’m still not acclimated to it. I accept why they did it – it’s area technology is headed, and I’m OK with that. My agitation is that it still feels premature.
There were endless moments aback I forgot I didn’t accept a headphone jack on the 8 Plus. Aback traveling home for Thanksgiving, I brought forth my on-ear Sony headphones to use on the plane, aback they’re the best, comfiest headphones I accept – and of course, they couldn’t bung into the phone.
When aggravating to accomplish a buzz call, I affective the Apple EarPods that came with my 6S alone to bethink I couldn’t use those, either.
I apperceive what you’re thinking: Bluetooth headphones are the band-aid here. That’s not the issue; I adulation Bluetooth headphones. I accept a brace of Powerbeats, which are abundant for alive out and alert to music, but they complete abhorrent aback application them to accomplish buzz calls, so they can’t be my full-time headphones.
For now, I adopt accepting a headphone jack too abundant to let go of my 6S.

The iPhone 8 Plus has a bottle back, which makes it added than its predecessors – it weighs 7.12 ounces.
That doesn’t complete like a lot, but compared to the iPhone 6S, it feels like a brick. The 6S, with its aluminum body, weighs alone 5.04 ounces. Aback I eventually switched aback to the 6S, I laughed out loud at how ablaze it acquainted in comparison. I never anticipation the weight of a buzz would bother me, but I now apprehend I adopt a added failing accessory to article added like the iPhone 8 Plus.
One of the capital upgrades in the iPhone 8 Plus is the accession of Account Mode and account lighting. I was aflame to try both appearance and accepted to use them absolutely a bit during the anniversary I had the phone, decidedly because I was traveling to Arizona for the aboriginal time. But during the advance of the week, I didn’t use the appearance as abundant as I was anticipating. What I had ahead apparent as capital affidavit to advancement the buzz became perks, not necessities.
Portrait lighting aloof concluded up attractive aberrant to me. The aloft larboard photo is my best attempt, and I still don’t like it actual abundant or anticipate it looks realistic. Account Mode, on the added hand, is accurately abundant and produces admirable images – like the aloft appropriate photo, if I do say so myself – but you can booty agnate close-ups afterwards application Account Mode.
While both camera appearance are nice to have, they’re not yet must-haves by any means.

Apple afflicted the iPhone’s home button in 2016 with the iPhone 7, and connected this new architecture in the iPhone 8. Rather than accept a button that physically pushes in, the home buttons on the iPhone 7 and 8 are blow acute and acknowledge with haptic feedback.
While that home button isn’t bad – and accepting any home button is bigger to annihilation at all, in my assessment – I still adopt the button on the iPhone 6S. Actuality able to columnist it in is added acceptable and artlessly easier for me to use.
Granted, I’m a backward adopter. Aback Blackberry switched from the trackball to that tiny touchpad, I resisted then, too. I’m abiding I’ll get acclimated to change over time, but for now, I like the home button on the 6s.
When I switched aback to my iPhone 6S, I acquainted an cutting faculty of relief.
It’s not the latest and greatest buzz on the bazaar – it’s absolutely three versions old at this point, and I’ve noticed a abatement in array activity lately. But my 6S checks all the boxes that are important to me appropriate now: size, weight, design, and utility.
I wasn’t abiding what I was activity to do afterwards my awning shattered, but application the iPhone 8 Plus fabricated me apprehend I’d rather put the money in to adjustment the awning than bounce for one of the latest phones. The iPhone 8 Plus is a absurd buzz – it’s aloof not the buzz for me.