Are The Front Door And Trim Painted The Same Color
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The Color: Sage Green
"Green is in the average of the spectrum, so in a faculty it incorporates both ends and embraces all the realms of ablaze that bodies charge for nourishment. It evokes both amore and coolness. Since it's all-over in nature, it takes us aback to nature." —Donald Kaufman
Make it yours: DKC-63, Donald Kaufman Color
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The Look: Sage Green
In a Corona del Mar, California, abode busy by Barbara Barry, the abatement hue of the advanced aperture hints at the nature-inspired palette within.
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The Color: Aqua
"I anticipate anybody is attractive for a little change, but annihilation too drastic. Aqua Chiffon is antic and happy, not too aphotic and not too light." —Tina McHenry
Make it yours: Olympic Paints Aqua Chiffon A58-3
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The Look: Aqua
Bordering on turquoise, the advanced aperture of a Venice, California, home by Toddy Nicke and Amy Kehoe contrasts the darker exterior.
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The Color: Glossy Red
"In Chinese culture, red is the blush of acceptable affluence and you see it everywhere — on pagodas, on tugboats in Hong Kong harbor, and on cardboard lanterns acceptable in the breeze. This is my best admired Chinese red, in aerial appearance — like the lacquered tips of Diana Vreeland's fingernails." —Miles Redd
Make it yours: Benjamin Moore Impervo Alkyd Aerial Appearance Brilliant Red 20
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The Look: Glossy Red
In a archetypal San Francisco home, Ken Fulk corrective the advanced doors in a agnate adumbration — Benjamin Moore's Heritage Red. The blush is additionally advised an Early American attribute of welcome, which apparel the celebrated feel of the house.
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The Color: True Black
"I'll generally acrylic autogenous doors and appliance a affluent black. It adds a able adult basic to a allowance that makes it feel timeless. I anticipate men like atramentous because they abrasion it all the time. It's familiar, so it feels safe. But it additionally reads as a adventurous choice." —Grant K. Gibson
Make it yours: Farrow & Ball Pitch Atramentous 256
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The Look: True Black

An aphotic aperture contrasts accurately adjoin this celebrated Georgetown rowhouse's affable gray facade. "Black keeps dejected and white from activity over the bend into sweetness," said artist Sarah Bartholomew, on application atramentous acrylic both in and alfresco the home.
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The Color: Black-Blue
"In the full-gloss finish, it catches the light, which brings out the action of the color." —Elizabeth Dinkel
Make it yours: Farrow & Ball Hague Dejected 30
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The Look: Black-Blue
"I bare article that livened up the breeding of this 1930s Hollywood Regency house, so I corrective the advanced aperture in this midnight blue," said Dinkel. "It looks affluent and makes a statement. And it sets off the adorning accouterments beautifully."
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The Color: Abysmal Red
"I'm actual addicted of cinnabar — abysmal red with a bit of orange and amber — the blush of old Chinese bark and acceptable paprika and the pollen in a lily. Use three coats of high-gloss acrylic over a brave album to accord it abyss and accomplish it so blubbery and shiny, it looks like you baffled it. Again get a nice assumption kickplate, which is like putting a armlet on your door." —Mallory Marshall
Make it yours: Benjamin Moore Moroccan Red 1309
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The Look: Abysmal Red
"There's article about a red aperture that says, 'Come in. Acceptable things are inside.' It's actual blithesome and welcoming, and adventurous at the aforementioned time," says artist Raun Thorp about this terra cotta red entry.
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The Color: Ablaze Yellow
"I'm envisioning a Shingle Style abode with white trim and a ablaze auto chicken door. I anticipate it would be actual welcoming, and a little daring. In summer, it would attending abundant with greenery and flowers, and in winter, it would brighten up that arid feeling." —Stephen Shubel
Make it yours: Benjamin Moore Sunburst 2023-40
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The Look: Ablaze Yellow
Designer Tamara Kaye-Honey added a blow of activity to this contrarily bashful craftsman. "Yellows can generally be too juvenile, too in-your-face, too much, but the little bit of adhesive in this one makes it added sophisticated," she says. "It's antic and happy, but not too Disney. Do it in aerial appearance for depth."
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The Color: Abysmal Blue
"This is a deep, aphotic aphotic dejected that can attending about atramentous in the shade, but it turns into a rich, abysmal dejected in the sun. It would attending aloof as abundant on a bean abode in the mountains as it would on a faded, silvery-shingled Cape Cod at the beach." —Andrew Flesher
Buy the paint: Benjamin Moore Evening Sky 833
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The Color: Air-conditioned Green
"It evokes the angle of shade, adorable the company inside, hinting at the air-conditioned to be begin within." —Kathryn M. Ireland
Buy the paint: Farrow & Ball Folly Blooming 76
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The Look: Air-conditioned Green
"This is a Spanish Colonial abode in the California chaparral, at the bottom of a abundance range. Everything is dry and dusty. Any blooming at all is a celebration over nature," says artist Kathryn M. Ireland of this home. "I begin this blush beneath layers of acrylic on some trim."
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The Color: Pumpkin
"I would use this attic with olive trim. It's a adventurous blush that pushes the envelope for a advanced door. It says, 'I cartel you to airing through.' But again it's additionally actual appealing. It's the new archetype for anyone who is annoyed of red doors. It's added youthful." —Whitney Stewart
Make it yours: Benjamin Moore Gold Rush 2166-10
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The Look: Orange
Orange, white, and dejected are the colors Moises Esquenazi acclimated again central and alfresco his Los Angeles house, alpha at the access — which he advised to be "chic and dramatic." Red tip hedges accord the bungalow added privacy.
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The Color: Gray
"Grays can be so dull, but this has a little bang to it. It's such a adult adumbration of gray, with that lavender cast. It reminds me of the gray one sees in Georgian interiors, decidedly the Adam houses in the English countryside. In aerial gloss, authentic elegance!" —Philip Gorrivan
Make it yours: Benjamin Moore Hampshire Rocks 1450
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The Look: Gray
"I wouldn't apperception if bodies anticipate this abode is 200 years old," says artist Bill Ingram, who clad the exoteric of his Birmingham, Alabama, cottage in cedar agitate shingles and buried the X-patterned boxwood garden with a friend. The advanced aperture is corrective Copley Gray by Benjamin Moore.
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The Color: Aphotic Green
"Dark blooming is a acceptable Southern blush that looks admirable on the advanced doors of brick houses with white trim. This blooming is so aphotic it's about black, but back the sun hits it you acutely see the green. It's the blush of a bandbox tree. I'd do it in aerial gloss, cool thick, like those admirable Georgian advanced doors you see in England with a annular assumption bulge appropriate in the center." —Phoebe Howard

Make it yours: Farrow & Ball Carriage Blooming 94
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The Look: Aphotic Green
This abode advised by Jan Showers has an inky-green advanced door. "I like aphotic trim on houses," Showers says. "But instead of aloof actuality black, this is a black-green, which is softer and prettier. It's additionally neutral, so it will assignment with annihilation you put in the foyer. Best bodies balloon to anticipate about how the blush will attending in the room, back the aperture is open."
Make it yours: Benjamin Moore Impervo Atramentous Forest Blooming PM-12
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The Color: Blue-Green
"I don't appetite bodies to anticipate they accept to alive by the baptize to use this, but it does admonish me of the Caribbean. It's a deep, aphotic blue-green, about like a jewel accent or article you'd see on a peacock feather." —Angie Hranowsky
Make it yours: Benjamin Moore Venezuelan Sea 2054-30
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The Color: Cherry Red
"I capital to draw bodies to the aperture like bees to a flower, and this adorable red did the trick. The blush has such clarity. It's like the best caressible lips. The affection of the aerial appearance in this accurate cast of Dutch enamels is fantastic, and they additionally abrasion like iron. It's like the best manicure you've anytime had." —Suzanne Tucker
Make it yours: Fine Paints of Europe Tulip Red 1001
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The Color: Abysmal Purple
"When you aboriginal see this deep, affluent purple, it looks absolutely dark, but it never loses the color. There's a acceptable dosage of red asset underneath. It would attending affectionate of active on a door, actual Savile Row. Aphotic and distinguished, yet unexpected. And it would assignment appropriately able-bodied on a acceptable or a avant-garde house." —Ken Fulk
Make it yours: C2 Acrylic Wicked 6446
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The Look: Purple
This vine-covered abode would attending undistinguishable with a neutral-colored door. This active amethyst wakes up the exoteric while accentuating the advanced garden.
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