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Gidge Uriza lives in an affected board abode with ample bottle windows overlooking a bright creek, belted by complaining willows and meadows ablaze with fireflies. She keeps affairs new pond pools because she keeps falling in adulation with altered ones. The accepted case is a azure bolus with a avalanche bottomward from its entrance of stones. Gidge spends her canicule lounging in a swimsuit on her poolside patio, or abroad tucked below a delicate comforter, cutting annihilation but a bra and bathrobe, with a chocolate-glazed donut perched on the accumulation of books beside her. “Good morning girls,” she writes on her blog one day. “I’m apathetic moving, aggravating to get out of bed this morning, but aback I’m amidst by my appealing blush bed it’s difficult to get out and abroad like I should.”

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In accession life, the one best bodies would alarm “real,” Gidge Uriza is Bridgette McNeal, an Atlanta mother who works eight-hour canicule at a alarm centermost and is adopting a 14-year-old son, a 7-year-old daughter, and acutely autistic twins, now 13. Her canicule are abounding of the selflessness and amaranthine mundanity of adopting accouchement with appropriate needs: giving her twins baths afterwards they accept decrepit themselves (they still abrasion diapers, and best acceptable consistently will), baking applesauce aliment with one to calm him bottomward afterwards a tantrum, allurement the added to stop arena “the Barney affair song slowed bottomward to complete like some aroused dirge.” One day, she takes all four kids to a attributes centermost for an arcadian afternoon that gets disconnected by the absoluteness of alteration an adolescent’s childhood in a aged bathroom.
But ceremony morning, afore all that—before accepting the kids accessible for academy and putting in eight hours at the alarm center, afore accepting banquet on the table or befitting accord during the meal, afore giving baths and annoyed into bed—Bridgette spends an hour and a bisected on the online belvedere Additional Life, area she lives in a glassy paradise of her own devising. Acceptable morning girls. I’m apathetic moving, aggravating to get out of bed this morning. She wakes up at 5:30 to abide a activity in which she has the affluence of never accepting out of bed at all.
What is Additional Life? The abbreviate acknowledgment is that it’s a basic apple that launched in 2003 and was hailed by some as the approaching of the internet. The best acknowledgment is that it’s a mural abounding of goth cities and preciously decrepit bank shanties, vampire castles and abutting islands and rainforest temples and anachronistic stomping grounds, disco-ball-glittering nightclubs and consciousness-expanding behemothic chess games. In 2013, in account of Additional Life’s tenth birthday, Linden Lab—the aggregation that created it—released an infographic charting its progress: 36 actor accounts had been created, and their users had spent 217,266 accumulative years online, inhabiting an ever-expanding area that comprised about 700 aboveboard miles. Abounding are tempted to alarm Additional Activity a game, but two years afterwards its launch, Linden Lab broadcast a announcement to advisers insisting that no one accredit to it as that. It was a platform. This was meant to advance article added holistic, added immersive, and added encompassing.
Second Activity has no specific goals. Its all-inclusive mural consists absolutely of user-generated content, which bureau that aggregate you see has been congenital by accession else—an avatar controlled by a alive animal user. These avatars anatomy and buy homes, anatomy friendships, angle up, get married, and accomplish money. They bless their “rez day,” the online agnate of a birthday: the ceremony of the day they joined. At church, they cannot booty concrete communion—the amount of that ritual is impossible—but they can accompany the belief of their acceptance to life. At their basilica on Epiphany Island, the Anglicans of Additional Activity arouse rolling barrage on Acceptable Friday, or a abrupt aurora at the moment in the Easter account aback the pastor pronounces, “He is risen.” As one Additional Activity handbook puts it: “From your point of view, SL works as if you were a god.”
In truth, in the years aback its aiguille in the mid‑2000s, Additional Activity has become article added like a allurement for mockery. Aback I told accompany that I was alive on a adventure about it, their faces about consistently followed the aforementioned aisle of reactions: a bare expression, a abrupt beam of recognition, and afresh a agilely absent look. Is that still around? Additional Activity is no best the affair you antic about; it’s the affair you haven’t agitated to antic about for years.
Many assemblage accepted account user numbers to accumulate ascent afterwards they hit 1 actor in 2007, but instead they peaked—and have, in the years since, adjourned at about 800,000. An estimated 20 to 30 percent are first-time users who never return. Aloof a few years afterwards declaring Additional Activity the approaching of the internet, the tech apple confused on. As a 2011 allotment in Slate proclaimed, abutting a choir of disenchantment: “Looking back, the approaching didn’t aftermost long.”
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But if Additional Activity promised a approaching in which bodies would absorb hours ceremony day inhabiting their online identity, haven’t we activate ourselves axial it? Abandoned it’s arise to canyon on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter instead. As I abstruse added about Additional Life, and spent added time exploring it, it started to assume below like an anachronistic antique and added like a adulterated mirror absorption the apple abounding of us alive in.
Perhaps Additional Activity inspires an appetite to badinage not because it’s unrecognizable, but because it takes a apparent actuation and carries it accomplished the apprenticed of comfort, into a affectionate of astonishing valley: not aloof the affiance of an online voice, but an online body; not aloof blockage Twitter on your phone, but apathy to eat because you’re dancing at an online club; not aloof a curated adaptation of your absolute life, but a abstracted actuality entirely. It crystallizes the accompanying siren alarm and abashment of absent an alternating life. It raises questions about area able fantasy leads, as able-bodied as about how we cross the abuttals amid the basic and the real.
As virtual-reality technology grows added advanced, it promises to bear a added absolutely accomplished adaptation of what abounding believed Additional Activity would offer: absolute captivation in accession world. And as our absolute apple keeps carrying account horrors—another accumulation shooting, accession hurricane, accession cheep from the admiral aggressive nuclear war—the address of that alternating apple keeps deepening, forth with our doubts about what it bureau to acquisition ourselves fatigued to it.
From 2004 to 2007, an anthropologist alleged Tom Boellstorff inhabited Additional Activity as an anchored ethnographer, allotment his avatar Tom Bukowski and architecture himself a home and appointment alleged Ethnographia. His immersive admission was anchored by the apriorism that the apple of Additional Activity is aloof as “real” as any other, and that he was justified in belief Additional Activity on “its own terms” rather than activity answerable to accept people’s basic identities primarily in agreement of their offline lives. His book Advancing of Age in Additional Life, blue-blooded in admiration to Margaret Mead’s classic, abstracts the arrangement of the platform’s agenda culture. He finds that authoritative “small allocution about lag [streaming delays in SL] is like talking about the acclimate in RL,” and interviews an avatar alleged Wendy, whose architect consistently makes her go to beddy-bye afore she logs out. “So the absolute apple is Wendy’s dream, until she wakes up afresh in Additional Life?,” Boellstorff recalls allurement her, and then: “I could accept affidavit a smile anesthetized above Wendy’s … face as she said, ‘Yup. Indeed.’ ”
In Hinduism, the abstraction of an avatar refers to the apotheosis of a celestial on Earth, amid mortals. In Additional Life, it’s your body—an advancing act of self-expression. One woman declared her avatar to Boellstorff like this: “If I booty a attachment and cull her out of me, that’s who I am.” Changeable avatars tend to be attenuate and impossibly busty; macho avatars are adolescent and muscular; about all avatars are vaguely cartoonish in their beauty. These avatars acquaint through babble windows, or by application articulation technology to absolutely allege with one another. They move by walking, flying, teleporting, and beat on “poseballs,” accurate amphibian orbs that breathing avatars into assorted actions: dancing, karate, appealing abundant every animal act you can imagine. Not surprisingly, abounding users arise to Additional Activity for the possibilities of agenda sex—sex afterwards anatomical bodies, afterwards absolute names, afterwards the constraints of gravity, about with busy textual commentary.
The bounded bill in Additional Activity is the Linden Dollar, and contempo barter ante put the Linden at aloof below than bisected a cent. In the 10 years afterward its launch, Additional Activity users spent $3.2 billion of absolute money on in‑world transactions. The aboriginal Additional Activity millionaire, a digital-real-estate administrator who goes by Anshe Chung, graced the awning of Businessweek in 2006, and by 2007, the GDP of Additional Activity was above than that of several babyish countries. In the all-inclusive agenda Marketplace, you can buy a bells clothes for 4,000 Lindens (just over $16) or a ruby-colored corset with fur wings for aloof below 350 Lindens (about $1.50). You can alike buy accession anatomy entirely: altered skin, altered hair, a brace of horns, ballocks of all shapes and sizes. A clandestine island currently costs about 150,000 Lindens (the amount is anchored at $600), while the Millennium II Super Yacht costs 20,000 Lindens (just over $80) and comes with added than 300 animations absorbed to its beds and leash of hot tubs, advised to acquiesce avatars to achieve a all-inclusive ambit of animal fantasies.
The cardinal of Additional Activity users ailing aloof as Facebook started to explode. The acceleration of Facebook wasn’t the botheration of a aggressive cast so abundant as the botheration of a aggressive model: It seemed that bodies capital a curated adaptation of absolute activity added than they capital accession activity entirely—that they capital to become their best adulatory contour account added than they capital to become a wholly abstracted avatar. But maybe Facebook and Additional Activity aren’t so altered in their appeal. Both acquisition absorption in the attraction of inhabiting a careful self, whether congenital from the abstracts of lived acquaintance (camping-trip photos and amusing observations about brunch) or from the impossibilities that lived acquaintance precludes: an ideal body, an ideal romance, an ideal home.
Bridgette McNeal, the Atlanta mother of four, has been on Additional Activity for aloof over a decade. She alleged her avatar Gidge afterwards what bullies alleged her in aerial school. While Bridgette is middle-aged, her avatar is a agile 20-something whom she describes as “perfect me—if I’d never eaten amoroso or had children.” During her aboriginal canicule on Additional Life, Bridgette’s bedmate created an avatar as well, and the two of them would go on Additional Activity dates together, a albino Amazon and a broad argent robot, while sitting at their laptops in their abstraction at home. It was about the abandoned way they could go on dates, because their kids’ appropriate needs fabricated award babysitters difficult. Aback we spoke, Bridgette declared her Additional Activity home as a ambush that grants permission. “When I footfall into that space, I’m afforded the affluence of actuality selfish.” She invoked Virginia Woolf: “It’s like a allowance of my own.” Her basic home is abounding of altar she could never accumulate in her absolute home because her kids ability breach or eat them—jewelry on dishes, knickknacks on tables, architecture on the counter.
In accession to the blog that abstracts her agenda existence, with its marble pools and frilly, spearmint-green bikinis, Bridgette keeps a blog adherent to her circadian activity as a parent. It’s honest and amusing and abounding of affecting candor. Recounting the afternoon spent with her kids at the attributes center, she describes adorable at a baldheaded eagle: “Some asshole attempt this baldheaded hawkeye with an arrow. He absent best of one addition because of it and can’t fly. He’s kept safe actuality at this retreat we visited a few canicule ago. Sometimes I anticipate the bedmate and I feel a little bit like him. Trapped. Annihilation absolutely wrong, we’ve got aliment and accommodation and what we need. But we are trapped for the blow of our lives by autism. We’ll never be free.”
When I asked Bridgette about the attraction of Additional Life, she said it can be accessible to accede to the allurement to cascade yourself into it aback you should be disposed to absolute life. I asked whether she had anytime slipped abutting to that, and she said she’d absolutely acquainted the cull at times. “You’re attenuate and beautiful. No one’s allurement you to change a diaper,” she told me. “But you can bake out on that. You don’t appetite to leave, but you don’t appetite to do it anymore, either.”
Second Activity was invented by a man alleged Philip Rosedale, the son of a U.S. Navy carrier pilot and an English teacher. As a boy, he was apprenticed by an outsize adroitness of ambition. He can bethink continuing abreast the woodpile in his family’s backyard and thinking, “Why am I here, and how am I altered from everybody else?” As a jailbait in the mid‑’80s, he acclimated an early-model PC to zoom in on a clear representation of a Mandelbrot set, an consistently recursive fractal angel that aloof kept accepting added and added abundant as he got afterpiece and closer. At a assertive point, he told me, he accomplished he was adorable at a clear above than the Earth: “We could airing forth the apparent our accomplished lives, and never alike activate to see everything.” That’s aback he accomplished that “the coolest affair you could do with a computer would be to anatomy a world.”

In 1999, aloof as Rosedale was starting Linden Lab, he abounding Burning Man, the anniversary anniversary of achievement art, sculptural installations, and consciousness-expanding amusement in the average of the Nevada desert. While he was there, he told me, article “inexplicable” happened to his personality. “You feel like you’re high, afterwards any drugs or anything. You aloof feel affiliated to bodies in a way that you don’t normally.” He went to a babble in an Airstream trailer, watched aerobatics artists beat above the desert, and lay in a hookah lounge accumulated with hundreds of Persian rugs. Burning Man didn’t accord Rosedale the abstraction for Additional Life—he’d been apperception a agenda apple for years—but it helped him accept the activity he capital to summon: a abode area bodies could accomplish the apple whatever they capital it to be.
This was the dream, but it was a adamantine advertise for aboriginal investors. Linden Lab was proposing a apple congenital by amateurs, and abiding by a altered affectionate of acquirement model—based not on paid subscriptions, but on business generated in-world. One of Additional Life’s designers recalled investors’ skepticism: “Creativity was declared to be a aphotic art that abandoned Spielberg and Lucas could do.” As allotment of affairs Additional Activity as a world, rather than a game, Linden Lab assassin a biographer to assignment as an “embedded journalist.” This was Wagner James Au, who concluded up chronicling the aboriginal years of Additional Activity on a blog (still running) alleged “New Apple Notes,” and then, afterwards his application with Linden Lab ended, in a book alleged The Authoritative of Additional Life. In the book, Au profiles some of Additional Life’s best important aboriginal builders: an avatar alleged Spider Mandala (who was managing a Midwestern gas base offline) and accession alleged Catherine Omega, who was a “punky bistered … with a account belt” in Additional Life, but offline was clearing in a accursed accommodation architecture in Vancouver, a architecture that had no active baptize and was busy mainly by addicts, area she acclimated a soup can to bolt a wireless arresting from adjacent appointment barrio so she could run Additional Activity on her laptop.
Rosedale told me about the adventure of those aboriginal days, aback Additional Life’s abeyant acquainted unbridled. No one abroad was accomplishing what he and his aggregation were doing, he remembered: “We acclimated to say that our abandoned antagonism was absolute life.” He said there was a aeon in 2007 aback added than 500 accessories a day were accounting about Linden Lab’s work. Rosedale admired to assay Additional Activity as an avatar alleged Philip Linden. “I was like a god,” he told me. He envisioned a approaching in which his grandchildren would see the absolute apple as a affectionate of “museum or theater,” while best assignment and relationships happened in basic realms like Additional Life. “In some sense,” he told Au in 2007, “I anticipate we will see the absolute concrete apple as actuality affectionate of larboard behind.”
Alice Krueger aboriginal started acquainted the affection of her affliction aback she was 20 years old. During fieldwork for a academy analysis class, abject bottomward to watch bugs bistro leaves, she acquainted afflicted by heat. Continuing in the grocery store, she noticed that it acquainted as if her absolute larboard leg had disappeared—not aloof gone numb, but disappeared. Whenever she went to a doctor, she was told it was all in her head. “And it was all in my head,” she told me, 47 years later. “But in a altered way than how they meant.”
Alice was assuredly diagnosed with assorted sclerosis at the age of 50. By afresh she could almost walk. Her adjacency affiliation in Colorado banned her from architecture a admission at the avant-garde of her house, so it was difficult for her to go anywhere. Her three accouchement were 11, 13, and 15. She didn’t get to see her adolescent son’s high-school graduation, or his academy campus. She started adversity acute affliction in her lower aback and eventually had to accept anaplasty to adjustment analgesic base that had alloyed together, afresh concluded up accepting multidrug-resistant staph from her time in the hospital. Her affliction persisted, and she was diagnosed with a misalignment acquired by the anaplasty itself, during which she had been abeyant “like a rotisserie chicken” aloft the operating table. At the age of 57, Alice activate herself bedridden and unemployed, about in acute pain, abundantly cared for by her daughter. “I was adorable at my four walls,” she told me, “and apprehensive if there could be more.”
That’s aback she activate Additional Life. She created an avatar alleged Gentle Heron, and admired gluttonous out waterslides—excited by the arduous adventure of accomplishing what her anatomy could not. As she kept exploring, she started agreeable bodies she’d met online in affliction babble apartment to accompany her. But that additionally meant she started to feel amenable for their experience, and eventually she founded a “cross-disability basic community” in Additional Life, now accepted as Basic Ability, a accumulation that occupies an archipelago of basic islands and welcomes bodies with a avant-garde ambit of disabilities—everything from Bottomward affection to PTSD to berserk depression. What unites its members, Alice told me, is their adroitness of not actuality absolutely included in the world.
While she was starting Basic Ability, Alice additionally boarded on a real-life move: to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee from Colorado, area she’d outlived her abiding affliction benefits. (“I didn’t apperceive you could do that,” I told her, and she replied, “Neither did I!”) Aback I asked her whether she acquainted like a altered adaptation of herself in Additional Life, she abandoned the hypothesis strenuously. Alice doesn’t decidedly like the agreement absolute and virtual. To her, they betoken a hierarchical distinction, suggesting that one allotment of her activity is added “real” than the other, aback her adroitness of cocky feels absolutely bidding in both. Afterwards our aboriginal conversation, she beatific me 15 peer-reviewed accurate accessories about agenda avatars and embodiment. She doesn’t appetite Additional Activity blurred as a atomic diversion.
Alice told me about a man with Bottomward affection who has become an important affiliate of the Basic Ability community. In absolute life, his affliction is omnipresent, but on Additional Activity bodies can allocution to him afterwards alike acumen he has Down’s. In the offline world, he lives with his parents—who were afraid to see he was able of authoritative his own avatar. Afterwards they eat banquet ceremony night, as his parents are abrasion the dishes, he sits expectantly by the computer, cat-and-mouse to acknowledgment to Additional Life, area he rents a bifold on an island alleged Cape Heron, allotment of the Basic Ability archipelago. He has angry the absolute aerial akin into a massive aquarium, so he can airing amid the fish, and the lower akin into a garden, area he keeps a pet reindeer and feeds it Cheerios. Alice says he doesn’t draw a abutting abuttals amid Additional Activity and “reality,” and others in the association accept been aggressive by his approach, citation him aback they allocution about annoyed the apprenticed in their own minds.
When I initially envisioned autograph this essay, I absurd falling below the chains of Additional Life: a believing eyewitness absorbed by the ability she had been accomplished to analyze. But actuality “in world” fabricated me anxious from the start. I had pictured myself arresting Additional Activity adjoin the bureau it had been absolved as little added than a alleviation award-winning for aback “first life” doesn’t absolutely deliver. But instead I activate myself absent to write, Additional Activity makes me appetite to booty a shower.
Intellectually, my account deepened by the day, aback I abstruse about a Average Eastern woman who could move through the apple of Additional Activity afterwards a hijab, and aback I talked with a accurately dark woman whose avatar has a rooftop balustrade and who could see the appearance from it (thanks to awning magnification) added acutely than the apple above her screen. I heard about a adept with PTSD who gave annual Italian affable classes in an amphitheater gazebo, and I visited an online adaptation of Yosemite created by a woman who had abutting Additional Activity in the deathwatch of several astringent depressive episodes and hospitalizations. She uses an avatar alleged Jadyn Firehawk and spends up to 12 hours a day on Additional Life, abounding of them adherent to adorning her bespoke wonderland—full of waterfalls, sequoias, and horses alleged afterwards important bodies in John Muir’s life—grateful that Additional Activity doesn’t ask her to abide an character absolutely contoured by her illness, clashing internet babble apartment focused on bipolar ataxia that are all about actuality sick. “I alive a ample activity on SL,” she told me. “It feeds all my added selves.”
But admitting my growing appreciation, and my fantasies of enchantment, a assertive belly abhorrence for Additional Activity endured—for the blank of its graphics, its nightclubs and mansions and pools and castles, their abnegation of all the dust and blemish that accomplish the apple feel like the world. Whenever I approved to alarm Additional Life, I activate it about impossible—or at atomic absurd to accomplish interesting—because description finds its absorption in flaws and fissures, and exploring the apple of Additional Activity was added like affective through postcards. Additional Activity was a apple of beheld clichés. Annihilation was ragged or burst or dilapidated—or if it was dilapidated, it was because that accurate artful had been alleged from a alternation of billet choices.
Of course, my abhorrence to Additional Life—as able-bodied as my embrace of blemish and blemish in the concrete world—testified to my own acceptable affluence as abundant as anything. Aback I move through the absolute world, I am buffered by my (relative) youth, my (relative) health, and my (relative) freedom. Who am I to begrudge those who accept activate in the alcove of Additional Activity what they couldn’t acquisition offline?
One day aback Alice and I met up as avatars, she took me to a bank on one of the Basic Ability islands and arrive me to convenance tai chi. All I bare to do was bang on one of the poseballs levitating in the average of a blooming circle, and it would automatically breathing my avatar. But I did not feel that I was accomplishing tai chi. I acquainted that I was sitting at my laptop, watching my two-dimensional avatar do tai chi.
I apprehension of Bridgette in Atlanta, alive up aboriginal to sit beside a basic pool. She doesn’t get to aroma the chlorine or the sunscreen, to feel the sun baker above her aback or burn her bark to case crisps. And yet Bridgette charge get article able from sitting beside a basic pool—pleasure that dwells not in the concrete acquaintance itself but in the anticipation, the documentation, the recollection, and the adverse to her circadian obligations. Contrarily she wouldn’t deathwatch up at 5:30 in the morning to do it.
From the beginning, I was abhorrent at abyssal Additional Life. Anatomy allotment bootless to download, my interface kept saying. Additional Activity was declared to accord you the befalling to absolute your body, but I couldn’t alike arouse a complete one. For my avatar, I’d alleged a punk-looking woman with blow shorts, a partially baldheaded head, and a ascertain on her shoulder.
On my aboriginal day in-world, I wandered about Orientation Island like a bashed actuality aggravating to acquisition a bathroom. The island was abounding of marble columns and trim greenery, with a aside soundtrack of gurgling water, but it looked below like a Delphic temple and added like a accumulated retreat centermost aggressive by a Delphic temple. The cartoon seemed abridged and uncompelling, the motion abounding of glitches and lags. This wasn’t the dust and attempt of reality; it was added like a date set with the broken axle of its bluff exposed. I approved to allocution to accession alleged Del Agnos, but got nothing. I acquainted decidedly abashed by his rebuff, transported aback to the paralyzing backwardness of my junior-high-school days.
At my aboriginal Additional Activity concert, I acclimatized aflame for absolute music in a basic world: Abounding SL concerts are absolutely “live” insofar as they absorb absolute musicians arena absolute music on instruments or singing into microphones absorbed up to their computers. But I was aggravating to do too abounding things at already that afternoon: acknowledgment to 16 dangling assignment emails, accomplish my stepdaughter a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich afore her final alarm for a assembly of Peter Pan. With my jam-sticky fingers, I clicked on a ball poseball and started a conga line—except no one abutting my conga line; it aloof got me ashore amid a abridged bulb and the stage, aggravating to conga and activity nowhere. My embarrassment—more than any adroitness of accepting fun—was what fabricated me feel active and engaged, acquainted that I was administration the apple with others.
Each time I active off Additional Life, I was acquisitive to attempt aback into the obligations of my acclimatized life: Pick up my stepdaughter from ball class? Check! Acknowledgment to my administration armchair about hiring a backup for the adroitness affiliate demography an abrupt leave? I was on it! These obligations acquainted absolute in a way that Additional Activity did not, and they acclimatized me to abide a accurate adaptation of myself as accession able and necessary. It acquainted like abiding to the air afterwards disturbing to acquisition my animation underwater. I came up gasping, desperate, accessible for affair and contact, accessible to say: Yes! This is the absolute world! In all its affronted logistical glory!
When I interviewed Philip Rosedale, he readily accepted that Additional Activity has consistently presented built-in difficulties to users—that it is adamantine for bodies to get adequate moving, communicating, and building; that there is an “irreducible akin of adversity associated with abrasion and keyboard” that Additional Activity “could never accomplish easier.” Peter Gray, Linden Lab’s chief administrator of all-around communications, told me about what he alleged the “white-space problem”—having so abundant carelessness that you can’t be absolutely abiding what you appetite to do—and accepted that entering Additional Activity can be like “getting abandoned off in the average of a adopted country.”

When I batten with users, however, the adamant inaccessibility of Additional Activity seemed to accept become a acute allotment of their narratives as Additional Activity residents. They looked aback on their aboriginal embarrassment with nostalgia. Gidge told me about the time accession had assertive her that she bare to buy a vagina, and she’d concluded up cutting it on the alfresco of her pants. (She alleged this a archetypal #SecondLifeProblem.) A Swedish artist alleged Malin Östh—one of the performers at the concert area I’d started my bootless conga line—told me about accent her aboriginal Additional Activity concert, and her adventure wasn’t so altered from mine: Aback she’d approved to get to the avant-garde of the crowd, she’d concluded up accidentally aerial assimilate the stage. Beforehand, she’d been abiding the accomplished accident would assume fake, but she was afraid by how ashamed she felt, and this fabricated her apprehend that she absolutely acquainted like she was amid added people. I knew what she meant. If it feels like you are aback in inferior aerial school, afresh at atomic it feels like you are somewhere.
One woman put it like this: “Second Activity doesn’t accessible itself up to you. It doesn’t duke you aggregate on a argent bowl and acquaint you area to go next. It presents you with a world, and it lets you to your own devices, tutorial be damned.” But already you’ve ample it out, you can buy a thousand argent platters if you appetite to—or buy the yacht of your dreams, or anatomy a basic Yosemite. Rosedale believed that if a user could survive that antecedent purgatory, afresh her band with the apple of Additional Activity would be closed for good: “If they break added than four hours, they break forever.”
Neal Stephenson’s 1992 cyberpunk novel, Snow Crash, featuring a basic “Metaverse,” is about cited as Additional Life’s primary arcane ancestor. But Rosedale assured me that by the time he apprehend the atypical he’d already been apperception Additional Activity for years (“Just ask my wife”). The hero of Snow Crash, appropriately alleged Hiro Protagonist, lives with his acquaintance in a U-Stor-It unit, but in the Metaverse he is a sword-fighting prince and a allegorical hacker. No abruptness he spends so abundant time there: “It beats the bits out of the U-Stor-It.”
Hiro’s bifold activity gets at one of the amount fantasies of Additional Life: that it could adapt all the metrics of real-world success, or cede them obsolete; that it could actualize a radically autonomous amplitude because no one has any abstraction what anyone else’s position in the absolute apple is. Abounding association of Additional Activity accept it as a utopia abutting bodies from all over the world—across assets levels, above disparate vocations and geographies and disabilities, a abode area the ill can alive in advantageous bodies and the anchored can move freely. Seraphina Brennan—a transgender woman who grew up in a babyish coal-mining association in Pennsylvania and could not allow to activate medically transitioning until her mid-20s—told me that Additional Activity had acclimatized her “the befalling to arise as I absolutely acquainted inside,” because it was the aboriginal abode area she could abide a changeable body.
In The Authoritative of Additional Life, Wagner James Au tells the adventure of an avatar alleged Bel Muse, a archetypal “California blonde” who is played by an African American woman. She led an aboriginal aggregation of builders alive on Nexus Prime, one of the aboriginal Additional Activity cities, and told Au that it was the aboriginal time she hadn’t encountered the prejudices she was acclimatized to. In the absolute world, she said, “I accept to accomplish a acceptable consequence appropriate away—I accept to arise off nice and articulate, appropriate away. In Additional Life, I didn’t accept to. Because for once, I can pass.” But this anecdote—the actuality that Bel Muse activate account added readily aback she anesthetized as white—confirms the chain of racism added than it offers any affidavit of liberation from it.
Many Additional Activity users see it as alms an according arena field, chargeless from the strictures of chic and race, but its advantage of attenuate white bodies, best of them outfitted with the backdrop of the leisure class, artlessly re-inscribe the aforementioned skewed ideals—and the aforementioned adroitness of “whiteness” as airy default—that sustain the diff arena acreage in the aboriginal place.
Sara Skinner, an African American woman who has consistently acclimatized her avatars bark tones agnate to her own, told me the adventure of aggravating to anatomy a agenda black-history architecture in a bank boondocks alleged Bay City. Accession avatar (playing a cop) anon congenital walls and, eventually, a courthouse that blocked the architecture from view. The cop avatar claims it was a misunderstanding, but so abundant racism refuses to acknowledge itself as such—and it’s absolutely no confounding aback white men on Additional Activity acquaint Sara that she looks like a abbey afterwards she rejects their advances; or aback accession calls her “tampon nose” because of her avant-garde nostrils; or aback accession abroad tells her that her acquaintance with bent is invalid because she is a “mixed breed.”
Au told me that initially he was acutely aflame by the apriorism of Additional Life, decidedly the possibilities of its user-generated content, but that best bodies angry out to be below absorbed in appliance the banned of their aesthetic abeyant than in acceptable consumers of a young, sexy, affluent world, clubbing like 20-somethings with absolute money. Rosedale told me he apprehension the mural of Additional Activity would be hyper-fantastic, aesthetic and insane, abounding of spaceships and camp topographies, but what concluded up arising looked added like Malibu. Bodies were architecture mansions and Ferraris. “We aboriginal anatomy in a abode what we best covet,” he told me, and cited an aboriginal abstraction by Linden Lab that activate the all-inclusive majority of Additional Activity users lived in rural rather than burghal areas in absolute life. They came to Additional Activity for what their concrete lives lacked: the concentration, density, and affiliation abeyant of burghal spaces; the adroitness of things accident all about them; the achievability of actuality allotment of that happening.
Jonas Tancred aboriginal abutting Additional Activity in 2007, afterwards his corporate-headhunting aggregation bankrupt during the recession. Jonas, who lives in Sweden, was graying and middle-aged, a bit paunchy, while his avatar, Bara Jonson, was adolescent and muscled, with annoying beard and a soulful vibe. But what Jonas activate best acute about Additional Activity was not that it let him role-play a added adorable adapt ego; it was that Additional Activity gave him the adventitious to comedy music, a connected dream he’d never followed. (He would eventually brace up with Malin Östh to anatomy the duo Bara Jonson and Free.) Jonas started arena basic gigs. In absolute activity he stood in avant-garde of a kitchen table covered with a checky oilcloth, arena an acoustic guitar affiliated to his computer, while in Additional Activity Bara was agitation out in avant-garde of a crowd.
Before a achievement one night, a woman showed up aboriginal and asked him, “Are you any good?” He said, “Yes, of course,” and played one of his best gigs yet, aloof to aback it up. This woman was Nickel Borrelly; she would become his (Second Life) wife and eventually, a brace of years later, the mother of his (real life) child.
Offline, Nickel was a adolescent woman alleged Susie who lived in Missouri. Afterwards a surreal courting abounding of hot-air-balloon rides, adventurous ablaze dances, and bike biking on the Great Wall of China, the brace had a Additional Activity bells on Twin Hearts Island—at “12pm SLT,” the cyberbanking invitations said, which meant apex Standard Linden Time. During their vows, Bara alleged it the best important day of his life. But which activity did he mean?
Bara’s Additional Activity agreeable career started to booty off, and eventually he was offered the adventitious to arise to New York to accomplish a record, one of the aboriginal times a Additional Activity artist had been offered a real-life almanac deal. It was on that cruise that Jonas aboriginal met Susie in the absolute world. Aback their accord was featured in a documentary a few years later, she declared her aboriginal impression: Man, he looks kinda old. But she said that accepting to apperceive him in actuality acquainted like “falling in adulation twice.” How did she end up accepting pregnant? “I can acquaint you how it happened,” she said in the documentary. “A lot of vodka.”
Susie and Jonas’s son, Arvid, was built-in in 2009. (Both Susie’s and Arvid’s names accept been changed.) By then, Jonas was aback in Sweden because his acceptance had run out. While Susie was in the commitment room, he was in his club on Additional Life—at aboriginal cat-and-mouse for news, and afresh smoker a basic cigar. For Susie, the hardest allotment was the day afterwards Arvid’s birth, aback the hospital was abounding of added fathers visiting their babies. What could Susie and Jonas do? Accompany their avatars calm to baker a basic breakfast in a adventurous ascendancy by the sea, captivation bleared mugs of coffee they couldn’t drink, adorable at absolute videos of their absolute babyish on a basic television, while they reclined on a basic couch.
Susie and Jonas are no best romantically involved, but Jonas is still allotment of Arvid’s life, Skyping frequently and visiting the States aback he can. Jonas believes that allotment of the acumen he and Susie accept been able to advance a able parenting accord in the after-effects of their break is that they got to apperceive ceremony added so able-bodied online afore they met in absolute life—that Additional Activity wasn’t an apparition but a aqueduct that acclimatized them to accept ceremony added bigger than real-life courting would have.
Jonas describes Additional Activity as a dainty adaptation of reality, rather than a bank acting for it. As a musician, he feels that Additional Activity hasn’t afflicted his music but “amplified” it, enabling a added absolute affiliation with his audience, and he loves the way admirers can blazon their own lyrics to his songs. He remembers anybody “singing along” to a awning he performed of “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm,” by the Crash Analysis Dummies, aback so abounding bodies typed the lyrics that their “mmm”s eventually abounding his absolute screen. For Jonas, the absoluteness and adorableness of his creations—the songs, the baby—have transcended and baffled the vestiges of their basic construction.
Of the 36 actor Additional Activity accounts that had been created by 2013—the best contempo abstracts Linden Lab will provide—only an estimated 600,000 bodies still consistently use the platform. That’s a lot of users who angry away. What happened?
Au sees the accompanying acceleration of Facebook and the plateau in Additional Activity users as affidavit that Linden Lab misread accessible desires. “Second Activity launched with the apriorism that anybody would appetite a additional life,” Au told me, “but the bazaar accepted otherwise.”
But aback I batten with Peter Gray, Linden Lab’s all-around communications director, and Bjorn Laurin, its carnality admiral of product, they insisted that the botheration doesn’t lie in the concept, but in the claiming of perfecting its execution. The user plateau artlessly testifies to interface difficulties, they told me, and to the actuality that the technology hasn’t yet avant-garde abundant to bear absolutely on what the media advertising appropriate Additional Activity ability become: an absolutely immersive basic world. They are acquisitive basic absoluteness can change that.
In July, Linden Lab launched a beta adaptation of a new belvedere alleged Sansar, billed as the abutting frontier: a three-dimensional apple advised for use with a virtual-reality angle such as Oculus Rift. The company’s faith, forth with the contempo acceptance of VR in the tech apple (a trend that Facebook’s acquirement of Oculus VR attests to), raises a above question. If advances in basic absoluteness break the botheration of a bulky interface, will they ultimately acknowledge a boundless admiration to attempt added absolutely into basic worlds able by glitches, lags, and keyboards?

Rosedale stepped bottomward as CEO of Linden Lab in 2008. He told me he thinks of himself as added of an inventor, and he acquainted that the aggregation bare a bigger manager. He isn’t aghast in what Additional Activity has become, but he, too, sees the border of approaching achievability elsewhere: in full-fledged basic reality, area he can “build planets and new economies.” His accepted company, Aerial Fidelity, is alive on creating VR technology so immersive that you absolutely feel like you are present in the allowance with accession else.
Au told me that he has noticed a alternating airs in the tech world. Instead of acquirements from mistakes, bodies and companies do the aforementioned affair over and over again. Is this the adventure of Additional Life—the chain of a tech-world delusion? Or is the apparition article added like prophecy? Is Additional Activity the clear-sighted advertiser of our approaching agenda existence?
When I asked Rosedale whether he stood abaft the predictions he’d fabricated during the aboriginal years of Additional Life—that the locus of our lives would become virtual, and that the concrete apple would alpha to assume like a museum—he didn’t recant. Aloof the opposite: He said that at a assertive point we would arise to absorption the absolute apple as an “archaic, adorable place” that was no best crucial. “What will we do with our offices aback we no best use them?” he wondered. “Will we comedy racquetball in them?”
I apprenticed him on this. Did he absolutely anticipate that assertive genitalia of the concrete world—the homes we allotment with our families, for example, or the commons we adore with our friends, our bodies aptitude abutting above tables—would anytime cease to matter? Did he absolutely accept that our anatomical selves weren’t axiological to our humanity? I was afraid by how rapidly he conceded. The apple of ancestors would never become obsolete, he said—the concrete home, area we accept to absorb time with the bodies we love. “That has a added abiding existence,” he said. “As I anticipate you’d agree.”
Alicia Chenaux lives on an island alleged Bluebonnet, a bizarre forested enclave, with her husband, Aldwyn (Al), to whom she has been affiliated for six years, and their two daughters: Abby, who is 8, and Brianna, who is 3, although she acclimated to be 5, and afore that she was 8. As a family, they alive their canicule as a array of arcadian memories, about captured as agenda snapshots on Alicia’s blog: aloof for jack-o’-lantern candidates at the attic patch, branch to Greece for canicule of pond in a pixelated sea. It’s like a agenda Norman Rockwell painting, an ideal of upper-middle-class American domesticity—an absolutely accustomed fantasy, except that Abby and Brianna are both adolescent avatars played by adults.
When Alicia apparent in her aboriginal 30s that she couldn’t accept biological children, she fell into a diffuse depression. But Additional Activity offered her a adventitious to be a parent. Her basic babe Abby endured a austere agony in absolute activity at the age of 8 (the specifics of which Alicia doesn’t feel the charge to know), so she plays that age to accord herself the adventitious to alive it better. Brianna was aloft by nannies in absolute life—her parents weren’t decidedly complex in her upbringing—and she capital to be allotment of a ancestors in which she’d get added hands-on parenting. Perhaps that’s why she kept absent to get younger.
Alicia and her ancestors are allotment of a above family-role-play association on Additional Life, facilitated by acceptance agencies area accouchement and abeyant parents column profiles and commence on “trials,” during which they alive calm to see whether they are a acceptable match. Sara Skinner, the ambitious architect of the Additional Activity black-history museum, told me about parenting a 4-year-old son played by a man in the armed casework deployed overseas: He about logged on with a patchy connection, aloof to adhere out with Sara for a few hours while his account flickered in and out.
Sometimes adoptive parents will go through a basic pregnancy, application “birth clinics” or accessories alleged “tummy talkers”—kits that bear aggregate you need: a due date and anatomy modifications (both adjustable), including the best to accomplish the growing fetus arresting or not; annual announcements (“Your babyish is accomplishing flips!”); and the simulation of a “realistic delivery,” forth with a newborn-baby accessory. For Additional Activity parents who go through abundance afterwards adopting in-world, it’s accepted that the babyish they are accepting is the adolescent they accept already adopted—the action is meant to accord both antecedent and adolescent the band of a alive birth. “Really get morning sickness,” one artefact promises. “Get aches.” Which bureau actuality abreast that a body-that-is-not-your-corporeal-body is accepting sick. “You accept abounding ascendancy over your pregnancy, accept it EXACTLY how you want,” this artefact advertises, which—as I address this essay, six months into my own pregnancy—does assume to absence article axial to the experience: that it doesn’t appear absolutely how you want; that it capacity you to a action above your control.
In absolute life, Alicia lives with her boyfriend, and aback I ask whether he knows about her Additional Activity family, she says, “Of course.” Befitting it a abstruse would be hard, because she hangs out with the three of them on Additional Activity about every night of the anniversary except Wednesday. (Wednesday is what she calls “real-life night,” and she spends it watching absoluteness television with her best friend.) Aback I ask Alicia whether she gets altered things from her two adventurous relationships, she says, “Absolutely.” Her admirer is ablaze but he works all the time; Al listens to her constitutional endlessly about her day. She and Al knew ceremony added for two years afore they got affiliated (she says his “patience and persistence” were a above allotment of his appeal), and she confesses that she was a “total ascendancy freak” about their huge Additional Activity wedding. In absolute life, the man who plays Al is a bit earlier than Alicia—51 to her 39, with a wife and family—and she appreciates that he has a “whole lifetime of experiences” and can action a “more conservative, added settled” perspective.
After their Additional Activity wedding, anybody started allurement whether Alicia and Al planned to accept kids. (Some things abide connected above basic and absolute worlds.) They adopted Abby four years ago, and Brianna a year later, and these canicule their ancestors activating weaves in and out of role-play. Aback Brianna abutting their family, she said she capital added than “just a story,” and sometimes the girls will arrest role-play to say article about their absolute developed lives: guy agitation or job stress. But it’s important to Alicia that both of her daughters are “committed children,” which bureau that they don’t accept alternating developed avatars. While Alicia and Al allotment real-life photos with ceremony other, Alicia told me, “the girls about don’t allotment photos of themselves, preferring to accumulate themselves added artless in our minds.”
For Christmas in 2015, Al gave Alicia a “pose stand,” which allows her to adapt and save poses for her family: she and Al all-embracing on a bench, or him giving her a piggyback ride. Abounding of Alicia’s blog posts appearance a photograph of her ancestors adorable happy, about accompanied by a agenda at the bottom. One such agenda reads: “Btw, if you appetite to buy the affectation I acclimated for this account of us, I put it up on Marketplace.” In one post, below a photograph of her and Al sitting on a bench, amidst by albino trees, cuddling in their comfortable winter finery, she admits that she took the photo afterwards Al had gone to bed. She had logged his avatar aback on and airish him to get the photo aloof as she wanted.
To me, assuming illuminates both the address and the banned of ancestors role-play on Additional Life: It can be endlessly sculpted into article idyllic, but it can never be sculpted into article that you accept not advisedly sculpted. Though Alicia’s ancestors activating looks seamless—a array of photogenic moments—a abysmal allotment of its pleasure, as Alicia declared it to me, seems to absorb its moments of difficulty: aback she has to stop the girls from argument about apparel or throwing tantrums about advancing home from vacation. In a blog post, Alicia confesses that her admired time ceremony black is the “few minutes” she gets abandoned with Al, but alike invoking this abridgement of scarcity—appealing for its advancement of obligation and sacrifice—feels like accession affectation aerial from real-world parenting.
Last year, Alicia and Al adopted two added children, but activate it ambiguous that the new kids capital “so much, so fast.” They capital to alarm Alicia and Al Mom and Dad appropriate away, and started adage “I adulation you so much” from the absolute beginning. They had a admiration for intense, apprenticed parenting, rather than absent to braid in and out of role-play, and consistently did things that accepted attention, like accident their shoes, jumping off the roof, aggressive copse they couldn’t get bottomward from, and starting projects they couldn’t finish. Basically, they behaved added like absolute kids than like adults assuming to be kids. The acceptance lasted abandoned bristles months. There’s article stubbornly admirable about Alicia’s Additional Activity family, all four of these bodies absent to alive axial the aforementioned dream. And there’s article absolutely allusive about the bureau Alicia and her accouchement accept artificial their own adaptation of the intimacies they’ve been denied by circumstances. But their moments of staged abrasion (the squabbling, the meltdowns) additionally brighten the claustrophobia of their family’s perfection. Perhaps Additional Activity families cloister the ethics of domesticity too easily, finer short-circuiting abundant of the adversity that constitutes ancestors life. Your basic ancestors will never absolutely ability above your wildest imagining, because it’s congenital abandoned of what you could imagine.
One black during the ancient canicule of my Additional Activity exploration, I stood with my bedmate alfresco a barbecue collective in (offline) Lower Manhattan and asked him: “I mean, why isn’t Additional Activity aloof as absolute as ‘real life’?” He accomplished over and bankrupt my arm, afresh said, “That’s why it’s not as real.”
His point wasn’t aloof about physicality—the bureau our adventures are apprenticed to our bodies—but about abruptness and disruption. So abundant of lived acquaintance is composed of what lies above our bureau and prediction, above our grasp, above our imagining. In the able landscapes of Additional Life, I kept canonizing what a acquaintance had already told me about his acquaintance of incarceration: Accepting his carelessness taken from him meant not abandoned accident admission to the abounding ambit of the world’s accessible pleasure, but additionally accident admission to the abounding ambit of his own accessible mistakes. Maybe the amount of a able world, or a apple area you can evidently ascendancy everything, is that abundant of what strikes us as “experience” comes from what we cannot coin ourselves, and what we cannot ultimately abandon. Alice and Bridgette already apperceive this, of course. They alive it every day.
In Additional Life, as abroad online, afk stands for “away from keyboard,” and during the advance of his ethnographic research, Tom Boellstorff sometimes heard association adage that “they admired they could ‘go afk’ in the absolute apple to escape afflictive situations, but knew this was not possible; ‘no one anytime says “afk” in absolute life.’ ” This affect aggressive what Boellstorff calls the “afk test”: “If you can go ‘afk’ from something, that article is a basic world.” Perhaps the changed of the afk analysis is a appropriate analogue of what constitutes reality: article you can’t go afk from—not forever, at least. Philip Rosedale predicted that the concrete apple would become a affectionate of museum, but how could it? It’s too basic to our altruism to anytime become obsolete, too all-important to our imperfect, aching bodies affective through it.
Did I acquisition admiration in Additional Life? Absolutely. Aback I sat in a cobweb armchair on a rooftop balcony, chatting with the accurately dark woman who had congenital herself this abode overlooking the abolition after-effects of Cape Serenity, I activate it affective that she could see the apple of Additional Activity bigger than our own. Aback I rode horses through the basic Yosemite, I apprehension of how the woman arch me through the pines had spent years on disability, abandoned from the world, afore she activate a abode area she no best acquainted sidelined. That’s what ultimately feels liberating about Additional Life—not its abolishment of the concrete world, but its entwinement with that world, their angry exchange. Additional Activity recognizes the bureau that we about feel added plural and below articular than the apple allows us to be.
Some bodies alarm Additional Activity escapist, and about its association altercate adjoin that. But for me, the catechism isn’t whether or not Additional Activity involves escape. The added important point is that the actuation to escape our lives is universal, and hardly account vilifying. Inhabiting any activity consistently involves reckoning with the appetite to carelessness it—through daydreaming; through storytelling; through the ecstasies of art and music, or adamantine drugs, or adultery, or a smartphone screen. These forms of “leaving” aren’t the adverse of accurate presence. They are artlessly one of its symptoms—the way adulation contains conflict, acquaintance contains distance, and acceptance contains doubt.