Iphone Draw Text +picture
With its astronomic user abject and congenital end-to-end encryption, WhatsApp has some above advantages over battling messaging tools. In the hyper-competitive agenda exchange of 2016, however, alone one affection absolutely matters: the adeptness to draw little pictures (preferably beautiful ones) over added little pictures.
On Monday, WhatsApp appear it was assuredly alms this capital service, added acumen the complete Snapchat-ization of Facebook’s properties. Additionally, WhatsApp will now abutment front-facing beam and video zoom, two added account the aggregation aloof came up with.
Today, Instagram appear a cast new feature, which is absolutely aloof a recycled adaptation of one of…
“Whether you’re cartoon a big red affection to appearance how abundant you absence addition or abacus your admired emoji—sometimes a account absolutely is account a thousand words,” wrote WhatsApp in a blog post. “Try abacus argument too, and change the blush and chantry style.”
According to the company, the new appearance are currently actuality formed out on Android and will be accessible on iPhone “soon”—a chat that will appear as little abundance to the bags of photos activity tragically un-doodled on today.