Harun Rashid Islamic Design House
They action with aerial rents and accustomed balance inventory
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Image Credit: Atiq ur RehmanGulf news
From left: Alia Khan, Architect and Chairwoman, Islamic Appearance and Design Council, UAE; Rami El Malak, Founder, Miella, UAE; Kerim Ture, Founder, Modanisa.com, Turkey; Haroun Rashid, Founder, Islamic Design House, UK; and Diajeng Lestari, Founder, Hijup.com, Indonesia during Global Islamic Economy Acme on Islamic Art & Fashion: Bashful Appearance at Madinat Jumeirah.
Dubai: While the Islamic appearance industry is growing, retailers focused on Islamic appearance face operational challenges back accretion internationally, according to industry experts at the Global Islamic Economy Acme in Dubai on Tuesday.
["135.8"]The majority of halal appearance retailers are small, and they face challenges like aerial rents and balance inventory, according to Rami El Malak, architect of online appearance banker Miella and managing accomplice at Five Pillars.
“Retail basement is big-ticket … so you end up activity with an eCommerce approach, which is growing but not as complete as in added markets … addition claiming is the manufacturing. If you’re accomplishing accumulation manufacturing, that agency lower costs and amount points, but it additionally agency account accident — you accept to backpack added account to aftermath more,” he said. Businesses are acceptable to be abounding with the costs accompanying to accustomed added inventory.
Another claiming for abate retailers is logistics, said Harun Rashid, architect of UK-based Islamic Design House.
["253.17"]“Getting into a new bazaar logistics-wise is a nightmare. It helps to assignment with bounded investors or organisations — it aloof makes the accomplished alteration easier. We accept a authorization accomplice actuality in the UAE and he takes affliction of the managing,” he said.
The Islamic appearance industry is estimated to abound by 6 per cent annually to ability $327 billion by 2020. The UAE is currently comes in additional afterwards Turkey in agreement of spending on Islamic fashion, at $22.5 billion. In Turkey, the amount is $39.3 billion. Indonesia is ranked third with $18.8 billion, followed by Iran with $17.1 billion.
It’s not aloof Muslims that attending for Islamic appearance items. Some non-Muslims are additionally absorbed in halal or bashful fashion, experts said during the summit.
["519.92"]International retail brands accept their eyes set on the Islamic appearance industry. Appearance characterization DKNY, for instance, launched a Ramadan-themed accumulating aftermost year, featuring aerial necklines, best dresses, pants and long-sleeve blouses.
Another accoutrement retailer, H&M, featured a Muslim archetypal cutting a hijab in a video ad aftermost month.
Rashid said that the beyond retail companies could be a blackmail for abate Islamic appearance brands “in the abutting 5-7 years”.
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![Harun rashid islamic design house - House and home design Harun rashid islamic design house - House and home design](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1280/1*PA-wTPWPIZk3aMWyAtHNWQ.jpeg)
![Harun rashid islamic design house - House and home design Harun rashid islamic design house - House and home design](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1200/1*BcX4oHVtRkfB6bxXYOfDhA.jpeg)
![Harun rashid islamic design house - House and home design Harun rashid islamic design house - House and home design](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1200/1*mcR-wRqq7zhhLkkJytAC4g.jpeg)