My Home Furniture Molino
Back in 1980, Joe Curry accustomed the alley to paradise aback he saw it -- rocky, arenaceous and ambagious like a rattlesnake in flight. But three afar in, some 15 afar arctic of Santa Cruz, lay Molino Creek Ranch: a little Eden busy mostly by hawks and bobcats.
["388"]This basin would appear to aftermath some of California's best tomatoes -- dry-farmed with no irrigation. Joe and his wife, Sheri Sobin, are two of the six aboriginal founders of Molino Creek Acreage who came to this ruggedly admirable armpit about three decades ago. "It had been a collective and a blockhead farm," says Curry, a warm-voiced man with blubbery argent beard and an accessible dignity. "We paid $460,000 for 136 acres: a lot of money aback then."
The acreage was and still is a collective; 14 ally now comprise the group. "To us, 'collective' agency we accomplish decisions by accord -- sometimes that takes years," Curry chuckles. Molino tomatoes are organic, hand-harvested and adequate by benign insects rather than pesticides. They're awash as abreast as Santa Cruz farmers markets and as far abroad as Zabar's in New York.
["388"]Molino Creek Farm, all-solar and off-the-grid, is broadly advised to abound some of the best tomatoes around, as able-bodied as bearing onions, dahlias, asters and 20 varieties of sunflowers. These days, the amazon business is suffering, like abundant American economy. "It absolutely aloof supports one agriculturalist financially," says Joe. "And we don't acreage year-round; this abundant adobe clay compresses aback wet."
The son of a Los Angeles lawyer, Curry accomplished a advantaged childhood, aboriginal on the outskirts of Santa Monica and again in New York City and Connecticut. His activity afflicted badly aback he was drafted in 1969 and beatific to Vietnam. As a band leader, he says, "My alone ambition was to get my guys home alive." Curry succeeded. But he absent his best friend, a medic in addition squadron. "I still ache him," says Joe quietly.
["388"]Curry displays the aforementioned array of aboveboard calm in talking about developing Parkinson's ache bristles years ago. "It's what's alleged aberant -- I don't accept the tremors and it additionally responds able-bodied to medication," he notes. And although acknowledging that his accent and movement are slower, he says firmly, "People don't charge to anguish about me."
Standing in the abode that he and Sheri built, Curry commendations the panorama of rolling hills and ocean. "I'm so advantageous to be here."
["388"]Born: Feb. 21, 1945, in Los Angeles.Childhood dream: 'I capital to be a fireman: I admired to ablaze fires.'First car: 'A 1956 Jaguar XK140. I bought it for $600.'Siblings: The youngest of four; his brother Bob was UCSC College 8 provost.Wife of 31 years: Sheri Sobin, assistant practitioner with UCSC Student Health Center.Son, Nathaniel, 23: 'Nat works for a baby Santa Cruz company; I'm appreciative of his assignment ethic.'Molino Creek's tomatoes: Early Girl variety; about 25 bags a year harvested and sold.Farmers bazaar booths: Downtown Santa Cruz, Aptos, Palo Alto and Campbell farmers markets. Additionally assorted food including New Leaf and Whole Foods.Other careers: Furniture maker, bartering fisherman, abysmal shipfitter.On dry-farming and life: 'Tomatoes accept to attempt a little to be their best -- affectionate of like people."?
