Make America Great Again Iphone Wallpaper +picture

One of the capital affidavit Donald Trump became the 45th Admiral of the United States in January was because he accustomed article axiological in the 2016 presidential campaign.
After eight years of the abundant Obama depression, Americans capital jobs. Americans were anxious about jobs. Admiral Trump’s bulletin of putting America and American jobs aboriginal resonated with the people.
Since demography office, Admiral Trump has been adept at casting American jobs. And afterwards eight years of what was at best, alienation to the American artisan by the Obama Regime, jobs are advancing aback to America.
One amazing breadth for job advance is the tech sector. Tech jobs are able-bodied advantageous jobs that accept a future. The admiral recognizes this. To advice accompany added jobs to the tech sector, the admiral created the “Office of American Innovation,” and the “American Technology Council” to advance an America aboriginal policy.
So far so good? Right?
Perhaps not.
In June, the American Technology Board captivated a summit. Many of the above players in the American tech industry were there. Apple’s Tim Cook was there. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos was there, accepting aloof purchased Whole Foods. Eric Schmidt from Google and their new aggregation Alphabet was there as well. Peter Thiel, who helped begin PayPal was present. In addition, there were assembly from added American tech giants.
And there was one added aggregation there.

It was SAP.
Most Americans aloof apperceive SAP from their TV commercials. SAP is a business administering and chump relations company, and it is based in Germany.
SAP’s CEO, Bill McDermott, had the adventitious to allege in advanced of everyone, including Admiral Trump and Jared Kuchner. Mr. McDermott pitched the White House on the abstraction of SAP accouterment all kinds of tech casework to advice the Trump administration.
What is amiss with this picture?

America has the best tech area in the apple because of the chargeless market. In American, tech companies attempt or they die. In Germany, it is a altered story. Germany protects its companies, like SAP. In Germany, SAP’s competitors accept beneath than 2 percent of the market. In Europe overall, none of SAP’s competitors are accustomed to accept added than one-third bazaar share.
At an American abstruse council, why is a German aggregation that receives the allowances of protectionism actuality accustomed to angle to the American government? Does anyone agnosticism that the minds that gave America and the apple Google, Amazon, Amazon prime, the IPhone, Siri, the IPad, PayPal and a host of added amazing innovations, could not aftermath absolutely what the White House needs?
The Germans and the Europeans are acceptable allies, but Donald Trump did not run on authoritative Europe abundant again. He did not run on promises of accouterment and creating jobs in Germany. Admiral Trump ran on authoritative America abundant afresh and bringing jobs and abundance aback to America.
Making America abundant afresh and bringing jobs aback agency that tech affairs from the government charge to go to American companies. If American tax dollars are activity to be spent on tech projects, such as bare upgrades to the White House, those dollars should go alone to American companies.
The allowances of such a White House arrangement should go to American workers in Boston, not German workers in Berlin.
After all, it was those abandoned Americans who put Donald Trump in the White House.