Home Improvement Season 1 Episode 16
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["582"]Yesterday, it was appear that the highest-rated appearance on arrangement television, Big Bang Theory, would resume assembly for the accessible division afterwards CBS assuredly fabricated a accord with the three principals in the cast, Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, and Jim Parsons. The deal, account $90 million, would accord anniversary amateur about $1 amateur per episode. That puts them in the attenuate $1 amateur club, but there are still several actors who averaged added per episode.
Here’s how the casting of BBT endless up amid the richest per adventure actors in TV history.
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Charlie Sheen, Two and a Bisected Men — Sheen fabricated $1.8 amateur per adventure in the final year of his eight-year contract, although he was affected off the appearance afore he could complete the absolute division (the aftermost four episodes were cancelled) afterwards he fabricated calumniating animadversion about Chuck Lorre and accepted a 50 percent raise.
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Ray Romano, Everybody Loves Raymond — Romano fabricated $1.8 amateur per adventure in the aftermost year of his contract, although acknowledgment to royalties, he was still authoritative $20 amateur a year off of Everybody Loves Raymond added than bristles years afterwards it began its run.
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Kelsey Grammer, Frasier — For the aftermost two seasons of Frasier, Grammer becoming $75 million, or about $1.6 amateur per episode.
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Tim Allen, Home Improvement — Allen adjourned $1.25 amateur per adventure for the final year of Home Improvement.
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Jerry Seinfeld, Seinfeld — Although Jerry Seinfeld alone becoming $1 amateur per episode, he still continues to acquire about $400 amateur a year in alliance royalties.
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Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, Courteney Cox, Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc, and Lisa Kudrow, Friends — Acknowledgment to Lisa Kudrow’s brilliant, exceptional of at the time tactic, the casting adjourned calm and managed to defended a tidy $1 amateur per adventure for the aftermost two years (they additionally began accepting alliance royalties afterwards the fifth season).
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Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco and Jim Parsons, Big Bang Theory — As appear yesterday, afterwards dabbling assembly on the accessible season, the arch casting of BBT managed to accommodate $1 amateur per episode, additional back-end fees and royalties.
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Helen Hunt and Paul Reiser, Mad About You — Reiser and Hunt, whose affairs assured that they be paid the aforementioned amount, were awarded $1 amateur per adventure in the seventh and final division of the series, although ratings fells acutely that year.
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Michael C. Hall, Dexter — Although we don’t accept an exact cardinal per adventure number, Michael C. Hall becoming amid $20 and $24 amateur for the final two seasons of Dexter, or abutting to $1 amateur per episode.
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Drew Carey, The Drew Carey Appearance — By the end of its run, Drew Carey was earning $750,000 per episode, which is allotment of why the appearance was cancelled. The sliding ratings and the amount of the alternation ($3 amateur per episode), apprenticed its cancellation.
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Ashton Kutcher, Two and a Bisected Men — Although he makes decidedly beneath than Charlie Sheen did, Kutcher still manages to be one of television’s accomplished paid actors.
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Julia Louis Dreyfus, Jason Alexander, and Michael Richards, Seinfeld — Their $600,000 per adventure is annihilation to apprehend at, although they do not own a allotment of the show, so they alone accept SAG ante for alliance royalties.
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Jon Cryer, Two and a Bisected Men — Cryer, for putting up with Sheen, Angus T. Jones, and Ashton Kutcher for all these years, absolutely does deserve added than the $600,000 per adventure he earns.
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Mark Harmon, NCIS — Harmon is basically the richest per adventure guy in arrangement dramas now, with $525,000 per episode.
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William Peterson, CSI— Afore dispatch abroad from CSI, Peterson was authoritative bisected a amateur per episode. His replacement, Ted Danson, earns over $200,000 per episode.
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