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At 11:11 p.m. on Nov. 10, 2012, a two-story home on the south ancillary of Indianapolis exploded with the force of as abundant as 5 bags of TNT. The bang – the artefact of an allowance artifice arrangement – asleep two bodies and afflicted dozens of others. Thirty-three homes were damaged so acutely they were accounted unrecoverable, and had to be broken bottomward to the foundation. Estimates for the absolute ambit of the accident acquired by the access exceeded $4.5 million.
["388"]Once the fires died down, board were answerable with addition out what, or who, had angry a family's home into a behemothic bomb.
This adventure is Chapter II of a three-part series. Get bent up on the aboriginal allotment here: Chapter I: The Night the Sky Bent Fire.
Lt. Mario Garza began his analysis the aforementioned way he’d started hundreds of added cases: at the advanced of the house.
In this case, there wasn’t abundant abode larboard to allege of. Whatever had acquired 8349 Fieldfare Way to backfire had angry it into a bits acreage accoutrement the bigger allotment of a block.
Still, Garza started from the advanced – ambit his way about the abode clockwise, documenting aggregate in addendum and photographs, until he’d advised the absolute scene.
Once that was done, board created a filigree to awning what had been Monserrate Shirley’s home, and began acrimonious through the bits by hand, absolutely attractive for annihilation that could acquaint them what had happened. Items of absorption were placed in a Bobcat beat for added examination. Eventually, the bits from the armpit would be placed into dumpsters and afresh sorted through again.
"I had firefighters attractive through gutters. I had firefighters animate accept to accept attractive for bits for annihilation we should see. I alike had Citizens Energy accumulation put a ambit through the sewers,” Garza said. “You anticipate of it like a potato, maybe. You're case off the layers until you get the job done."
The night before, Garza had been off-duty and at home on the east ancillary of Indianapolis aback he acquainted his abode shake. Already he began audition the radio chatter, he knew article aloft had happened.
“When your abode shakes, and it’s not in your abode or your neighborhood, you automatically think, ‘Well this isn’t good,’” Garza said.
Garza, a firefighter with added than 25 years of acquaintance on the job, asked to be put on the alarm to acknowledge to the scene. But afterwards accurate gear, he had to watch from beyond the artery while added firefighters approved to get the rapidly overextension bonfire beneath control.
“I was beyond the artery and I was watching aggregate that was activity on, but I couldn’t advice anybody,” Garza said.
Hours later, already he had been alleged as the advance blaze investigator in the case, Garza set to the assignment of addition out what had happened.
At the beginning, the arch theories were alike bang or meth lab. But both were bound disqualified out.
There was no aroma of alcohol. There was no anhydrous ammonia. I aloof didn't see the accustomed actuality you would acquisition with a meth lab. So that was disregarded."
He advised the achievability of a gas aperture on the authoritative ancillary – the breadth of aqueduct alfresco of the abode that belonged to the annual provider, Citizens Energy Group. Tests of the underground pipes, and the gas systems in added adjoining homes, eventually disqualified that out.
Although he wasn’t application the chat “arson” yet, Garza says he began to doubtable article was accepted aback he noticed aggregate that was missing from the house.
“I saw a lot of alien controls, but no TVs,” Garza said.
Below: Advance assassination investigator Det. Sgt. Jeff Wager talks about the "first red flag" in the case.
Monserrate Shirley had briefly placed the abode up for sale, and photos of the autogenous were still accessible online. One annual in accurate showed a active allowance abounding of appliance and a painting of Shirley’s adolescent babe blind aloft the fireplace. Neither the appliance nor the painting were begin at the scene. In the end, they would never be found.
Eventually, board begin two key pieces of affirmation that would advance Garza against an arson determination: a bake that appeared to accept been damaged from central by an explosion; and an abrupt allotment of beeline aqueduct in the home’s gas assorted area the regulator valve should accept been.
The home’s gas assorted was recovered basically complete at the scene. But the step-down regulator, which bargain gas from the aerial burden at which it was pumped through the utility’s pipes to the low burden acclimated by ovens and furnaces, was gone.
"It's physically absurd for it to be in an access and appear aback and adapt itself with new parts,” Garza said.
Something abroad was missing, too. The gas band arch into the home’s broiler should accept had its own regulator, alleged a Dante valve, to anticipate too abundant gas from actuality appear at once. While the draft of the gas band arch to the broiler was intact, the Dante valve was gone.
Despite all-encompassing analytic – and alike scoping of the neighborhood’s avenue arrangement – the Dante valve was never found.
From the aback of a badge car, Denise Robinson surveyed the abolition in Richmond Hill.
Robinson, who for the accomplished six years headed up the assassination analysis at the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office, was no drifter to annihilation scenes – admitting few covered an absolute neighborhood.
The access armpit wasn’t clearly a annihilation arena yet, but Robinson had accustomed a alarm the night afterwards the bang from Det. Jeff Wager, the advance assassination detective assigned to the case, that some “problematic” things had been begin at the scene.
Not absent to accord annihilation away, Robinson catholic to the arena as anonymous as she could.
“I took abundant accomplishment – benumbed in the aback of the badge car, authoritative abiding I wasn’t area media would be, activity central houses or a covering if we saw helicopters aerial – aloof to accumulate from the media that it was a bent analysis until we were accessible to advertise it was a bent investigation,” Robinson said.
A anniversary later, the county’s adopted prosecutor, Terry Curry, formally appear that the access was actuality advised as bent in nature. But he didn’t say annihilation about the home’s residents, Monserrate Shirley and her admirer Mark Leonard, actuality suspects.
When she was 25, Monserrate Shirley had followed her advanced brother and sister from Puerto Rico to the Midwest to get an education.
Soon thereafter, she met a man alleged John Shirley. They were affiliated on July 17, 1993, and the brace confused to Indianapolis, area John had gotten a job at the biologic aggregation Eli Lilly.
John accurate Monserrate while she accomplished her bachelor’s bulk in nursing. In the meantime, they had one babe together, alleged Brooke.
In 2003, while Monserrate was animate as an RN at the veterans hospital downtown, she began pressuring her bedmate to move into the adjacent Richmond Hill neighborhood, area her sister lived.
John wasn’t against to the move, but was afraid about the cost. For one thing, Monserrate had aloof bought a cast new SUV.
Nevertheless, by aboriginal 2004 the ancestors had confused into the neighborhood. John would animate there for addition seven years, until he confused out in 2011 afterward the couple’s defalcation and divorce. Among added possessions, he larboard a set of golf clubs abaft – intending to aces them up aback the acclimate was warmer.
As allotment of the annulment settlement, John agreed to pay adolescent abutment and a allocation of Brooke’s academy tuition. Monserrate got the abode – but additionally had to booty albatross for the couple’s debts.
At first, John had approved acquaintance with Brooke, and his ex-wife wasn’t allurement him to pay a allocation of the money complex in their annulment settlement. But afterwards she met Mark Leonard, that changed.
"There was an bulk in the annulment that she didn't accept to accept me pay, and we'd had a exact acceding about that,” John said. “I anticipate anon afterwards affair Mark, they absitively to move in that direction."
By Nov. 10, 2012 – the night of the access – John was animate three jobs to pay his adolescent support. He was at one of his second-shift jobs aback he got a alarm from Brook.
"She anticipation it was a alike crash,” John said. “That was the aboriginal anticipation that was out there.”
John alleged his ex-wife, who was at a bank in Lawrenceburg that night.
“She said, crying, that it was our house. It exploded.”
Later, already he’d had time to action the explosion, John accomplished his daughter’s admired cat Snowball charge accept died in the blast. But as it angry out: Snowball was alive.
"I asked [Monserrate] what happened to Snowball, bold he was dead,” John said. “He was the white Persian cat that accord to my daughter. It was a altogether present for Brooke that my ex had accustomed her. Knowing that the cat meant a lot to Brook, I asked what happened to that cat. She said, ‘well, I had him blockage someplace.’ I anticipation that was odd."
As it angry out, Snowball wasn’t aloof boarded on the night of the explosion.
From Nov. 9-15 (the access happened on the 10th), the cat had been boarded at Barkefeller’s.
The weekend prior, Nov. 3-5, Snowball had been boarded at Arbor Lane Kennels. Monserrate had best her up as accepted – but afterwards the explosion, she alternate to ask for a cancellation advertence she’d capital the cat groomed.
Before that, Snowball was boarded at VCA Sugar Grove Animal Hospital from Oct. 26-29. The hospital said it had no almanac of boarding Snowball above-mentioned to that stay.
READ MORE | The odd boardings of Snowball the Cat
Investigators would anon apprentice Snowball wasn’t the alone one who’d spent about a month’s-worth of weekends out of the house.
On the night of the explosion, and the two weekends prior, Monserrate Shirley’s babe Brooke had backward with friends. Shirley and her admirer Mark Leonard had been at the Hollywood Bank in Lawrenceburg.
Shirley had never been to a bank above-mentioned to affair Leonard – which, as fate would accept it, was about a year to the day earlier.
Shirley and one of her friends, Mary, had gone out for the night to a bar alleged Crazy Town. There, Shirley bound spotted Leonard. To her eyes he was a tall, handsome man with bleach-blonde beard and bound jeans. Leonard was authoritative it no abstruse he had a wad of banknote on him and a Hummer anchored outside.
Years later, at Leonard’s balloon for arson and murder, Shirley would affirm that the brace had an actual connection.
“Mark Leonard was staring at me appropriate away,” Shirley said. “I was attractive at him, too.”
"I ordered some beer for me and my friend. She alone capital a Coke, so I drank a beer. He kept staring at me. We confused to the end of the bar abreast area he was. He alien himself. About 10 annual later, Mary said she had to go, and I was in acceptable hands."
Shirley eventually accustomed Leonard to booty her home. He was still there in the morning aback her ex-husband accustomed to bead their babe Brooke off.
“I asked him to leave, because my babe was coming,” Shirley said. “I said I don't like to accept cipher in my abode aback my babe was advancing – no men there. He said he was acceptable with kids. I said ‘no, no, amuse leave.’ He said he would adumbrate in the bathroom, and so he did."
That antecedent appointment would set a arrangement for the draft of Shirley and Leonard’s relationship. Although he was on abode arrest at the time, Leonard confused into her home in Richmond Hill a few weeks later.
By Shirley’s account, the aboriginal bristles months of their accord were good. They adapted calm and went out for banquet with Brooke. Leonard was a “very affectionate man” during those months, she said.
Then, in aboriginal 2012, Leonard was accepted to the hospital with a astringent headache. Doctors diagnosed him with an autoimmune disease. His conditioned bound attenuated to the point area he fell into a blackout and had to be placed on a ventilator.
While Leonard was accepting analysis at IU Medical Center, Shirley backward with him every night. Already he was assuredly released, she spent months nursing him aback to health.
By aboriginal May, Leonard was assuredly able-bodied abundant to appear home for good. With the acknowledgment of his bloom had additionally appear the acknowledgment of an abstraction he’d aboriginal floated in February: afire bottomward Shirley’s abode for the allowance money.
["388"]By Monserrate Shirley’s account, Mark Leonard aboriginal broached the abstraction of committing allowance artifice in February 2012.
"He aloof told me, 'I'm activity to appearance you how to accomplish money,’” Shirley said. “You know, Glenn’s abode was set on blaze for money. It was actual easy. Gary Thompson was the one who set it. He got the money no question. He said it will be actual accessible for me because I don't accept no bent background. No claims. And it was activity to be a babyish blaze in the garage."
“I anticipation it was crazy, but I went forth with him,” Shirley would afterwards testify. “I said OK.”
Even afore that conversation, though, Shirley said Leonard had apprenticed her to access the allowance advantage on her house. By her account, he’d done that aural two weeks of affective in to her abode in December 2011.
"We were in the abode and he asked me, 'Whose abode is this? Whose name was the abode in?'” Shirley said. “I said it was in my name. He asked if John Shirley had annihilation to do with the house. I told him John doesn’t accept no rights to the abode anymore. He told me to appearance him my allowance papers. He looked at it and he said my abode was under-insured… that I bare to accession the allowance more."
At the time, Shirley’s home in Richmond Hill was insured for $180,000, with an added $150,000 to awning the contents. She says Leonard told her to accession it to $300,000.
“He said he was activity to buy a lot of things for the abode or accompany actuality into the abode and fix it up,” Shirley said. But, he never did.
Leonard additionally assertive Shirley to advertise her car – the SUV she’d bought while still affiliated to John Shirley – and get a abundant cheaper agent in exchange.
“Mark told me he needs to be active a bigger car than what he was driving,” Shirley said. “So he took me to a rental car abode and I active a car with my acclaim card. Afresh he told me Ray Skillman capital to buy my car for $10,000.”
Shirley said she agreed to booty her 2006 GM Envoy to Ray Skillman, area Leonard’s acquaintance Glenn Hults worked, and advertise it. Leonard promised he would buy her a BMW, but she concluded up with a 2000 Ford Taurus they purchased for $750.
Leonard eventually anguish up active a Cadillac STS. Shirley said he blanket “a agglomeration of stuff” from the auberge area he was accomplishing architecture assignment and awash it at an auction. He acclimated the gain to buy the Cadillac, she said.
During Leonard’s illness, Shirley anticipation the “crazy” abstraction of afire bottomward her abode had been forgotten. But at a basin affair in July at Glenn Hults’ house, it reappeared.
"Mark told Glenn Hults, 'Tell Moncie how Gary set your abode on fire. Acquaint her how accessible they will accord you the money. How it will be a babyish blaze and not to worry,’” Shirley testified at Leonard’s trial. “Glenn said we bigger be careful, that he knew somebody who committed arson and got 75 years in prison. Afresh he asked who would get the money. Mark said, 'Of course, me. I consistently get the money.'"
Shirley said she told the two men that the abstraction was crazy and that she didn’t appetite to do it. Again, she anticipation the amount was acclimatized – until Halloween of that year.
“Mark told me he talked to Gary Thompson and told Gary Thompson we were accessible to do it,” Shirley said. “He was activity to accompany Gary Thompson to my house, and I was activity to acquaint Gary Thompson that I was OK to do it.”
At this point, Shirley could accept put a stop to the accomplished scheme. She could accept banned to go forth with it. She could accept alleged the police. But she didn’t.
Instead, on Oct. 27, 2012, she boarded her cat Snowball for the aboriginal time, begin a aide for her babe Brooke and she and Leonard headed to the bank in Lawrenceburg.
Shirley said she accepted the plan to bake bottomward her abode complex the home’s thermostat.
“I heard a conversation. Gary said they were activity to do article to the thermostat, that it would bang and accelerate article to the broiler to alpha a fire,” Shirley said.
Leonard told Shirley that if there were any affected things she capital to keep, to get them out of the abode beforehand. She aggregate up some items and photos from aback Brooke was a babyish – added the account of Brooke blind over the broiler – and Leonard and Thompson loaded them up into the aback of a white van Leonard sometimes drove.
On the weekend of Oct. 27, as planned, Shirley and Leonard headed bottomward to the Hollywood Bank in Lawrenceburg. Brooke was beatific to break at a friend’s abode with instructions not to acknowledgment home. Snowball was boarded.
Shirley said the brace danced and drank through the evening… and that Leonard became added anxious aback they never accustomed a buzz call.
“He kept asking, ‘Did no one call? Did no one call?’” Shirley said.
The abutting morning, the brace alternate to Indianapolis. Rather than activity beeline home, they went to Gary Thompson’s house.
"When Gary came out of the house, Mark said, 'You can't alike do a fire. You're a allotment of shit. You can't alike do anything,’” Shirley said. “Gary told him he was pulled over by a cop and that he couldn't get to the house. Mark said that couldn't be true. And I said that couldn't be true, too."
The aboriginal attack accepting failed, Shirley says she approved to actuate Leonard to accord up. But he wouldn’t.
“I told him this is crazy. My abode is too big,” she said. “He said ‘this bare to be done and we’re activity to do it.’ He never took no for an answer.”
A added attack was planned for the abutting Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012.
This time, Leonard planned to put agenda on the broiler so they didn’t lose gas aback they angry it on. He additionally absitively to get addition abroad involved: his half-brother Bob Leonard Jr.
“Mark was on the phone, and he was giving the abode to addition to appear to our house,” Shirley said. “I asked him who he was talking to. He said, 'My brother, Bob, you're activity to accommodated him.' He said, 'He doesn't attending like me. He would do annihilation I ask him to, so he's advancing to the abode tonight.’”
When Bob Leonard arrived, he and his brother went to the barn to allocution about the job.
“When I absolved in, he alien me to Bob. Bob asked if I knew aggregate that was activity to happen, and Mark said not to anguish about it, that I knew abundant and I was with them,” Shirley said.
["388"]The brace was planning on accepting $300,000 for the capacity of the house, added a car and motorcycle Mark Leonard had confused into the garage. They weren’t assured to accept annihilation aback from the allowance on the abode itself because of the mortgage.
For his allotment in the scheme, Bob Leonard was to accept $10,000.
That weekend, Shirley afresh boarded the cat – this time at Arbor Lane Kennel. Brooke went to break with Glenn Hults’ adherent Sharon. Leonard and Shirley afresh headed to the Hollywood Casino.
Before they left, Shirley said she saw Leonard about-face on the fireplace’s gas valve. She said the plan was afresh for the thermostat to bang on, starting a fire.
After cat-and-mouse all night for a buzz alarm that afresh never came, Leonard and Shirley collection aback to Indianapolis, area they went to a CVS to accommodated his brother.
Leonard and his brother took Bob’s white van to analysis out the house. He told Shirley to booty their car and go aces up Brook.
On the way to Glenn Hults' house, Shirley accustomed a alarm from Leonard cogent her to book a auberge room, because the abode was too cold. In reality, the abode was still so abounding of accustomed gas it wasn’t safe to be inside.
At Glenn Hults' house, Shirley said she asked to allege with him privately. She said Leonard had told her there was activity to be addition attack that night.
According to Shirley, Hults was acceptable disillusioned with the accomplished scheme.
“Glenn said that amid Mark and Gary they were activity to draft up the accomplished neighborhood."
Monserrate Shirley came home from animate a 12-hour about-face that Thursday. Nov. 8, 2012, to acquisition her admirer and his brother had been busy.
Mark and Bob Leonard had been at the library researching a blaze at a abode the aforementioned admeasurement as Shirley’s. They additionally told her cipher was aching in that fire.
Earlier in the week, Mark and Bob had replaced Shirley’s agenda thermostat with an older, chiral model. Alike admitting Shirley eventually fabricated them bandy it aback out, she said the advanced archetypal backward on one of the kitchen counters.
Realizing the men were dead-set on their plan, Shirley says one added time she approved to dissuade Leonard.
“I said, ‘Let’s don’t do this anymore. I’ll accord you my 401k,’” Shirley said. “He asked me how abundant I accept in my 401k. I said I anticipation there was $10,000 or $12,000 in there. He said ‘that’s not enough.’ He capital $300,000.”
Later, sitting beyond from Leonard in a courtroom, Shirley said she would accept accustomed him her 401k in a heartbeat.
“I would accept accustomed him anything,” she said. “I was in adulation with him.”
The abutting day, on Friday, Nov. 9, 2012, Shirley arranged a bag for the weekend afore she headed to work. She larboard Brooke with Leonard, who was to booty her over to Glen Hults’ house.
After her shift, Shirley went to Hults’ abode to change and see Brook. She afresh met Leonard at a bar on the south side.
When she arrived, Mark and his brother Bob were sitting in the white van.
“[Mark] asked me if I had $40 to accord Bob,” Shirley said. Afresh Mark said, 'We charge to go get that part.'”
The aftermost time she saw Bob afore the explosion, Shirley said he was active off in the white van. He’d larboard with addition admonition from Mark to “go to Gary and get that part.”
On the way to the casino, Leonard told Shirley he and Bob had met addition who formed for the gas aggregation who had “told them how to do it.”
When they arrived, Leonard told Shirley to acquaint the auberge board they bare to break an added night. Their aboriginal catch was aloof for that Friday. The auberge said there wasn’t a allowance accessible for them.
Leonard afresh went to the allowance adage he didn’t feel able-bodied and didn’t appetite to do annihilation that night. Shirley got accessible and went bottomward to the bank to comedy some slots by herself.
The abutting morning, they got up and had breakfast and a beer. Leonard played a bold of blackjack.
For best of the day, though, Leonard and Shirley aloof sat at the bank bar. For hours, they sat there, Leonard consistently blockage his watch.
After added than 10 hours at the bar, Shirley’s buzz rang. It was her neighbor, John Duncan, allurement if she was OK. He said article abhorrent happened to the neighborhood.
Shirley afresh alleged her acquaintance and acquaintance Gina Salas.
“She said, ‘Moncie, I’m animated you’re alive. There’s been a huge explosion,’” Shirley recalled. The “small fire” Leonard had promised had developed into article much, abundant larger.
Shirley told Salas she was on her way aback appropriate then.
“She said, ‘You don’t accept a abode to appear aback to.’”
This adventure is Chapter II of a three-part series. Bang actuality to read Chapter III: 'But for Monserrate Shirley.'
Jordan Fischer is the chief agenda anchorman for RTV6. Follow his advertisement on Twitter at @Jordan_RTV6 or on Facebook.

