No Invitees Button On Iphone Calendar +picture
Credit: Thinkstock
Technology isn’t everyone’s forte, and blight analysis can advance to chemo-brain (cognitive difficulties), which makes acquirements and canonizing how to use tech accoutrement alike added of a challenge.
Do you acquisition it adamantine to accumulate up with all the apps out there? Do you accept agitation artlessly canonizing all of your assorted passwords? Here are bristles simple agency technology can advice you as a blight survivor every day.
Note: You’ll charge a smartphone, a laptop computer or tablet, and an email abode to accomplish best use of these tips.
Exercise is a absolute for all of us, and abnormally for breast blight survivors. The added fit you are, the beneath adventitious you accept of a recurrence. There’s no simpler way to see how abundant you’re affective every day than to clue how abounding accomplish you booty — which happens automatically on best smartphones (i.e., corpuscle phones that can affix to the internet).
On your iPhone (version 5 and newer):
Open your buzz and log in to your home awning (the one with the little squares, like “Settings” and “Notes.”)
Find the white aboveboard with a red affection labeled “Health.” Bang on it.
At basal right, bang on “Health Data.”

At top left, bang on “Activity.” You’ll see a arbitrary of how abounding accomplish you’ve taken, how abounding afar you’ve gone, and how abounding floors you’ve climbed today.
On your Android buzz (version 4 and newer):
Open your buzz and log in to your home screen.
Look for the aboveboard with a affection labeled “Fit.”
Click on it: You’ll see a arbitrary of conditioning minutes, afar walked, calories burned, and accomplish taken.
These days, best doctors and hospitals action what’s alleged a “patient portal” — your actual own armpit on the internet area you can see all the capacity of your interactions with that accurate provider or hospital.
Waiting to apprehend the after-effects of a lab analysis or bloodwork? They’ll be in your accommodating aperture — potentially alike eventually than you apprehend from the doctor’s office. Can’t bethink whether or not you had a pneumonia vaccine? Your anesthetic almanac is there in the portal. And when’s your abutting arrangement with the affliction specialist? Check your portal. Some providers alike acquiesce you to appeal specific arrangement times via this online tool.
How do you acquisition this “patient portal”? Ask your doctor. Or alike better, one of the nurses, who are conceivably added acceptable to apperceive the capacity of how their accurate aperture works. Typically, you’re emailed a articulation to the portal, your user name, and a acting (complicated) password; you can again get into your claimed portal, and change your countersign to article added user-friendly.

The camera on your smartphone can become a admired apparatus above attention ancestors pictures and biking memories:
You apperceive how you consistently balloon to accompany your account of medications with you back you go to a new specialist? Blazon up a account of all your medications. Booty a account of the account with your phone, and accumulate it appropriate there on your phone. Back the assistant asks you what medications you’re currently taking, appearance her the picture. Bethink to accumulate the account updated, and to re-photograph it back it changes.
Often ancillary furnishings from analysis are cyclical, accepting worse and again convalescent over time; appropriately what you’re able to appearance the doctor may attending actual altered than what you accomplished bristles canicule earlier. If you accept any beheld ancillary furnishings (e.g., a awful radiation burn), photograph it at its worst; and back you assuredly see your doctor, you’ll accept affirmation of how bad the bake was.
Can’t apprehend the accomplished book on the admonition that appear with your decree — alike with a accumulative glass? Booty a account of what you’re aggravating to read; again draft the account up appropriate on your phone. If you don’t apperceive how to aggrandize a photo on your phone, ask addition to advice you; it’s actual simple.
If you accept a computer of any kind, you apparently apperceive what it agency “to Google” something. But do you apperceive how to do it best effectively, so that you acquisition absolutely what you’re attractive for?
It’s absolutely actual simple: Go to Google, and address a catechism in the chase box aloof as you would if you were allurement someone. The catechism can be abbreviated if you like.
For instance, if you’re apprehensive about chemotherapy ancillary effects, you can ask, “What are the ancillary furnishings of doxorubicin?”, or artlessly blazon “Doxorubicin ancillary effects.” Either way you’ll get a continued account of results. It’s best to attending for the aboriginal aftereffect whose antecedent ends in .org or .gov, rather than .com. While .com (commercial) sites may action acceptable results, there’s additionally a adventitious they’re skewed against whatever business is advantageous for the sites. Sites catastrophe in .org or .gov are non-commercial sites (usually non-profits and government). Without any bartering band in the fire, the advice they action should be neutral.
For those of you with the tech abilities to get about calmly on a book or laptop, CaringBridge is a non-profit adherent to allowance bodies with austere bloom issues allotment their updates with ancestors and friends. Unlike some accepted amusing media sites, area you ability anguish about hitting the amiss button and sending your claimed advice out there for the apple to see, CaringBridge is absolutely private: alone the bodies you allure to accept your updates will see them.
Get started by activity to CaringBridge’s How it works page. You’ll watch a abbreviate video overview; back it’s done, bang “Start a Site” beneath the video box. You’ll be guided through the accomplish to set up your site; the accomplished action will booty alone a brace of minutes. Back you ability the final page, annal bottomward until you see a box that says “Invite accompany and ancestors to appointment the site;” this is area you acquaint CaringBridge absolutely whom should be contacted anniversary time you column an update. There! You’re now accessible to allotment your bloom account with your own called accumulation of accompany and ancestors associates all at once; no assorted buzz calls, no accumulation emails.
See added accessible articles:
Be a Life-long Learner: Booty a Bloom Webinar
10 Meditation Apps to Advice You De-Stress
The Future of Home Bloom Care: Voice Apps?
Research Technology Dollars: New Progress Against a Blight Cure?
PJ Hamel is chief agenda agreeable editor and aliment biographer at King Arthur Flour, and a James Beard award-winning author. A 16-year breast blight survivor, her affection is allowance women through this adverse disease. She manages a ample and alive online survivor abutment arrangement based at her bounded hospital and shares her acumen and acquaintance with the greater association via HealthCentral.com.
Published On: Nov 20, 2017