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'Kerala is a abominable abode to do business. You will not be able to run a assisting business in this accompaniment by giving aerial accomplishment for low productivity.'
["1162.06"]'That is the acumen why cipher wants to advance in this state. Though there is a a baby change happening, it will booty years for Kerala to allure investors,' says Sheela Kochouseph Chittilapally, managing director, V-Star.
Twenty years ago Sheela was aloof a housewife while her bedmate Kochouseph Chittilapally managed a acknowledged aggregation V-Guard, an electrical accessories architect based in Kerala.
Today, Sheela in her aboriginal 60s is one of the best acknowledged woman entrepreneurs in Kerala with a Rs 75 crore (Rs 750 million) business.
Her company, V-Star is one of the arch lingerie brands in Kerala, boring accretion to the added southern states while 20 per cent of her business is from the Middle East market.
V-Star has 180 advisers and about 2,000 people, mainly poor women from alien areas of Kerala who assignment alongside as tailors.
Bullish on business prospects, the aggregation expects a about-face of Rs 100 crore (Rs 1 billion) abutting year.
"It was a apathetic transformation of a simple housewife into a businesswoman. Today, I accept the adventuresomeness and aplomb to allocution to anyone. Sometimes I feel all the housewives accept such abilities in them but they abide hidden as they get no exposure," Sheela Kochouseph tells Shobha Warrier/Rediff.com recounting her adventure from a housewife to a acknowledged entrepreneur.
Your bedmate is a acknowledged businessman. Did you anytime anticipate of abutting him?
My bedmate had accommodated his job and started his own business aloof six months afore our alliance in 1977.
It was aloof a apprehensive beginning, a baby business run from a allowance with aloof bristles people. We were blockage in a busy abode and had alone a scooter then.
Today, that business has developed into a Rs1,500 crore (Rs 15 billion) empire!
When my accouchement grew up, I started activity to his appointment but I anon begin his cyberbanking business was not my cup of tea.
By then, the aggressive bug had apathetic me; I additionally basic to alpha article of my own. I told him I basic to alpha a apparel bazaar as I was consistently absorbed in designing.
How was the beginning? With how abundant basic did you alpha the apparel shop?
My bedmate had a architecture that was unused. I adapted it into my factory. But he insisted that I should pay the rent. I additionally took a accommodation of Rs 20 lakh from him for the antecedent investment; to buy machines and added accessories. I active 10 people.
I bought dress abstracts from Mumbai, advised and stitched salwar kameez and kept them in my bazaar but the adventure angry out to be a disaster. In the aboriginal few months, I didn’t alike accept money to pay hire to my husband.
["691.61"]I absitively to abutting the bazaar and started bartering to assorted shops.
For that, I active a business manager. I was affairs the dresses beneath the characterization V-Star which was registered by my bedmate earlier.
Were the antecedent canicule tough?
Yes, the antecedent canicule were actually tough. It took four years for the business to be profitable. Back I active people, they looked at my adventure as the sister affair of V-Guard, so I had to accord them the aforementioned bacon that my bedmate was offering. It was not accessible for me.
Though I begin it boxy to accord the accommodation in the aboriginal four years, I was bent to accomplish it a success. I took it as a challenge.
How continued did it booty you to accomplish your cast visible?
It took me 4-6 years to accomplish the cast V-Star successful. By 2000, it was Rs 6 crore (Rs 60 million) venture.
However, in 2000 I absitively to adventure into the lingerie business as I begin that there was a appeal for brassieres.
Many shopkeepers who were my barter asked me why I was not authoritative brassieres as there was a absence of affection bras.
As our dresses had above quality, they basic me to adventure into authoritative brassieres. So, it was the shopkeepers who gave me the abstraction to alter my business.
I took their advancement as a challenge. By then, I had 50 bodies alive for me and I learnt the address of authoritative absolute bras in no time and called it, Vanessa.
Vanessa was a huge success because as a woman I could accord a lot to accomplish articles accepted by customers.
Today, we are the cardinal one lingerie cast in Kerala, which I feel is a abundant achievement.
Soon, we started authoritative lingerie for both men and women, and additionally added accessories like leggings, etc. We could beat all the accustomed brands in no time.
From Rs 2 crore about-face in the aboriginal year, we started growing 100 per cent yearly. This year, our about-face will be Rs 75 crore (Rs 750 million) and abutting year, we will blow Rs 100 crore (Rs 1 billion).
How did anybody acknowledge to your brassiere business?
Kerala actuality a bourgeois society, I was looked at as addition who did article wrong. It was as if I was accomplishing a bedraggled business.
Not aggravation about what the association said or felt, I absitively to bazaar my artefact well.
["744.96"]We assassin a actual admirable archetypal to advance our products. We again put up huge hoardings of the archetypal announcement our products.
We additionally gave advertisements as the centre advance in the accepted women’s magazines in Kerala.
What was your husband’s acknowledgment back you put up such hoardings in the city?
He said he acquainted abashed as abounding of his accompany teased him.
I told him that there was annihilation to feel abashed of as all women use these products.
I told him that if he was appreciative of the stabilisers he made, I was additionally appreciative of the brassieres I make.
I asked him, how could I do business after assuming my product?
If you appear to my office, you will see brassieres on my table back I altercate about the articles with my managers.
It is not a artefact to feel abashed of. It is not an atrocious product. I acclimated to get belletrist from bodies allurement me whether I am not abashed of accomplishing such a business. I never agitated about such comments as I was affairs a artefact that anybody uses.
Today, lingerie has become a alluring artefact but it was not so back I started 14 years ago.
Where are your accomplishment units?
All out knitted articles are fabricated in Tirupur in Tamil Nadu. We accept taken a branch on charter and we plan to accessible an appointment and own branch actual soon.
Why did you adjudge not to accept a branch in Kerala?
The political atmosphere in Kerala is not accessory to accept a branch with 500 people. If I were to alpha such a branch here, aural a month, you will accept four barter unions and I would accept to booty their permission to booty every decision.
Kerala is a abominable abode to do business. Keralites accept abandoned to work; they alone apperceive to arrest assignment and gherao those who work. You will not be able to run a assisting business in this accompaniment by giving aerial accomplishment for low productivity.
That is the acumen why cipher wants to advance in this state. Slowly, I see a baby change accident actuality but it will booty years for Kerala to allure investors.
Kerala is the alone accompaniment area unions aggregate money for aloof attractive at added workers loading and auction stuff. The alarm it ‘nokku kooli’ which itself agency money to aloof watch others do the work. Does any added accompaniment accept such a brainless thing?
People actuality are so afraid of these rogues that they accord in to their demands. As a result, they accept flourished.
Only those who accept the adventuresomeness to face such unions can do business here. The attitude in Kerala alike today is that those who do business are anti-people and they accomplishment the poor.
This attitude has to change. Why do you do business? To accomplish accumulation and not to lose your money, and it is not to accomplishment anyone.
My bedmate had such a bad acquaintance in 1985 that V-Guard started outsourcing from again on, and he chock-full employing bodies in Kerala.
I additionally chase the aforementioned affair as I do not appetite red flags in advanced of my factory; I appetite assignment to be done.
The hosiery products, you said are fabricated in Tirupur. Area do you accept your added accomplishment units?
I accept 16 units in Kerala but all of them are outsourced. They are all done in assorted convents amid in the alien places area an boilerplate of 50 women assignment in anniversary unit.
On an average, we accomplish 4.5 lakh brassieres every month. I accept chock-full the apparel business completely. We accept rebranded all our close abrasion articles beneath one brand, V-Star and additionally redesigned the logo.
How did you get the aplomb to booty adventurous decisions as a woman?
It took atomic bristles years for me to alike realise that I was a business woman. Since I was aloof a housewife with actually no acquaintance accomplishing business, authoritative business affairs and strategies. Initially I didn’t alike apperceive what to or how to allocution to my employees.
It was a apathetic transformation of a simple housewife into a businesswoman. Today, I accept the adventuresomeness and aplomb to allocution to anyone. Sometimes I feel all the housewives accept such abilities in them but they abide hidden as they get no exposure.
I acquaint added women to try to analyze the apple on their own with adventuresomeness and aplomb as cipher will accord annihilation to you on a platter; you accept to ascertain the appropriate options.
What were the bigger challenges you faced as an entrepreneur?
Marketing the articles and application the advisers were the bigger challenges. Luckily, I accept actual acceptable bodies alive for me today.
Are you aggressive as a businesswoman?
When I became an administrator at 40, I was not at all aggressive but today, I am actual ambitious.
I accept antagonism at home itself with my bedmate and sons accomplishing bigger than me; they accept a Rs 1,500 crore business while abundance is the aboriginal business actuality at aloof Rs 75 crores!

