Iphone Word Suggestion Turn On +picture
Macworld clairvoyant Sherry wants Apple to leave her alone. She’s disabled Siri and doesn’t use iCloud Photo Library. But she finds Apple seems to be advantageous absorption in means she doesn’t like.

She writes:
I was afflicted to see an account tentatively added to my agenda afterwards texting about it with a friend. Additionally I accept afresh been presented with “memories” from Apple of photos and area they were taken. Although I accept annihilation to hide, I don’t appetite this affectionate of advance on my privacy. Also, is there a way to wirelessly accompany my iPhone and iPad photos to my Mac after application the iCloud library?
I accept a few answers for her.
On agenda items: iOS and macOS abnormally admit agenda events, locations, buzz numbers, and added sorts of abstracts in Messages, Safari, Mail, and added apps. This alike happens if you argument someone, “Should we accommodated Friday night?” The “Friday night” will be agilely accent in Messages in both iOS and macOS and you can tap or bang it. This brings up an advantage to Create Event, Show in Calendar, Copy Event, or Cancel in iOS, and hardly altered options in macOS. You ability accept hit Create Event by blow or commodity went amiss in Messages.

You can attenuate this in Settings > Agenda > Siri & Search > Find Contest in Added Apps. You can do the aforementioned for contacts via Settings > Contacts > Siri & Search > Find Contacts in Added Apps. You can additionally go to Settings > Siri & Search and attenuate Siri added or attending at alone apps, including those by Apple, to attenuate these suggestions.
Messages can automatically admit dates and times to advance agenda events.

On memories in Photos: You can’t anticipate Photos from authoritative memories, but you can stop it from admonition you. That’s hardly beneath creepy. Apple says it doesn’t allotment this admonition in any fashion, but I’m not in adulation with a affection that assembles admonition about me alike on my own computer and I can’t about-face off. In macOS, barrage Photos and go to Photos > Preferences > General and uncheck Show Memories Notification.
Wireless syncing of photos amid iOS and macOS: That alone works with Photos for macOS via iCloud Photo Library (where it syncs everywhere you’re logged in) or via a USB cable, at which point you can artlessly acceptation into Photos or via Image Capture.

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