Apple Home Improvements Exeter
EUREKA >> The Eureka Sequoia Garden Club will accommodated on Friday at the First Covenant Church Fellowship Hall, 2526 J St. The affair starts at 11 a.m. with the affairs and will curb at 1:30 p.m. Before the program, there will be the account Floral Design Branch at 10 a.m. A sack cafeteria will be served at noon. Refreshments and ambrosia will be provided; accompany your own sandwich.
The affairs appearance Jim Polly, angel agriculturalist extraordinaire of Fieldbrook Valley. Polly began burying his angel orchard added than 25 years ago and now grows some 115 varieties of apples. He will accompany several varieties to the affair to aftertaste the differences in acidity and in acidity or tartness. He is accepted to additionally accompany angel cider samples to conduct a cider tasting.
Polly was aloft on a citrus acreage in Exeter, east of Visalia. He accelerating from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and accomplished agronomics classes at McKinleyville High School for 34 years. Retired for the aftermost 10 years, he works in his orchard, putting up with elk, bears, gophers and angel diseases. He can be begin at several farmers markets in the area.
The pre-meeting Floral Design Branch will actualize an adjustment with the affair “An Angel a Day.” Arrangements will be complete application apples and flowers.
At noon, the owners of the Garden Jewels abreast Campton Plaza, at Walnut Drive and Campton Road, will be presented appropriate certificates acquainted their advanced yards. The yards accommodate those of Jim Nelson, Duane and Debbie David, Ken and Sonya Stayton, Katerina Staiano, and Ken and Kelly Brown. These acceptable advanced yards were featured in the Oct. 8 Home & Garden area of the Times-Standard.
["388"]Visitors are arrive to appear all elements of the meeting, from the branch at 10 a.m. through the presentation at noon.
The Eureka Sequoia Garden Club, founded in 1967, is a affiliate of the California Garden Clubs Inc. and the Humboldt District of the CGCI Its goals are to actualize and advance absorption in horticulture, agronomical and floral and mural design; to animate and appoint in borough beautification and the advance of roadsides; to aid in attention California’s built-in plants, wildlife and accustomed beauty; and to promote, and participate in, projects and programs that conserve accustomed resources.
For added information, alarm garden club President Mary Lou Goodwin at 442-1387.



