school tool phoenix
This July, The New Victory will present its additional division of Victory Dance, the theater's action to accommodate FREE ball performances to kids in New York City day camps, academy and adolescence programs over the summer. A three-week alternation from July 8 - 24, 2015, Victory Ball appearance a array of highly-accomplished and internationally accustomed New York companies who accomplish a ambit of abreast ball styles and allotment in the theater's ambition of alarming adolescent bodies to embrace the art form.
Victory Ball consists of three different programs, which this year will accommodate Darrah Carr Dance; Jessica Lang Dance; Kyle Abraham / Abraham.In.Motion; Martha Graham Ball Company; Max Pollak / RumbaTap; Parsons Dance; Noche Flamenca; Urban Bush Women; and ZviDance. Every achievement will affection a one-hour affairs of three or added pieces anon followed by a chastened console altercation and Q&A with the audience. Victory Ball provides New York City kids the befalling to appoint with choreographers and dancers, as able-bodied as to see these absurd artists and companies present some of their best work.
Victory Ball serves New York City acceptance enrolled in NYC Department of Apprenticeship summer academy accessory programs, such as Summer Arts Institute, subsidized day camps and amusing account agencies. Acceptance appear daytime performances chargeless of allegation and additionally accept chargeless dance-related workshops led by able ball teaching artists afore and afterwards their appointment to the theater. Summer academy advisers additionally accept chargeless New Victory Academy Tool Resource Guides, which animate added analysis of the art anatomy in the students' circadian curriculum. This summertime affairs mirrors the apprenticeship programs The New Victory Amphitheater offers to added than 160 schools and over 35,000 acceptance throughout anniversary academy year. The New Victory Amphitheater looks advanced to administration alive performances on stage, exploring the art anatomy in classrooms and architecture relationships that will accept an appulse on NYC kids from summer to summer.
Performance Schedule
Each week, Victory Ball will affection three daytime performances chargeless of allegation for Victory Ball Summer Apprenticeship Partnership students. Additionally, one black achievement per anniversary will be fabricated accessible to the accepted accessible at $10 per ticket.
Program A: July 8-10
School/Day Camp Performances: July 8-10 at 11am
Public Performance: July 9 at 7pm
Darrah Carr Ball Step Ball Suite by Darrah Carr
ZviDance Extract from Dabke by Zvi Gotheiner
Urban Bush Women Urban Bush Women 30th Anniversary Mash Up including excerpts from Give Your Hands to Struggle, Bitter Tongue, Shelter, Women's Resistance and Batty Moves by Jawole Willa Jo Zolar
Program B: July 15-17
School/Day Camp Performances: July 15-17 at 11am
Public Performance: July 16 at 7pm
Martha Graham Ball Company Extract from Appalachian Spring Suite & Spectre
Noche Flamenca Cambio de Tercio by MartÃn Santangelo
Kyle Abraham / Abraham.In.Motion Extract from The Gettin' by Kyle Abraham
Program C: July 22-24
School/Day Camp Performances: July 22-24 at 11am
Public Performance: July 23 at 7pm
Jessica Lang Ball The Calling, White (film) & extract from i.n.k.
Max Pollak/RumbaTap El Guararey de Pastora, RT Standard & Johann by Max Pollak
Parsons Ball Hand Dance, The Envelope & Caught by David Parsons
Every achievement will be followed by a talk-back with choreographers. All programs are accountable to change.
Victory Ball Apprenticeship Partnerships are accessible chargeless of allegation to New York City day camps and academy programs. For added information, amuse acquaintance education@new42.org.
["388"]The July 9, 16 & 23 accessible performances of Victory Ball at 7pm at The New Victory Amphitheater (209 West 42nd Street) are $10. Tickets for Victory Ball are accessible online (NewVictory.org) and by blast (646.223.3010) alpha May 1.


