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Inside the home of Craig Robins: The dining allowance boasts a painting by John Currin, a limited-edition Aqua Table by Zaha Hadid, Nepal chairs by Paola Navone, and a Deborah Thomas pendant. The walls are corrective in a 50/50 alloy of Benjamin Moore’s Decorator’s white and Linen White.
["850.69"]If Miami is the Magic City, Craig Robins is its active conjurer. As artist and arch controlling of the absolute acreage aggregation Dacra, Robins has been affairs off acutely absurd feats back the backward 1980s. He adapted the corrupt art deco neighbourhood of South Beach into a bright destination.
More afresh he has angry the Architecture District, a basic boscage arctic of Miami’s downtown, into a culturally inflected luxury-shopping Mecca.
This archimage of South Beach additionally coiled his baton over the advance of his home in Miami Beach’s absolute Sunset Islands. Robins had endemic the two-storey beach acreage for about two decades, but in the countdown to his 2015 alliance to Jackie Soffer (a able South Florida absolute acreage developer in her own right), he enlisted artist Walter Chatham and autogenous artist Julie Hillman to amend the abode and body an addition. Considered but not ever appointed, the agreeable just-over-836-square-metre abode is as abundant a activity ancestors home (the brace accept six children) as it is an aperture for their great aesthetic passions.
“I’m not into the abstraction of active in an anxious showpiece,” explains Robins, who is sitting on a custom-built L-shaped daybed in the active allowance that looks out assimilate Sunset Lake. “People get so crazy with finishes. White walls and appropriate lighting are all I need. The art and architecture should be accustomed to do all the talking.”
And what a ambience for adept chat Robins and Soffer accept created. A bout of the home reveals an all-embracing who’s who of mid-century and abreast design, including appliance and curios by Gio Ponti (lots and lots of Ponti!), Maria Pergay, Marc Newson, the Bouroullec brothers, the Campana Brothers, and Tom Dixon—even a biconcave ping-pong table by Ron Arad. Almost all of the pieces, Robins credibility out, are from Architecture Miami, the agenda-setting architecture fair that he launched in 2005. “There are acutely no boundaries amid my claimed and able lives.”
As if to prove his point, Robins is cutting accouterment by Tom Ford and oxfords by Berluti—two of the celebrated brands he has absorbed to the Architecture District. Typically, he says, he would be in his added edgy, approved uniform, “Rick Owens or Saint Laurent” (also retail partners), but he had a affair beforehand with a affected applicant so autonomous for non-threatening mufti.
A ancient art apprentice angry ardent collector, the commonly aseptic Robins is effusive back talking about the costive art accumulating in the home. “I don’t affliction how abundant it costs or what bodies say it’s worth,” he says, marvelling at a alternation of first-edition Francisco de Goya prints blind in a alley alfresco his admiral gym. “You can’t do bigger or accept annihilation added important than art like this.” Elsewhere, Baldessaris adhere abutting to Currins; Marlene Dumas shares pride of abode in the dining allowance with Louise Bourgeois; and Vito Acconci appears bound in an abiding collision with Joseph Beuys.
Not that it’s all baddest names on display. An oil painting comatose on a shelf in the library turns out to be by Robins’s amateur acquaintance Robert Downey Jr. As for the bowl teapot of bugged provenance? “Oh, that,” Robins deadpans, “is a new allotment from a ability ceramicist alleged Marlon Robins,”—referring to his 17-year-old son.
Robins and Soffer were appealing abundant in acceding back it came to amalgam their corresponding collections (“If anything, we affect anniversary added to aggregate alfresco our abundance zones,” he says), but a action erupted over the yard—a abutting break created by Nathan Browning, the appalling mural artist who is additionally amenable for the Architecture District’s artful greenery.
While the brace agreed to extend the affair of collectibility by accepting Browning carriage and bulb a cogent accumulating of attenuate Caribbean palms, they bound horns over what to do with the blow of the 146-metre-wide space.
["641.17"]“Craig was determined about accepting the pavilion that David Adjaye congenital for Architecture Miami in 2011,” Browning explains, “and Jackie was determined about architecture a basketball cloister for the kids and acquainted that the Adjaye would block the view.” The aftereffect is a adapted antithesis that doesn’t feel awash or precious. “We adulation it out here,” Robins says, “and we appealing abundant eat and absorb alfresco from November through May. Why accept a abode in Miami if you don’t alive outside?”
Dinner at Casa Robins is generally served on an alfresco table for 12, abutting to the dining allowance and kitchen. The guests are about as disorderly as the citizen agrarian parrots and as alluringly disparate as the art on the walls. “He’s like a babysitter of people,” says Harmony Korine, the director/actor/artist, who recalls sitting abutting to the shoe artist Christian Louboutin on a contempo night. “He brand to bandy bodies in the mix and see what happens, but it never feels forced.”
Miami-based supermodel Karolina Kurkova concurs. “You never apperceive who you are activity to meet,” she says. “It could be addition from fashion, business, art, or a agglomeration of Harvard professors, but it’s consistently absorbing and fun.”
While the guests may be glamorously unpredictable, at the end of anniversary soiree they accordingly end up in the amazing adept bath advised by Robins’s baby acquaintance and collaborator, the backward Zaha Hadid.
“I already absolved in on Martha Stewart accomplishing an ad-lib shoot with columnist Todd Eberle in the bathroom,” Robins recalls. “To be fair to Martha, I anticipate she asked for permission at some point in the night, and as far as affair antics go, it’s beneath annoying than what a lot of bodies get up to in Miami bathrooms.”
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This affection aboriginal appeared in Architectural Digest.
