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Breaking news: Acknowledge you, Steve. For all you've done, for all of us.
As best of you know, I animosity the iPhone and its Playskool interface. I acquisition it, and Apple's policies, to be a connected antecedent of annoyance. And yet, alike as I apperceive there's about a 100% anticipation that the iPhone 5 is activity to abrade me, I'm activity to buy addition abominable iPhone and NOT buy an Android phone.
So here's the thing. I accept an iPhone 3G. Not alike a 3GS, not an iPhone 4. It's a apparent old iPhone 3G that I've had for three years.
It sucks. It's slow. It won't amend properly. Half the apps I'd like to run on it won't run on such an age-old accessory (only in the tech apple is a three-year old accessory ancient). I badly charge a new phone.
Well, technically, that's not true. I don't absolutely use the iPhone as a phone. I about never accomplish absolute articulation calls (does anyone, these days)? Instead, I use it for email, for arrangement testing, for an casual argument to my wife, and for annual Kindle books.
I use the email app a lot and I'd use some added apps (particularly some IT-related tools), but best don't run on the old iOS adaptation that my buzz will absolutely assignment with. Yes, I know, I could advancement to a after iOS version, but we all apperceive that the iPhone 3G runs like alike added of a dog than it is with iOS 4.
So, I charge a new phone. And I've absitively to delay for the iPhone 5. You adeptness anticipate I could calmly get rid of the iPhone 3G affliction now by affairs one of the abounding Android devices, but I'm not activity to. You adeptness additionally anticipate that aback I absolutely animosity the iPhone, I adeptness be a absolute applicant for the Android.
You adeptness anticipate that, but you'd be wrong. Unfortunately, besides the iPhone and the Android army, there absolutely aren't any added applicable smartphone choices.
As abundant as I animosity the iPhone, I don't ambition to put up with the altercation of Android alike more. I'm crazily active these days, and the aftermost affair I charge is a buzz that needs as abundant absorption as a puppy.
Here then, are ten affidavit I'm cat-and-mouse for the iPhone 5 and NOT affairs an Android phone.
Next: Android crisis »
« Previous: I don't like the iPhone
Reason 1: Malware present in applications
Although I've continued complained about Apple's arbitrary approval action in the iPhone App Store, at atomic they haven't had a aggressive malware problem. One aegis close has estimated (PDF) that about amid 500,000 and a actor Android users accept been hit by malware -- and that's aloof this year.
When you accept that abounding users affected, it's not a accessory problem. It's additionally article I don't appetite to be my problem, so I'll aloof break away. I accept abundant agitation with Windows, acknowledge you actual much.
See also: McAfee: Malware surging on adaptable platforms, abnormally Android
See also: Google Android Bazaar malware botheration escalates
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See also: Malware sneaks by Google's Android Bazaar gatekeepers again
Reason 2: New and agitative aegis holes
Now, admittedly, the accomplished authorization-token-in-the-clear aegis affair was annihilation above and Google patched it quickly. But, on top of the accomplished malware problem, this array of aegis affair is troubling.
Old Ben Franklin abundantly said, "Any bodies that would accord up alternative for a little acting assurance deserves neither alternative nor safety." I do accede with him, except that aback it comes to the buzz in my pocket, I assumption I'm accommodating to accord up a little hackety abandon in acknowledgment for a safer, beneath infested phone.
See also: The accuracy about the latest Google Android aegis scare
Reason 3: Complete abridgement of adaptation cardinal logic
Between the association at Mozilla, who are aggravating to adumbrate Firefox versions in an accomplishment to accomplish us all insane, and the association at Google, who name and cardinal Android versions all willy-nilly, I'm accepting hardly annoyed.
Is the accepted adaptation Froyo or Gingerbread or Honeycomb? Do I appetite an Ice Cream Sandwich or a Cupcake or a Donut? Is it accessible to run a low-cal adaptation of Android? What if I'm acid carbs and mostly accomplishing protein? Afresh what?
Seriously, Gingerbread is adaptation 2.3 of Android, but Honeycomb is adaptation 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2. Seriously? And if I'm affairs an Android phone, I'm activity to charge to buy one active adaptation 2.3, alike admitting Android 3.1 is current, but alone for tablets. Seriously?
Okay, and some phones alone run Froyo and others alone run Gingerbread, and you can't advancement from one to the added after a hack. Seriously?
I apperceive Android is accepting bazaar allotment because of the advanced assortment of offerings, but there's got to be some accommodation amid the der fuhrer admission of Steve Jobs' Apple and the herding bodies admission of Android. Oh, yeah, that was webOS. Sigh.
See also: Which absolutely IS the accepted adaptation of Android?
Next: Bazaar anarchy »
« Previous: Android insecurity
Reason 4: Actual altered user acquaintance on altered handsets
Love it or abhorrence it, aback you aces up an iPhone, it feels like an iPhone. It feels and works like a buzz advised for use by a bristles year old, but at atomic it's a constant feeling. This is not the case with Android phones.
Phones from altered manufacturers are berserk different, with altered home screens, UIs, and affection sets. It's so that you could buy two Android phones, put them side-by-side, and unless you knew they were both Androids, you'd anticipate they were absolutely altered devices.
I don't appetite a buzz that's got a blue user experience. I appetite one that I'm acclimated to and can call to addition else, and they accept the aforementioned experience. I appetite to be able to acquaint addition what I'm accomplishing with my buzz and accept them apperceive absolutely how that'd assignment for them.
["384.12"]With Android, you can't accept that happen, alike with phones from the aforementioned maker.
See also: Android's Better Worry: Fragmentation
Reason 5: Apparently can't advancement after jailbreaking, rooting, modding, whatevah
The history of Android buzz upgrades is not a acceptable one. Best manufacturers about architecture a archetypal for a accustomed OS, and if there's an upgrade, your buzz adeptness not be able to run it.
The abutting adaptation of the Android OS is the quixotically called Ice Cream Sandwich. If I were to buy an Android buzz now, it's awful absurd I'd be able to advancement it to ICS after a jailbreak.
And, like I said before, I don't absolutely accept time to drudge my phone.
Reason 6: App incompatibility
Okay, this is a huge, huge deal-breaker. Apps congenital for one handset generally don't assignment on another. It's about absurd to be abiding that you can run a accustomed appliance after trying. And aback you attending at the apps, the poor developers are generally saddled with architecture a affinity cast for every buzz model.
This abridgement of bendability is not good. Alike Windows has bigger appliance affinity beyond machines and you never apperceive what'll be central your affable adjacency Windows PC.
Next: Hackety, hack, drudge »
« Previous: Bazaar chaos
Reason 7: Too abundant tweaking required
While it annoys me to no end that I can't accomplish accessory tweaks and add utilities to my iPhone, the call of tweaking best Android phones to accomplish them accessible is unacceptable. First, I aloof don't appetite to absorb the time adjusting everything, abacus programs, removing programs, and contrarily tuning, aloof so I can affected the software architecture decisions of accouterments engineers at the handset makers. Or, worse, so I can affected the business deals put calm by artefact managers at the handset makers.
Then, there's the temptation. I'm a geek, so the allurement adeptness be to absorb hours or canicule futzing with the buzz interface. This is not article I should be spending abundant time on.
Even admitting abstemiousness is an issue, an alike bigger one is the simple crapware attributes of the delivered software on best Android buzz handsets.
Reason 8: Poor book compatibility
Once again, affinity is an issue. Abounding iPhone applications (actually about all of them) will run on the iPad. They may not be iPad-optimized, but they'll run.
Not so abundant with Android. Alike the SDKs amid the two classes of accessory are different. Developers are coding 2.x software for phones and 3.x software for tablets.
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They adeptness as able-bodied accept absolutely altered names for all the congenital affinity they have.
Reason 9: Little advancing architect support
As my ZDNet aide Adrian Kingsley-Hughes says, The botheration with Android tablets - Manufacturers see them as disposable.
Reason 10: Google
Let me be bright in how abundant I like and annual best of the bodies at Google. The individuals there are actual cool. But the aggregation sometimes seems like allotment Borg and allotment Borgia. If you charge claimed help, the aggregation is around impenetrable.
See also: Nexus One's better claiming isn't iPhone; it's Google's online-only sales model
To be fair, the aggregation has ashen up a bit, but as ZDNet's own Violet Blue has so awfully described, aback you await absolutely on Google, you never apperceive if baaaad things are activity to happen.
See also: Google Plus: Too abundant accidental drama
This is additionally an affair with added Google services. I declared my annoyance a few weeks ago, aback I approved ambience up a YouTube annual and apparent already afresh that there's no annual aliment functionality throughout the Google ecosphere.
See also: Google's complete abridgement of annual adaptability is absolutely starting to abrade me
On the added hand, there are some advantages
I apperceive that aback I go with the iPhone 5, I'll be giving up some abandon and some self-respect. I'll be affairs my body for the affiance of the assurance and amore of the Apple mothership. This disturbs me to a akin you apparently can't understand.
There are some acceptable aspects to the Android acquaintance I'll be giving up. I'll be giving up the adeptness to tune my launcher, which I could calmly do aback in the Palm/Treo days, but Apple doesn't anticipate we're developed abundant to administer now in era of iOS feel painting.
Beyond accepting tweaking ascendancy (without jailbreaking), I do absence the best of models (you can accept any blush as continued as it's black), admission to a congenital concrete keyboard, and oh, what I would accord for a dispensable battery!
Unfortunately, these few boons of Androidum don't accomplish up for the disadvantages. And, captivation my nose, this is why I'm not activity to buy an Android and why I'm cat-and-mouse for the iPhone 5.
Go ahead. Accept your say. I've got abundant aliment in the alembic to aftermost me two weeks.
Original angel address Flickr user laihiu
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