Cannot Connect To Safari On Iphone +picture
Eyal Goldshmid, Special to TCPalm Published 7:00 a.m. ET Nov. 26, 2017

To alteration photos, achieve abiding your computer can acquaint with your iPhone or iPad akin if you don't accurately use iTunes to alteration files.(Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Some weeks back, I replied to a catechism from Doug McCleod of Palm City about how to alteration photos from an iPhone to a Windows 10 computer.
In my response, I acclaimed there were a cardinal of means to achieve this assignment and that Apple's abutment pages recommended the iTunes affairs be installed on a user's Windows computer afore attempting any array of book alteration amid the two devices.
Doing this, according to Apple's abutment pages, "ensures your computer can acquaint with your iPhone or iPad akin if you don't accurately use iTunes to alteration files."
You can install the latest adaptation of iTunes from this URL: apple.com/itunes/
Once iTunes has been installed, you can alteration your files anon through the appliance by application the accomplish begin at this URL: https://www.imore.com/how-sync-your-iphone-ipad-or-ipod-windows-10
Since that cavalcade appeared, several bodies wrote in with added recommendations. I've aggregate a brace of thoseas added advertence to this topic.
Harold Lichtman of Sebastian wrote in with the afterward suggestions:

"Files can be transferred amid an Angel accessory and a Windows PC (either direction) by installing the chargeless Air Alteration app, accessible for chargeless in the App Store, on your Angel device. Nothing needs to be installed on the Windows machine. The alone claim is that both accessories are on the aforementioned network."
Julio Trejo of Fort Pierce offered the afterward tip:
"I use a affairs alleged Kingsoft, which you can get from the App Store for chargeless and additionally comes with some adaptable abundance software. Not alone does it let me advancement and alteration music, video and account files from my iPhone to my PC (and carnality versa), but I additionally can actualize and allotment abstracts and spreadsheets from it. And I can do it all through my home WIFI connection."
Untangling the web
Do you adulation beautiful cat pics, ambrosial dog photos and coo-worthy shots of ducks, rabbits, bears and more? Then actuality is a armpit for you. At this photo blog, you can collapse over a near-endless alternation of puppies, kittens, cubs, seals, birds and the like — anniversary acutely cuter than the last. As an added bonus, anniversary photo lets you amount its pic on such belief as "It's so cute" and "It's so fluffy"— and shots are accessible to allotment with family, accompany and coworkers akin via email, amusing media and more.
Contact Eyal Goldshmid at egoldshmid@yahoo.com
Read or Allotment this story: http://www.tcpalm.com/story/life/columnists/eyal-goldshmid/2017/11/26/more-tips-transferring-photos-phone-computer/866176001/