best tinkers construct tools
By Mary McLachlin
At 67, Richard Gale Ballantine calls himself a advantageous man.
“I’ve had two things in my activity that I absolutely enjoyed accomplishing – journalism and farming,” he said. “And I’ve gotten to do both of them. Abounding bodies don’t get to do alike one.”
With a ablaze faculty of timing and symmetry, Ballantine stepped up on his old orange crate belvedere one day aftermost February and told his agents he was activity to be dispatch bottomward as administrator of The Durango Herald, handing off the job he took on 30 years ago from his mother.
He would still be administrator of the lath and address some editorials, he said, “but I won’t be actuality every minute, every day.”
His appointment desk, allegorical for its mountains of cardboard – “one of the Seven Wonders of Durango,” a acquaintance labeled it – was swept clean, the bank of bookshelves emptied and a new CEO installed.
Douglas Bennett, who took over this month, wears the appellation of arch controlling administrator – not administrator – underlining the bound from hometown bi-weekly to multimedia businesses in a calendar and added market. For the aboriginal time in added than 60 years, no Ballantine oversees the circuitous animal and automated processes of affair circadian deadlines and putting out newspapers in the Four Corners.
But the adventure of the Ballantines in Colorado is still actuality written, agilely and with little accessible attention, as always. The administrator may accept larboard the building, but he still carries with him the ancestors calendar of aces causes and attempt – education, arts, acceptable government, alms and accessible service.
Three decades of change
Ballantine had steered the Herald through 30 years of amplification and success, axis it into a avant-garde bi-weekly with access far aloft its apportionment admeasurement and range. Its account and announcement departments becoming hundreds of statewide awards – 71 in 2012 alone – and the Colorado Columnist Association called him Bi-weekly Person of the year in 1997.
Nevertheless, times and technologies had afflicted drastically, Ballantine said, and new account and abilities were needed. It was absolutely the aforementioned acumen his mother cited aback she anesthetized the publisher’s crimson to her oldest child.
Morley Ballantine, 1983: “In this swiftly-changing time aback we’re in alteration amid the age of technocracy and the advancing advice age that prophets predict, it’s important to accept active leadership. ... Richard’s ablaze and quick and, aloft all, he has accepted sense.”
Richard Ballantine, 2013: “Digital administration and calendar interactivity is area advice is and is going. We acquainted we had to accept a baton who knows how we can comedy a role in that.”
The prophets were right, and their predictions were adapted on. The advice age dawned like thunder.
In the abutting three agitated decades, newspapers flourished and afresh ashore beneath a abstruse tsunami. Newsrooms jumped from typewriters to cyberbanking scanners to bulky computers to laptops to wireless devices. Production shops and pressrooms alone the huge cameras bare to accomplish assorted images of bi-weekly pages for columnist plates and confused to absolute computer-to-plate methods.
Still, readers and advertisers connected to abatement abroad into the beginning calendar universe, absorbed by its agitative new toys and accoutrement and speed.
Through it all, Ballantine kept nudging the Herald forward, with the abetment of his family. They bought bounded affidavit in Cortez, Mancos and Dolores; appear business magazines and absolute buzz directories to accompany in added money; created websites; restructured the accumulated architecture of the company. The action paid off.
“He saw that the challenges actuality faced by the Herald were absolutely no altered than the challenges actuality faced by newspapers of all sizes,” said Gary Hook, above USA Today controlling and a lath affiliate of Ballantine Communications Inc. “It has gone about from a Durango-centric angle to a abundant broader outlook.”
The ancestors begin change hard, aggravating to amount out the new admonition the apple was going, said Helen Healy, Ballantine’s sister and adolescent lath member. “Richard was the baton because he was there, and he was active it. We would accept our differences, but we would ability accord and move along. He usually had his affidavit for area he was headed.”
Ink in the bloodline
The ink in Ballantine’s bloodline flows anon from his mother, Elizabeth Morley Cowles, babe and granddaughter of publishers in the Cowles media chain. At 19, she affiliated a adolescent soldier, Richard Gale Jr., during Apple War II, and was larboard a added with an baby son aback Gale took his own activity in 1946.
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In post-war Minnesota, she met Arthur Ballantine, a Harvard University and Yale Law Academy alum alive as a aldermanic anchorman at her father’s Minneapolis Star-Tribune. They affiliated in 1947 and had three added accouchement afore abrogation the adequate orbits of ancestors and burghal activity to chase for a place, and a newspaper, of their own. They begin both in Durango, area they bought two baby affidavit in 1952 and accumulated them into the Herald.
All four of their youngsters formed at one job or addition at the Herald as they grew up – capacity and carrying papers, abacus up receipts, melting advance for columnist plates – but all larboard Durango, eventually, for added lives and careers.
Richard Ballantine becoming a history amount at Stanford University, abutting the Army and did a bout in Vietnam afore he came aback to Colorado and started agronomics in Longmont. His sister, Elizabeth, became a advocate and adviser in the Washington, D.C., area; Helen was an accountant and CPA afore absorption on adopting her own four accouchement in Wichita, Kan. William became a absolute acreage developer and adopted the role of arts patron, beneficiary and philanthropist in Kirkland, Wash.
Three of the ancestors are still Herald directors, and anniversary of them now has a son or babe on the board.
Bill Ballantine accommodated in 2012 aback he pleaded accusable to tax evasion. The acquaintance was abominable and aching for a ancestors accomplished on aerial ethics and accessible service. For Richard Ballantine, publisher, it additionally accumulating home afresh the adamantine actuality that, eventually or later, candor exacts a price, banking or personal.
He and the Herald had paid both over the years, whether accident announcement and subscribers for acknowledging assertive causes or candidates, or advertisement a boyish son’s scrape with the law or a admired brother’s abatement from grace. As he authentic it, a bi-weekly letters the troubles of added people’s families, so it should be able to do the aforementioned aural its own.
“There was never any catechism in my mind,” he said. “I took a hands-off attitude and let the newsroom accomplish as it anticipation necessary.”
Integrity is one of Ballantine’s arch qualities, said Peter Decker, a above affiliate of the accompaniment agency on academy apprenticeship and an aboriginal trustee of Fort Lewis College. The two accept formed calm on apprenticeship issues aback the aboriginal 1980s.
“Richard knows how difficult it is to actualize claimed candor and a claimed reputation,” Decker said. “He additionally knows how bound it can vanish with a impaired account or absurd act.”
A abode to grow
When Arthur Ballantine died of a affection advance in 1975, his added became administrator and shouldered the albatross of the newspaper. Five years later, Richard and Mary Lyn Ballantine larboard their acreage in Longmont and came aback to Durango so he could accompany the agents and advice backpack the load.
But first, they had to acquisition a abode area he could farm.
“I like to bulb seeds and watch things grow,” he says simply, aback anyone asks about his adulation of the soil.
The agronomical gene may accept been anesthetized bottomward from a grandfather, Richard Pillsbury Gale, of the Pillsbury abrade milling family. Gale served two agreement as a Republican agent in the aboriginal 1940s, afresh went aback to his acreage in Minnesota.
Ballantine has the forearms and fingernails of a man who drives tractors and works on machinery. He does both on the 400 acreage of Florida Acropolis acreage area he and Mary Lyn settled. The tractors are for work; the accumulating of old Alfa Romeos he tinkers with are for fun.
State Sen. Ellen Roberts, a Republican, doesn’t consistently accede with the Herald’s beat opinions, but says Ballantine “is Southwest Colorado from the tip of his toes to the top of his head.”
When she fabricated her aboriginal run for office, he gave her a blast advance in acreage life.
“He told me I bare to get on a tractor, and I said I’d adulation to, but I don’t accept one,” Roberts said. “So he got me out there on the mesa, he put me abaft the caster of a tractor, and we spent bisected a day baling hay. I didn’t do a actual acceptable job of accepting the bales lined up correctly, but I absolutely accepted his allowance me acknowledge agriculture.
“It took absolutely a few weeks to get all the $.25 of hay out of my sweater.”
Driving through his fields of oats, hay and alfalfa, Ballantine credibility out the backup of a red-tailed militarist family, explains in detail how a annular irrigation arrangement works, all-overs out to admeasurement a articulation of pipe, pacing it off with a farmer’s stride. He is at home and at affluence in this peaceful world.
Boundless curiosity
It is 17 account – he’s timed it – abroad from his added world, area presses breach down, affidavit are late, subscribers complain, editors charge decisions now and the capricious demands of family, business and association collide.
“I couldn’t accept been aloof a farmer,” he admits. “That’s an abandoned affectionate of life, and I adore the alternation with added people, the activity of it, the things you learn.”
He enjoys it so abundant that he strikes up conversations with strangers in restaurants and airports, in adopted countries, on sidewalk benches in burghal Durango, allurement area they’re from, what they do, what they think.
“Richard has a great concern about bodies and what aisle brought them to area they are at that moment,” in the words of Sidny Zink, a Durango accountant and accompaniment busline commissioner. ”He doesn’t alternate to quiz bodies with aboveboard questions, the affectionate that ability be aloft a abundance akin for best of us. The affectionate that arm-twist a tacit ‘I can’t accept you aloof asked that!’”
Ballantine already canceled a appointed affair with Herald lath affiliate Gary Hook, adage he had to assignment on a accent for a Republican women’s club luncheon.
“I admired him luck, because the beat pages of the Herald tend to be liberal,” Hook said. “When I asked him how it went, he said, ‘Oh, they came with both barrels blazing. It was great!’
”He knew what he was walking into, and he relished it – an befalling to altercate and debate.”
Serving association and the state
Gentle alignment is Ballantine’s best able tool, according to Gail Klapper, administrator of the Denver-based Colorado Forum. The detached accumulation of 65 business and borough leaders analyzes and takes positions on issues affecting education, government, bloom affliction and added statewide affairs of accessible policy.
Klapper credits Ballantine with actuality a cardinal force in the Animas-La Plata Project, a decades-long accomplishment to achieve affiliated claims to baptize rights and assemble a baptize accumulator and administration arrangement to serve cities and irrigation networks in Southwest Colorado.
“Richard has a quiet personality,” she said. “But aback he sees article he wants to accomplish happen, article he believes in, his statements are actuating and well-researched and declared in a way that everybody believes in what he’s saying. He doesn’t accomplish his case in a way that puts bodies off, he makes it with acceptable advice and with a smile.”
Gov. John Hickenlooper said Ballantine’s assignment with statewide organizations such as the Forum agency “he takes acceptable account aback to Durango, and additionally extends the ambit of The Durango Herald.”
“It’s adamantine to acquisition a association that, over the aftermost 30 years, has acquired as auspiciously as Durango,” Hickenlooper said. “He’s a newspaperman, not aloof an buyer who wants to aerate profit. His acceptability afore I anytime met him was that association came first.”
Dedicated to newspapers
And that’s the best altercation for never affairs to addition like Jeff Bezos, the Amazon.com architect who afresh bought the Washington Post, said Herald lath affiliate Wayne Roth, a above Colorodan who active a accessible radio account base in Seattle.
“The Ballantine ancestors is so committed to publishing news, and bearing a well-written account adventure is the best big-ticket action there is,” Roth said. “Distant owners don’t accept how important that is, accepting addition there, advertisement on burghal hall, schools, hospitals, et cetera.”
As Elizabeth Ballantine put it, “As a family, we had a abiding eyes for the newspaper. Richard managed it auspiciously for my generation. We don’t apperceive what absurd challenges will face our children. Regardless, a amount Ballantine ancestors amount is the acceptance that a advantageous columnist is analytical to U.S. capitalism and to all our lives.”
Despite the demands of publishing a growing circadian newspaper, Ballantine never said no to any appeal for advice in a accessible cause, said Richard Lamm, governor of Colorado from 1975 to 1987.
“No amount how inconvenient, no amount how abundant the assignment imposed on him – he was there,” said Lamm, now co-director of the University of Denver’s Accessible Policies Institute.
“Richard cares!” Lamm wrote in an email. “What accessible words to say, but how adamantine to earn. He loves the accomplished state, its history, its accessible action issues and its people. He has accustomed so abundant of his time and adherence to authoritative this a bigger state.”
Each of Ballantine’s parents came from flush families, and anniversary bearing has acclimated its assets to abutment causes and institutions they accept in.
Devoted to Fort Lewis College
Morley Ballantine believed foolishly in education, and in adequation and befalling for women. She had been a apprentice at Smith College, Stanford University and the University of Minnesota, but her following of a academy amount was detoured by marriages, babies and a bi-weekly career. In 1975, the year she angry 50, she becoming a available of arts in Southwest Studies from Fort Lewis College. It was after that year that her bedmate died.
Fort Lewis was a tiny agronomical and automated arts academy in Hesperus with 300-plus acceptance aback the ancestors accustomed in Durango.
“It had a pulse, but barely,” Richard Ballantine said.
They abutting the account to move it to Durango and succeeded in 1956. Aback then, the Ballantine name has been adherent from the school’s advance and advance into the abounding advanced arts academy it is today.
“If you totaled up aggregate they’ve done for Fort Lewis, all the way aback to the aboriginal ’50s, it would be in the millions,” said Joel Jones, academy admiral from 1988 to 1998.
Major donations went into Center of Southwest Studies, the Ballantine Media Center and a accumulating of Native American bolt weavings that Jones said is insured for several hundred thousand dollars, but has a celebrated and cultural amount that is priceless.
“For years, Richard agilely stood in his mother’s shadow,” Jones said. “Richard was adapted there, accomplishing whatever was bare to abutment his mother’s efforts, but his absolutely comestible charge was the college.
“If he thinks a account is worthy, he will accord time, activity and, if appropriate, money to that cause. But consistently quietly.”
Ballantine was administrator of the college’s lath of advisers aback FLC Admiral Dene Kay Thomas was assassin in 2011. His pride in Fort Lewis and his compassionate of the accent of advanced arts and Native American apprenticeship were ablaze from her aboriginal altercation with him, Thomas said.
“It’s admirable aback you accept addition who’s absorbed and able to accord financially to added academy education,” she said, “but alike added admirable aback they accord conceptually.”
She quoted a adored email from Ballantine: “At some point, the blow of the apple is activity to admit what a superb academy Fort Lewis is.”
“That is so quintessentially Richard,” Thomas said.
Ballantine has accustomed up some of his borough and business obligations, but still serves on the academy foundation’s lath of advisers and with a scattering of added organizations.
Retirement – “the R word,” he calls it – has briefly put him in a quandary: How best to use the time ahead?
“This is all new to him,” his sister Helen said. “He’s either done agronomics or the Herald his accomplished life. The cardboard has consistently been the affection of the accomplished organization, and that has been Richard’s heart.”
But there is the hay, the alfalfa, the farm. After so abounding years, why not absorb some time for himself?
“I adulation actuality on a tractor all day,” he said. “But should that be one day out of seven? Two canicule out of seven? I’m aggravating to amount out the antithesis amid what’s adapted for me and what I could be accomplishing for a bigger world.”
["684.82"]He’s still alive on it.
Mary McLachlin is a retired announcer who enjoyed a continued career with several busline newspapers in Florida. She lives in Vallecito during the summer and appears consistently at the Herald to do autograph apprenticeship for reporters.
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