rogue one spoiler review
Rogue One: A Star Wars Adventure hits theaters afterwards this anniversary and alienated spoilers until afterwards the Thursday night admission may be as adamantine as burglary the Death Star affairs from the Galactic Empire. But like a bandage of Rebellion soldiers, we accept your back. What follows are my spoiler-free thoughts on Rogue One.
Here are a few of the questions I answer: Is it good? Is it bigger than The Force Awakens? What is not so acceptable about the film? How was Michael Giacchino’s score? Were the reshoots obvious? Are there a ton of access to added Star Wars movies? What do I charge to see/read afore watching the film? Is Darth Vader in a lot of the movie?
Hit the jump to apprehend my Rogue One spoiler-free review.
Yes! Rogue One is thrilling, an action-packed chance in a affiliate that we never absurd we would anytime see on screen. It’s a absurd cruise to new worlds aural a galaxy we love, abacus to the belief afterwards accepting to be bound to the Skywalker bequest as a focal point. It may accept taken four decades, but this blur assuredly earns the chat “Wars” in the “Star Wars” branding. And we assuredly get a Star Wars prequel cine aces of arena alongside the aboriginal trilogy.
It’s abrasive and dark, yet attractive and big scale. We feel added in the centermost of the action, and it generally feels adapted than what has arise afore in the series. For instance, Donnie Yen’s appearance Chirrut Îmwe brings a samurai-style that gives us a nice breach from the blaster firefights and X-wing battles of old.
I was afraid at how abundant amusement Alan Tudyk’s K-2SO brings to this movie, and Donnie Yen’s Chirrut Îmwe was the added standout. The third act of this blur is on-the-edge-of-your-seat thrilling. At actual least, you will adulation the aftermost arrangement in the movie, and that is all I will say about that.
All the rebels alien in this new blur are characters I ambition we could absorb added time with. If this cine has one huge flaw, it is that in the ensemble, we don’t get to absorb cogent time with any of the new characters, and appropriately we don’t become as emotionally invested in them as we accept the antecedent films (Force Awakens and the aboriginal trilogy). The characters are anniversary absorbing on the surface, but we apprentice actual little about them.
The blur appearance Saw Gerrera, an acutely accessory appearance from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but his role in this adventure feels weirdly out of place. Forest Whitaker does the best he can with this role, but Saw Gerrera will apparently become accepted as the Maz Kanata of this Star Wars standalone movie. His appearance may abash some moviegoers, and he feels like an aspect that may accept been adapted by the reshoots.
Most bodies I talked with afterwards the premiere screening seemed to abhorrence a brace of the computer generated characters in this blur (you will apparently apperceive them back you see them), this was not article that agitated me.
Much has been fabricated about the all-encompassing reshoots of this production. While reshoots are not aberrant for a big blur like this, the arise bristles weeks of reshoots far surpassed the norm. Rumors broadcast that Disney capital to accent bottomward this aphotic and abrasive war film, which afraid a lot of fans.
Tony Gilroy was brought in by Disney for the reshoots, reportedly supervised the added photography and the edit, and is now one of the two bodies administration a screenwriting by acclaim on the blur (which if you apperceive annihilation about the WGA, this agency he was amenable for cogent changes to the adventure and characters).
I don’t apperceive absolutely what was reshot or reworked, and it’s a absolute attestation that I couldn’t easily see patched seams on a aboriginal viewing. The adventure does not feel like it has been neutered — and by that, I mean, for a Star Wars movie, this blur is appealing abrasive and has abundant aphotic moments that I would not recommend parents to heed the MPAA appraisement and not booty their adolescent accouchement to acquaintance this blur on the big screen.
The better clues to what may accept been reworked apparently lie in the business for the film. The trailers accommodate a abundance of actual and chat that doesn’t arise in the final film. In fact, the billboards showcasing the Stormtroopers patrolling the tropical water don’t alike arise in the film. This isn’t a slight on the cine at all; it’s absolutely auspicious to go into a movie and be afraid that it doesn’t comedy out the way it did in the marketing.




