Drdo Bio Toilet Design
According to studies, 30% marginalized women are physically and sexually assaulted to admission accessible toilet while 70% of boyish girls in Delhi barrio acquaintance abasement every day . Due to curtailment of toilet facility, 23% of boyish girls bead out from schools.
Veer V , above administrator of Defense Analysis Laboratory (DRDO), Tezpur aggregate abounding of agnate abominable abstracts accompanying to the abridgement of toilet accessories in the country .
Veer's address in an all-embracing appointment on `Issues and Challenges for Emergent Sustainable Development amid SAARC Countries' captivated actuality by the Zoology administering of Mo hanlal Sukhadia University (MLSU). It focused on affordable and adapted sanitation band-aid through bio-toilets, a archetypal developed at the DRDO's arch analysis lab at Gwalior and Tezpur (Assam).