can i use my iphone to view the eclipse
Chris Holmstrom and KOIN 6 News Staff Published: August 16, 2017, 4:03 pm Updated: August 21, 2017, 6:47 am
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — With the solar concealment bound approaching, abounding bodies accept last-minute questions apropos the Aug. 21 event.
One accepted catechism is can you watch the concealment captivation your buzz with the accumulation abaft you. According to Jim Todd, the OMSI administrator of Space Science Education, you can.
Todd told KOIN 6 News,”Yes, you can. Selfie is fine. You are not attractive at the sun in that appearance and you are demography a snapshot really.”
Other bodies accept wondered if it’s safe to watch the concealment in a absorption like through a brazier of baptize or a pool. However, Todd said it depends on the bulk of water.
“A brazier of baptize should be accept because that’s a baby bulk of water, but like approved pond baptize or what accept you, if it’s absolutely still, I wouldn’t absolutely acclaim it,” Todd said.
Another catechism on people’s minds: If you abrasion eye glasses, should concealment glasses go in advanced or abaft them?
Todd said, “It should apparently go in front, it absolutely should. I mean, it could assignment both ways, but if I were to put them on, I put them on in advanced of the glasses because you are not absolutely accumulative it.”
Also, if you use sunglasses during the eclipse, put your concealment glasses over them.
Complete Coverage: Oregon Solar Eclipse
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