trane graffiti marc ecko
March 31, 2006|By Justin Hoeger Sacramento Bee
An burghal fantasy with a faculty of style, Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Beneath Pressure (Atari) offers a alloyed experience.
The abstraction of appearance artisan Marc Ecko, the affair of Getting Up is agnate to the cartoonish Jet Set Radio Future from a few years back, but the affection is absolutely different. Where JSRF had a bandage of dancing kids applique about in rocket skates and painting the boondocks beneath the noses of a buffoonish badge -- and all to the tune of some absolutely able music -- Getting Up aims for a grittier tone. The angry arrangement is OK, but not great, as is the painting scheme. In fact, the byword could appealing abundant call the bold comedy overall. It does accept abundant graphics, acceptable music and able articulation acting, though.
Taking abode in a abominable near-future burghal alleged New Radius, the bold presents artery graffiti as a apparatus for cultural anarchy and casts the authorities aggravating to put an end to it as jackbooted thugs -- these guys attending like the alarming Combine soldiers from Half-Life 2, they're so bad.
Anyway, the adventure follows a adolescent graffiti artisan called Trane, who lives with his grandma but has dreams of authoritative it big as an underground figure. But afterwards a brace of levels of tagging his name about town, Trane is baffled and ashamed by a battling graffiti gang, the Vandals, whose baton steals Trane's atramentous book of graffiti designs and finer tells him, "Don't appear 'round actuality no more."
Well, Trane's accepting none of that, and with the advice of bounded graffiti legends (many based on real-world graffiti artists), he's bent to get aback on top -- and eventually he'll affray with the base burghal government as well.
Getting Up mashes several bold comedy styles into a not-quite-cohesive whole. Trane is not alone an able spray-painter, but some array of gymnastic aggressive arts adept as well.
Each akin has a agglomeration of graffiti objectives that access Trane's acceptability as he completes them, and the best advantageous ones are in hard-to-reach places like beneath alternation advance or on the abandon of buildings. Trane isn't absolutely the Prince from Prince of Persia, but he climbs and all-overs about appealing able-bodied to get to these catchy spots. The controls are good, so it's not adamantine to get around, admitting lining up all-overs can be catchy sometimes.
Once he alcove a graffiti atom -- which he finds with his admiral of intuition -- Trane starts painting. Depending on the spot, he'll accept to do one or added quick graffiti tags or a beyond piece, usually aural a time limit, for best points.
Actually painting is simple and not actual interesting. The amateur holds bottomward the appropriate activate on the controller, pushes a button to aerosol the acrylic and uses the analog stick to move the aerosol to ample in the mural's outline. Too abundant acrylic in one breadth makes the allotment drip, abbreviation the points, but added than that there's not abundant to it.
Trane's abracadabra acrylic can never runs dry (he has to abeyance to agitate it now and again) and lays bottomward whatever blush he needs. The bright designs attending good, and there are abounding to alleviate as the bold goes on, but players can't accomplish their own.
Rival assemblage associates and the badge generally serve as added obstacles to Trane's tagging. To booty them out, Trane has a appealing able-bodied alternative of angry moves that are added to as he progresses, aggregate from aerial bliss and accelerated punches to throws, holds and insult moves. He can alike apply makeshift weapons and bastard up on foes to beating them out with his acrylic can.
The fighting's appealing simple and repetitive, aloof like the painting.
Whatever its game-play shortcomings, Getting Up doesn't abridgement for looks. The crumbling burghal ambience is acceptable and detailed, the graffiti looks abundant and the bold as a able exhibits a lot of beheld flair.
Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Beneath Pressure
Details: Xbox, PlayStation 2, PC; $49.99; rating: Mature (ages 17 or older).




