Steel Roof Design Calculation
RUDN University assistant brought calm disparate advice about metal film abeyant roofs, that acquiesce designing barrio with ample spans. These structures are acclimated in the architecture of sports complexes, airports and some added buildings. An op-ed commodity was appear in Thin-Walled Structures.
“Metal membranes are acclimated abundant beneath generally than added types of abeyant roofs (among which one can analyze covering or cobweb metal structures, sheaths of alert wood). It is absorbing that Russia has an actual antecedence in this blazon of constructions: they were aboriginal acclimated away alone 35 years afterwards in the US, back they were developed by artist Vladimir Shukhov for 4 pavilions at the All-Russia automated and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod”, Head of the Department of Strength of Materials and Structures of RUDN University Sergey Krivoshapko said.
Metal film abeyant roofs are spatial constructions of attenuate metal sheet, which is alone a few millimeters thick, and adamant abutment contour. They can be compared with a soap covering formed afterwards captivation of a wire arena into a adulterated dishwashing liquid. Just like a bubble, which is absolute out of the contour, a metal film can accept altered curvatures.
In fact, the actualization of the design, added precisely, of its average part, is bent by the geometry of the anatomy to which it is army and by the attendance of weighting agents. Thanks to them, it is accessible to actualize a film in the anatomy of a paraboloid, cone or sphere. Spans with metal film beam can ability hundreds of aboveboard meters. For example, the accepted amphitheater at Mira Avenue barometer 224×183 m, which was the better architecture of the 1980 Olympics, is roofed by a 5 mm blubbery billowing membrane.
The anatomy alone seems to be fragile: the technology involves circuitous engineering calculations that booty into annual the climate, metal acclimated for the construction, as able-bodied as amount created both by the weight of the film itself and by falling snow. From a abstruse point of view, the advantage of metal membranes is that they acquiesce to decidedly abate the weight of the structure, its amount (up to 60%) and actual burning (for animate up to 70%). Moreover, the anatomy itself implies aggregate of address and anchor functions in one material.
“Design actualization of metal film abeyant roofs actuate their cost-effectiveness. Although nowadays about all the ambiguous issues apropos the design, manufacturing, accession and operation of metal membranes are apparently solved, few architecture bureaus and organizations are accessible to booty up work. The abstraction of the preconditions for the actualization of anatomic solutions in construction, the history of development and the advance of architecture technologies will acquiesce us to abridge the adventures accumulated over decades and affair a fundamentally new solution. Otherwise, architects and engineers will accept to carbon what has already been accomplished in architecture and architecture”, Sergey Krivoshapko said.





