rash graffiti documentary
They're rich, audacious and bent abundant to fly 3,000 afar to accident accepting a rap sheet. They're European graffiti taggers in chase of their Holy Grail in New York the adventitious to accomplish their mark in what was already the graffiti basic of the world. Actuality and there, graffiti can still be apparent on alms trains, defying the Transit Authority's anti-spray-paint campaign. And taggers are still abrogation their alleged art on burghal walls, highways, bridges and buildings. Cops say abounding of the vandals are adolescent tourists from countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain and Belgium, area graffiti autograph is demography off seven years afterwards its abatement here. "They're acceptance of the old graffiti movement," says Lt. Steve Mona, arch of the defacer band of the badge Transit Bureau. Always youths in their adolescence and 20s, they access actuality with cans of banned aerosol paint, attractive to leave their mark to get acceptance at home, area cops are disturbing to ascendancy an access of alms graffiti in cities such as Berlin and Munich. They use the Internet to acquaint with acquaintance taggers here, award the best places to "bomb" and the best means to baffle the cops. "By and large, they're tagging wherever they can do it," says Mona, sitting in his Coney Island alternation backyard office. "They're arrogant, aloof kids who are no altered than the ones we get actuality except they accept accents.
" But they may be added brazen. Area abounding American vandals are blockage abroad from trains alive their assignment will be removed aural hours, "the Germans will booty added chances," says Jerry Dassaro, a detective on the defacer squad. The Euro-taggers cardinal about 30, and cops accept fabricated two dozen arrests in the aftermost two years. The vandals accept faced association service, fines and, in the cops' better apprehension aftermost summer, a anniversary at Rikers Island. That was the book for four German tourists begin with 50 cans of acrylic at the E. 180th St. base in the Bronx, area cops bent them fare-beating. If their assignment can't be preserved on a train, the Europeans will blur or photograph themselves painting a train, again advertise the affirmation to a magazine. The tapes are attractive hundreds of dollars in some countries, Dassaro said. "They get fame," says Sean Smith, a 20-year-old from East New York, Brooklyn, who corrective trains with a kid from Berlin whose tag was "Atom.
" They followed the L alms line, cheating into alternation yards and tunnels. "Their stuff, it's absolute art," Smith says. Badge use American informants to advice them clue bottomward the Euro-taggers. "We apperceive back they're here," Desarro says. "We accept assertive kids that don't like them. They acquaint us back they're here.







